#thin inspo


I want a big butt and thin legs. I try to reach that now but it seems impossible for my body to look like this

i haven’t eaten anything sweet in a while and i can confidently say that i’m not triggered to binge

i’ve binged. and then cut myself. great. i thought i was finally over this, but i guess i never will

the amount of food i’ve consumed these past few days is insane. fuck family gatherings

i’m so tired of having to face the same problems over and over again. like seriously i’ve been struggling with my body image and relationship with food for 3.5 fucking years. i’m actually starting to believe that i will never escape this. fuck

i need to stop making up excuses to eat all the time… like fuck. how will i ever lose that weight, if i just keep stuffing my face??

currently 5:30pm and i’ve only taken in 10 cals this whole day. getting my self control back :)

30 Day Thinspo Challenge

• Day 1:Stats

Hips = 85cm // 33.5inch

Thighs = 51cm // 20inch

Waist = 61cm // 24inch

Arms = 27cm // 10inch

CURRENT WEIGHT = 52kg // 114lbs

⚠️TW - Vivid and Visible Bones In Pictures⚠️

Let me know if this is crossing the line because I WILL take it down if anyone feels it necessary

OkNOW I’m at 115lbsfinally

Through rigorous and exhausting exercise and countless sleepless night and 4 years of this bullshit I roughly have the body shape I want

Now I just need to proportionally lose 15-20 more pounds. Thinking rationally I know that wont happen perfectly so maybe another 4 years of this bullshit will finally get me where I want to be :,)
