

“Educación, tecnologías y derechos humanos: perspectivas desde América Latina”

En noviembre del 2021, organizamos junto Instituto para la Sociedad de la Información y la Cuarta Revolución Industrial y el Fondo de Respuesta Rápida la mesa de diálogo “Educación, tecnologías y derechos humanos: perspectivas desde América Latina”

1 Participaron del mismo, representantes de diferentes organizaciones y proyectos de Latinoamérica como Carlos Guerrero del proyecto “Ni un Examen Virtual Más” (Perú), Iván Terceros de OpenLab (Ecuador), Luis Fernando Arias de Conexión Educativa (Ecuador), Maricarmen Sequera de TEDIC (Paraguay), Stephanie Lima de Iniciativa Educação AbertaeObservatório Educação Vigiada (Brasil) y Paula Walker de CIDENI(Chile).

El diálogo fue un intercambio de experiencias en la búsqueda de un entendimiento común sobre la necesidad de abordar el despliegue y uso de las  tecnologías desde un enfoque de derechos digitales

El evento completo puede verse aquí

Si desean profundizar en la temática, pueden leer el siguiente artículo de Jamila Venturini.

*Dios les da a los humanos libertad de elegir y pensar*

-Humanos: Dios no existe

-Dios: Esperen, no…

El año pasado, una chica de mi instituto - vamos a llamarla Jane, por ejemplo -  me habló, preguntándome cómo compaginar bachillerato y sus estudios en musicales. Muy a su pesar, se estaba planteando abandonar estos últimos durante dos años, temiendo no ser capaz de retomarlo al graduarse. Me preguntó por mis notas y por cómo hacía para asistir tanto al conservatorio como al instituto, y en ese momento, quise decirle tantas cosas que me aturullé. 

Meses después, Jane no había sido la única en pedirme consejos para “sobrevivir esos dos años”, aparte de que veía cómo muchos estudiantes de la ESO preguntaban a sus compañeros de más edad de instrumento, banda, etc. cómo era la experiencia, así que me planteé hacer una lista - son mi debilidad x) - con algunas ideas para hacer más amena dicha etapa. No soy una estudiante modelo, ni pretendo ser alguien a imitar; tan solo quiero mostrar algunos trucos y herramientas de las que me he valido para cursar ambas cosas.

Además, he preguntado a algunos compañeros, que han aportado su granito de arena a la lista (algunas ideas coinciden, incluso).

1. Concentra tus horarios en unas horas determinadas todos los días. La elección de horarios del conservatorio es un asco, pero si tienes oportunidad, te recomiendo escoger las asignaturas en la misma franja horaria del día. Eso te permitirá crear una rutina de estudio y tener unas horas prefijadas para dedicar al instituto o a ensayar (eso último, es cosa tuya). Durante muchos años, he cometido el error de intentar liquidar todas las asignaturas posibles en uno o dos días, pasando hasta seis horas por la tarde en el conservatorio. Esto en bachillerato es muy peligroso, pues el estudio diario es muy importante y el rendimiento disminuye considerablemente cuando llegas a tu casa muert@ de cansancio por una jornada larguísima. Una compañera de piano me ha comentado que ella escoge esa “franja horaria” en función de sus asignaturas teóricas, ya que estas son mucho menos flexibles.

2.Reloj, agenda y calendario. Creo que no hace falta mucha palabrería para entender lo NECESARIO que es organizarse en función del tiempo del que se dispone. Hacerte un horario de estudio y delimitar el tiempo del mismo (y del ensayo) te ayudará a dedicarle tiempo a todas las asignaturas. Puede ser frustrante, sobretodo cuando notes que ha pasado esa hora y media que le querías dedicar a tu instrumento antes de ir a clases y solo te ha dado tiempo de hacer técnica y ver un poco de la obra. Tranquilidad. Mejor ver un poco, que ir de vacío a algunas de las asignaturas. Así mismo, te ayudará a tener una visión del tiempo que dispones para preparar audiciones, exámenes, conciertos, etc.

