#chronic illness


Today I ate DANGER EGGS so my tummy could SHOOT GAMMA RAYS for a medical test.

So far I have not gained super powers which I can shoot from my tummy like a care bear.

Also my stomach doesn’t work properly, but we did sort of guess that.

Anyway, disappointed, did not live up to expectations. Nice med tech, though, and I did get to say “danger eggs.”

“Pain strips us to the source.”

‘A Birth’ from the Collected Poems of Muriel Rukeyser

A question for Artists!

What if someone wants to credit themselves on my work? ?

When someone asks you to do a piece for them, you still include your signature on the work, yes?

If they tell you that they want to write their own name or social media handle on the artwork, do you say okay or no?

I was asked to do a commission. The image will depict a diverse group of diabetic people. I agreed and wrote up a contract. The patron wants to alter it so that she can

1. Write her own signature on the work and

2. Resell the image on tshirts.

I initially agreed to the 2nd, but I am against alterations. What should I do?

My Omnipod is coming! My Omnipod is coming !

fibro-larious: recoveringfromcfs:stanley-tsaii:Just a set of quick photos I did for class.Chrofibro-larious: recoveringfromcfs:stanley-tsaii:Just a set of quick photos I did for class.Chrofibro-larious: recoveringfromcfs:stanley-tsaii:Just a set of quick photos I did for class.Chrofibro-larious: recoveringfromcfs:stanley-tsaii:Just a set of quick photos I did for class.Chrofibro-larious: recoveringfromcfs:stanley-tsaii:Just a set of quick photos I did for class.Chro




Just a set of quick photos I did for class.

Chronic illness 101.

This is a simple yet beautiful depiction of thousands of people’s daily lives. Everyone who does not understand the Spoon Theory or chronic illness (physical or mental) needs to see this kind of thing.

Some days I start my day in that half-drained yellow stage. Some days I start my day even lower.

Post link

A fun chronical illness game: get used to name drastic or disgusting consequences of your chronic illness so people take you seriously.

Then, try to flirt.



Post link

As some of you may know, I have suffered chronic pain for years and recently it has gotten increasingly worse.

I’m still in the process of getting a diagnosis but my doctor highly suspects Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS for short.

EDS is a soft tissue disorder, joints being weak and hyper-mobile causing pain and other issues (like dislocation for example).

It’s a progression chronic illness, so the most I can do is learn to live with it and find coping methods but just as any chronic disability (because it does put me at a big disadvantage) every day is a ongoing struggle.

Constant joint pain/stability issues from weak joints to chronic fatigue and mental issues worsened by the constant struggle of daily life.

I been referred to a rheumatologist for a proper diagnosis, but it’s pretty clearly EDS at this point.

I wanted to share this because this chronic illness is a big part of my life (and a big pain in the ass) and to encourage anyone going through similar issues, I feel you and applaud you ❤️



This has not been a great era to be immunocompromised in

[Image Description: the tag “#~high risk` shut up. I am not a risk. Y'all are a high risk to *me*” End I.D.]


Pain flare?

No. Pain flair.



I’ve started looking around for therapists. I found seven that take Medicaid. One is closed, three aren’t accepting new patients, and two have a 6+ month waiting list. One just took my info and was like “I’ll see if we have a doctor who meets your needs.” The one my mom really wants me to try has a three month waiting list to even get a call to assign me a therapist.

This is going on day ten I’ve cried every single day and can’t get out of bed. I’m stressed out which makes my head hurt worse than when I was in retail, I’m unable to focus and get out of bed.

I need counseling to help apply for disability. I can’t do that with no counseling. I can’t even start the application without being in therapy. I’ve been depressed since I was six and unable to function in society for the past four years. It’s gotten worse in the past two. I have $500 to my name. I’ve tried fundraising - didn’t get anything. I’ve tried selling things - no buyers. I haven’t been able to work my freelance gig for over a week and a half because of my headaches, and even then I make maybe a dollar a day.

It’s ONLY because I’m afraid what will happen to my pets if I kill myself that I’m even trying for this. And I’ve spent all afternoon crying and feeling hopeless because I can’t even get a fucking appointment.

