#ben hargreeves x reader


allison: i know we don’t get along, but i got you this bath bomb as a peace offering. whenever you feel stressed, just run yourself a bath and throw this in. i promise, all your worries will be gone in seconds

leonard, opening the package: this is a toaster


Thorns and Roses // The Umbrella Academy Reaction.

Reaction: How would Sparrow! Ben react to meeting the window and baby of Umbrella! Ben? She’s one of the 43 with earth powers, controlling plants and the earth itself.

A/N: I’m so excited for the Sparrows. I wanted to write for the Sparrows (and especially for Ben) but I’m not sure who he really is yet…so this ends on a cliffhanger, to be continued once I know more of him.

Pairing: Ban Hargreeves x Reader (female reader).

Flower Meanings: red rose for passion; white and red roses together for undying love.

Your life had always been a difficult one.

From your very birth (in the middle of the Appalachian Trail while your mother was on a camping trip), you had been faced with danger.

Your mother had often regaled you with the dramatic tale of giving birth alone in the middle of the wild, forced to hike with her screaming newborn until help could be found. A bear, she would often claim, had followed you for miles and as she rested in the hospital, some old bastard had offered to buy you.

“I knew right then that you’re life would be unlike any other.”

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A/N: My first writing for The Umbrella Academy! I wanted to do something cute and sweet…so here are the little ways they would express their love for you…I want to write one for the Sparrows but I should probably wait until the new season begins.

Pairing: Luther Hargreeves x Reader; Klaus Hargreeves x Reader; Viktor Hargreeves x Reader; Allison Hargreeves x Reader; Diego Hargreeves x Reader; Number Five x Reader/ Ben Hargreeves x Reader (gender neutral reader/no pronouns used).

Luther knows how you take your tea. He noticed it the first time you stayed the night, arising in the early hours and sneaking into the kitchen together.

The others are (thankfully) still asleep, allowing the morning to unfold without the typical drama and danger. It’s just you and him. Leaning against the counter, Luther watches as you fill the light blue mugs (one with a little chip) mugs, steam dancing in the sunlight. You’re laughing softly at something Luther had said (he doesn’t even remember anymore, too lost in the beauty of your smile and the sound of your laughter) and he’s watching your hands.

Playing with the string of the teabag, picking up the spoon, stirring in sugar or honey or whatever you might like. He studies the gentle movement, just loving every second. And from then on, he never forgets how you take your tea.

Luther buys the types of tea that you like, keeping it in the back of a cabinet.

Beside it are two light blue mugs, one chipped and both waiting to be used. They are your mugs and no one else is allowed to touch them, lest they be tossed into the stratosphere. He knows the way you take your tea, he loves your little hands (they are his favorite part of you), and mornings like this are his favorite thing in the world. Quiet. Calm. He’s happy, he’s in love, and he wants for nothing except for you.

Luther expresses love by caring for you…even if it’s something as small as making you a cup of tea.

Klaus has a box of keepsakes. To anyone else, it’s just a shoebox full of random junk but to Klaus it is a love story. Every so often, he’ll pick something up to remember some special moment the two of you had shared.

A wrinkled napkin (taken from the diner where you’d met, your number still staining the off-white paper), a pressed rose (you gave it to him one night just because he loved roses), notebook paper covered in scribbled song titles (songs you liked or ones that reminded him of you), a shimmery black rock (from a midnight walk in the park).

They are reminders.

When he ishurting,when his heart is breaking and he’s lonely, Klaus opens the box and reminds himself that he is loved.

It’s there, that love, in all of the little thing’s he has collected over time. The rubber bracelet from a concert (it was your favorite band and, admittedly, he stole those tickets), the little love notes scribbled on scraps of paper (just because you wanted to remind him how much you adore him), a Skittles wrapper (you leave him candy on his pillow after you’ve spent the night), a torn butterfly wing (found in the garden and pressed in a glass locket you gave him), a broken ring (a cheap little thing that got tangled in his hair one night as you were making out).

Whenever Klaus is at his darkest, you bring him back into the light.

And these pieces of you are just that, little stars reminding him of the beauty and the wonder that exists within his heart.

You are his light, his love.

