#self harrrm


Maybe there isnt a reason to keep trying

Sometimes I just want it to stop. I can’t look in the mirror without feeling ashamed but also feel like this is what I deserve, like I haven’t earned clean wrists and a thin body

⚠️ TW/ Self H4rm, Bright Colors ⚠️


I thought i was done finally getting better thinking that all those self harm jokes were me coping. I was really wrong 

Being sad feels like an endless cycle

The headaches after crying are another type of pain

When ur therapist confirms you might be faking suicidality and you might be manipulating everyone.

*changed post cuz I feel stupid, so replaced it with something nicer for those who struggle*

lol ok fine I’ll do a little challenge for myself

can y’all share some harm reductions tips / posts? please thank you !! <3!

i be like “i wanna fit into a size 00 again” then i realize i wore that size when i was like 10 wtf

Are scars suppose to be comforting ? Because every time I look at my arms and trace the light bumpy skin that doesn’t fit the rest, I have this odd sensation that I will get trough whatever I am going trough and that I will be okay. And it’s weird because people might think that those scars are ugly (yes I can see why) but to me they resemble hope in an ironic way. We made it this far haven’t we ?

Whenever I’m at home, everybody loves me.

But at school…

I’m bullied.

I don’t care about popularity, really.

I just wished I knew how to defend myself.

Or how to make some friends.

You see, I don’t really care how I look so…

I’m ugly.

And I’m made fun of because of it.

I fell into depression.

My bullies continued to make fun of me.

One year later of depression…

Suicidal thoughts came.

More bullying…

I started to self-harm.

I started to believe what they were saying.

I don’t remember graduating high school…

On anything for that matter.

Probably because I killed myself the day before graduating.

I’m sorry I killed myself, Mom.

Instagram: mister_kitty_freedom

Dear ▇▇▇,

You have no idea how many nights I’ve spent crying over you. We used to talk everyday but now I can barely remember what your voice sounds like, you don’t answer my texts either. You only ever speak to me when you need to vent, I feel so used. That doesn’t matter, I still love you even if it’s wrong ❦

Dear Diary,

Living with memory loss is hard, I can’t reminisce about my childhood, I can hardly experience nostalgia. At least I get to make new, happy memories everyday. That’s the only thing that makes me happy and that’s enough for me.

Dear ▇▇▇,

The way you give me attention and affection so unpredictably makes me miss you even more. Everytime I see your name pop up on my screen I immediately forget how miserable I feel and become even more desperate for you. Can you feel it too, the kind of pain made out of real love?

Dear ▇▇▇,

I hate you for making me miss you so much. Your hurtful words chip away at my soul yet I still think about you everyday at least a thousand times or more. Use me, abuse me I still miss you. You say you love me the most but you treat me like I’m never there. I crave you, i’ll do for your attention.


Andrew Minyard

⚠️ Warning⚠️

Neil Josten

All for the game

Andrew and Neil


Self harm/blood


Thank you
