#derek morgan

Spencer Reid // 23-01-2019I finally did it! I’m so happy:) What do you guys think? (Do not reupload

Spencer Reid // 23-01-2019

I finally did it! I’m so happy:) What do you guys think?

(Do not reupload or use without my permission)

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૮ ・ ﻌ・ა cillian murphy >>> you

she/her. eighteen. you can call me parker!

marterlistfandomsrequestsfic recs


currently working on:

‧˚ʚhalloween hookers and party poopers [rafe cameron, was supposed to come out for halloween but i never finished it]

‧˚ʚpoppy’s love [sirius black?, series]

‧˚ʚjawbreaker [joel miller, series of fics and hcs for my tlou au]

warning.not really a warning lol but plz keep in mind that i’m currently fixing my blog + navigation so you may see me spamming posts or making masterlists with no active links, but that just my process. it’ll be rather quick and i think it’ll be worth it. after that, i’ll just have to keep it up, which shouldn’t be too hard! thanks for your patience and understanding ‧˚ʚ ⋆ ꜝꜞ

+ if you leave a comment the answer will be from @siriusly-parker-main ☹︎ don’t worry it’s still me lol tumblr just doesn’t let you choose which blog to comment from so it’s my main blog or wtv but you don’t need to follow it or anything it’s just my personal blog for rebloging stupid stuff ‎


running toward nothing (part six)

Summary: Hotch is injured in an explosion while on overseas assignment, putting Derek in a difficult position both with the team and with Spencer who has spent the last few months inadvertently falling in love with him. (Set around 07x01 - It Takes a Village but canon divergent by a lot.)

Warnings: drug use, infidelity (almost), kind of non-consensual touching, panic, pain…kinda nsfw so do with that what you will…Derek is about to have a lot of regrets.

Words: 2.1k

Pairings: Hotch/Morgan established

Notes: This is for @tobias-hankel’ s Spencer Whump Challenge. My assigned prompts to do my evil with were Derek Morgan & Betrayal…ooooooogh. This one is rough. I had a hard time writing it, not gonna lie. I threw a few temper tantrums. But we press on, right? Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do to get the outcome we’re after…


Read on AO3: Running Toward Nothing


Lights out everywhere. The whole town was pitch black in a swirl of snow. A surprise late season storm, and the only perk Derek could see as he watched a flame flicker to life in his zippo was that at least the unsub would be held up as much by the storm as they were. Hard to hunt when no one was leaving their homes and so far, he didn’t have another victim that they knew of. Time was suddenly suspended in the mountains.

“Generators should kick on shortly, but it’s so damn cold who knows. Y'all should go back to the lodge and get some shut eye while ya can. Bound to be a long cold night.”

“They got power?” Derek asked, smirking in the dark. The sheriff laughed.

“Not likely. They got generators too but in this kinda freeze…well everything up here’s old, see. Might take a bit. Few extra blankets and a night cap might not be a bad idea.”

The lodge, perched in a small clearing of trees, was dark. Shockingly dark, though the hum of a generator could be heard rumbling from where they parked their tired SUV. The snow was piling up rapidly, by morning it might be buried. “Well, something has power…” Rossi muttered, following the team through the deep snow. He could feel it forming clumps against his socks, bunching up against his ankles. Rossi really, really hated the snow. (Now, snow falling outside a warm cabin with a crackling fire and a glass of Sangiovese…that was different. This was not the same.)

“Not us,” was all Emily said, she and JJ breaking off from the pack to make for their room. Derek regarded Spencer with a strange look, wondering if he was still upset. It didn’t seem like it but he’d learned over the years that if there was anyone he was absolute dog shit at reading, it was Spencer Reid. The kid had more nooks and crannies than an antique shop. The first thing Derek thought when they entered their room was simply that he wished he’d thought to leave their heater on, at least it would be warm in there now. Hotch wouldn’t have forgotten that, he would have turned it up to full blast, the room would be stifling but no. It was almost as cold as outside.