Viktor has a playlist simply titled “Y/N”. It’s a mess of music from different genres, nothing seemingly fitting together.

Some are songs you like.

Of course you bonded over music, an entire shelf of CDs lining his walls and boxes of vinyl records (he has a record player and everything, dancing with you to the oldies and the classics) in his apartment. Viktor wanted to know the music you liked and the music you hated, the song you were listening to over and over right now, all of it.

Some are songs that remind him of you.

The song that played in the coffee shop where you’d met or on the radio as you drove far, far away and left it all behind. Your first date (that same coffee shop, spending all night in a corner table talking), your first kiss (lingering in the doorway and wanting to make a move but being too scared…so you did it for him), the first time you saw him play (in the park at night, playing music beneath the moon and stars) and though he was beautiful.

He’s mesmerized every verse, finding little bits of you hidden within. And your favorite songs, he can play them all and will do so happily.

Music is a language to him.

It is art, it’s beauty, it’s hoping and hurting…and it’s love. The playlist, the lyrics, the songs he plays for you, it’s all ways of Viktor confessing his love for you over and over again. You are the music in his mind, playing ever on and one.

Allison buys you a bracelet. Actually, she buys two, one for you and a matching one for her. It’s a set from a high-end shop, handmade and beautiful. She bought them once for your one year anniversary, wanting so much to give you something special.

A silver band, the outside in smooth and plain.

But within the bracelet it a message engraved into metal. Allison wrote it on a piece of paper and the jeweler recreated it, her perfect handwriting engraved into silver.

A. H. + Y. N. Forever.

It’s the promise you’ve always made to one another, ever since the first night you kissed and confessed your love. All of her life had seemed so unstable, never knowing what was going to happen or what she was going to lose. And Allison had lost so, so much. But you aren’t going anywhere, not now and not ever.

“Do you love me?”

“Will you come?”

“Will you stay?”

And you answer it every time in the same way.


You love Allison, you’ll find her no matter where she goes, and you’ll be by her side forever and over. And that one word brings her so, so much comfort.

Diego texts you first thing in the morning and last thing at night. He’s not always the most romantic guys but he does love you. Oh, he loves you so fucking much!

You are his first thought in the morning and the last before he falls asleep.

In the early morning, sunlight spills over the bedsheets. Diego is alone, the bed seeming so empty without you there…it’s a crappy apartment that he calls home, too small and too lonely, but he likes it better with you there. But you’re not here and he just misses you so much. Finding his phone tangled in the blankets, Diego smiles at his lockscreen (you smiling and him with his arms wrapped around you)

Thinking of you, baby. Take care of yourself today.”

Most nights you spend with him, but it can’t always happen…at least not right now. So when you have to sleep in separate beds, Diego wants you to fall asleep knowing that he is thinking of you and loving you.

Missing you so much. I love you, baby.”

Closing his eyes, Diego is exhausted and sleep comes quickly. He’ll be dreaming of you, at least until he can hold you in his arms once again.

Five keeps a note in his pocket. It’s a scrap of notebook paper, soft and yellowed with age. If you were to unfold it, you would see a single line of neat handwriting.

Y/N Hargreeves.

It could be your name, one day, and he could be yours. Maybe he’d have a name too. Maybe the tow of you could run away and be happy somewhere. He’d written in years ago, before he had vanished. In a silly moment of first love, he’d written it down in a notebook and imagined the what ifs…then he heard Luther and Diego clambering up the sitars and panicked, ripping it out of the notebook and hiding it away. Five never threw it away, folding it neatly and keeping it for himself.

It was still in his pocket when you vanished together, both disappearing into different timelines.

Every so often, Five would take out the note and let the dreams come back to him, silly fantasies pulling him through the nightmares.

He would find you again.

Whenever or whenever you were out there, Five was going to find you again. He would bring you home. And he was going to make all of those silly, sweet dreams come true. There was no power in the universe that could stop him.

Ben leaves you little things. Just random things that he hides around the place so you can find them from time to time.

Much like Luthor, caring for you is Ben’s way of expressing his love.