3. Actúa con cautela a la hora de priorizar asignaturas. Jugar al ajedrez es muy peligroso, así que piensa bien si merece la pena sacrificar una asignatura X para poder preparar mejor/salvar la otra, o si prefieres cursar ambas aunque tu media baje. Es muy complicado llevar todo al día - lo sé, lo he pasado, no hay piedad -, pero puedes valerte de algunas ayudas (gracias, queridos compañeros, por vuestro aporte): 

  • Convalidaciones: creo que un ejemplo lo explicará muy bien. Imagina que tu Bachillerato ofrece Informática de optativa. Según el curso en el que estés, tienes la oportunidad de no cursarla, siempre y cuando apruebes otra asignatura del conservatorio - coro, por ejemplo (?) -. Informática y Coro estarán convalidadas y tu media se hará con todas las asignaturas de bachillerato, exceptuando Informática. La nota de coro no será aplicable a Informática ni la sustituirá (y viceversa). 
  • Repartir las asignaturas: si sientes que va a ser imposible para ti el aprobar ambos cursos, plantéate dividir las asignaturas de un año escolar en dos años. Esto de dará algo más de margen, aunque claro, tardarás un poco más en finalizar tus estudios.

Me servido de ambas opciones y he conocido a gente que ha hecho lo mismo. Tiene sus pros y sus contras, pero es una opción. Y no es mala.

4.Cuida tu salud. Duerme, por lo que más quieras, duerme; si tu cuerpo pide una sesión de fisioterapia, no te cortes (citado de forma literal).Eres humano, y como tal, te desgastas. El ritmo de bachillerato es agotador, y si a ello sumas los estudios musicales, puedes descuidar tu salud, ¡y eso es un error! Conozco a gente que al finalizar selectividad y dar un paseo, se fatigaba y necesitaba descansar, habiendo sido muy deportistas. Yo misma abandoné el ejercicio durante los meses previos a la EBAU y al llegar el verano, lo noté. El café y el té no son el santo grial, y pueden ser perjudiciales si se consumen en exceso. He visto a compañeros de coro y orquesta desmayarse por haber dormido dos o tres horas la noche anterior, y yo misma he sido incapaz, a veces, de seguir el hilo de algunas clases. Lo primero y principal es tu salud. Si no estás bien, no vas a ser capaz de rendir.

5. Previniendo la Selectividad y sabiendo que has de estudiar todo de nuevo, intenta aligerar la carga del conservatorio los últimos meses, o al menos, faltar lo menos posible a las clases. Si has hecho un buen año y decaes un poco al final, tus profesores van a entenderlo.

6. Ten un poco de picardía. Aprovecha esos minutos entre clase y clase para descansar y refrescarte, pero dispón siempre de algo de temario por si hay algún imprevisto que te permite tener una hora libre: un ensayo que se cancela, una clase que se retrasa, excursiones inesperadas… Puedes valerte de post-its con algunos datos difíciles de recordar - yo los pegaba en mi atril y los leía de vez en cuando en orquesta -, apuntar palabras o fechas clave en el dorso de la mano - instintivamente, vas a leerlo -, usar reglas mnemotécnicas, sordinas, grabaciones - escucharme leyendo la lección cuando iba de camino (andando, para no abandonar el ejercicio por completo) al conservatorio era muy aburrido, pero hacía que al llegar a casa tardase muchísimo menos en aprendérmela -, etc.

Y creo que eso es todo, al menos, por ahora. No pretendo que modifiquéis radicalmente vuestra rutina para adaptar estos consejos, porque son algo un poco personal, y puede que no os valgan, pero si creéis que son una ayuda, ¡genial! Ese es el objetivo del post :)

Estando cerca en inicio del nuevo curso escolar, no tengo mucho más que decir. Define tus objetivos, intenta ahorrar tiempo y… date premios y descansa, no lo olvides.

Este artículo está registrado en Safe Creative bajo el código  1708273370248 y la licencia  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0, estando penalizada la distribución comercial del mismo y el plagio.

A. Gorod.

Todo al #fucsia para una mañana *importante* en la Conselleria de Justicia✌ ¡Vamos!♀️ #martes #Bueno

Todo al #fucsia para una mañana *importante* en la Conselleria de Justicia✌ ¡Vamos!♀️
#martes #BuenosDias #TodoAlFucsia #mood #tuesday #outfitoftheday #instapic #selfie #me #inspogirl #MyLifeInPictures #educacion #justicia #FrontAbolicionistaPV #RadFem #Love ♡ (en Valencia)

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A nivel mundial, existe el “Índice de Competitividad Global” que es publicado por el “Foro Económico Mundial”, el cual es una ONG de empresarios. En este sentido, el concepto de competitividad está asociado a la competitividad de las empresas en los distintos países del mundo.

