#beautiful quote


“It’s the color of your eyes

The last time I saw you

When your face was stained with tears

Red rimmed eyelids

Highlighting your ocean eyes

It’s the color I felt

For days after you left

Gloomy days lead by storming skies

The gods cried with me too

It was the color of his hair

Matching the sky on a clear day

When he came into my life

It’s the color of his jeans

That were ripped at the knees

Blood staining his skin

From the skateboard under my feet

And the color of my nails as I held his hand

Laughing downtown under the colorful umbrellas

It’s the color he made my skies

Going from gloomy rainy days to clear skies

Blue is what you made me become

But blue doesn’t always have be sad”

-Day 565

Thank you. For every last bruise you gave me. For every time I sat in tears. For the million ways you hurt me. I just want to tell you this: You broke my world. Made me strong. Thank you. Messed up my dreams. Made me strong. Thank you!


Life is boring, except for flowers, sunshine, your perfect legs. A glass of cold water when you are really thirsty. The way bodies fit together. Fresh and young and sweet. Coffee in the morning. These are just moments. I struggle with the in-betweens. I just want to never stop loving like there is nothing else to do, because what else is there to do?


Why should you worry about the future? You don’t even know the present properly. Take care of the present and the future will take care of itself.

