#fairy wicca



You are the kindest thing
that ever happened to me,
even if that is not how our tale is told.
When everyone else told me I was
destined to be a forgotten nymph
that nurtured flowers and turned meadows gold,
You saw that the ichor that resides in me
demanded it’s own thrown.
You showed me
how a love like ours can turn
even the darkest, coldest realm
into the happiest of homes. 

~ Nikita Gill (Link)

⭐What Makes You the Happiest, Based on Your Sign ⭐

  1. ★Aries - Weekends+friends+alcohol
  2. ★Taurus- Money+food+cash found in their old jeans pockets
  3. ★Gemini- Compliments+travel+social connection
  4. ★Cancer- Discount+a comfortable home+food
  5. ★Leo- Money+compliments+brunch
  6. ★Virgo- Books+everything goes as planned+fresh coffee
  7. ★Libra- Stay in shape+skin care+balance
  8. ★Scorpio-Music+their crush likes them back+food
  9. ★Sagittarius- Snacks+busy fun schedules+and exotic trips
  10. ★Capricorn- A good career+a good night’s sleep+away from the crowd
  11. ★Aquarius- No presure+stay up late+freedom
  12. ★Pisces- Binge-watching+love+music

cordeliacvrstairs: the land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets ocordeliacvrstairs: the land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets ocordeliacvrstairs: the land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets ocordeliacvrstairs: the land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets ocordeliacvrstairs: the land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets ocordeliacvrstairs: the land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets o


the land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets old and crafty and wise, where nobody gets old and bitter of tongue.

Post link

To see a fairy in your dream indicates that you are in search of some help or advice for a problem or decision, but may not want to directly admit you need help. In particular, if the fairy is evil, then it suggests that an aspect of yourself needs to be set free. The fairy is also symbolic of your soul and the feminine aspects of yourself.

You Will Need: 

  1. A printout of an unwritten congratulatory e-card, sent to yourself
  2. A black pen
  3. A yellow candle
  4. A lavender, lilac, or lemongrass incense stick (all Mercury fragrances).


☿️ Timing: Wednesday, Mercury’s special time, the week before your driving test.

☿️ The Spell-

  1. Write in the card, CONGRATULATIONS ON PASSING MY DRIVING TEST ON (Date). Put the card in an envelope, addressing the card to yourself.
  2. Light the candle,saying five times. “Mercury, whizzing without rest, bring success to my driving test”.
  3. Light the incense stick and write the card words in incense smoke in the air around the edges of the card.
  4. Blow out the candle, letting the incense burn.
  5. Each day before the test, hold the envelope, light the candle, and repeat the spell words
  6. Blow out the candle.
  7. On the day before the test, do the same but let the candle burn.
  8. On the morning of the test, open the card and read the message out loud.
  9. Take the card to the test. If you’re using your own car, hide the card in the glove compartment.


The first advice of absolute importance is to avoid starting anything during the Moon’s Void of Course. Things like interviews, important business meetings, initiating projects, and especially Spells likely won’t turn out well or will remain unfinished.

When planning a date for your Spell, it’s important to take into consideration the following things:

  • Moon Phase
  • Moon Sign
  • Day of the Week
  • Retrograde Planets

Make sure the above bullets points align with the goals of your Spell.  We have a Moon Phase Planner for 2020 that has all the above information to help pick a date for your Spells!

For example, if we wanted to do a spell for Material Wealth

December 24, 2020 is an excellent day because:

  • the Moon is Waxing and is close to a Full Moon
  • the Moon is in Taurus, the sign of luxury and material possessions
  • it’s a Thursday which is ruled by Jupiter - the planet of wealth and expansion
  • Venus is NOT Retrograde

Now keep in mind that these are guidelines for timing your spells with the best natural energy available. You can do a money spell any time you like (avoid the Void of Course Moon) but it may not have as much supportive energy compared to the above example. This is because of the reasons given in the example. Taurus, the ruler of wealth, is a much better sign for getting money compared to Cancer for example.

The following information will help guide you in planning a date for your Spells.

Moon in the Signs

Aries: —————

-Aries deals with energy, independence, competition, taking risks, the Self, and leadership.

