#emma perkins




Hi, I’m here to audition for the role of Victor Frankenstein. I will be singing “If I believed” from the musical Twisted

Hi, i’m auditioning for Tim Houston, and I’ll be singing “Dead Mom” from Beetlejuice

Hi, I’ll be auditioning for the part of Emma Perkins and I’ll be singing “Somewhere That’s Green” from Little Shop of Horrors 

That awko taco moment when ur listening to inevitable in ur head and u scream “let me pUKE IN YOUR MOUTH” to ur sixty year old German chem teacher


with greg… and steve… and stu…. and mark and leighton and- bernie…..

i still havent decided whether i should buy the live stream or digital ticket but i wanted to draw a little something for tomorrows episode!

forever and always

[BLOOD WARNING] spoiler version:

“oh my god, emma. the magic weed made the birds psychic.”
