#grace hargreeves


diego: god, i hate everyone in this fucking house

luther: you’re in the house you know

diego: bitch i said everyONE not everyTEN

diego: klaus, why is there a horse in the living room

klaus: he wouldn’t fit in the kitchen

diego: that’s not what i- whY the FUCK is there a goat in the bathroom?!?

klaus: he was bullying the horse! what else was i supposed to do??

police officer: license and registration, please.

klaus: okay, here

police officer:


police officer: this is a monopoly ‘get out of jail free’ card


Grace named all the kids and apparently Five was just like nah dawg lol I wonder what name she had for him tho

There’s a great theory that I like about this! Vanya is actually a boy’s name in Russian. So the theory is that Vanya (little number seven) wasn’t going to get a name - likely due to Reginald’s insistence on her not being included in anything - and so Five (who was going to be Vanya), gave his name to her.