I’m trying to apply for disability. I need records from my old counselor to give to my new one (whenever I get assigned one) and to establish that I’ve been getting treatment so I called my old counselor. Two days go by so I call her again. A new receptionist picks up (she never had one before) and says “oh yeah we don’t have your records.” I say why and she says “we only keep them for seven years.” It’s one MONTH into SIX years since I last saw her. I started going to her in 2016. MAYBE late 2015. So she threw out my records one year early.

And on top of that she didn’t even have the decency to call me back. I left her a voicemail the first time and when I called today I get some random girl saying “she wanted me to tell you.” This is the same therapist who dumped me with “I can’t see you anymore” with no alternatives.

I’ve started looking around for therapists. I found seven that take Medicaid. One is closed, three aren’t accepting new patients, and two have a 6+ month waiting list. One just took my info and was like “I’ll see if we have a doctor who meets your needs.” The one my mom really wants me to try has a three month waiting list to even get a call to assign me a therapist.

This is going on day ten I’ve cried every single day and can’t get out of bed. I’m stressed out which makes my head hurt worse than when I was in retail, I’m unable to focus and get out of bed.

I need counseling to help apply for disability. I can’t do that with no counseling. I can’t even start the application without being in therapy. I’ve been depressed since I was six and unable to function in society for the past four years. It’s gotten worse in the past two. I have $500 to my name. I’ve tried fundraising - didn’t get anything. I’ve tried selling things - no buyers. I haven’t been able to work my freelance gig for over a week and a half because of my headaches, and even then I make maybe a dollar a day.

It’s ONLY because I’m afraid what will happen to my pets if I kill myself that I’m even trying for this. And I’ve spent all afternoon crying and feeling hopeless because I can’t even get a fucking appointment.


I got out of a very abusive, controlling relationship a few years ago with very little money to my name and moved back in with my parents. I’ve been saving to get an apartment, which is about $1100-1300/month here, ever since. I got a job that allowed me to save up, but I was also relentlessly harassed, bullied, overworked, and sexually assaulted to the point where I had a series of mental breakdowns that ultimately led me to quit.

I lost my new boyfriend a few years later due to my father’s interference. My father doesn’t want me here. Before I moved home he actually hadn’t spoken to me in three years, because my previous boyfriend was black. He says I deserve all the abuse “that n*gger” put me through, which included complete alienation of all my friends, complete control and exploitation of my finances, brief homelessness, and the death of my child. He tried to throw me out a month into dating my new boyfriend because “he can put you up now.” Between my job and my father, I was always stressed and miserable, and my boyfriend couldn’t take it. Then he got cancer, and told me he couldn’t deal with my problems on top of his own, he couldn’t take my father anymore, and we couldn’t do this anymore. We broke up. All his friends, even the ones who were supposedly my friend too, sided with him.

I lost a tooth at the beginning of the pandemic, right in the front of my face. It was a crown that had broken. I can’t afford to fix it - I need an extraction of the remaining tooth and an implant, which is $6k total. I only have Medicaid, which the oral surgeon doesn’t take and which doesn’t cover implants anyway. My self esteem tanked.

I don’t have any friends. I’m autistic and have never been great at making them in the first place, and wasn’t able to repair the friendships I lost because of my ex. I don’t talk to my extended family, who my father has been telling for years that I’m an ungrateful, horrible bitch he wishes he never had. They agree with him. Talking to my mother is like talking to a brick wall. She’s so burnt out putting up with my father’s abuse that she can’t even pretend to be a support for me. She never has been anyway.

Most of the time I feel like a glitch in a computer program. I’m not supposed to be here, so people ignore me until I cause problems (whether I actually did or not). No one cared when I was being abused by my ex, even when I came to work crying every day and couldn’t afford to eat. No one said anything in my defense when I was being harassed at work, and after I was assaulted HR told me it was all in my head when I’d report things like “Joe and Brian are telling people they fucked me in the stock room.” Sometimes I’ll vent on social media - both where I know people and where I’m anonymous - and get no response, except maybe “stop saying xyz about people, be grateful for what you have.” I had to delete Facebook because it added to my depression.