A modo de ejemplo, el Índice de Competitividad Global tiene 12 pilares y uno de ellos está relacionado a la salud y educación de las personas. Hasta 2017, el sub-pilar de Salud tenía 8 indicadores:

1.      Impacto empresarial de la malaria

2.      Incidencia nacional de la malaria

3.      Impacto empresarial de la tuberculosis

4.      Incidencia nacional de la tuberculosis

5.      Impacto empresarial del VIH

6.      Incidencia nacional del VIH

7.      Mortalidad infantil

8.      Esperanza de vida

Para el 2018, este pilar se desdobla en 2, uno para “Salud” y otro para “Habilidades”, hay que notar que la palabra Educación se elimina. Y estos dos pilares están agrupados en el concepto de “Capital Humano”. Y el pilar Salud que tenía 8 indicadores (de los cuales 6 vinculados a enfermedades infecto-contagiosas) para a tener 1 sólo indicador: Esperanza de vida.

Esto muestra que para la competitividad, no existe interés alguno en la calidad de vida de las personas; el hambre, la anemia o la desnutrición son irrelevantes. La importancia que tenían las enfermedades hasta el 2017 en el lugar de trabajo desaparecen y lo único que subsiste es la vida útil de las personas como insumo para las empresas.


En la última reunión de CADE, en 2018, los empresarios crearon el “Consejo Privado de Competitividad” (CPC) y encabezados por Fernando Zavala presentaron el “Informe de Competitividad 2019” que si bien apela al Índice de Competitividad Global, rehacen los pilares e indicadores a criterio propio, sin explicación alguna.

En primer lugar, extraen 5 pilares del Índice de Competitividad Global mencionado previamente, y agregan dos pilares adicionales extraídos de otros dos índices de carácter global. Esta estrategia de arbitrariedad permite modificar la importancia de los indicadores de competitividad, en particular el relacionado al mercado laboral que pasa el séptimo lugar de 12 indicadores en el índice global a segundo lugar de 7 indicadores del CPC.

En relación al concepto de “Capital Humano”, éste es retomado por el Consejo Privado de Competitividad, pero mientras a nivel mundial este concepto engloba dos pilares: Salud y Habilidades; en el Perú el concepto de Salud es excluido y sólo se conserva el de Habilidades. De esta manera, el problema del Capital Humano se reduce a la obsolescencia del conocimiento de las personas que laboran en las empresas, y las medidas remediales están referidas exclusivamente a las necesidades económicas de las empresas.

Perú – Gobierno

El pasado 31 de Diciembre, el Ejecutivo publicó en El Peruano a través de una Resolución Suprema la “Política Nacional de Competitividad y Productividad” de 124 páginas. Esta política contiene 9 Objetivos Prioritarios. De estos nueve, 7 son extraídos de la propuesta del Consejo Privado de Competitividad y los otros dos corresponden: al mercado financiero y al medio ambiente.

OP Nº 1: Dotar al país de infraestructura económica y social de calidad

OP Nº 2: Fortalecer el capital humano

OP Nº 3: Generar el desarrollo de capacidades para la innovación, adopción y transferencia de mejoras tecnológicas

OP Nº 4: Impulsar mecanismos de financiamiento local y externo

OP Nº 5: Crear las condiciones para un mercado laboral dinámico y competitivo para la generación de empleo digno

OP Nº 6: Generar las condiciones para desarrollar un ambiente de negocios productivo

OP Nº 7: Facilitar las condiciones para el comercio exterior de bienes y servicios

OP Nº 8: Fortalecer la institucionalidad del país

OP Nº 9: Promover la sostenibilidad ambiental en la operación de actividades económicas

Como en los casos anteriores, el término “Fortalecer el capital humano” se refiere únicamente a la obsolescencia presente de las habilidades de las personas que trabajan en las empresas, y la mención marginal a la anemia y desnutrición es semejante a que las tuercas de una máquina estén bien ajustadas al fabricarse, para evitar problemas en el futuro.


El concepto de competitividad considera a la persona como un insumo más en la línea de producción de la empresa. Por ello, este insumo debe ser lo más moderno posible (tener educación de calidad) y estar bien hecho (sin hambre, anemia o desnutrición).

 Censo 2017: Esta es la pregunta polémica que favorece a las universidades, según Matuk Martes, 24 d

Censo 2017: Esta es la pregunta polémica que favorece a las universidades, según Matuk

Martes, 24 de octubre del 2017 

Son 18 las universidades que han firmado convenios con el INEI, entre ellas la Universidad César Vallejo. En elvídeo está la respuesta del jefe del INEI, sobre los convenios con universidades.

El Censo Nacional 2017 trae consigo un tema en debate el patrocinio de las empresas e instituciones, a través de convenios que le favorecerían con información privilegiada, aunque el INEI ha indicado que no será así.

