#funny facts

Did you know a cat was once turned into a telephone? Click to read the full fact.

Did you know a cat was once turned into a telephone? Click to read the full fact.

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A Texas man mowed a person’s lawn before he stole his lawnmower. Click to read the full fact.

A Texas man mowed a person’s lawn before he stole his lawnmower. Click to read the full fact.

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Musical birthday cards have an unexpected amount of computing power. Click to read the full fact.

Musical birthday cards have an unexpected amount of computing power. Click to read the full fact.

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Tropicana is introducing cereal designed to be eaten with orange juice instead of milk. Click to rea

Tropicana is introducing cereal designed to be eaten with orange juice instead of milk. Click to read the full fact.

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Alice Roosevelt was keen on being a celebrity first daughter and kept herself in the limelight. Clic

Alice Roosevelt was keen on being a celebrity first daughter and kept herself in the limelight. Click to read the full fact.

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Cows burp so much it can be seen from space. Click to read the full fact.

Cows burp so much it can be seen from space. Click to read the full fact.

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Leeches and maggots are still in use as medical devices to this day. Click to read the full fact.

Leeches and maggots are still in use as medical devices to this day. Click to read the full fact.

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In Australia, there’s a tiny tourist attraction inhabited by thousands of gnomes. Click to rea

In Australia, there’s a tiny tourist attraction inhabited by thousands of gnomes. Click to read the full fact.

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Humanity isn’t very impressive in the form of a meatball. Click to read the full fact.

Humanity isn’t very impressive in the form of a meatball. Click to read the full fact.

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Every year, people named Josh gather together to choose the ultimate Josh. Click to read the full fa

Every year, people named Josh gather together to choose the ultimate Josh. Click to read the full fact.

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An Indian couple is suing their child for not having children. Click to read the full fact.

An Indian couple is suing their child for not having children. Click to read the full fact.

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Your pricey argan oil may have started off in a goat’s belly. Click to read the full fact.

Your pricey argan oil may have started off in a goat’s belly. Click to read the full fact.

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Bees are now considered fish in some corners of California. Click to read the full fact.

Bees are now considered fish in some corners of California. Click to read the full fact.

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In a galaxy far, far away, we found a really big, really old mass of water vapor. Click to read the

In a galaxy far, far away, we found a really big, really old mass of water vapor. Click to read the full fact.

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Sharks have been around WAY longer than trees have populated the planet. Click to read the full fact

Sharks have been around WAY longer than trees have populated the planet. Click to read the full fact.

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Spätestens seit dem IKEA Werbespot ist »Knut« auch bei uns in Deutschland bekannt. Dem Spot nach entledigen sich die Schweden am heutigen Knut-Tag ihrer Weihnachtsbäume, um Platz für neue Möbel zu schaffen.

Stimmt das? – Teilweise.

Natürlich kaufen nicht alle Schweden am 13. Januar neue Möbel. Aber tatsächlich stimmt die Tradition, dass man sich am »Tjugondedag jul« von der Weihnachtsdeko verabschiedet. »Tjugondedag jul« heißt der »zwanzigste Weihnachtstag« und synonym wird er in Schweden auch als »Knutsdagen« also Knut-Tag bezeichnet.

Traditionell findet am Knutsdagen das »Julgransplundring«, also das Plündern des Weihnachtsbaumes statt. Kerzen, Ständer und Schmuck werden entfernt und die übrig gebliebenen Süßigkeiten gegessen. 

Knut bezieht sich auf den dänischen König Knut IV, der entweder zu Lebzeiten die Weihnachtszeit auf 20 Tage festgeschrieben hat oder am 13. Januar 1086 gestorben ist.

In skandinavischen Ländern feiert man als Knut am gleichen Tag auch seinen Namenstag.

Knut,Julgran (Weihnachtsbaum)


d. i. o. d. e. http://flic.kr/p/zDSV9


Cute toucan facts:

  • All toucans have bright colorful bills, regardless of gender
  • Toucans have tiny wings, but that’s okay because they like to hop
  • Their large bill helps regulate their body temperature
  • Their bills can be up to 8 inches long
  • A toucan’s tongue is as long as its bill and it helps them catch insects
  • Toucans can survive for up to 20 years in the wild
  • When they sleep, they curl up into a little ball
  • A full grown toucan is a little less than 2 feet tall and weighs less than a pound
  • Some native populations in South America believe they are a spiritual connection to the dead
  • Toucans have serrated bills, similar to a large knife
  • A toucan’s diet consists of berries, fruits, insects, small lizards, snakes, bird eggs, and other birds
  • A flock of toucans can also be called a durante
  • Toucans eat around every 15 minutes
  • They projectile poop around that interval too
  • Toucans are popular household pets
  • Most toucans have soulless eyes, but occasionally you’ll find one that’s downright murderous
  • Toucans are fucking scary


Cute toucan facts:

  • All toucans have bright colorful bills, regardless of gender
  • Toucans have tiny wings, but that’s okay because they like to hop
  • Their large bill helps regulate their body temperature
  • Their bills can be up to 8 inches long
  • A toucan’s tongue is as long as its bill and it helps them catch insects
  • Toucans can survive for up to 20 years in the wild
  • When they sleep, they curl up into a little ball
  • A full grown toucan is a little less than 2 feet tall and weighs less than a pound
  • Some native populations in South America believe they are a spiritual connection to the dead
  • Toucans have serrated bills, similar to a large knife
  • A toucan’s diet consists of berries, fruits, insects, small lizards, snakes, bird eggs, and other birds
  • A flock of toucans can also be called a durante
  • Toucans eat around every 15 minutes
  • They projectile poop around that interval too
  • Toucans are popular household pets
  • Most toucans have soulless eyes, but occasionally you’ll find one that’s downright murderous
  • Toucans are fucking scary
 22-02-2022 - Twosday countdown!Today is the only time in your life when there will be so many simil

22-02-2022 - Twosday countdown!

Today is the only time in your life when there will be so many similar numbers in the date: 02 02 2022!

The 8-digit palindrome that hasn’t happened for more than 900 years.

A palindrome is any sequence, phrase or word that reads the same backward as forward. And 02/02/2020 is considered a “universal palindrome” because it reads the same whether written as “Month/Day/Year" as the United States does, or “Day/Month/Year" as many other countries do.

The last universal palindrome occurred on 11/11/1111. The next one won’t come until 12/12/2121.

Tuesday has nothing to do with 2. It originates from the oldest version of English from the middle ages, where week days were named after the gods, and the day was called Tiwesdag. 

Up to around 1500, it’s name was Tewesday - the day of Tiw. Tiw was the god for law and justice.

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