






I really want to hide a bell inside of my plague doctor mask, so whenever I turn my head or look around people associate me with a little jingle! I just think it would be cute

On Christmas:

*bell sounds start out of nowhere*

Kids: Is.. Is that Santa!? :0

Parents: Ah no, that’s just the same plague doctor passing by

You:*literally running towards them while making the jingle jingle sound* heY GUyS yOU wAnT SuM LeeChEs!?

I legit fell off my fuckin bed laughing I’m done this is the best response


~ Sleep will not come easily. Your dreams will be of glimmering fur, of snapping jaws, of flashes of claws and teeth. You’ll know it’s time when they begin to bleed into your waking life.

~ You may notice that your shoulders or back are starting to ache frequently. Do not be alarmed. Your wings are coming in.

~ Start leaving your window unlocked. And don’t be afraid of intruders - they won’t last long if they decide to climb through your window.

~ You’re going to begin waking up coveredin grass and mud. Start getting used to it. Oh, and don’t be alarmed by the occasional drop or two of blood.




So ur with ur honey and yur making out wen da phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is “wut r u doing wit my daughter”. U tell ur girl n she say “my dad is ded”.


EDIT: I reblogged the post with a link

allow yourself to be swallowed up and made whole

it will be there

still and unmoved

it will be there

crawl through the window

cut open your heart

fog chasing your heels

with the wind pushing you back

a boy sits at the corner alone under the darkening sky

he offers his hands

(as if in prayer

reaching for the promise that light will come again)

he offers the skeleton of a small bird instead

(he put it together himself)

he tells you proudly

he put it together again and

he felt like a god

(the mercy and the creation of a life in his hands)

the eyes, ever watching, the heart too bloody and the heat too loud

the eyes, always watching, everything from everywhere and nowhere

the eyes, unceasing, smooth and slick is the way of the days

the eyes, now blind, forgiveness became sin

there is a god standing in the street outside
xe looks at you with eyes too sharp
and a mouth too quiet yet whispers all the same
xe points to the forest presenting a choice
the walls of the house close in
follow xem
you will not move from your window
follow xem
you know that divinity only leads to madness

it comes earlier each year

the yearly ritual of unbecoming

the sun going red

and the birds circling in the sky

they have come to pick you clean

and the persecution commences

stripping away anything that cannot be seen

carelessly carving away too much

the blood crawling into your lungs

something passes by your garden

as twilight sets in

and compliments how your roses have grown so well

you thank them

you do not mention the bodies

that make the flowers grow so well

as the sun hits it’s zenith 

droning fans pierce the otherwise silent atmosphere 

the usual screams that come from beyond the fence 

are easier to ignore

we held on too hard

now we’re bleeding out on your bedroom floor

there’s something so intimate about this moment

a moment of quiet in which all secrets pass between
