#digital portrait

 Did a Pink Mercy fan art in contrast with my Black Cat DVA :) Painting process is available in my A

Did a Pink Mercy fan art in contrast with my Black Cat DVA :) Painting process is available in my August term rewards on my Patreon! http://patreon.com/serafleur

More rewards by pledging on my Patreon:
• Hi-Res images (.PNG)
• Step-by-step Images
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It took me a little longer than I thought, but I finally finished another piece of art! February’s been a bit weird; like I’ve done far less art than I thought I would. But I mean, hey, life happens. 

And yes it’s my nonbinary Corpo/Assassin V again, they are my current brainrot OC.

Here’s the portrait, with and without glasses, in their early days with Arasaka:

To see a bit about this OC’s story, as well as the overall process and a colouring timelapse, check out under the read more!!!

This eventually attracts the attention of Arasaka, and they offer V a place/contract with them. Despite the fact they know their friends will hate them for it, V accepts this offer.
It puts a huge rift between V and the Samurai crew, but they keep going for their brother’s sake. 

This eventually attracts the attention of Arasaka, and they offer V a place/contract with them. Despite the fact they know their friends will hate them for it, V accepts this offer.
It puts a huge rift between V and the Samurai crew, but they keep going for their brother’s sake. 

Over the years, V rises in the ranks, and is a major fixture in significant events; like the 2013 raid to save Alt, and the 2023 tower bombing. 

Eventually, they get to like 85, and have gone from merc, to Arasaka Assassin, to Saburo’s bodyguard…and back to Assassin again when asked. 

Stuff happens, and this leads into a vastly different take on the 2077 in-game events.

Here’s the (condensed) process behind this piece:

You can see that, whilst it’s not quite as detailed as some of my other recent pieces, alot of work still went into this. It was super fun exploring an age I haven’t really drawn this V at (2013 era, Age 23) and adding all the Arasaka details.

I really tried to work on different fabric textures, as well as shadows and lighting, and while I know I’ve still got a ways to go, I’m still really happy with the progress I’ve made.

Overall, I’m so happy with how this turned out. I feel like it has the right kind of vibe that an Arasaka Assassin would have, and the outfit kinda has that Corpo/Luxury style to it.

Here’s the colouring timelapse (warning for flashes of colour):

The timelapse gives an even better look at the colouring process; it emphasizes all the little details that get a bit lost amidst the dramatic lighting and shadows.

This is definitely one of my favourite pieces from recent months, and I’m excited to draw this V at other stages in their Arasaka career.

As I started a 4th playthrough to experience Corpo V in all their threatening glory, I wanted to do a portrait of my latest V; and I am really happy with how it turned out.

This is Void, ruthless Netrunner and Streetkid-turned-Arasaka Agent:

Check under the read more for a brief write-up on this piece, as well as the process and a colouring timelapse!!!

I really feel like she looks both beautiful and threatening; someone you wouldn’t want to mess with- and that’s exactly what I was going for.

I really feel like she looks both beautiful and threatening; someone you wouldn’t want to mess with- and that’s exactly what I was going for.

This portrait has no particular lighting direction, because it was just something fun I did, but I still feel it looks super awesome; I am so so happy with this piece.

Here’s the (condensed) process:

You can get an idea of how long this took. Void’s hair and distinctive scars took the longest; I worked really hard to try and get the scarred skin textures looking realistic. Not 100% sure I succeeded, but it looks good so I’m happy for now. 

I also love the texture I was able to get onto the dress, as well as the little speckled brush I used to give her skin some additional texture.

Working with a limited colour palette was both fun and challenging, and it’s something I’ll definitely be trying in the future.

Here’s a colouring timelapse (warning for flashes of colour):

With this, you get to see how I achieved all these different textures. The scars in particular, like I said, took a while- but I believe that effort paid off. I really feel like I captured Void’s in-game appearance, and her more stoic default expression. Resting badass bitch face.

I’ll be doing more art of Void in the future, but for now, this is where I am leaving it- with a portait I am extremely happy with.

Is it Thursday yet? Who’s looking forward for tomorrow? I’m so excited for campaign three even though I haven’t finished drawing all of the Mighty Nien .

You know I had to make a portrait about this one…

You know I had to make a portrait about this one…

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a self portrait based upon a self portrait, based upon a self portrait

A comm I drew for an awesome friend!!!!!

 Vello, my half-elf priest from a recent PbtA fantasy roleplay game.

Vello, my half-elf priest from a recent PbtA fantasy roleplay game.

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Sorry for being dead for while

I’ve been wrapped up in a lot of stuff lately and just couldn’t post or tumblr was being an ass. I also haven’t done much art as of recent, but here is a couple of portraits of my boy Mr. Neilsen <3

My best boy of 13 going on 14 years passed away. He was most likely 15 and was the best grandpa. I got him when I was five for my sixth birthday. It was very sudden as he was running around that day and night like usual. He fell ill and had to be taken to our vet the next day. Luckily he was surrounded by people that loved him dearly and that’s all that matters. He was a sweet border collie and I couldn’t have been more greatful for a dog like him.

I’m gonna try to pull myself out of this little hole I’m in rn, but it’s going to take time as I’m sick and missing him.

I’ll try and have some 2019 art up soon!