“No es la primera vez que ocurre, ya se hizo en el 2007”, sostiene el jefe del INEI, Anibal Sanchez, pero no en el 2005 refuta el ex jefe del INEI, Farid Matuk, quien dice que todo el presupuesto fue cubierto por el Estado

El presupuesto para el Censo 2017 fue de S/ 173 millones, Farid Matuk dice que lo que debería preguntarse es si ese fue el presupuesto solicitado al Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF) y entregó todo, o si es que el INEI solicitó más y el MEF solo le asignó dichos recursos.

Para el ex jefe de INEI, esto es importante, pues es lo que ha llevado a la incorporación de patrocinios.

Información para las universidades

Han sido 18 los convenios que el INEI ha suscrito con las universidades, además de empresas privadas y otras entidades.

Farid Matuk explica posiblemente la falta de recursos o por iniciativa del propio INEI, se ha llevado que el Censo 2017 incorpore a las universidades para cubrir el déficit.

Reveló que, en este proceso hay una pregunta que favorece a las universidades, que es la pregunta 14 y 15, en la que se consulta si asiste o no una institución educativa o universidad, y si esta se encuentra en el distrito donde reside.

“La pregunta es muy distinta a la que se seguía en los censos anteriores, en la cual solo se preguntaba sobre si asiste a una institución educativa o no, y sobre este tema si se desarrolla *una política nacional, no es necesario saber la ubicación*”, sostuvo.

Explicó que actualmente las universidades privadas no tienen un campus grande, sino que son de espacios más pequeños, y esta información sería de mucha utilidad para estas casas de estudios. Calificó la pregunta como un insumo para su estrategia de marketing, y no para la política nacional


Aunque el INEI ha dicho que la información no será entregada a las universidades, si hay convenios y anexos, que deberían conocerse. “En los anexos de los convenios es en el que se detalla la información que será entregada a las universidades. Eso también debería ser público”, remarcó.

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LECXIT és el programa que té per objectiu millorar la comprensió lectora dels infants a partir de 9

LECXIT és el programa que té per objectiu millorar la comprensió lectora dels infants a partir de 9 anys gràcies a l’acompanyament durant la lectura, o lectura compartida.

Ahir a Terrassa es va fer l’acte de cloenda a on els voluntaris —la majoria estudiants de 3r d’ESO— i els infants van explicar la seva experiència. 

Com a agraïment simbòlic han rebut aquest pin.

LECXIT funciona a tota Catalunya gràcies al voluntariat. Per més info sobre el programa:


@lecxit #biblioteca #booklovers #children_illustration #childrenbookillustration #comprensiolectora #educacio #educacion #educacioninfantil #educacionprimaria #educacioinfantil #educacioprimaria #escola #escuela #illustracioinfantil #illustracio #ilustracioninfantil #ilustracion #illustration #lectura #lij (en Terrassa)

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Los deportes durante la infancia, pueden ofrecer muchos beneficios para los niños y los jóvenes. Las actividades físicas continuas, hacen un papel indispensable en el estilo de vida de las personas más jóvenes. Las  actividades deportivas combinadas con los estudios, hacen que estos sean más agradables y crean un estilo de vida más divertido para los niños.  

En la universidad de Missouri Health Care, animan a los adolescentes y niños a participar en actividades deportivas u otras actividades físicas de forma regular. El ejercicio físico es perfecto para crear un paréntesis y liberar la cabeza de pensamientos, el cuerpo y el espíritu. Las actividades deportivas de grupo ayudan a educar a los niños en la responsabilidad, la fuerza de voluntad, la gestión, la persistencia y otras habilidades.

Muchos atletas llegan más alto académicamente

jugar una recreación requiere mucho tiempo y fuerza. algunos seres humanos pueden pensar que esto distraería a los estudiantes-atletas del trabajo escolar. En cambio, es todo lo contrario. Los deportes requieren memorización, repetición y estudio. Además, la determinación y los talentos de colocación de objetivos que un juego requiere pueden ser transferidos a clase.

Las actividades deportivas educan el trabajo en equipo, además de potenciar las capacidades de resolución de problemas

Entrenar habitualmente con un grupo de jugadores y entrenadores te enseña cómo construir el trabajo en equipo y hablar correctamente para resolver problemas. Esto hace que sepa manejar de forma más correcta cuando se encuentra un problema, en casa, en el colegio o en otros aspectos de su vida, haciendo que sepa luchar y afrontar mejor los problemas y estrés causado a veces por lo desconocido o desconocimiento.

