
artistisutambler:karlkerschl:Bruce Wayne… DATING!lolIl fumettino del giorno: Il Pokemon pref



Bruce Wayne… DATING!


Il fumettino del giorno: Il Pokemon preferito di Batman, di Karl Kerschl.

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ngl i miss innocently flirting with someone and talking to them so much…i’m so lonely lmfao help

i just need someone to talk to :/

So people are like the periodic table of elements… there’re the alkali metals and the alkaline earth—super reactive. they’re the ones that are dating someone every other week, always in an out of relationships, have chemistry with EVERYONE. Then there’s the noble gases and they’re the forever alone… and then there’s everyone in between 

they say “it was worth the wait”and I mean, yes, absolutely, it is 100% worth the wait, but the fact is, the wait is HARD, and when you’re waiting, you’re not only waiting, you’re worrying hoping that the wait isn’t in vain, and that’s the hard part. its not the time thats hard. its the worry and fear that you’re waiting for something that’ll never happen. if you told someone that 100% they’d find their person by 25, it would be a lot easier. its not the wait thats hard, its the uncertainty, the worry that you’re not good enough, and if you’re not worried about that you’re worried that the kind of person you’re looking for doesn’t exist. that’s what’s hard, and being told, “yeah i waited a long time but it was worth it” doesn’t take away the fear and uncertainty. “well I waited a long time, you’re only…[insert age]” doesn’t help. if it was assured, the wait would be easy. you’d simply fill your life with other stuff and stop worrying about it, always knowing that it’ll be okay. and that’s the best advice i can give to someone who is waiting: live your life as if you’re promised it’ll happen. its better than worrying, and it means you’ll enjoy your singleness, and you’ll be a more interesting person for it.  also, a friend told me: the person you marry has such a big impact on the rest of your life, its too big a thing for God not to be involved. so He will be. you don’t have to be afraid that he won’t be, or that he won’t hear you. and never settle! thats another thing that people say a lot, and let me tell you, it’s true. however: its also overused and cliche and hard to listen to or take seriously. so heres some explanation:

  1. if you settle, you’ll always have the nagging feeling of, “what if i’d waited just that little bit longer…"
  2. this is literally gluing your life to another person for the rest of your life. you want to be 100% sure. this is the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with. you GET to be picky
  3. dating sucks if it’s the wrong person. you’re constantly worried, disappointed, anxious.
  4. the person has to feel right, otherwise you’ll always be dissatisfied and be questioning
  5. things can go badly badly wrong if you settle for someone who you deep down know you shouldn’t.
  6. “everyone deserves a ‘I didn’t know it could be this good’ kind of love”. settling is NOT that. if you know what you want, then wait for it, otherwise you’ll never be satisfied (especially if you’ve seen it or experienced it before).

I’m a Christian, and partially because of that, my boyfriend and I have decided to wait until marriage until having sex. this is an idea I grew up with, and committed to at an early age, but no one told me HOW HARD it would be. we all know guys have high sex drives. no one told me girls did too. anyway, for those of you who find yourselves in the same or a similar predicament, here’s some things that have worked for me: 

1. There are three paths. One leads to holding hands (e.g. bumping elbows, brushing fingers), the second leads to kissing (touching faces together), and the third leads beyond that. Know which path you’re going to choose ahead of time, and don’t start down the path that you don’t want to go along. It’s a lot easier to stay outside the gate than it is to go back once you’ve started down the path. 

2. Keep yourself accountable to either a person or your journal. That will help you gauge right/wrong (i.e. if something isn’t right you’ll likely be hesitant to write down or tell someone that you’re doing it, especially if you wrote/told them ahead of time you wouldn’t do it). 

3. Going backwards ISN’T THAT HARD. I was always told that once you’ve done something, you can’t stop. that’s not true at all. it’s actually easier than holding back on something to begin with because having done it removes that “forbidden fruit” effect, and you realize, oh, not doing it actually isn’t that hard. (this may not go for some of the more emotionally intimate stuff). all this to say, if you’re doing something that you want to stop but feel like it’s too late because “you can’t go backwards”, it isn’t too late. 

4. Don’t keep bringing up the thing you’re trying not to do with each other. make a plan then DON’T talk about how hard it is to stay at – you’ll likely convince each other of a LOT like that. 

5. Find the sweet spot, where staying back is easier than going forward. There comes a point where the self control of staying a bit back is less effort than the self control required to ‘safely’ go forward – like staying closer to the edge of a river and fighting the urge to go out further is easier than fighting the current while you’re in it. 

6. NEVER do something just because other person wants to. Your dis-want is more important than their want. Similarly, you must be willing to not do something that the other doesn’t want. Don’t use the fact that the other person wants to do something as an excuse to do something you really aren’t sure you’re comfortable with 

7. Avoid media that gets thoughts going. Half the battle is in your thoughts. Don’t make it harder for yourself than it needs to be. 

8. Accept that you won’t get it perfect and you’ll make mistakes. It’s a learning curve, and you’ll have to make course corrections. Mistakes aren’t un-fixable. The important thing is that you learn from them and don’t let them happen again. 

9. If you’re a Christian, remember that God forgives. In the words of Jesus, go, and sin no more. If you’ve messed up, ask God for forgiveness and strength, then pick yourself back up and do better. 

hope this helps! 

Dancing Naked: Ein Werbespot für die VH1 TV Show Dating Naked.

Im Netz polarisiert sowohl der Spot als auch die Show, und werden deshalb sehr kontrovers diskutiert.

Was haltet ihr davon?

#dating naked    #nackttanzen    #nacktdating    #dating show    #dating    #tv show    #trash tv    
Nackt Dating Show Teilnehmerin klagt gegen die Produktionsfirma, weil sie in der Sendung zu nackt ge

Nackt Dating Show Teilnehmerin klagt gegen die Produktionsfirma, weil sie in der Sendung zu nackt gezeigt wurde.

Zum Konzept der US Flirtshow gehört, dass alle Teilnehmer nackt sind. Vielleicht hat sie da etwas falsch verstanden.

Jedenfalls fordert sie nun 10.000 Dollar, weil sie angeblich auf Twitter zum Gespött wurde, da im Trailer die Verpixelung ihrer Scham vergessen wurde und ihre Oma nicht mehr mit ihr redet.

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Klagt sie etwa aus reiner Geldgier, hat sie starkes Aufmerksamkeitsbedürfnis, oder hat sie es wirklich nicht vorher gewusst?

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I realized last night that the statement, “I just really like cats,” doesn’t sound good in any context. Particularly not on a first date. 

Pantyhose Dating ♥ http://pantyhosedating.co.uk
Pantyhose Dating ♥ http://pantyhosedating.co.uk
Pantyhose Dating ♥ http://pantyhosedating.co.uk