-Do Spells that help with healing the physical body, advancing by overcoming competition, increasing vitality, first impressions, and with how you view yourself.

-Aries is a quick starter sign so it is a good to start things where much energy is needed; however it is also an impulsive sign so be sure to follow through with anything initiated during this time.

Taurus: —————

-Taurus deals with sensuality, material wealth, self-worth, and permanence. 

-Do Spells for money, wealth, acquiring material things, improving your self-worth or self-esteem, and sensual love. 

-Taurus is a steadfast and sometimes stubborn sign so it is good for initiating anything that you want to last.

Gemini: —————

-Gemini deals with communication (all forms), details, correspondence, short distance travel, people close to you such as siblings relatives and neighbors.

-Do Spells for helping communication go smoothly in case of a difficult conversation, improved relations with those close to you, help in all forms of writing activities such as emails, letters, calls, or professional writing.

- Gemini is a communicative sign so it is a good sign to support any form of communication.

Cancer: —————
-Cancer deals with the family, home, nurturing, personal roots, emotional foundations, land, and property.

-Do Spells to help with improving family life, finding a good home to buy, cleansing/banishing/protecting the home, real estate transactions, and healing from childhood trauma.

-Cancer is a nurturing sign with motherly energy so it is a good sign for Self-love activities.

Leo: —————
-Leo deals with romance, creativity, leadership, confidence, and children. 

-Do Spells to help with romance, love affairs, improving creativity, leadership ability, confidence, success in the limelight, and career advancement in creative fields such as art, music, or acting.

-Leo is a proud sign that enjoys attention so it is a good sign for being “center-stage”.

Virgo: —————
-Virgo deals with health, service, routines, details, and diet.

-Do Spells to help with improving health, starting daily routines, or in performing your work duties.

-Virgo is a meticulous sign so it is a good sign for tasks requiring attention to detail.

Libra: —————
-Libra deals with relationships, partnerships, balance, legally binding contracts, and the law.

-Do Spells to help with improving interpersonal interactions, attracting a marriage partner or business partner, making cooperative relationships go smoothly, or getting a divorce.

-Libra is a diplomatic sign so it is a good sign for making or breaking contracts.

Scorpio: —————
-Scorpio deals with the occult, secrets, the subconscious, research, sex, power, and transformations.

-Do Spells to help with concealing or revealing secrets, increasing psychic powers, any form of divination, personal transformations, attaining power, starting research projects, and attracting sexual partners.

-Scorpio is a transformative sign so it is a good sign for doing shadow work.

Sagittarius: —————
-Sagittarius deals with the law, religion, philosophy, higher education, learning, foreign places, and long distance travel.

-Do Spells to help with getting into college, studies, acquiring books and educational material, and traveling long distance safely.

-Sagittarius is a scholarly sign so it is a good sign to aid any kind of learning.

Capricorn: —————
-Capricorn deals with the career, profession, honor, authority, business, the public image, and structure.

-Do Spells for success in career, professional advancement, gaining authority, starting a business, getting organized, and building something through hard work.

-Capricorn is a results oriented sign so it is a good sign to promote perseverance and self-discipline in achieving some desired outcome.

Aquarius: —————
-Aquarius deals with friends, communities, organizations, social activities, goals, group goals, freedom, and technology.

-Do Spells for help with attracting friendships, success in group activities and community events, creating and achieving goals, and attaining freedom.

-Aquarius is a unique sign so it is a good sign to help in becoming more creative and unique.

Pisces: —————
-Pisces deals with art, intuition, the spiritual, psychic ability, secrets, and the unconscious.

-Do Spells for help with revealing and dealing with psychological problems, increasing psychic abilities and intuition, divination, dream work, and improving artistic talents.

-Pisces is a psychic sign so it is a good sign to help develop psychic abilities.

Moon Phases

Full Moon - the highest point in the moon’s cycle where its energies are at its peak. This is an excellent time for divination.

Note: when a Full Moon occurs twice in a month (October 31 2020) it is considered a Blue Moon. This is similar to a Full Moon but has more power

Waning Moon - the moon here is decreasing to a New Moon so its energies are that of degeneration. Use this time for banishing, cleansing, destruction or bringing anything to an end such as a relationship or bad habits.