La salud corporal es un beneficio directo de las actividades deportivas

sin duda, los deportes pueden ayudarle a alcanzar sus deseos de salud y mantener un peso saludable. Pero, además, suele seguir una línea que busca estar saludable, que consiste en no fumar y no beber alcohol e incluso otras bebidas como refrescos. Además, los deportes tienen beneficios ocultos para la salud junto con la reducción del riesgo de osteoporosis o cáncer.

El logro de un propósito en el juego o de mejora física, te anima a adquirir diferentes metas e ir superándolas continuamente. Este es un sistema que vale la pena y es emocionante, ya que se estimula la autosuperación de forma constante en los deportes.

Reducir el estrés con actividades deportivas

El ejercicio es una forma casera de eliminar y descargarse de presiones. También puedes hacer nuevos amigos que pueden estar ahí para ti, ya que jugar en deportes de equipo hace que siempre unos apoyen a otros, juntos como una piña.

Mientras sientes que estás bajo presión o estresado, llama a un compañero de equipo, dirígete al gimnasio para hablar y diviértete.

When they say hitting your wife is bad, but hitting your children is education

When they say hitting your wife is bad, but hitting your children is education

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Wearing his Suit (Part 1)

Leaving for work in the morning was always one of Takashi’s favourite parts of the day. Why? Well because one of his neighbours, Mr Croft, seemed to always leave for work at about the same time. Fuck he had the absolute biggest crush that man.

Mr Croft, or Adam as his first name was, had been the subject of Takashi’s fantasies for quite some time now. He was older more mature man with short brown hair, a beard with some flecks of grey and a pair of glasses that framed his face perfectly. But one of the things that really got Takashi going were those damn sexy suits that man wore. He seemed to have an endless amount of them. So many different styles, ties and shoes and they were all so well fitted. Just seeing the older man walking down the street dressed in such smart attire, having such a strong presence around him, seeming so charismatic… it filled Takashi with such lust but also envy.

Don’t be mistaken, Takashi loved his body and looks. He was in amazing shape, had plenty of confidence, handsome features the lot.

Yet despite all that he was still longed to know what it would like to be a man like Mr Croft. What it would be like to have his lean taller body, to be surrounded in that strong air of maturity, to have his charming handsome face, to wear his stylish suits, to slip on a pair of those large loafers he wore and have them fit his feet perfectly. Just the thought of it excited him beyond comprehension. Sadly that would never be possible… or so he thought.

On this particular day, Takashi had gone to the gym as per his normal routine. He was jogging back, just about to arrive home, when he passed by Mr Croft’s house. He noticed his neighbour sat out in the garden in some casual yet still somehow fancy looking clothes while sipping on a cup of tea by the looks of it.

It seemed to be an odd recurring thing recently. Over the past couple weeks Mr Croft always seemed to be sat out in his garden just as Takashi returned home from his workout. Was he doing it on purpose? Did he like seeing Takashi coming home from the gym looking all pumped and sweaty? Or was it just a coincidence…

Takashi jogged up to front door before letting himself inside. The moment he closed the door though he could hear what sounded like the shower running. That couldn’t be right. He cautiously made his way over to the bathroom to see the door open a jar and steam flowing out. He gently pushed open that door and… “AHH! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!” He shouted upon seeing a naked man he didn’t recognise stood taking a relaxing shower. The man barely flinched at Takashi’s words.

“Oh sorry about that.” The man apologised, turning off the water and stepping out. He stood buck naked in front of Takashi, his sizeable cock and balls on full display. “Thought I’d make myself at home while I waited for you to return. My names Mr Wavell or just Wavell if you prefer.” His demeanour was freakishly calm.


Wavell simply smiled. His eyes glowed purple and with a flick of his wrist, his body was completely dry as he now wore a set of smart looking clothes that appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Takashi stumbled backwards, falling to the floor in shock. Barely being able to say a word after what he’d just witnessed. “Yup, that’s pretty much the same reaction most people have.” Wavell shook his head while adjusting his tie. “Look. I’m not here to hurt you. Quite to the contrary. I’m here to offer you something of which I’m sure you’ll be quite interested in.”

“Wh-what?…” Takashi gazed up at that man. With his lean somewhat tall build, salt and pepper beard and smart attire, he looked kinda similar to Mr Croft. Of course Takashi was still scared of the man looking down at him but also slightly aroused at the same time.