He’ll leave your favorite candy in your coat pocket or a little note to cheer you up. Sometimes you’ll find a wrapped present hidden somewhere in the house. He’ll ask you to grab a towel from the linen closet or hint that you should look in the cupboard…and you’ll find something there, a book you’ve been wanting or a teddy bear, anything really.

“Do you like it?”

Ben loves to spoil you, gift giving being a love language of his.

And when you gush over it, kissing his face sweetly, he cannot help but feel so, so happy…all Ben wants you is for you to be happy and to be his. And he’s always thinking of a way to make you smile, basking in the happiness of loving you.

The last gift he ever left for you was a love letter.

You found it a month after his death, hidden in a coat pocket. The familiar spiderweb handwriting is scrawled on light gray paper, a few scribbles between the his message. He loves you so much. You’re beautiful, perfect, his dream come true…and he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. And as you clutch the letter to your heart and sob, there’s nothing Ben can do to take care of you.

Not anymore.

Then I Won’t Have To Say You Were The One That Got Away


pt. 2 to that one ben fic i wrote a few days ago

Dear Ol’ Reggie (dammit, why couldn’t he have kicked the bucket in this timeline too?) had booted you, along with the Umbrella-Academy-Minus-Ben out of the house. Luckily, Allison heard this fantastic rumor about a nice motel having a few open rooms for free, as well as free room service thrown into the mix.

You got stuck with Klaus. Which, you weren’t complaining thatmuch, you were used to his bullshit, but he was a constant reminder of what you had lost, which consequently was residing, alive, a few blocks away.

The living boy who didn’t remember you at all.

“Okay, Mopey McMoperson, what’s the deal.” Klaus glanced over at you.

“ ’s nothing.”

“It’s Ben, isn’t it?” you looked away. “Oh, my god, I’m right! It is!”

“Shutup, Klaus!”

“Sorry, sorry…” he trailed off, taking a breath. “You know, he, um, talked about you a lot. When he was dead. It was always ‘Can we go see Y/N?’ and 'How’s Y/N?’ and 'Hey look it’s Y/N, can we go say hi?’…It got kind of annoying, actually. For 17 years, you were the only thing he ever talked about.” You smiled softly at Klaus’ attempt to make you feel better.

“He…he doesn’t remember me.”

“That’s not our Ben, silly girl. Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out.” He smiled gently at you, and you couldn’t help but think that you liked him more when he was sober. “Now, let’s go to sleep. I call the bed next to the window!”

You laughed, the mood lightened by Klaus’ exclamation.


Click. Click click.

The door creaked open and you shot up, peering through the darkness. The intruder sat itself on the edge of your bed. “Hey,” it whispered.

Diego?” You glared at him, and he giggled softly. “Don’t do that, asshole. You scared me.”

“Well, what else was I supposed to do? The door was locked.”

“I dunno, Di, there’s this cool thing called knocking. You should try it sometime.” You could hear him roll his eyes, even in the dark.

“Shut up.”

You sighed softly. Before Ben had died, you started to befriend Diego. After Ben died, your bond with the knife thrower grew. “What’s wrong, Diego?”

“I just…this whole Ben thing, and…I was thinking…” he trailed off.


“What if Mom’s not there either? What if Dad didn’t see a need for some robot nanny?”

“Well, it’s not like we got a good look around the place. Reggie boy kicked us out.” Klaus piped in.

Diego sighed. “Klaus, go back to sleep.”

“All I’m saying is, you got nothing to worry about, big bro. Everything will work out in the end.”

“Yeah. Yeah you’re right…” he sighed. “I’m gonna go to bed now.”

“Night, Diego.” You and Klaus called.

**1 week later**

You had rented out a small apartment, finding a more permanent place to stay…for the time being.

You had turned to go to sleep in your (unfamiliar) bed, when there was a quiet knock on the window.

You walked closer cautiously, pulling the curtains aside.

You peered out into the darkness, to find…


He smiled awkwardly at you, waving. You blinked in shock, trying not to cry as you tugged the window open.

He clambered in, closing the window behind him. “H-hey, Y/N.”

“Ben? How did you- I thought-”

Ben grimaced, wincing. “Yeah, I’m…I’m sorry.”

“You said you didn’t know me.”

“You don’t look the same! Y/N, you died when we were 16!”

