#but idk




the anxiety of having a job interview tomorrow that i’ve dreamt about for over 1 ½ years

Update: I think it went well!! Definitely some things I could have done better/explained better but I think overall I left a good impression

the way time is literally crawling right now

So I’m thinking about opening special commissions where I would draw people’s characters as animals, pokemon, or stuff like that, for like…$10

I really do need money so I can go to AX 2017.


    “Hey, Babe?”

    “Yeah?” I ask, sliding my phone under my leg, out of view. “Are you alright?”

    “Yeah, just. You don’t seem super into this. You wanna get out of here?”J asks.

    “Sorry, baby. I’m just in a weird mood tonight, I guess,” I say with a sad little smile. “We can stay if you want to. I don’t wanna ruin your night.”

    “You could never ruin anything for me, love,” He says with a grin, nuzzling my nose. “Let’s get out of here, yeah?”

    I just smile, planting a kiss on his cheek.

    He leaves my side for just a moment, to go say goodbye to all of our friends, feed them some excuse about how he’s not feeling well or something.

    When he mimes being ill, I roll my eyes. He really is a sweet boy, but sometimes, he’s too much.

    My phone buzzes in its place under my leg.

    He buy it? The message reads.

     Hook, Line, and Sinker;), I reply.

     Poor thing will never know what hit him. 


I embarrassed myself today :( it probably wasn’t as bad as I think but still. side note - i have a sty???? my left eye was just swollen the whole time i felt so embarrassed lol. also!! she looked so pretty today it was crazy. she was wearing such a pretty outfit and she just looked so good it added to my nerves.

so today we had a test prep and we were going individually into L’s classroom one by one to do it. we went in, did attendance, then went outside and waited for our name to be called. this alone was an stressful because she didn’t go in alphabetical order so I had no idea when it would be my turn.

while I was waiting i wasn’t nervous. I felt prepared and i was just sort of nervous but it wasn’t notable. I was like 5th and when I heard my name my heart started pumping so hard

i walked in and L said ‘hi paula’ and I said hi and I sat down at her desk. we kinda just started and I stumbled a lot even though i was prepared which frustrated me. at one point I literally said 'sorry I’m so nervous’ and she was like 'oh its okay’ and it didn’t help lol. i kept saying the wrong thing and like forgetting what i had to say and i felt so embarrassed. my heart was pounding the whole time too. I went really fast (5 minutes) but she said it was okay and that I did a good job.

then I left and sat outside for the rest of the period. when the bell rang I gathered my stuff and said bye but I was so nervous I forgot to say 'have a good break’. today is the last lesson I have with L before spring break but I was so nervous I just completely blanked ugh

the last 2 lessons I’ve had with L have both been really dry. the last one had the same format as today, but I didn’t really go into the class at all. I came in for like 10 minutes and spent the rest of class outside. then today I did the same thing. it sucks because I felt really confident about me and L because I had been talking to her more and now we’ve barely spoken much and it is just getting me down

still havent seen the episode yet but god, why cant we get watts raise baby AND inspector watts, why do you have to pit two bad bitches against each other

Miraculous Holder! Reader in BNHA Intro

Alright, so in this fic all of the heroes who naturally have powers from Miraculous Ladybug don’t exist. The movies from Miraculous Ladybug won’t be canon, and the only ones who are allowed powers are the Reader and those who are born with a Quirk. If that made any sense.

“Get back here! I won’t let you take their Miraculous Hawk Moth!” You shouted as you hopped from rooftop to rooftop, chasing after your biggest adversary.

Ladybug’s earrings had been pulled from her head and had been sent flying off of the Eiffel Tower during her fight against Hawk Moth. Fortunately, her identity wasn’t revealed and you were able to catch them before anything bad could happen. It actually gave your own Kwamii enough time to cool down as you quickly put in the earrings and became Ladybug. You didn’t have too much time to dwell on being the new Ladybug as Hawk Moth was already chasing after Chat Noir dead set on claiming his Miraculous as well.

“Chat Noir run! He’s already plucked the earrings from Ladybug he’s after you now too!” You said, throwing your yo-yo, wrapping it around a light post and leaping through the air to land in between Chat Noir and Hawk Moth. Using your body, you shielded your feline friend from the enemy as he gazed at you laughing mockingly. “Oh, and what are you going to do about it? You’re not Ladybug, you don’t have any of her skills, what can you hope to accomplish by wearing her mask? You are nothing but a scared little mouse playing in a game too big for you to even attempt to comprehend.”

You grit your teeth and glared harshly at him, becoming angrier at his condescending tone than you already are. “It’s funny that you believe that. Want to know something? You are never getting your hands on any more Miraculous.”