“You wish to be him do you not? To know what it’d be like to inhabit the body of the one you lust for most. To see the world as he does. To feel the way he feels. To live the way he lives… Am I correct?” Wavell crouched down to Takashi’s level with a look that seemed excited yet calm but also lustful all at the same time. “What am I saying? Of course I’m correct!” He beamed, grabbing onto the sides of Takashi’s head causing the confused man to flinch. “I’ve been watching you and that dashing neighbour of yours, Adam Croft, for a short while now. I’ve looked into both of your minds. Seen each of your desires. And you wanna know a little secret?…” Wavell inched closer to Takashi’s ear before whispering “He fantasises about you as well. I’ve seen him shoot buckets of cum thinking about your young, strong body. Imagining what it’d be like to have it for himself… Just..like..you” He pulled away and winked as he let go of Takashi, standing up straight once again.

By that point, hearing that Mr Croft was not only into him but also had similar fantasies got Takashi’s mind racing with possibilities and his cock pumping with blood. “S-so what? You d-did this to help us get together or something?” His voice still a little shaky.

“Oh no that’s not it. Not entirely anyway. Sure seeing two men who are clearly into one another yet neither of them knowing how the other feels is truly tragic but fixing that was not my motive. I am far more interested in that deeper aforementioned desire. Of you not only wanting to be with Adam Croft as a partner, but also wishing to become him.” With that Mr Wavell’s eyes shined purple once more as he extended an arm out. Takashi began to freak out a little as his entire body glowed for a moment before returning to normal. “There. I’ve placed a spell on you that will allow your soul to switch places with Adam’s. However it’ll only activate during sexual intercourse when the both of you are at the peak of pleasure. Of course I could always do the switch right now but… this’ll be so much more entertaining.” He chucked. Then before Takashi even had a chance to speak, the impossible man before him simply vanished into smoke.

Takashi must’ve sat there for at least half an hour or so, shellshocked at what he’d just experienced. Was Mr Croft actually into him? Who the hell was that Wavell guy? Could he actually switch places with Mr Croft? Were magic and spells real? Was any of what just happened real? All these questions were spinning around his head for the rest of night up until he got into bed. He tried to sleep but he had such a massive boner thinking about that what if scenario of that spell being real or just Mr Croft being into him in general. He couldn’t help but jerk off his throbbing rod in the end, spurting a load all over himself. It was in that moment that he decided ‘fuck it’. In the morning he was gonna make a move on that sexy neighbour of his…


The next morning Takashi was walking down the street on his way to work when, as if on cue, Adam stepped out of his house and began walking down the street not far in front of Takashi. The younger man grinned at this before jogging a little to catch up. He greeted Mr Croft, complementing him on his impeccable taste in suits and footwear as always to which the man seemed to appreciate. They walked together for awhile, chatting and connecting with one another quite well until they eventually had to split paths. Just before Adam crossed the road in the direction of his office building however, Takashi stopped him. He took his chance and simply asked Adam out on a date. The suited man seemed a tad surprised for a moment but that look was swiftly replaced by a smug grin. He agreed but on the condition that he got to make the plans of which Takashi was more than happy with. He loved seeing Mr Croft take control like that.

Over the oncoming week, the two would have various dates and meet-ups. They got to know each over much better, exchanged phone numbers and overall just enjoyed being in the others company. Takashi somehow even convinced Adam to come down to the local gym with him after work. The gym didn’t quite seem to be the older man’s strong suit but they had fun working out together nonetheless. The day after however, since it was a day off work for Takashi, Mr Croft brought him into the office building to show him around a little.

That office felt like something out of a wet dream for Takashi. Every which way he looked he’d see handsome men both younger and older dressed dashing suits, all looking so intelligent yet many still retaining a very masculine air about them. Despite that though, he still thought Adam was the hottest one there. Especially after seeing people greet Mr Croft with such respect and sincerity, some even looking intimidated by him. It was so fucking hot to bare witnesses to. And who could blame the guys, not only was Adam devilishly handsome and incredibly smart but he was also one of the higher ups around the office.

Then, a couple dates later, they finally ended having a romantic dinner of sorts at Adam’s place. He’d set up a beautiful mood and cooked dinner for them both like a true gentleman. From there the evening couldn’t have gone better. They talked, ate and laughed through dinner before deciding to sit in the living room and watch a movie together.

Takashi snuggled into Adam, loving smell of musk masked by expensive cologne. He was so goddamn turned on right now. Being so close to the man of his dreams. And it seemed he wasn’t the only one as he noticed Adam attempt to discreetly adjust his bulging crotch area. Little good it did him with a bulge that big. And after seeing it Takashi decided he couldn’t take it anymore. He had to make his move.