You blinked, and he slapped a hand over his mouth. “Y/N, I…”

“Ben Hargreeves, don’t even speak to me of 'looking the same’. You just…you left! When we were kids! And I had to hear from your druggie brother that you had died!” Ben’s eyes widened.

“I- I’m sorry, I-” you stuttered.

“No, I’m sorry.” Ben cupped your cheek. “I am sosorry.”

You furrowed your brows. “Ben, I-” you were cut off when he captured your lips in a kiss. You kissed him back softly, and he grinned before pulling away, setting his forehead against yours.

“Ben, you gotta get rid of the rat-stache.”

“W-what?!” he cried indignantly. “It makes me look cool!”

“It makes you look like you’re going through a depressed emo phase.”

He scoffed, glaring playfully at you, before bursting into giggles.


thanks for reading ily

Thanks for 50 followers???

In honor of this, I’ll do a sleepover thing?

Send in asks about anything TUA, 9-1-1, or Daredevil/Punisher related.

I’ll write little blurbs, short headcanons, or even swoon and stuff with you!!


word count: 2291

request?: yes!

“i would like a imagine ( can be smut or fluff whatever ) with Ben Hargreaves from The Umbrella academy please <3 love your writing”

“Hi! I looove your writing and wanted to know if you could write a Ben Hargreeves x reader. TW: talk of suicide

You weren’t adopted bc your parents wanted you, but they moved close by and let you be trained. Ben was your one true love, and when he dies you just become numb, barely interacting with the academy and when they all split, you leave with your best friend Klaus. Despite your suspicions Klaus keeps saying he can’t see Ben. One night on the anniversary of his death, you don’t know what overcame you, you just felt like you couldn’t do it anymore, you just sat there and we’re wondering how bad it would be if you died. Ben of course is watching over you and sees the shift in you, he warns Klaus before you can do it, and Klaus comes and sits with you and lets you talk to Ben. You can literally take complete reign, I know I said too much but something along those lines!! Thank you!!!”

description: in which klaus uses his power to help the two of them have a second chance

pairing: ben hargreeves x female!reader

warnings: swearing, mentions of death, mentions of suicide, mentions of alcoholism

masterlist (one,two)


I sat on my bed, staring at the calendar on the wall. I didn’t need a marker to remember this date. I’d never forget it as long as I lived, despite how hard I tried.

It was the day I lost the love of my life.

I could still remember it like it happened yesterday. We were still kids, barley even 18. We were fighting dangerous criminals nearly every day. I had no idea how my parents ever let me join the Umbrella Academy, or how they let me stay a part of it once Hargreeves started forcing us to fight crime. One of us was bound to get seriously injured or worse.

And unfortunately, that one was Ben.

I never saw what happened to him, but I remembered seeing the looks of horror on his siblings faces. And I certainly remembered cradle his dead body as I sobbed over it for what felt like hours.

That was five years ago. I thought the pain would get easier. You know, time heals all wounds and whatnot. But I couldn’t be more wrong. In the years following Ben’s passing I never forgot him, I just grew to miss him more. Whenever I thought things were getting okay, I’d remember him again and I’d be set back to square one.

Like many who deal with trauma, I fell into unhealth coping mechanisms. Namely alcohol. It didn’t help that Klaus fell into the same unhealth patterns after we ran away from the Academy together and we ended up just being enablers for one another.

At least he went to rehab. Repeatedly. Numerous times a month.

Now it was yet another anniversary. Another year, another 365 days around the sun, without Ben.

Things weren’t getting any better, so I decided maybe it was time to bring things to an end.

I had a bottle of wine on my bedside table and a bottle of pills I had taken from Klaus next to it. He wouldn’t even notice they were gone until it was too late. I didn’t even think he was home to stop me.

I looked over at the calendar again, taking everything in one last time.

“I’ll see you soon, my love.”


Ben’s POV

I watched as (Y/N) paced her bedroom. I couldn’t stop looking at the bottle on her nightstand. I knew (Y/N) had been struggling since my death. I had been watching over her all this time, wishing I could reach out and hold her every time she cried or to tell her she’d be okay soon.

I knew she was struggling, but I didn’t know it was this bad.

