
nctaezen:renjun x haechan nomment ♡ 7llin’ in our Youth | EP. 4 nctaezen:renjun x haechan nomment ♡ 7llin’ in our Youth | EP. 4 nctaezen:renjun x haechan nomment ♡ 7llin’ in our Youth | EP. 4 nctaezen:renjun x haechan nomment ♡ 7llin’ in our Youth | EP. 4 nctaezen:renjun x haechan nomment ♡ 7llin’ in our Youth | EP. 4


renjun x haechan nomment ♡ 7llin’ in our Youth | EP. 4

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Kinktober day 12 - overstimulation x Haechan (f!reader)


Haechanwhined, voice high pitched as you thrusted into him, your body leaned over his, with your dominant hand rapidly pumping his practically dripping cock, and your other hand holding yourself up above the boy.

“I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum- mommy-!” He cried, bucking up into you

“Go on, pretty,” you smiled

only a few seconds later, you felt and saw Haechan’s cock twitch, and white ropes were decorating your boyfriend’s torso. You, however, continued your pace, smirk only growing as Haechan realised what you were doing. 

Haechan began fussing, writhing his body around.

“Mommy-” He whined, elongating his word, letting it turn itself into a somewhat pained moan “That really hurts- ah- stop-”

“You don’t really want me to,” You shrugged, voice uneven from the pace you were moving your hips, and Haechan scrunched his nose, trying to form a pout, but instead let out another high-pitched whine.

You smirked, refusing to slow down as your boyfriend’s jaw went increasingly slack the longer you continues, tongue hanging out, eyes rolled back and moans only getting higher and louder. Soon enough, Haechan was bucking up into your hand again, simultaneously trying to move forward with you as you thrusted into him, which, not surprisingly, proved unsuccessful, but it made him look so desperate that you practically began salivating.

“You gonna cum again?” You tried to sound condescending, but it came out as more of a growl

Haechan moaned out an affirmation, trying to nod his head, and you responded by increasing your pace just a little bit more.

Not even a few seconds later, Haechan was cumming, hips bucking sporadically every time a spurt of cum shot out of his red cock, adding to the cum on him so much that it almost began pooling on him.

“So pretty,” You muttered, rubbing Haechan’s torso with your hand, and he whined

NCT serving you a beverage.

Taeil: Just hands a soda from the fridge.

Johnny: Pours soda in a cup of ice but one of the ice cubes has a fake roach in it and he’s awaiting your reaction.

Taeyong: You just asked for water and he made a five course meal.

Yuta: Pours a glass of red wine and jokes about how it looks like blood. And tells a story lie about how he use to go to blood drinking parties.

Doyoung: Gives you the best looking glass of ice water with a slice of lemon

Kun: Makes a mug of coffee and brings you croissant.

Ten: Brings you the strongest margarita you’ve ever had while he drinks the rest from the blender with a straw.

Jaehyun: Tosses you a warm beer straight from the box.

Winwin: Brought out two Capri Suns and puts your straw in it for you.

Jungwoo: He carried two cups of juice along with a plate of cookies. He held one cup in his mouth and accidently gave you the cup that was half full and in his mouth.

Mark: Brings you a cold store brand soda with a mcdonald’s straw from the drawer full of McDonald’s straws and condiments.

Lucas: Passes you a 2 liter bottle of sprite he just drank out of.

Xiaojun: Brings two cups of lemonade but he was holding bella while pouring the lemonade in the cups and now there’s dog hair in your lemonade.

Hendery: He drank it on his way to you and had to go back and get you more in the same cup he drank out of.

Renjun: Pours evian water in a glass of ice with lemon slices and spring of mint on the rim with a glass straw and short bread cookies on the side.

Jeno: Pours sprite into a glass of ice at the table and puts a bendy straw in it.

Haechan: He’s waiting for you to bring him a drink.

Jaemin: Makes two ice coffees in cups big enough to be vases. And brings a plate full of sweets.

Yangyang: He was holding two cups of juice and took a sip of his then thought you had too much and took a sip of yours then took a sip of his to even it out. By the time he got to you there was just an ounce left.