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running toward nothing (part six)

Summary: Hotch is injured in an explosion while on overseas assignment, putting Derek in a difficult position both with the team and with Spencer who has spent the last few months inadvertently falling in love with him. (Set around 07x01 - It Takes a Village but canon divergent by a lot.)

Warnings: drug use, infidelity (almost), kind of non-consensual touching, panic, pain…kinda nsfw so do with that what you will…Derek is about to have a lot of regrets.

Words: 2.1k

Pairings: Hotch/Morgan established

Notes: This is for @tobias-hankel’ s Spencer Whump Challenge. My assigned prompts to do my evil with were Derek Morgan & Betrayal…ooooooogh. This one is rough. I had a hard time writing it, not gonna lie. I threw a few temper tantrums. But we press on, right? Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do to get the outcome we’re after…


Read on AO3: Running Toward Nothing


Lights out everywhere. The whole town was pitch black in a swirl of snow. A surprise late season storm, and the only perk Derek could see as he watched a flame flicker to life in his zippo was that at least the unsub would be held up as much by the storm as they were. Hard to hunt when no one was leaving their homes and so far, he didn’t have another victim that they knew of. Time was suddenly suspended in the mountains.

“Generators should kick on shortly, but it’s so damn cold who knows. Y'all should go back to the lodge and get some shut eye while ya can. Bound to be a long cold night.”

“They got power?” Derek asked, smirking in the dark. The sheriff laughed.

“Not likely. They got generators too but in this kinda freeze…well everything up here’s old, see. Might take a bit. Few extra blankets and a night cap might not be a bad idea.”

The lodge, perched in a small clearing of trees, was dark. Shockingly dark, though the hum of a generator could be heard rumbling from where they parked their tired SUV. The snow was piling up rapidly, by morning it might be buried. “Well, something has power…” Rossi muttered, following the team through the deep snow. He could feel it forming clumps against his socks, bunching up against his ankles. Rossi really, really hated the snow. (Now, snow falling outside a warm cabin with a crackling fire and a glass of Sangiovese…that was different. This was not the same.)

“Not us,” was all Emily said, she and JJ breaking off from the pack to make for their room. Derek regarded Spencer with a strange look, wondering if he was still upset. It didn’t seem like it but he’d learned over the years that if there was anyone he was absolute dog shit at reading, it was Spencer Reid. The kid had more nooks and crannies than an antique shop. The first thing Derek thought when they entered their room was simply that he wished he’d thought to leave their heater on, at least it would be warm in there now. Hotch wouldn’t have forgotten that, he would have turned it up to full blast, the room would be stifling but no. It was almost as cold as outside.

“I say we pile all of the blankets onto one bed and huddle for warmth,” Derek announced and Spencer nearly choked on his tongue. “It’s the smartest option. Better to do it now while we’re not too cold than in the middle of the night when we’re both shivering.”

Spencer had no argument. It was smart, sure, but also exactly what he wanted. While he went into the bathroom to change into his pajamas, Derek decided he’d do it right out in the open while he called Hotch. He just wanted to say goodnight, they hadn’t talked since the argument about the damn pills, and he still had plenty of battery charge if he made it quick. “Hey baby, how are you doing?”

Hotch was quiet. It was a bad pain night, one for the books. He was trying to bide his time and make the pills he liked stretch until the new prescriptions could be filled but it was unpleasant, and he was having a very bad time with it. “I’m okay.” That’s what he said, but what he meant was that he wished Derek was there and it was understood. Derek could hear the strain in his voice.

“I’m sorry baby,“ he said quietly. "I’ll be home soon. We just got hit with a bastard of a storm…it’ll be a few more days.” He spoke with a softness in his voice that he hadn’t been able to find in the time he’d been away. He still felt terrible for snapping the night before, was just glad that Hotch was willing to talk with him after that. “I miss you.”

Hotch hummed in response, somewhere deep in the belly of his pain with nothing more than a handful of aspirin to take the edge off. It wasn’t cutting it. Jess was rubbing his lower back, kneading in circles to try and take some of the pressure off but it was barely helping. He told her it was good because it made her feel like she was doing something while Sean slept. They were ships in the night these days. One on duty while the other slept or kept Jack occupied. Sean was better at helping him manage his pain, he could take him for walks (mostly up and down the driveway, maybe to the corner) because he was strong enough to help if anything happened. Jess couldn’t do that, so she sat with him and rubbed his back.