Hawk Moth chuckled before throwing his head back and letting out loud, booming laughter, unaware that he had fallen into your trap.

“Really? And do you think that you can keep them safe from me?” He asked as he began to step closer towards the both of you making both you and Chat take a few steps backwards. A gentle hand on your wrist brings you out of your staring match with the enemy before you and you are met with the worried green eyes of the boy you loved.

“Milady, what are you doing? We can’t run forever. I can help you, there’s no need to do this alone.” You falter a little at his words, knowing that they are meant for the original Ladybug and not for you. You loved Chat Noir when he first became one of Paris’s beloved heroes, and when you became MultiMouse the love you tried to keep bottled up for him only seemed to overflow. But to hear the nickname meant for her directed at you only seemed to break your heart a little more.

You had to do this alone. No one else should get hurt because of the decisions you make right here and now.

That includes Chat Noir.

You placed one of your hands over his own, mentally counting in your head as you turned to face him. “I’m sorry Chat. I wish that things could have been different.” You whispered to him as you glanced behind him briefly to see a body of water behind him. Confident that he would be fine and survive, you forced your lips against his own, distracting him momentarily as you ripped his Miraculous off of his finger and shoving him into the water, swiftly putting his ring on as you faced Hawk Moth all on your own.

If there was one thing the Ladybug before you and yourself could agree on, it was that identities should always be kept secret. So that those close to you don’t suffer from your actions.

“If I can’t protect them, they will go down with me. You will have to pry them from my corpse! Plagg, Tikki combine!”

“No!” He screamed as a bright green light enveloped you.

Parts of the original Chat Noir costume covered sections on the Ladybug costume. Black cat ears appeared on your head, the edges of your mask became a solid black, your pupils became slits like a cat’s eye, your hair became braided and long to act as a tail, from your mid thigh and down became solid black and the bottom of your feet had green kitty paw prints, and from your elbows to your fingers became solid black and you now had sharp claws.

“You fool! Have you any idea as to what you have done!?” He screamed hysterically as he advanced towards you bringing his cane down to strike you. You reacted swiftly and pulled out the baton from your back to block his strikes.

Pushing back against him, you hit him directly in his chest causing him to go flying backwards into a chimney. “I am aware as to what could happen if these Miraculous are paired together. Fortunately for you, I’m not going to use the wish that is supposed to come with it.” You dodged an oncoming strike from him as you brought the baton up to defend from his flurry of attacks. “In the hands of someone like you, your wish could break our reality and harm millions of innocent people. Fluff now!”

As you shouted to the rabbit kwamii, she lead the others towards you carrying the Miracle Box that had housed them for centuries. Fluff quickly brought you her Miraculous and you had quickly combined Plagg, Tikki and Fluff to create a portal for the kwamiis to escape into.

“What are you doing!? Give me the Miraculous Box and your Miraculous!” He shouted as he lunged at you, pretending to swing at you as he made a grab at the earrings. Seizing this opportunity, you grabbed his Miraculous and pushed him away from you. As he was encumbered by a bright purple light and detransformed to reveal Gabriel Agreste. A purple kwamii popped out from the broach as you walked away from the man on his knees, leaving him wondering as to what had just happened.

“You! You! What are you doing to the Miracle Box!? Where are you taking my Miraculous!? What about my wish!?” He asked bewildered as he scrambled to his feet to try and catch up to you as you had closed the portal behind Nooroo.

You turned your attention to him, only now realizing that there were multiple cameras on the both of you. You ignored them and turned your attention to the broken man before you. “The Miraculous were a gift that was presented to the world. A gift that you and countless of others have abused for your own selfish gains. Until the world can prove that it can change, Miraculous will be taken away and protected so that no one may misuse them again. All Guardians are hereby dismissed.” You declared coldly as you locked eyes with him and the cameras briefly before opening up a portal below you above the water. Before you entered it, you turned your attention to Gabriel Agreste one last time to reveal the last Miraculous of the Miracle Box that had been long forgotten.

The Peacock Miraculous.

It seemed to do the trick as he gasped and frantically searched his person to try and find where you had taken it off of him.

“Only when the world can prove itself will ALL of the Miraculous return.” And with that you leapt off of the rooftop, into the portal and were gone from Paris as the portal sealed shut and disappeared behind you.

Your declaration had left the other Miraculous Wielders and Guardians of their boxes in a panic. The whole world blew up and fell apart at the disappearances of all Miraculous. Guardians fought frantically to try and ward you off, but you were ruthless and relentless as you took them all away. There was nothing that anyone had said nor done that could change your mind as you hid away all of the Miraculous from around the world.