I was reluctant to leave her, but I knew there was no way I could stop her on my own. I had to hope my brother wasn’t too high to help.

Klaus was passed out on his bed, and I had no remorse in leaning down into his ear and yelling, “Klaus!”

He jumped awake, nearly falling out of his bed. “What? What?!” He looked up at me and groaned, laying back down and covering his head with a pillow. “Leave me alone.”

“Klaus, you have to get up and go stop (Y/N) from killing herself.”

This got his attention. He quickly sat up and looked at me in shock. “What? She’s…she’s gonna do what?”

“Klaus, I’m begging you, give me the reigns. I need to talk to her. I think it’ll help with closure or something. I can’t watch her suffer anymore, and I cannot let her do this to herself.”

I don’t know why Klaus wouldn’t let me talk to (Y/N). For the first year after I died, (Y/N) would beg Klaus to look for me or to talk to me for her, but he kept telling her he couldn’t Eventually, she stopped asking, but she always suspected that Klaus was lying.

I knew I was better off talking to a wall than to ask that of Klaus, but I was desperate. I couldn’t let (Y/N) kill herself. She had so much life ahead of her. A life without me whether she wanted to accept that or not.

To my surprise, Klaus threw the covers off of himself and threw his feet over the edge of his bed, facing me.

“Fine,” he said. “But just this once for (Y/N)’s sake.”

In an instant, I had jumped into Klaus’s body and took full control.

It was hard to get used to being in a living body again, especially one that wasn’t my own. It was like I knew I wasn’t myself, but at the same time I felt completely like myself - completely in control. I worried a little that I may get trapped in here or mine and Klaus’s subconsciousness would combine or something.

But that was the last of my concerns right now.

I quickly stood from Klaus’s bed and rushed to (Y/N)’s room. I was prepared to break the door down in order to get into her room, but luckily she left it unlocked.

I threw the door open, catching her with a handful of pills in her hand.


(Y/N)’s POV

I jumped at the sudden appearance of Klaus in my doorway, causing the pills in my hand to fall to the floor and scatter everywhere. I felt a tinge of annoyance followed by some embarrassment at being caught.

“God, Klaus, you ever heard of knocking?” I snapped.

“(Y/N), you can’t kill yourself,” he told me.

I rolled my eyes at him. “Fine, I won’t. Now get out, I gotta clean up this mess.”

“I’m serious. You can’t do that to yourself. I know you’ve been struggling these past few years - ”

I chuckled, humorlessly. “Right, you’ve really noticed my struggles when we’ve both been blackout drunk or high out of our minds 24 hours a day. Listen, you’re just as fucked up as I am, Klaus. I don’t want to hear it right now. If you’re afraid of losing me because you won’t have a friend anymore, just stop doing drugs and my ghost will come back to see you. Simple as that.”

“(Y/N), I’m not talking to you as Klaus right now. I’m talking to you as Ben.”

Hearing his name made my whole body freeze. I felt like I couldn’t move from my spot. Klaus must’ve taken my silence as me believing him or something, because he continued to speak.

“I’ve been watching over you for years. I wish I could’ve contacted you before, I really tried, but with Klaus being so high all the time it was hard to get through to him, which made it hard to get through to you. But I’ve never left you, I promise. I’ve been with you all this time. You can’t kill yourself to be with me again, you have so much life ahead of you - ”

I finally snapped out of my trance as anger took over my body. I stomped across the room, reaching for Klaus.

“Get the fuck out of my room!”

My hands touched his shoulders and I started to shove him out of my room. He quickly reached up to try and pry my hands off of him, and the moment his hands touched mine something insane happened.

I was no longer looking at Klaus’s face, but rather at the one face I had been missing for five years.


I shouldn’t have been so shocked. I mean, I was born to a couple who had not been pregnant when the day began and I grew up with superpowers, living just next door to seven other children who were also born that day and also developed superpowers. At this point in my life, anything could’ve happened.

But I just felt like I couldn’t believe my eyes. I yelped and jumped back, Ben’s face switching back to Klaus’s again.

“Ben?” I said, reaching out to gently touch Klaus’s face this time. When my skin made contact with his, his face changed again. “Oh my God. It really is you.”