New Moon - on the waning side of the New Moon, it has an ending type of energy as the moon is “disappearing”. On the waxing side it has the energy of potential, ready for new beginnings.

Waxing Moon - a time of growth as the light of the moon increases to its peak at the Full Moon. Use this time to do Spells for building something up in your life such as health, new friendships.

Note: it is better to do the Spell closer to the Full/New Moon depending on the goal. Unless you want to do the Spells for multiple days, such as cleansing/banishing, you can start right after the Full Moon and end on the New Moon. This supports the goal of removing bad energy.

Days of the Week

Monday: —————

Monday is the day of the Moon. The moon carries feminine psychic energy and is a great day to start developing psychic abilities, perform divination, cleanse the home, or banishing rituals.

Tuesday: —————
Tuesday is the day of Mars. Mars carries the masculine warrior energy and is a great day for doing Spells where much energy is needed. It is also a good day for black magick where the result is quick and active. Think of the moment when two swords clash.

Wednesday: —————
Wednesday is the day of Mercury. Mercury rules all forms of communication, documents, short-distance travel, and health. This is a great day for doing Spells related to health, improving communication ability, difficult conversations, and safe travels.

Thursday is the day of Jupiter. Jupiter is the greater benefic and rules luck, opportunities, expansion, higher education, philosophy, foreign places, religion, and the law. Use this day for Spells that deal with expansion and opportunities, safe long-distance travels, and educational study.

Friday is the day of Venus. Venus rules love, beauty, cosmetics, money, luxury, jewelry, and material possessions. Use this day for Spells to bring you money, acquire material possessions, and for successful cosmetic procedures.

Saturday is the day of Saturn. Saturn authority, structure, work ethic, endurance, delays, restrictions, boundaries, limitations, and decay. This is a great day for black magick that acts slowly or for binding or restricting another. Also great for Spells requiring discipline such as breaking habits.

Sunday is the day of the Sun. The Sun rules vitality, charisma, money, fame creativity, leadership, the identity, and the Self. This is a great day for doing Spells that deal with us personally, such as our character or personality for example.

Our Moon Phase Planner for 2020 has all of this information along with the times for the Void of Course Moon, the Lunar Ingresses, and Retrograde Planets. So get your copy to let the Moon support your Spells!

Ningyo is a Japanese water fairy who cries pearls instead of tears. Some say that Ningyo has the head of a human and the body of a fish. Others believe it is clad in sheer silk robes that move about it, like waves. Ningyos dwell in gorgeous palaces beneath the sea, and are very seductive.


 Urashima Taro was a young fisherman with a kindly nature. One day, while returning home, came upon some youths tormenting a turtle.When he could not make them stop, he offered to buy the creature from them. The youths grabbed his money and ran, so the fisherman place the poor turtle in the shallows and watched as it recovered and swam away. Out in his boat the next day, Urashima heard someone calling his name. Looking down, he saw the turtle he had rescued, and was amazed when it invited him to visit the King’s Palace beneath the waves. Urashima climbed on its back and the turtle grew much larger, taking him down to a magnificent palace. Brilliant fish ushered him into the presence of a lovely Sea Princess, who told Urashima that she was, in fact, the turtle he had rescued. The fisherman was utterly smitten, and he and the maiden lived in bliss for three days. Urashima then became worried about his parents and insisted on visiting them. His lady gave him a small box as a talisman, with instructions NOT to open it. Urashima promised to obey.

On returning to his village, he was dismayed, for everything was different, and folk told of a young fisherman who had disappeared 300 years ago.With nothing left of this home, Urashima could only return to the underwater palace, but first he rested on the shore in bewilderment. Seeking some answers, he pulled out the talisman box and opened it. A violet mist rose from it and enveloped him, whereupon he crumbled to dust.

This tale warns us- as so many do- that time passes differently in Fairyland, and that if we forget our world, we may not get back to it. It warns of too great an immersion in fairy matters, but also, in a sense, of too little. It was Urashima’s lack of faith and questing human mind that killed him. Our error is to try to have our cake and eat it,too!


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