

Does anyone else remember Nico being rogue for like a year and when he got back, the first thing he did was show up at Percy’s window and Percy invited him in for blue birthday cake despite everything that Nico did…

…because I do.

Percy: here, Ann, a nice hot cup of coffee.

Annabeth: Oh, It’s cold.

Percy: a nice cup of coffee.

Annabeth: it tastes terrible.

Percy: a cup of coffee.

Annabeth: and I’m not even sure it’s coffee.

Percy: a cup.

Annabeth: Perc, this is a bowl-.

November Reset

Hey everybody, I’m back (I hope). The start of the school year has been a bit chaotic, and I lost a lot of the good habits I built last year. Starting on Monday, November 1st I want to do a month long reset challenge. In order to not make it super hard on myself, I am going to do weekly/biweekly progress check ins. I welcome anyone else who feels like they need to get back on track to join me! Reblog this if you’re joining! I‘ll try to reblog people who are doing it as well!

The goal is to rebuild healthy habits so that I don’t feel like I am drowning for the rest of my senior year!

Week One: reset sleep and homework schedule. Go to bed by 10:15 at the latest, and do HW the night it was assigned

Which was the hardest day to go to sleep on time? What was the biggest project you finished this week?

Week Two: Stretch or exercise every day and keep room clean/organized.

What do you do to keep your body moving? What is the weirdest thing you’ve found while cleaning your room?

Week Three: Read more — lower screen time. Finish all things on your to-do list for the week.

What is your favorite thing that you read this week? Did you finish anything you‘ve been putting off for a while?

Week Four: Nothing new! Just keep up the good work!

What is the best thing you did this month?

Overall Goals: Catch up on reading challenge, finish most of my college apps, flexibility. (Change these to your needs)

The Midnight Lie - Marie Rutkoski

“Set in the world of the New York Times–bestselling Winner’s Trilogy, Marie Rutkoski’s The Midnight Lie is an epic LGBTQ romantic fantasy about learning to free ourselves from the lies others tell us―and the lies we tell ourselves.”

Goodreads rating: 3.98/5

My Rating: 3.75/5

While I wasn’t fully entranced by this book at first - it took me two weeks to get past the first 5 chapters - it very quickly stole my attention away from everything else. A beautiful story with — somewhat predictable — twists, mistaken identities, and a world that seems so corrupt and messed up. I did end up really really enjoying this book, but got a bit lost at the end of the story. I wish that it had ended a bit differently, but supposedly there will be another book in the series, so I‘m not too worried about it. A beautiful sapphic novel that I would recommend. If my rating puts you off, don’t let it, because I have been in a reading slump and I’m sure that is affecting it.

Yesterday I cleaned out and re-organized my family’s fridge so that my brother could have an easier time finding snacks when he gets hungry. Because he has ADHD, it can be difficult for him to find food that will satisfy him that he doesn’t see (because of the object permanence issues that people with ADHD or ADD have).

Today I did a mock pack for Europe. We‘re trying to pack really light so that we don’t have to check any bags. It was actually very successful, I just need to check with my dad that everything is ok, and to see if I need more stuff.

I also went to the fist ultimate frisbee pickup game today. I have not played for a little while so it was godo to get to do that again. It was really great to see people again, but man am i out of shape for it only being twoish weeks since playing.

:One of Us is Lying - Karen M. McManus

July 6 - What do you usually do during the summer? Is anything different this year?

Normally I go camping about four or five times, but because of the Europe trip, we are only going on two short ones. Also we never do any big trips, but because my grandma left my dad a some money when she died last year, he’s using that to honor her memory.

This is just a batch catch up for the Summer studying challenge so that I can be back on track.

1st July - What are your plans for this summer?

I have a job as a camp counselor for my local parks recreation. Also, my dad brother and I are going to Europe next week, which I am really excited about because I haven’t been out of the US before.

2nd July - Do you have a specific goal for this summer?

This summer I need to start applying for colleges, so my goal is to figure out the list of ones that I want to apply to.

3rd July - Do you have a lot of work to do for school, university or your job this summer?

Kind of. As I am what is considered a “camp sub” I mostly just need to be available for when people get sick or need time off. But I do have to write a 6-8 min speech about something for a leadership position at school. Also I am house sitting for my neighbors in August.

4th July - What is the most important task that you need to complete this summer?

Writing my personal essay. Ugh I Have no idea what to write about, and it is probably the single most important part of my college/university applications.

5th July -  Do you have any special plans or activities for this summer?

Yes! Going to Europe. I‘ve spent a couple months doing extensive research and planning, so I’m super excited to go, and I can’t believe that it is happening in a week!

The Ivies - Alexa Donne

“Alexa Donne delivers a nail-biting and timely thriller about teens who will stop at nothing to get into the college of their dreams. Too bad no one told them murder isn’t an extracurricular.” - Amazon

goodreads rating: 3.96

my rating: 4.25

From the very first line to about 85 percent of the way through, this book had me hooked. While I will admit that the premise of the storyline seems frivolous, that is actually what ended up making this story so intriguing. The way that Donne kept revealing more and more suspects and fucked up things that were happening behind Olivia’s (the main character) back was utterly captivating. However, I will say that there was very little character development, at least for the main character. I saw many other characters evolve, and Olivia very minimally. Additionally, the ending of the story was unsatisfying. Overall I’d say this is a good read, but not a must read.

- another plus is the diverse cast of characters.… to some extent. Most of them were filthy rich so take with that what you will.

hey! so while i know i’ve been inactive for a while, but the beginning of senior year was a bit rough, what with being back in person and everything.

about me:

i’m 17, and a senior at a college prep school

born and raised in oregon

i have 2 cats and a puppy

i want to major in mechanical or aerospace engineering,but if i end up at a LAC i’ll probably major in Spanish or math

i have played piano for almost 11 years

my favorite book genres are:

YA and new adult (ik not really a genre)

lgbtq+ novels


historical fiction


ask me for book recs anytime and don’t forget: DIVERSIFY YOUR READING!!


Finished examination and have been feeling blank for two to three days.