“I told you,” he said, a cocky smile forming on his face. He even sounds like Ben!

I took his hands in mine, afraid that if I let go of him he would turn back into Klaus again. I led him towards my bed and we both sat down.

“So, you really have been around all this time,” I said.

Ben nodded. “From the moment I died and became a ghost, I was watching over you.”

“Only me? What about your siblings? Besides Klaus.”

Ben shook his head. “They didn’t need me the way you did.”

I could feel a lump forming in my throat and I tried to push it down, but it was hard. I knew this time I had with Ben would be fleeting and once he was gone, I would be alone again. Like always, back to square one.

I didn’t realize I had started to cry until Ben reached out and wiped a tear from my face.

“I’m sorry I left you,” he said, his voice soft.

I shook my head. “It’s not your fault. It’s not like any of us wanted to be out there fighting crime as kids.”

“Yeah, you have a point.”

“I just wish…” I trailed off, now knowing how to say what was on my mind.

“You just wish?” Ben prompted.

“I just wish that…that I could’ve done something to save you,” I admitted. “That I wasn’t distracted and I saw that you were being attacked. I could’ve done…something.”

“There’s nothing you could’ve done, (Y/N). Luther tried and he’s arguably the strongest out of all of us. You can’t live with the what ifs, and you can’t blame yourself for something you had no control over.”

I sniffled, the tears now steadily streaming down my face. “I know…I just wish you were still here.”

Ben wrapped me in his arms and I buried my face in his chest. He ran a hand through my hair, soothingly, as I sat there and sobbed.

In that moment, I could’ve been convinced that my suicide attempt had actually worked. That Klaus/Ben running in to save me was actually me being reunited with Ben again and saying goodbye to Klaus in the living world. I thought maybe I wasn’t meant to remember my death, but rather I would just naturally move to the afterlife.

“You have a long life ahead of you, (Y/N),” Ben whispered into my hair. “One without me. One where you’ll find someone else and you’ll grow old with that person. You’ll have a family and the life that you always dreamed of. And then, one day, we will meet again. But not now. Now isn’t your time.”

I moved away from the wet spot I had made on his shirt to look up at him. “But why can’t it be my time?”

Ben cupped my face in his hands. “It’s just not, my love. I know you want to be with me again, but I don’t want it to be like this.”

I sighed and rested my forehead against his. “I can’t promise I’ll be able to move on very quickly. I have five years of pain and unhealthy coping mechanisms I have to get out of my system first.”

“Then you can start there and take your time to get better,” he said. “When the time is right, you’ll know it. Until then, all I can ask is for you to please keep pushing. I know it’s hard. I wish I could take that pain away, but you have to do that on your own. And I know you can do that.”

He leaned forward and kissed me. I tried to savor the moment as much as I could. I’d never feel his lips on mine again after this moment, so it was hard to pull back and let him go. But I had to eventually. I didn’t know how long Ben could be in Klaus’s body, and the last thing I needed was to end up kissing Klaus and not getting my proper ending with Ben.

“I love you so much,” he whispered against my lips.

“I love you, too.”

“Take care of yourself, my love. And take care of Klaus, too. You both need each other.”

I nodded. “I will. I promise.”

He took hold of my hands again, giving them a brief squeeze. I could see the hesitance in his face to leave, and I knew he needed a nudge in order to go. So, reluctantly, I told him, “You can go now. I’ll be okay.”

He nodded, tears forming in the corner of his eyes as well.

And, just like that, Ben’s face shifted back to Klaus’s and he was gone.

It took Klaus a moment to fully come back to reality. He was still holding my hands, which I was fine with. I had a feeling he needed some comfort after having his body taken over by his dead brother.

“You okay?” I asked when he finally seemed to be himself again.

“I should be asking you that,” he said, his eyes shifting to the wine bottle on my nightstand and the pills on my floor. “Are you okay, (Y/N)?”

“I will be,” I said. “But I think it’s time we get help, Klaus. Like actual sobriety and maybe some therapy.”

Klaus nodded. “Yeah, I think you’re right, (Y/N). We’ll start by getting rid of this shit in your room.”

Together, we dumped out my wine and flushed his pills. It was a small first step, but it was the first step to the recovery we needed.