Shotaro: Pours a non alcoholic cocktail into a pineapple with a silly straw and tiny umbrella.

Sungchan: Gives you a bottle of chocolate milk and bag chips.

Chenle: Leaves for a bit and comes back with an assortment of beverages and snacks.

Jisung: Brings out two juice boxes and two sandwiches Jaemin made and cut into triangles.

Jaemin: How do you make someone fall in love with you?

Taeyong: You can’t make someone fall in love with you. You just have to meet the right person.

Doyoung: When you meet them you won’t have to force it.

Yuta: Here’s what you do. You give them attention, then take it away. Give them attention and take it away. Love is a about edging them then not letting them have it when they’re really close, then repeat.

Doyoung: That’s not love.

Taeyong: That’s how you create obsession.

Yuta: Yeah, love.

Doyoung: Obsession is not love.

Haechan: What are you talking about? Obsession and Love is the same thing.

Yuta: See Haechan agrees.

Doyoung: That’s not someone you want on your side.

Jaemin: No, no they make sense.

Doyoung: We should just duct tape Yuta’s mouth.

Taeyong:Yeah, He’d probably like that.

Haechan: I don’t mean to be rude but I’m a 10 you’re a 2. How would anyone think I was dating you. When Renjun, Jeno and Jaemin are standing right there.

Mark: You can’t say you don’t mean to be rude then proceed to be rude. I was just telling you what I read.

Jaemin: What makes you think any of us would date YOU?

Renjun: I don’t even want to be in the same room as you.

Jeno: You’re at most an 8 on a good day.

Haechan:…..I see.

Haechan: *stares out the window as it rains for two straight hours*

Taeyong: What do you guys have to say to Doyoung?

Renjun: Sorry I tried to set you on fire

Haechan: Sorry I threw a snake at you.

Johnny: Sorry I dared them to set you on fire and throw a snake at you. I didn’t think they’d do it.

Doyoung: You knew they’d do it.

Johnny: Yeah, it was so funny. I’d do it again.

Haechan: Me too. Someone get me a snake.

Johnny: *hands Haechan a snake* Here.

Taeyong: Throw it, Haechan aim for his mouth.


Taeyong: It was funny Doyoung.



You felt the throbbing ache in your head before you had even properly registered that you were awake. Every part of your body was slow, it felt as if you were constantly moving through tar, and after the simple act of opening your eyes made you question whether you’d need to do an emergency run to the bathroom, you abandoned all idea of sitting up.

Hazy memories of the night before flashed through your mind, some of them making you screw your eyes shut in hopes that that would make them disappear. If you hadn’t felt so worn down, you would have groaned, but the thought of making any noise at all made you feel more nauseous than you were willing to admit.

However, you were definitely not the only one in that state, because the stuttering gurgles emitting from your boyfriend’s chest as he lay beside you, proved that he was dealing with just as bad of a hangover as you were. You rolled your head slowly to the side, ignoring the way your brain seemed to roll around your head as you did. Hyuck did the same thing and one look into his tired, regret filled eyes made you burst out into a chuckle.

Hyuck immediately laughed at the state of you, making you know immediately that you looked like a trainwreck, but he wasn’t looking that fresh either so you weren’t fussed. It wasn’t a joyful laugh by any means, it was a quiet messy laugh, one where you can’t really believe what you’re looking at. Hyuck forced himself to sit up, and you followed, the two of you pausing when you caught your reflections in the floor length mirror opposite his bed.

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a/n: inspired by this song! listen to it while reading please!

pairing: haechan x reader

wc: 409

genre: fluff!! no warnings, its all good here

haechan really doesn’t like this.

its simply not fair, he thinks.

unfair, that you consume his every waking moment and all of his dreams and nightmares.

unfair, that he finds himself subconsciously adjusting his appearance whenever he thinks he sees you - on campus, in a coffee shop, in the library.

unfair, that he visibly brightens at the mention of your name. so, unbelievably, inexplicably unfair that he, lee haechan, known as donghyuck to friends and family, and haechan to everyone else, for all his confidence and bravado, is reduced to a bumbling, blushing mess when it comes to you.

