


So.. when Stede teaches Ed on the matters of cutlery and dining, Ed reacts with physical violence to the slur he’s been called. Stede tells him not to do that and respond in kind as not to let his opponent know he’s hit the mark.

Later at the ship Stede gets subjected to ridicule and disregard and Ed chimes in. I read some very good meta about how this is Ed protecting and redirecting. He’s basically doing what Stade thought him BUT it’s still gotta hurt. Stede of course keeps his composure and laughs along but, as a victim of bullying myself, let me tell you it still hurt that Ed jumped right in instead of standing up for him in a more overt manner (just like he did with CJ by the way). No one ever took a stand for Stede, so he’s not surprised that Ed doesn’t. He’s just a bit hurt and disappointed that not even a man that doesn’t stick to the rules of society slips into that same path so easily. I wager that Stede doesn’t fully understand that Ed is trying to redirect the attention away from him and for a good reason at that as well.

BUT then Ed gets hurt and mocked , and again does not instantly revert to violence but with a delay. What does Stede do? He steps up, spectacularly so. He goes right for the jugular with all the weapons of his class but then he doesn’t stop there. When things go violent and dangerous, he delights in it. He utterly enjoys the chaos he singlehandedly caused on behalf of Ed. Ed, who is very confused and maybe a bit scared (Stede is so much more than the soft idiot he thought he was) by what he’s witnessing.

The thing is, that Stede did not only avenge Ed. He got back at them for himself as well. These people in particular as well as their class in general - he is for once making a stand for himself. Destroying them as stand ins for every humiliation he has suffered at their kind. He merged his own and Ed’s intrinsic reactions to ridicule and humiliation and obliterated those assholes completely.

He’s doing for Ed, what he wished someone had done for him, what up until then, he couldn’t do for himself, as he was suffocated by societal standards.

Useful addition by @alotistwowords:

I think you’re right. Practice makes perfect and he had a long time to observe the society he didn’t fit in. He surely learned a lot by watching and being on the receiving end, as well.

So.. when Stede teaches Ed on the matters of cutlery and dining, Ed reacts with physical violence to the slur he’s been called. Stede tells him not to do that and respond in kind as not to let his opponent know he’s hit the mark.

Later at the ship Stede gets subjected to ridicule and disregard and Ed chimes in. I read some very good meta about how this is Ed protecting and redirecting. He’s basically doing what Stade tought him BUT it’s still gotta hurt. Stede of course keeps his composure and laughs along but, as a victim of bullying myself, let me tell you it still hurt that Ed jumped right in instead of standing up for him in a more overt manner (just like he did with CJ by the way). No one ever took a stand for Stede, so he’s not surprised that Ed doesn’t. He’s just a bit hurt and disappointed that not even a man that doesn’t stick to the rules of society slips into that same path so easily. I wager that Stede doesn’t fully understand that Ed is trying to redirect the attention away from him and for a good reason at that as well.

BUT then Ed gets hurt and mocked , and again does not instantly revert to violence but with a delay. What does Stede do? He steps up, spectacularly so. He goes right for the jugular with all the weapons of his class but then he doesn’t stop there. When things go violent and dangerous, he delights in it. He utterly enjoys the chaos he singlehandedly caused on behalf of Ed. Ed, who is very confused and maybe a bit scared (Stede is so much more than the soft idiot he thought he was) by what he’s witnessing.

The thing is, that Stede did not only avenge Ed. He got back at them for himself as well. These people in particular as well as their class in general - he is for once making a stand for himself. Destroying them as stand ins for every humiliation he has suffered at their kind. He merged his own and Ed’s intrinsic reactions to ridicule and humiliation and obliterated those assholes completely.

He’s doing for Ed, what he wished someone had done for him, what up until then, he couldn’t do for himself, as he was suffocated by societal standards.

I rarely use Tumblr anymore, but I’ve yet to get an answer to this question, so I’ll try here.

Regarding “not like other girls”: Is a girl who is consistently bullied and told by other girls she isn’t like other girls still a “not like other girls” girl when she finally gets fed up, stops trying to be like other girls, and just accepts what she’s been told so often up to that point?

That was my childhood and adolescence, and was the experience of other girls/women I know, yet “not like other girls” is always treated as if a girl who considers herself such randomly decided she was different. It’s never considered other girls may have told her that all her life and she finally took the words to heart (on another note, I consider it problematic to insist all “other girls” are nice, but that’s a whole different topic).

The hateful words that are said may seem like the only ones you’ll ever hear. But there are so

The hateful words that are said may seem like the only ones you’ll ever hear. But there are so many great words YOU can say and HEAR. Do Not Ever Give Up LIFE gets so much better! Head over to liftothersup.com and show the world that you refuse to give up on life! LIFT OTHERS UP #liftothersup

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Sentí humillación, me sentí una burla, me sentí odiada. ¿Por qué me odian? No les he hecho nada malo. Ellos no saben lo que es sentirse así. Sentirte tan triste, que lo único que quieres es morir, porque así todo sería más sencillo.

Dejen las burlas y los comentarios negativos de un lado, ustedes no saben lo que pueden ocasionar. DEJEN DE REÍRSE DE LAS PERSONAS, Y DE QUERER DESEAR SU MUERTE.

I always trying to be a really a strong girl. . . But sometimes, I failed. . . . .

I always trying to be a really a strong girl.
But sometimes,
I failed.

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Shrunken Eiffel Tower

We were childhood friends.

We went everywhere together.

You said you had to move one day.

You didn’t tell me where.

Why? It wasn’t because you were trying to be a jerk…

You just didn’t know.

“All I know is that there is this big tower in the town” And then you showed me a picture.

It was the Eiffel Tower.

We didn’t know what it was at the time.

After all, we were in 1st grade.

We were young.

When you moved, we stop talking.

Then I got Epilepsy.

But I didn’t let it stop me.

Everyone excluded because of it.

So I decided not to tell you.

I didn’t want to lose my only friend.

You moved.

I was bullied even more.

Later on, I went into college.

I studied fashion in Paris.

When I moved into my dorm…

You were my roommate.

You were married and had made her pregnant.

Announcement: Next week I’ll be on a trip without my stories. So there will be no story this upcoming weekend

Whenever I’m at home, everybody loves me.

But at school…

I’m bullied.

I don’t care about popularity, really.

I just wished I knew how to defend myself.

Or how to make some friends.

You see, I don’t really care how I look so…

I’m ugly.

And I’m made fun of because of it.

I fell into depression.

My bullies continued to make fun of me.

One year later of depression…

Suicidal thoughts came.

More bullying…

I started to self-harm.

I started to believe what they were saying.

I don’t remember graduating high school…

On anything for that matter.

Probably because I killed myself the day before graduating.

I’m sorry I killed myself, Mom.

Instagram: mister_kitty_freedom
