#civil rights

Alice Walker sees the world differently, and not just because a childhood accident left her blind in

Alice Walker sees the world differently, and not just because a childhood accident left her blind in one eye. This civil rights firebrand and talented novelist is famous for penning “The Color Purple”, but she’s also focused on pushing over the status quo, one prejudice at a time. Read her work, and you’ll get true Push Girl inspiration.

Tell your friend she’s got a little Alice Walker in her. Share now to give her a little push.

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Rosa Parks proved that sitting down can be a stand-up statement. While history may depict her famous

Rosa Parks proved that sitting down can be a stand-up statement. While history may depict her famous refusal to get up from her bus seat as a spontaneous protest, this incredible woman had activist credentials that stretched well beyond. But, it was her famous 1955 act of civil disobedience that became a watershed event in civil rights activism and forever changed America for the better. It is for this uncompromising spirit in the face of repression that Rosa Parks takes her rightful seat in the Push Girl Hall of Fame. 

Tell your friend she’s got a little Rosa Parks in her. Reblog now to give her a little push.

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Josephine Baker was a singer, dancer, spy, activist, paragon of beauty, and member of social circles

Josephine Baker was a singer, dancer, spy, activist, paragon of beauty, and member of social circles that included luminaries like Langston Hughes, Pablo Picasso, and Ernest Hemingway. Not bad, eh? She wowed audiences in her adopted France, worked for the resistance in the WWII, and returned back to the States to integrate concert halls and fight in the civil rights movement. If you think she sounds like a busy lady, wait until you hear about her 12 kids! This Push Girl was simply amazing.

Tell your friend she’s got a little Josephine Baker in her. Reblog now to give her a little push.

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Some push girls rise from the bottom, and some lead the way from the top. Born into privilege, never

Some push girls rise from the bottom, and some lead the way from the top. Born into privilege, never saw her station in life as anything but a platform to help others. Completely redefining the role of First Lady, she pushed for civil and

human rights. She was also instrumental in the founding of the United Nations. For all her good works, President Truman called her “First Lady to the World”. Or, he coulda just said “Push Girl”.

Tell your friend she’s got a little Eleanor Roosevelt in her. Reblog now to give her a little push.

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“We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, (…) tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. We are made to live together because of the interrelated structure of reality.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in his last Christmas sermon 50 years ago.

Remembering and honoring #RosaParks on her 109th birthday.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

“I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free… so other people would be also free.” ⁣⁣

Rosa Parks with Steven Spielberg at film premiere of his film ‘Amistad’, 4/12/1997. ⁣⁣

Black History Month




God Bless America.I’m extremely disappointed in the values this country and its citizens have chos

God Bless America.
I’m extremely disappointed in the values this country and its citizens have chosen to embody today, for the next four years and in the pages of history. I feel betrayed, I feel fearful, and I feel a little paranoid, if I’m honest. I’ve loved this country. I’ve loved this city. And I’ve always thought that this country and all it’s glory loved me back. That it would protect me, and stand with and for me. I would have given my life for these great United States of America, and its citizens. It seems though, the feeling isn’t mutual. Where I would give my life to protect others, they would not do the same for me. There’s a certain blindness that comes with patriotism, a naive blindness. It is a disgustingly amazing and debilitating thing to see that the love and respect I hold for this Great Nation means nothing. That the land I love had a thirst so great for change that they lined up behind the embodiment of hate, fear, xenophobia, misogyny, and a bad haircut. History really does repeat itself. It is amazing to me that the greatest nation on Planet Earth felt the need to choose someone who bragged about and touted their ability to sexually and physically assault women. It is amazing to me, that the states which hold the institution of marriage so dear voted for a man who has had 2 divorces. It is amazing to me that demonizing a race or religion resonated with the citizens of this great nation. God Bless America. Never in my scariest nightmares would I have seen a man who would ban immigrants and build a wall become president. Never would I have seen an American president be elected to the highest office in the land on the platform and promise of special IDs or a database for Muslims; where have we seen that before? I’ve lost a huge piece of my identity today. I’ve lost something I held very near and dear to my heart. -W.

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 In Santiago, Chile, a student is hit by a water cannon during a march called by the Confederation o

In Santiago, Chile, a student is hit by a water cannon during a march called by the Confederation of Chilean Students (Confech) to reject the changes announced by the government to an education bill. (Sebastian Silva / EPA)

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Free Britney Spears from her controlling conservatorship!! 

Rally again January 22, 2020! 

She should have control over money, travel, assets - #equal person!! 

Also, I love this video. It’s really helpful and helped me before! It should - because it normal to have emotions. I also love the multicolor, and cheerfulness! 

#FreeBritney #HumanRights 


soulbrotherv2:On this date, July 20, in 1967, the first national Black Power conference opened in


On this date, July 20, in 1967, the first national Black Power conference opened in Newark, New Jersey.

More than a thousand people from a wide array of community organizations and other groups convened in Newark on July 20, 1967, to discuss the most pressing issues of the day facing African-Americans at the first national Black Power Conference.

It was one of the largest such gatherings of Black leaders, with representatives of nearly 300 organizations and institutions from 126 cities in 26 states, Bermuda and Nigeria. The conference held workshops, presented papers for specific programs and developed more than 80 resolutions calling for emphasis of Black power in political, economic and cultural affairs.  [Continue reading.]

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Original thread:


Note, I am finding these threads on the twitter feeds of ICU nurses who are now dreading the horrors that Roe falling will bring to their hospitals. This, on top of the horrors that they’ve seen and continue to see because of the pandemic. They were already exhausted and hanging by a thread.

This Valentine’s Day, only 13 states still ban same-sex marriages.In the other 37, people can

This Valentine’s Day, only 13 states still ban same-sex marriages.

In the other 37, people can celebrate the day with the person they married, rather than the person they wish they could marry.

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