he sees you everywhere he goes - he hears your laugh as he walks across campus, he sees your silhouette, hunched over your laptop in the library, he sees your face; your oh so beautiful face, in the place of every female celebrity he happens to look at. you don’t know it, too wrapped up in your own feelings for him that you’re certain he doesn’t return, and he refuses to acknowledge it, the truth sitting in the depths of his heart.

the truth being that his heart is yours - you hold it in your hands every time you reassure him that he’s done fine on the recent assignment, every time you hug him in greeting and goodbye, everytime you turn your head when he calls your name. what he doesn’t know is that your heart is also his - that he’s held it since he worked with you on a group project, since he started bringing an extra cup of hot chocolate for you each morning, since you noticed just how much you wish he’d save his smile for your eyes to admire only.

he wants to hate you so bad - he wants to despise you, to push you away, so he no longer feels so out of his element - but more than that, he wants to feel your lips on his, wants to bury his head in your chest, wants to lay with you, trace the shape of your face with his eyes, wants to be the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see at night, wants to show you all his scars, and kiss all of yours away. he wants to protect you from all that’s bad in the world. he wants to be the cause of your happiness and your joy.

he wants to be yours. he just hopes you’ll have him.



: lee donghyuck x fem!reader

: college!au (cs - computer science major haechan, psychology major y/n)

: fluff, slight angst

(): suggestive innuendo(s), infidelity, drinking

: 2.2k

/: the first chapter of the and they were roommates! series :D send in an ask or comment here to be added to the taglist! (sorry for the delay, i have been really unproductive so uh, yeah)


you’ve been stuck with haechan for about a month. you’ve successfully avoided him for the majority of the time, he’s still a bit flirty, but he’s been pretty quiet too.

except for when he streams. did he mention that he was a streamer? unfortunately no, you had to find out the hard way.

haechan, can you fucking tone it down?” you storm into his room after enduring half an hour of his screaming on a thursday night. “i have an essay due tomorrow and it’s 30 percent of my mar-”

you see a professional looking mic, webcam, and another monitor with what seems like comments flowing in constantly on the screen.

“oh…” you trail off taking in all the equipment in front of you as haechan looks up at you.

“oh hey, sorry about that, jenoandrenjun were being noobs and i needed to teach them a lesson, chat knows. i’ll keep it down, sorry.” he turns back to his game in front of him, completely unbothered.

“yeah.. uh sorry for barging in, thanks.” you say quickly and dash out his room, hearing the other voices from his headset laugh.

your face is hot, and you feel so embarrassed. 

anyways, lesson learned.

Keep reading

jenoremii:Haechan x Reader, 0.2k, fluff, no warnings. Masterlist“Lee Donghyuck, get your hands away jenoremii:Haechan x Reader, 0.2k, fluff, no warnings. Masterlist“Lee Donghyuck, get your hands away jenoremii:Haechan x Reader, 0.2k, fluff, no warnings. Masterlist“Lee Donghyuck, get your hands away


Haechan x Reader, 0.2k, fluff, no warnings. 

“LeeDonghyuck, get your hands away from the chocolate right now or else I’ll smack you with the rolling pin.”

“Aw, come on!” he whined. “You don’t need the entire bag. One chocolate missing isn’t going to ruin anything.”

“What part of ‘I need the whole bag’ did you not understand when you asked me in the grocery store?” you asked, glaring pointedly at him.

“It’s just chocolate. Your cookies can survive without one little piece.”

Sighing, you reached for the rolling pin and raised it threateningly, making him let out an affronted noise as he squirmed away. As much as you loved your boyfriend, he managed to piss you off in the best ways when you were in the kitchen, always trying to get your attention and poking his sticky fingers in places they didn’t belong. Just last week, he’d broken into the jar of walnuts that you’d been planning on using for an apple pie, eating the majority until only three measly pieces were left.

Oh, how angry you’d been then.

“You’re mean,” he muttered under his breath when you’d successfully kicked him out of the kitchen and banished him to the living room, his arms crossed like a toddler’s as you walked back to continue your baking.

“I heard that!”

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