It didn’t take long before Spencer was shivering. Derek’s internal thermostat seemed to be firing on all cylinders, he was still plenty warm, so he pushed right up next to the kid and whispered something cheeky about snuggling in the dark that made Spencer laugh. He’d taken one more of Hotch’s Vicodin while he was changing, the fear of the dark too great. He thought it might take the edge off of everything being so black, no light in the room save for the pool of silver trying to drip through the blinds from the winter moon.

Spencer couldn’t find a way to shut his mind off, even with the swirling feeling the pill was giving him. He was floating inside of the blankets, relaxed and almost separate from the intensity of the cold. Is this what it feels like in a chrysalis? His mind was fluttering on furry moth wings, warm and sticky and god he just wanted to talk. Like a child afraid of the dark, talking would help. Maybe he could tell Derek about moths.

“Derek?” His voice was small and came from deep in the mound of blankets, floating through the curves and crevices. It didn’t sound like his own as it moved further from him. Derek’s response was simply a hum, deep and gravely and thick with sleep. Derek slid closer on instinct alone, wrapped him in his arms and buried his face in Spencer’s neck. His deep breathing had all the quality of a big cat purring and Spencer lost his moth dream and was thinking about tigers now. There was a part of him, buried deep, that knew without a doubt that Derek was sure he was holding Hotch, and he was right. Hotch, forever cold, shivering in the blankets and putting his cold feet between Derek’s legs to steal whatever warmth he possessed…that was where Derek’s mind was. Deep in a dream of being home, in better times, when Hotch wanted to be touched and, hell, could be touched. And maybe he was being silly about that, maybe he should have asked Hotch if he wanted it, if he was waiting too but he just didn’t…it didn’t matter. He was dreaming about it now and it was so good.

Spencer slipped around inside of the embrace until they were face to face, and in the dark he couldn’t tell if Derek’s eyes were open or closed but he pressed his lips to Derek’s quickly and waited. Bold, maybe, but he had felt Derek’s erection against his back and he wondered just enough if it weren’t for him, at least on some level. Maybe he was thinking about Hotch, sure, but if he found out it was Spencer would it really be thatbad? Derek kissed him back hungrily, holding him tight, and Spencer found himself no longer second guessing any of it. His entire world was the swell in Derek’s pants and his sweet cherry chapstick.

It was all he’d ever wanted. The kiss was sleep laced and languid, full of a weird slow-building intensity. Every move carried rainbow shock tracers in the dark, and Spencer almost seemed to watch himself grow bolder by the minute, cold hands slipping up beneath Derek’s sweatshirt, fingertips against abs he’d been dreaming about for years. Every move with less and less inhibition, and when he wasn’t pushed away, when he was welcomed…he couldn’t stop himself, he lost all control of his impulses. One hand first, no sense of timidity left, slipped lower and lower until he was grazing Derek’s hip bone. Just a little further and he’d have it all, he knew it, and he felt bold. An out of body experience, he felt Derek hard against his thigh and he let his hands move further without waiting for any further invitations, Derek’s lips on his and his roaming hands were all the permission he needed. Beneath the waistband of Derek’s sweats he paused and smiled into the kiss, not surprised to find that Derek wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

Pressed up close, Spencer’s pulse quickened and Derek’s breath was so damn hot against his neck. The chill of the room couldn’t touch him there. He let his hand slip further, dangerously close and trembling with anticipation, would have made it too if he wasn’t stopped by a sudden sharp intake of breath from Derek. Not quite a gasp and definitely not a noise of pleasure, Spencer drew back instantly, pulled his hand back to safety. The space between them grew until it felt like a canyon and he listened to the quick, shallow breathing from Derek in the dark. He couldn’t see a thing, and for the first time that night he was grateful because for another blissful second he could pretend that it hadn’t been a mistake and that Derek wasn’t going to be upset with him. Spencer stared wide eyed straight ahead as Derek blinked himself fully awake, came to his senses, his breathing now almost panicky.