I can’t hold a job anymore. I’m terrified of people and being outside. I recently got a freelance gig doing transcription but the pay is very low and only per minute of audio, and I suffer from migraines which makes it difficult. I’ve posted on social media that I can also do editing and proofreading, with no takers. My health has always been very poor and my mental health is trash. No therapist near me takes Medicaid and I’m afraid to go out and talk to one anyway. I’ve been denied state assistance, though I was recently approved for food stamps. I can’t get cash assistance. I’m burning through all of my savings with student loans (which apparently can’t be put on hold because they’re all private) and the rent my dad demands.

On top of all this, my mother just told me she’s divorcing my dad, because he’s abusive and cheats constantly. She’s disabled and won’t be able to keep the house so she’s moving out. She’s the only reason I’ve been able to stay here. I’m pretty sure my father will kick me out, or tell me I can only stay if I become the maid and yard caretaker. He’s already trying to sell my car (which he had to put in his name because my ex destroyed my credit), which will leave me trapped in the house, and my mother has made it clear I can’t move in with her.

My cousins all have their lives figured out. They’re all married with kids, as I’m constantly being reminded of, with their own houses or apartments and good jobs. They’re not afraid of people, or struggling with money, or having a panic attack at 1am on a Wednesday because they don’t know how they’re going to get through the next week, let alone the next year. It feels like the cat is the only one on my side and the only one who actually wants anything to do with me. Ten years ago my father called me a failure as a daughter, an adult, and a human being, and it’s just… true.

I got out of a very abusive, controlling relationship a few years ago with very little money to my name and moved back in with my parents. I’ve been saving to get an apartment, which is about $1100-1300/month here, ever since. I got a job that allowed me to save up, but I was also relentlessly harassed, bullied, overworked, and sexually assaulted to the point where I had a series of mental breakdowns that ultimately led me to quit.

I lost my new boyfriend a few years later due to my father’s interference. My father doesn’t want me here. Before I moved home he actually hadn’t spoken to me in three years, because my previous boyfriend was black. He says I deserve all the abuse “that n*gger” put me through, which included complete alienation of all my friends, complete control and exploitation of my finances, brief homelessness, and the death of my child. He tried to throw me out a month into dating my new boyfriend because “he can put you up now.” Between my job and my father, I was always stressed and miserable, and my boyfriend couldn’t take it. Then he got cancer, and told me he couldn’t deal with my problems on top of his own, he couldn’t take my father anymore, and we couldn’t do this anymore. We broke up. All his friends, even the ones who were supposedly my friend too, sided with him.

I lost a tooth at the beginning of the pandemic, right in the front of my face. It was a crown that had broken. I can’t afford to fix it - I need an extraction of the remaining tooth and an implant, which is $6k total. I only have Medicaid, which the oral surgeon doesn’t take and which doesn’t cover implants anyway. My self esteem tanked.

I don’t have any friends. I’m autistic and have never been great at making them in the first place, and wasn’t able to repair the friendships I lost because of my ex. I don’t talk to my extended family, who my father has been telling for years that I’m an ungrateful, horrible bitch he wishes he never had. They agree with him. Talking to my mother is like talking to a brick wall. She’s so burnt out putting up with my father’s abuse that she can’t even pretend to be a support for me. She never has been anyway.

Most of the time I feel like a glitch in a computer program. I’m not supposed to be here, so people ignore me until I cause problems (whether I actually did or not). No one cared when I was being abused by my ex, even when I came to work crying every day and couldn’t afford to eat. No one said anything in my defense when I was being harassed at work, and after I was assaulted HR told me it was all in my head when I’d report things like “Joe and Brian are telling people they fucked me in the stock room.” Sometimes I’ll vent on social media - both where I know people and where I’m anonymous - and get no response, except maybe “stop saying xyz about people, be grateful for what you have.” I had to delete Facebook because it added to my depression.

I can’t hold a job anymore. I’m terrified of people and being outside. I recently got a freelance gig doing transcription but the pay is very low and only per minute of audio, and I suffer from migraines which makes it difficult. I’ve posted on social media that I can also do editing and proofreading, with no takers. My health has always been very poor and my mental health is trash. No therapist near me takes Medicaid and I’m afraid to go out and talk to one anyway. I’ve been denied state assistance, though I was recently approved for food stamps. I can’t get cash assistance. I’m burning through all of my savings with student loans (which apparently can’t be put on hold because they’re all private) and the rent my dad demands.

