#funny pictures


But worry not…


I’m emotionally invested too. We’ll finish the AI-generated episode for sure.

I don’t know the last time I laughed so hard writing a post as during… well, all of that.

We’ll just try to ground things a bit first, do a regular post tonight, k?

*opens episode*


…oh. Uh, you alright there, Shag? Is this a bad time–





as least in ai-generated ones shaggy can’t stare into our souls

[april fools 2022 – introductory post/pt. 1 here!]

We re-join the gang with mystery already in process, humming along to themselves…


…and thus begins the recurring theme of speaking in triplicate.

You’ve got your garden-variety mysteries, your mysteries about mysteries, and then your mysteries aboutmystery-mysteries.

Scrappy is, as some of you may be glad to hear, in some kind of peril…


…and he’s Scrappy. Scrappy is Scrappy. 

We must be certain about this fact.

Anddang, son, the sass comin’ out of Scooby at the end there.

Next, Velma uses the phrase “up-vote”… which feels weird enough already…


but the fact that someone “gaspers” just takes it up a notch.

Y’see, y'got your three basic kinds of noises. Roaring, rumbling, and gaspering.

Shortly after, Shaggy informs Scooby he must… prepare to splat?


…and now I’m starting to think there might actually be three Scrappy-Doos.

Fun fact: in the stuff left on the cutting room floor, the phrase "prepare to splat" recurs a surprising number of times. 

This next section actually comes out fairly normally, though!


…including scrappy suggesting Scooby cluck like a chicken if he’s in the mood.

But this next bit, um… where do I even begin.

It generated no names, the formatting is all wonky–… 

…y’know what, here. This is it verbatim.


Do with this information as you will.

Somehow, I doubt the AI will ever get Ghosts In The Fog And A Butt-Touching Dog adapted into a real episode.

[pt. 3 here!]

[introduction here! /pt.2 here!]

Our artificial episode starts the same as any real episode – with Daphne forcibly taking over an island.


Ah, “Acting dumb is for fools”. Words to live by.

But then the mystery begins! The gang learns of some ghost-beasts being searched for…


…which Shaggy soon solves bytaking 150 ghost-beastsand just… placing them elsewhere.

Insert gif of Patrick here. Y’know, thatone.

Next, the gang gets… gets, um… a little confused.


…ok, maybe a lotconfused.

Tune in next week to the exciting conclusion of “was a ghost a ghost.

We’re also treated the first appearance of Scrappy-Doo…


…who’s…performing some kind of ritual? Maybe? Any guesses?

Also, Daphne, technically it’s SirScoob.

Now, the apparent ghost-capital they’re exploring is, as we learn, located by a cliff cliff…


…and Fred has a line so delightful it should be in a real episode.

Ghost-beasts, man. Even geological formations are scared of ‘em.

At this point, the neural network generating this gets a little… audio-notation-happy.


…oh yeah, and “Mr. Daphne” happens too.

Even gumming and crowding can’t really compete with that.

It’s only after a discussion on supernatural employment, though, that the first audio-notation peak is hit…


…and no matter how hard I try, I can’t even imagine.

Whose giggly yelling is it? Velma’s? The ghost’s, during its ghost work? 

Scrappy then reprises his concerning messages from the demon sequence…


and is somehow more-concerning than when he was summoning a demon.

The laughing? Maybe his. The hisses? Maybe the demon’s. The gulf? …Mexico’s?

Of course, it has to cap off with the greatest stage direction of all time…


most scooby mumbles.

Which coincidentally was the name of my grunge band in college.

Hace unos dias veiamos el El efecto Werther, pues estos son los elementos que se estudiaron o detect

Hace unos dias veiamos el El efecto Werther, pues estos son los elementos que se estudiaron o detectaron durante el proceso.

1.distancia emocional de la víctima
2.cercanía y legitimidad de la autoridad
3.autoridad institucional
4.efectos liberadores de influencia grupal

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¿Qué pasaría si los papeles se invirtieran? Muchas veces los planes no nos salen como los teniamos p

¿Qué pasaría si los papeles se invirtieran?

Muchas veces los planes no nos salen como los teniamos planeados, pero hay que estar preparadas para ello y siempre tener un plan B y un C para recurrir a ellos, y no son para para evadir la situación, sino para hallarle solución…

Y pasa en todos lados he, en la escuela, en la familia, con los amigos y con uno mismo, que es de los procesos mas dificiles, a veces no conocemos al grado al que podemos llegar y hacer las cosas totalmente diferente a como las teniamos planeadas.

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 Anna Leporskaya’s painting “Three Figures” (1932-34) after it was defaced at the Boris Yeltsin Pres

Anna Leporskaya’s painting “Three Figures” (1932-34) after it was defaced at the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center in Russia !

A security guard who was apparently bored during his shift is accused of using a ballpoint pen to draw eyes on the abstract painting.

The incident occurred last December, when visitors at the Yeltsin Center discovered that two faceless figures in Anna Leporskaya’s painting “Three Figures” (1932-34) were suddenly gazing back at them with two sets of eyes they didn’t have before. 

A police investigation later found that the vandal was a private security company worker who was stationed at the center. The 60-year-old guard, whose name hasn’t been disclosed, has since been fired from his job and detained on vandalism charges.

Fortunately, the damage appears to be reversible.

Courtesy the Art Newspaper Russia

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 22-02-2022 - Twosday countdown!Today is the only time in your life when there will be so many simil

22-02-2022 - Twosday countdown!

Today is the only time in your life when there will be so many similar numbers in the date: 02 02 2022!

The 8-digit palindrome that hasn’t happened for more than 900 years.

A palindrome is any sequence, phrase or word that reads the same backward as forward. And 02/02/2020 is considered a “universal palindrome” because it reads the same whether written as “Month/Day/Year" as the United States does, or “Day/Month/Year" as many other countries do.

The last universal palindrome occurred on 11/11/1111. The next one won’t come until 12/12/2121.

Tuesday has nothing to do with 2. It originates from the oldest version of English from the middle ages, where week days were named after the gods, and the day was called Tiwesdag. 

Up to around 1500, it’s name was Tewesday - the day of Tiw. Tiw was the god for law and justice.

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“Do not iron. Do not dry clean. Do not eat.” LOAFA Sofa by Gab Bois “Do not iron. Do not dry clean. Do not eat.” LOAFA Sofa by Gab Bois

“Do not iron. Do not dry clean. Do not eat.”

LOAFA Sofa by Gab Bois

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 Robert Gober, “Short Haired Cheese,” 1992–1993,Beeswax, human hair,4 × 6¼ × 6½ inches; 10 × 16 × 17

Robert Gober, “Short Haired Cheese,” 1992–1993,

Beeswax, human hair,

4 × 6¼ × 6½ inches; 10 × 16 × 17 cm

Courtesy: Matthew Marks Gallery

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 “Zmei Gorynich,’ Kudykina Gora, Kamenka, Lipetsk and Voronezh, Russia,Sculpture by Vladimir “Zmei Gorynich,’ Kudykina Gora, Kamenka, Lipetsk and Voronezh, Russia,Sculpture by Vladimir “Zmei Gorynich,’ Kudykina Gora, Kamenka, Lipetsk and Voronezh, Russia,Sculpture by Vladimir “Zmei Gorynich,’ Kudykina Gora, Kamenka, Lipetsk and Voronezh, Russia,Sculpture by Vladimir

“Zmei Gorynich,’ Kudykina Gora, Kamenka, Lipetsk and Voronezh, Russia,

Sculpture by Vladimir

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