“Spencer?” he gasped, almost falling out of the bed in his desperation to put more distance between them. There was no amount that felt like enough. His hands were shaking, but his body…god his body still wanted that touch. It had been so long, almost 4 months now, he’d been dreaming about touching Hotch again…he dreamed it almost every night now and woke up in a cold sweat but he hadn’t thought it would happen now, in a bed with Spencer and god…what has he done? Spencer was almost cowering for a moment, trying to wrap his mind around the situation. He thought Derek was awake, or at least partially awake…into it…

“I’m…I’m sorry. I thought...” Spencer stammered, blinking wildly in the dark. Derek stood in the puddle of silver moonlight rubbing his face, trying to get a grip on what was happening, what his body was still driving him toward. For one blissful moment he lighted on the possibility that he was still stuck in his dream, that he was actually still sleeping. But somehow he knew that wasn’t true. This was real. A cold shower sounded stupid under the circumstances but he needed it. So desperately, even if he froze to death. “Derek?”

“No, it’s my fault,” Derek mumbled, still in shock. “I guess my mind…” Four months, he thought bitterly. Four months and now look at him. The worst part was that there was maybe no end in sight. And god now he was going to have to tell Hotch…he couldn’t even look at Spencer, he felt so awful. “I must have been dreaming. Kid, I’m so sorry. I really fucked up.”

“It’s okay…” Spencer said it in a way that Derek thought sounded heartbreaking and hopeful, like he wanted it. Suddenly things were falling into some kind of painfully clear and bright order and Derek felt his stomach twist. He was going to be sick. “Derek, it’s okay if you wanted to…I know it’s been a long time…”

The dark wrapped him up tight, and Derek thought for a moment that he might pass out. What had he done? What the hell had he done? Forcing his breathing to slow, he counted, tried all of his tricks to calm himself and think rationally. He didn’t do anything he couldn’t explain to Hotch, it was innocent…stupid, incredibly fucking stupid, but innocent. As long as he took a shower and killed the last of the fire on his skin (and in his pants), it would remain innocent.

“No,” he replied softly, finally finding his voice. “No, Spencer, that’s…I’m sorry if I lead you on, made you feel like something was here that isn’t…”

He was already walking toward the shower, now in a sort of daze. “I never meant to. I’m so sorry.” The bathroom door closed and locked behind him, and yeah, he knew the power was off and he’d be freezing in a pitch-black ice-cold shower but that was fine. He sat himself down beneath the spray and cried the tears he’d been holding in since Hotch got home. Maybe longer. Maybe since the moment Emily came back and smiled at him with a watery apology floating in the depths of deceit. He didn’t know anymore, but his tears were hot and the water was cold and his body went numb sitting there.


derek morgan 7x01 it takes a village

morgan: truth or dare?


morgan: how many hours of sleep have you gotten in the past week?


morgan: go to sleep

reid: i no longer enjoy this game

morgan: hey, reid

morgan: what do you call a fish with no eyes?

reid: an astyanax mexicanus



morgan: a fsh, reid

reid: how’s the most attractive man in the world doing?

morgan: idk, how are you?


jj: i don’t care what anyone else says, the black cookie part is the best part of the oreo

reid: dark without light is an abyss, light without dark is blinding. you cannot have a coin with one side

rossi: yo, socrates, it’s a fucking cookie

unsub: listen here you son of a bitch

reid: hey! don’t talk about my mother like that!

unsub: i was talking about your father


reid: carry on

reid, freaking out: why did you put cheetos in the first aid kit?!

prentiss, bleeding out: i thought it’d be funny!

luke: hey everybody, today my coworker called me short so i’m starting a kickstarter to put her down

luke: benefits of killing her would be i get bullied way less

unsub: well, people always said i really knew how to light up a room :)

hotch: that’s called arson, and all these people are witnesses

applebees waiter: what would you like to order

prentiss: i’ll take the apple

applebee’s waiter: sorry, ma'am, we don’t actually sell apples here

prentiss, visibly frightened: alright then *gulps* i’ll take the bees