On top of all this, my mother just told me she’s divorcing my dad, because he’s abusive and cheats constantly. She’s disabled and won’t be able to keep the house so she’s moving out. She’s the only reason I’ve been able to stay here. I’m pretty sure my father will kick me out, or tell me I can only stay if I become the maid and yard caretaker. He’s already trying to sell my car (which he had to put in his name because my ex destroyed my credit), which will leave me trapped in the house, and my mother has made it clear I can’t move in with her.

My cousins all have their lives figured out. They’re all married with kids, as I’m constantly being reminded of, with their own houses or apartments and good jobs. They’re not afraid of people, or struggling with money, or having a panic attack at 1am on a Wednesday because they don’t know how they’re going to get through the next week, let alone the next year. It feels like the cat is the only one on my side and the only one who actually wants anything to do with me. Ten years ago my father called me a failure as a daughter, an adult, and a human being, and it’s just… true.







Hey everyone, I really need help. I had to move back into my parents’ house during the pandemic when I became very sick, and my depression skyrocketed. I am disabled and chronically ill and I can’t work, and I only recently got health insurance (Medicaid) but cannot afford a therapist or medication (none near me take Medicaid).

My parents are divorcing, which is good for them because my father is an absolutely awful, abusive piece of shit, but bad for me. I don’t have a place to go, and I used all my savings to scrape through the pandemic. I am trying to afford to be able to move in with my mom (also disabled) to split rent because I cannot stay in this house without her protection, and she can’t really afford an apartment without a roommate.

My father has on numerous occasions threatened to kill my animals, refused to let me use the air conditioning in a heat wave (nearly went to the hospital for heat stroke and inability to breathe), threatens to kick my cats out or hit them at least once a week, and constantly berates, belittles, and insults me because I’m disabled, autistic, and mentally ill. If I’d been able to support myself I never would have moved in during the pandemic because I’ve been trying my whole life to get away from him. He doesn’t want anything to do with me and had called me the worst daughter and a failure as a human being, and also told me I deserved every bad thing that’s ever happened to me (being raped, being in an abusive relationship, losing my child). My father never does anything for himself and when my mom leaves he’s said I can only stay if I wait on him hand and foot like my mother did, and there’s no guarantee he won’t throw me out anyway when he moves his girlfriend in. He’s also threatening to sell my car, meaning I will be trapped in the house until he decides to come home at the end of the night.

I don’t have anywhere to go and I feel bad asking for help but even a dollar would help immensely. I need to be able to find a therapist and get medication, and then start the process of applying for disability, and find some way to get rent to my mom so I can move out with her and get away from my father.

My PayPal is laurrante @ Gmail(.) com. Please, every little bit helps. I just want to get me, my cats, and my mom away from this man.

This is from my main blog. Please, if you can spare even a dollar, my mom and I are trying to escape financial and emotional abuse

I’ve gotten a few reblogs but most are from me and my side blogs. Please, please, if you can’t donate, reblog to spread the word. You can donate directly to my PayPal at laurrante@ Gmail(.)com (no spaces). I don’t want to risk my father stumbling over something public like a GoFundMe because he doesn’t know my mother is divorcing him and trying to leave.

Please reblog this post to spread out around. Likes are appreciated but the way Tumblr works its nobody can see your likes. Please reblog if you can’t donate. My mom and I really appreciate it.

Thank you so much to S (I don’t know if you want your name out there) - so far they’re the only person who’s been able to donate but that’s still more money than my mom and I had! We appreciate it!

We’re looking at roughly $2,000 to be able to move out away from my father, and that’s just for rent (first, last, deposit) and some groceries, and that’s if my father complies with the divorce terms and pays his alimony. Please, even a dollar would help. Thanks to S, we need $1980! Please reblog if you can’t donate, every dollar helps so much.

My mother and I have received very few donations. We are unable to find a place to live and both of us are disabled. I’ve started looking into cashback apps like Ibotta just for some change on things we already buy, so please, if you’re able to, even a dollar would help immensely. To put it in perspective, I have two thousand followers. A single dollar from each of you would help my mother and me reach our goal of $2,000. Every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated.
