#black tourmaline


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Black Tourmaline aids in understanding oneself and others. It promotes self-confidence and diminishes fear. Tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity. Enhancing ones physical well being by providing an increase in physical vitality, emotional stability, and intellectual acuity tourmaline balances the right and left sides of the brain. Black Tourmaline can be used to both repel and protect against negativity. It is excellent for deflecting radiation energy.

Black tourmaline helps treat paranoia, overcomes dyslexia and improves hand-eye coordination, release tension, and is helpful for spinal adjustments.

Selenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.I have sage’d my crystalsSelenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.I have sage’d my crystalsSelenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.I have sage’d my crystalsSelenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.I have sage’d my crystalsSelenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.I have sage’d my crystalsSelenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.I have sage’d my crystalsSelenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.I have sage’d my crystals

Selenite. Black Tourmaline. Moonstone. Lepidolite. Clear Quartz. Citrine.

I have sage’d my crystals in preparation to energy grid my bedroom for 2018…

All these crystals have the healing properties & qualities I need in my life right now and for this year…

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june crystals

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ive finally been diving back into my crystal work more consistently and it’s been so invigorating! here’s just a little list of some crystals i personally really love to work with in the month of june or crystals that are just more °awake° this time of year~

  • blue lace agate

calming, healing, communication, peace

  • clear quartz

mental clarity, focus, intuition, strength, uplifting, energy, peace, growth

  • citrine

happiness, prosperity, luck, confidence, growth, career success

  • howlite

calming, healing, releasing emotions, dispels nightmares, balance

  • smokey quartz

banishing negativite energies, protection, strength, healing

  • aquamarine

communication, calming, restoration, healing, gentleness

  • rose quartz

love, healing, compassion, kindness, communication, gentlness, growth

  • red carnelian

protection, strength, power, compassion, confidence

  • angelite

communication, healing, love, purity, kindness

  • aventurine

healing, growth, renewal, connection to earth, prosperity

  • black tourmaline

grounding, protection, repell negativity

  • pyrite

prosperity, luck, growth, new beginnings, energy, confidence

  • celestite

healing, calming, comfort, mental clarity

  • moonstone

communication, calming, healing, renewal, protection, growth

  • honey calcite

healing, prosperity, happiness, love, purity

Black Tourmaline Crystal PendantThis pendant is our natural Black Tourmaline crystal that was chosen

Black Tourmaline Crystal Pendant

This pendant is our natural Black Tourmaline crystal that was chosen to be hand-wrapped & worn as a beautiful piece of jewellery.

It is an ideal stone for psychic protection and it has the ability to change and purify negative energy into positive energy. It is an excellent stone for eliminating negative thoughts, anxieties, anger and feelings of unworthiness.

Email [email protected] for more info. VR x

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Green Tourmaline: An ideal stone for healing, clearing the aura, and removing blockages. Excellent stone for opening and activating the Heart chakra, also helps provide a sense of peace and calm to the heart and nerves

Black Tourmaline: Aids in the removal of negative energies within a person or place. Ideal for cleansing, purification, and transforming heavy energies into a lighter vibration. An extremely popular and useful metaphysical stone great for grounding ones energy. It helps to balance, harmonize, and protect all of the Chakras

These crystals are some of the best crystals I have found to have protective qualities.

  • Black Obsidian - good for general protection, I keep a big chunk on my altar
  • Amethyst - first protective crystal I ever got, given to me by my uncle, protects travelers/people on literal and metaphorical journeys
  • Fire Agate - good for protection from self doubt/hate
  • Smokey Quartz - good for general protection + protection from fear, excellent grounder and stabilizer
  • Fluorite - protects from negative energies and spirits + illness and disorders
  • Jasper - protects from unbalanced energies + confusion
  • Black Tourmaline - protects from negative energies by absorbing them
  • Labradorite - protects the astral/spirit self

Black Tourmaline Crystal Pieces Pendant NecklaceGuards Against Radiation & Talisman of Protection

Amazing Crystal to Wear and Carry during Mercury Retrograde for Grounding & Aiding in Communication.

Black Tourmaline Assists in Letting Go of Fear & Anxiety as well as Soothes Panic Attacks

Available Here on Etsy

“No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow” It is of much greater

“No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow”

It is of much greater importance that I sacrifice myself to the arts that have awaited for my coming, than to sacrifice it all to live in fear of illusions, death or for the desire of comfort ☠ I believe in destiny, but I also believe in freewill - Free to exercise my Will & not to exorcise it

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“Create A Life That You Don’t Need A Vacation From” We are so excited for our upda

“Create A Life That You Don’t Need A Vacation From”

We are so excited for our update that is coming up! It will fall on the New Moon We have some exciting new things in mind/being created for it!

We hope you have a beautiful day & take to heart the quote that is above

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