And the world had changed in regard to the loss of the Miraculous that had once inhabited. Streets had flooded with chaos and confusion, crime rates had fluctuated, and then for a while there was nothing. It was as though they had never been presented to the world.

Social media, the news and talk shows had all wondered if Miraculous had all existed in the first place. Some even went as far as to claim that it was something that someone had come up with in the spur of the moment and that many people had put their faith in it. Those who knew that the Miraculous were real were all eagerly awaiting it’s return to the world.

Almost an entire century had passed before something new was presented to the world. Quirks. Suddenly the topic of quirks had dominated over society that the topic of Miraculous had been long forgotten to the world.

In fact, it wasn’t until a young green haired male was trying to survive middle school that Miraculous had presented itself to the world again.

Noticing that each character we see in Scarlet & Violet look VERY close to realistic style in colors and propotions.

It’s… gonna take some time to get used to. And I feel a bit worried about that direction. Hopefully we’ll see more varied designs later down the road. Right now they all look samey.

Still don’t know if I’ll do Fran (my OC that I use in Masters atm) in Scarlet & Violet or do a completely new trainer but hmmmmmmmm.

I want different eye options for my trainer. PLEASE.

Sadly, sometimes we don’t even have that, because all what is left is all that we were

Sadly, sometimes we don’t even have that, because all what is left is all that we were

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Friendly reminder that you’re under no obligation to love other people, whether they’re your parents, siblings, other family members or anyone you know. 
Someone’s love is something you earn through experiences and time, not because someone is “titled” under a label that they’ve put themselves.
You’renot forced to love anyone who you think doesn’t deserve that love.



please stop treating the word neurodivergent like it means the overlap between autism and adhd

i dont know how to articulate this well but some of you act like neurodiversity starts with adhd and ends with autism. you talk about “the neurodivergent experience” and everytime you mean “the overlapping experience of adhd and autism.”

please remember us when talking about neurodiversity. ocd, dyslexia, dyscaculia, personality disorders, tourettes, intellectual disabilities, schizo-spec disorders, etc. all fall under neurodiversity.

please stop saying neurodivergent when you mean “autism and adhd.”

this post is okay to reblog but do not clown on it

damn if we keep posting we’re going to have to actually write an intro post at some point -felix


sorry for pretty much abandoning this blog… I just felt like the person I was on tumblr was not the person I really am or the person I wanted to be. I took a quick break and that turned into never coming here again oops. I just felt like if I really shared who I really was on here it wouldn’t be right you know?
So I’m pretty much done here I think… had a good go you know?

Anyways I’m more myself on twitter and if youre a mutual you can ask for my skype if you really want its all good.
This message was a mess but I’m tired and I just got back from my last ever day at school. Next stop, Uni! Where I will hopefully be studying design. Which is partly why I left this blog, I needed the time to focus on my school work and art. And I will need the time still while I’m at uni… so yeah goodbye I guess

Cheers guys, Saffiyah

What up, Uni’s going well, just thought I would leave a little update on here as to what I’m up to. My twitter is here and if you want to follow my on my instagram for some reason its here

i’ve had this idea for a fic stuck in my mind and i actually started it and have it all outlined but not only am i working on other stuff but i need to rewatch reunion like at least twice for it and i don’t feel like being emotionally damaged, so.

i really hope i get around to finishing it though

navigationspace: vanart:I see a lot of chubby mermaids, so I wanted to draw a different chubby mythi



I see a lot of chubby mermaids, so I wanted to draw a different chubby mythical babe ;)

@horse-is-a-horse-of-course I don’t actually know what a chubby horse looks like and you’re the only horse blog I know

Is the horse part of this centaur also chubby?

Omg don’t call in the horse experts they are going to tear apart my horrible horse anatomy.

Its been like two years since I drew this and I cannot remember if I actively tried to make the horse part chubby or not lol.

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ai and ayumu: (literally just standing next to each other)

me, crying: oh my god i cant belive love live made them canon

last one is based on this frame:



Daft Punk For Muzik Magazine Photographed by Vincent McDonald (1997)

my ninth house edits are doing the rounds again and they are so old… y’all i’m begging 

someone needs to physically force me to do my homework instead of drawing arcane ponies again

 ★·.·´¯`·.·★ a little wip post of the unif rox top ive been working on ;) ★·.·´¯`·.·★  ★·.·´¯`·.·★ a little wip post of the unif rox top ive been working on ;) ★·.·´¯`·.·★

★·.·´¯`·.·★ a little wip post of the unif rox top ive been working on ;) ★·.·´¯`·.·★

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