Just then he remembered the conversation he’d had with that insane man. That apparently if he fucked Adam then a spell would activate. He still wasn’t sure if he believed it but Wavell was right about everything else so far. Adam was clearly into him and on one of their dates even admitted that he wished he could’ve had a body like Takashi’s when he was younger. He glanced at the man beside him. If there was even the slightest chance he could become that man then… he wanted it now!

It started with gentle rubbing of the thighs and kissing on the neck to which Adam responded with satisfied murmurs as his hands then began to wander. Soon enough Takashi hoisted himself over Adam lap, sitting on his thighs while staring down at that handsome face. Leaning down he whispered “I want your cock” while grasping at the thick outline in Adam’s pants.

They continued to kiss and grope at each overs bodies after shutting off the TV. Takashi was the first to reveal himself, standing up before ripping off his clothes in quick succession. Adam enjoyed the sight, taking off his glasses and rubbing his bulge before beckoning Takashi forwards. He told the buff younger man to kneel between his legs before grabbing the back of Takashi’s head and pressing it down into his crotch. Takashi swiftly found himself kissing and licking the outline of Adam’s dick through his suit pants before he at last undid the zipper. What emerged made Takashi drool with pure lustful hunger. A cock that was longer and fatter than any other dick he’d seen. Sure he’d fucked a few other dudes in the past but none of them had dicks like this. No wonder Mr Croft always carried himself with such confidence and machismo when he had this monster swinging between his legs.

Takashi didn’t waste much time. He gripped the base of Adam’s engorged member before wrapping his his lips around the fat tip. Adam huffed with a large grin as Takashi slowly worked his mouth down the shaft, taking as much as possible. No matter how hard he tried though, he just couldn’t fit the whole thing in. It was just too big. So instead he sucked on as much as he could while working the rest with his hand. “Yeeaaah that’s it. Worship my cock.” Adam grunted out. Takashi’s own hard dick bucked with excitement at those words. He was enjoying worshiping this man more than one could comprehend but he just couldn’t help but imagine how hot it’d be if he were the one sat there with the monster cock and being worshipped.

After a good while of sucking, licking and kissing the huge member before him, Takashi pulls himself up while Adam turns and lies down on the sofa, still fully dressed in that beautiful suit and ready to fuck in it. He tells Takashi to hop on top of his dick and Takashi does exactly that. Manoeuvring himself onto the sofa and positioning his hole above Adam’s throbbing cock. He was a tad nervous for a moment. None of the toys he’d played with at home were quite this big. But as he looked down at the smug face beneath him, Takashi was filled with lust once more and knew exactly what he had to do before lowering himself onto the massive fuckstick.

They had to take it very slow at first. Takashi allowed his ass to move up and down on the cock, taking only about a third of it at first. Bit by bit he tried to take more, wincing in both pain and pleasure as his hole was stretched further than it’d ever been before while his prostate was gently tapped. However it was when he got to just over half way that he decided to just go all in. He took a deep breath and pressed his ass down as far as it could go. The room filled with load groans from the both of them until at last Takashi could feel Adam’s balls on his ass. He certainly surprised himself with that one. It hurt a bit for sure but as he started to grind himself around Adam’s crotch to massage the cock inside him, that pain soon withered.

From that point onwards, the only things Takashi could think about were getting filled like a cream donut and hoping that spell was real. He bounced on Adam’s giant dick as best he could, gradually picking up the pace as his hole made its best attempt to grow accustomed to the sheer amount of girth. During all this Adam had been slowly pumping away at Takashi’s own uncut cock. It might not have been quite as monstrous but it was still slightly above average and not a bad sight to behold indeed. Though because of this and the added pressure on his prostate, Takashi was swiftly approaching his climax and soon the older man could see this. Just then Adam started to takeover the hard work, beginning to thrust his hips upwards. Takashi began to shout obscenities as Adam didn’t hold anything back, grabbing onto the other man’s hips while pumping himself up inside that stretched hole at great speed. Both men were quickly consumed by desire, their orgasms growing closer by the second.

Little did they know that the Mysterious Mr Wavell had been watching them the entire time, clocked in an invisibility spell while jerking his own dick in anticipation. “And now… here comes the real show.” He watched as Adam continued his assault on that ass while Takashi was now jerking his own cock, both in a dazed state of euphoria. At last their balls began to churn, their loads welling up as the sensitivity increased. They both yelled out how they were about to cum. That’s when it happened.

There was a bright light as both of their bodies began to emit an intense glow. Their eyes rolled back as the world around them started to spin and blur. They felt nothing but euphoric bliss while their souls detached from their respective bodies. It felt as though they were a liquid being poured from glass and into another as their souls reattached to themselves to the opposite body, swiftly filling it out.

The next thing Takashi knew he was laid on his back and wearing a suit, looking up at none other than his own face. He barely had any time to comprehend it before moaning out at the intensity of his sudden orgasm. His cock started to spasm inside the hole it was plunged into before exploding with load after load of thick cum to fill it completely. He couldn’t help but grin at the sensation when suddenly his former cock shot ropes of cum onto his face.

“What the?.. what the FUCK HAPPENED?!” Adam shouted from within Takashi’s body. In panic he jumped up off what was now Takashi’s monster cock, wincing in pain a little.

Takashi only chuckled as his giant dick, slick with its own seed, was released and smacked against his abdomen, rubbing cum all over the crisp dress shirt. “It… actually… worked…” he muttered with the biggest grin while moving his hands up to his face, feeling the soft short beard he now adorned.

At this point Adam had no idea how to react or even what to think. His own body was now laid on the sofa in front of him, touching and feeling itself, while he was now stood in an unfamiliar body with cum dripping from his sore asshole. Had he and Takashi somehow… no, that’s ridiculous! There’s no way it could be possible! Takashi watched as Adam rushed out of the living room, down the hallway and into the bedroom.

“No way… this is… it can’t be…” Adam stared into the large wall mirror, seeing the face and body of none other than Takashi staring back at him. Taking a step closer he began to inspect his young features and darker hair, still in complete and utter disbelief. His hands wandered down to his chest, feeling strong new chest and pinching his new nipples slightly before flexing an arm and squeezing the bicep. He’d never been this in shape before. Such strong, toned muscle. And despite the lingering shock of it all, Adam couldn’t help but enjoy it.

Moments later Takashi himself walked in with his balls and half hard member still hanging through his pants zipper. “Glad to see you’re enjoying this as much as I am.” He said while strutting in front of the mirror himself. “Fuck! I look so goddamn hot!” Takashi stated, seeing the devilishly handsome reflection of a mature businessman looking back.

He readjusted his shirt and tie a little, tidying himself up as his giant member couldn’t help but start to throb again. Looking down he wiggled his toes inside the large dress socks and loafers with a grin. “Perfect fit.” He muttered. He also got off immensely on the height difference between them. Before he’d always been looking up at Adam but now he was the one looking down. It was beyond hot!

“I-I look hot as well…” Adam mumbled, still mesmerised by his new younger body as he gradually became more and more enthralled by this new reality. “And I’m… Asian now… woah” He stated, continuing to examine his features.

“Yup! And I’m a white dude now.” Takashi laughed as he bent down and pressed his new face against Adam’s. “Dream come true right?”

“Uh huh… definitely” Adam was still processing it all as he grabbed his new, more modesty sized dick and gave it a couple tugs. He’d been day dreaming for month now what it’d be like to have a body like Takashi’s and now… he did.

“Oh and enjoy having an uncut dick by the way. I know I’m definitely gonna enjoy this beauty.” Takashi grabbed hold of his now fully erect cock as it leaked more pre-cum. “Damn this thing is heavy!”

The two continued to stand in front of that mirror for a hot couple of minutes. Rubbing, grabbing, pinching and prodding at every part of their new bodies. Getting more and more turned on in the process. They even found themselves glancing at their former bodies with lust throughout until it was just too much for the both of them. They practically smashed their lips together, making out with such raw intensity, but this time Takashi was the one to take control. Being in this body simply made him yearn to be dominant, once they concluded their make out, he ordered Adam to get on his knees.

It seems Adam was experiencing a similar effect. Being inside this new body has him wanting nothing more than to serve his former dick. And so he did exactly as he was told, dropping to his knees and taking that behemoth of a cock inside his mouth.

Takashi couldn’t help but grin. Only half an hour prior he’d been worshiping this body. Now he was one inside of it and being worshipped! His biggest wet dream had come true. Sure he might’ve been a little bit older now but he was more than content with that and it seemed Adam was as well. Now all that was left was break it in…

Adam did his best sucking Takashi’s cock, loving every second of having it in his mouth and tasting its salty cum, but eventually Takashi pulled back. “Get on the bed and prepare yourself. I wanna take this body for a real test drive!” He chucked while griping his wet throbbing member.

To be continued…
