#hellenic pagan



Palmistry placements may indicate certain natural traits or abilities related to the person.

The fingers

Long: Very sensitive.

Short: Sharp inteligence, intuitive.

Fat: Sensual.

Thin: Analitycal, curious.

Smoth: Inspirational, artistical.

Knotty: Love of detail and analysis.

Conical: Poetic, imaginative.

Pointed: Subtle.

Square: Decisive, serious, positive.

Spatula: Realistic, positive outlook.

Round: Gifted, intuitive.

Large palm+ short fingers: Materialism predominates.

Short palm + large fingers: Cerebral activitie predominates.


Can appear in all the palm

Star shape: favorable.

Triangle shape: know-how.

Cross hatch: obstacle.

Rectangle: protection.

Cross: deception.

Circle: lack of success.

Chain lines: fatigue.

Island shape: weakness.


Broken lines indicares change of destiny.

Parallel lines indicates a certain duality.

If some line is missing can mean that line corresponding caracteristic doesn’t apply to you.

Fine lines represents sensibility and intelectual qualities.

If they are deep and red, you have more volatile nature.

If they are pink, detonates sentimentalism and reserve.

If they are pink, detonates sentimentalism and reserve.

If pale and superficial, you lack resistence.

If darke yellow or brown, they reveal resistence and firmness.


Life line: the longer your life line, the longer you will live.

Head line: if the head line starts with the life line it means you have good control. If the head line drops sharply down, it indicates that you have little power of resistance. Long, strong head line means you are inteligent.

Heart line: a strong line means you have a warm personality. A weak line means you are rather cold. Each small line attached means a moment of attraction towards someone, a flirtatious momento or an affair.

Marriage line: the number of lines means several romances. The closest to the base of the finger, the later in life those marriages will take place. A fork at the end towards the palm means separation. A fork at the begining will mean a long engagement. Little lines, don’t crossing the line means children into the marriage.

Neptune line: a neptune line means you have imagination. If it starts in the life line, means a tendency of drugs and alcohol. A broken neptune line means criminal tendencies.

Shape of palms

Conical hand: a long palm with fingers that form a point. Associated with the element fire, this hand type is drawn to beauty and is imaginative by nature. This hand can also suggest a desire to be a succes. (Bottom and edges are all relatively flat, with rounded fingertips)

Oval hand: a broad palm with saucer-like fingertips. People with this hand shape are often thoughtful and introverted, with logical and analitycal nature. They have a tendecy of being loners (palm and fingertips are round)

Square hand: a square palm with blunt, broad fingertips. People with this hand shape tend to be practical, organized and persistent. Can be cynical or sceptical, and to value material goods. (Square hands tend to have very straight edges)

Pointed hand: a long, delicate hand with pointed fingers. People with this hand type tend to be dreamers and idealists, who hold strong beliefs and views. They have a tendency to be nervous or over emotional. (psychic hands are bony and delicate)

Spatulate hands: this hand is often flabby or soft, widest at the bade of the palm with broad, straight fingers. It can indicate and energetic and enthusiastic nature, always searching for answers and new stimull. (Spatulate hands tend to be very flabby and look clumpsy)


Clairvoyance is “clear seeing” or being able to see the unseen. The ability to see objects, symbols, events, situation and other things which are not perceived by our every day senses, which enables us to see beyond the visible.

Some ways to tune into them with:

  • Daily meditation.
  • Beliefs system.
  • Essential oils.
  • Crystals.

Ways to open your clairvoyance

  1. In your mind’s eye imagine a rose out in front of you, just outside your aura, about an arm’s reach away. Make it any colour you like.
  2. Ground the rose to the center of the earth by visualising the roots of it travel and affix firmly to the center of the earth. Try not to thing where is the center of the earth, your higher self knows.
  3. Take a moment to see the details of the rose. What colour did you make it? There are leaves? Thorns? Noticr the texture.
  4. Out loud ask the question you want an answer to. Let the rose absorb the energy of your question. If the answer is truth or yes, the rose will flourish or get bigger and brighter. If the rose withers or turns a darker colour the answer is a no or no truth.
  5. This can be used any time you need assistance in a decision, during a conversation or any situation you need intuitive guidance.

A recuest from @the-procrastinating-witch


•Tea leaf reading•

You might be wondering where this unusual form of divination came from, so here’s a short history on tasseography. Shortly after tea was introduced to Europe, tea leaf reading, as it’s now recognized, was born. Similar divination tools had been used with an assortment of other materials. The art of tea leaf reading spread through Europe, and is now practiced throughout the world.

Doing a tea leaf reading involves you indulging in a delicious cup of tea and putting your sharp intuitive skills to work. After you enjoy your warm cup of loose leaf tea, you’ll leave the loose tea leaves at the bottom, where some of these leaves will form symbols, each having their own meaning. That’s where your keen intuitive abilities come in! Anyone can see a triangle at the bottom of a teacup, but your job is to intuit what it means for you or the person you’re reading for.


  • Tea cup with a wide brim that’s light enough to easily see your tea leaves.
  • Saucer
  • Loose leaf green or black tea, preferably organic.
  • Napkins
  • Pen and paper
  • Water



Gather all of your materials. Boil your water. Place about a teaspoon of loose tea in your cup. Pour your water in and steep tea to your preference.

For the next 3 steps, if you’re doing a reading for someone else, have them do the following steps.


Before you take your first sip, gently swirl tea counter clockwise three times. Sip and enjoy your tea, but don’t drink it all! When there’s about 1 tablespoon of tea left in your cup, swirl it again 3 times counter clockwise and think about or speak your query aloud.


Turn your cup upside down onto your saucer to remove the remaining water, allow it a minute or so to drain, then turn it back up right.


Look over your loose leaf tea pieces and see if any symbols or shapes jump out to you immediately. Don’t fret if you don’t see anything immediately, similar to scrying with a crystal ball, it can take some time for imagery to form for you. Try looking at the inside of the cup from different directions to see shapes. Keep in mind the images formed are formed from tea leaves, so you will really need to use your imagination.


If you do start to see some shapes, begin writing them down on your piece of paper so you can decipher them later, note where in the cup they are too. Now you’re ready to decipher your findings! Here’s a guide for the most common symbols found during tea leaf readings:


Where your tea leaves are situated in your cup relate to when they will happen. This is why some of the tea leaf reading cups you find have circles inside of them. Timing is broken into thirds as follows:

Bottom third: farthest away from happening, think 3-5 years out.

Top third: will be happening in the near future, think within the next few weeks.

Middle third: will happen in about a year from now.


Like most divination tools, a honed intuition is key for success, so be sure to lean on any gut instincts as you form the story for your reading. Once you understand the meaning behind the symbols it’s time to put all of the information into a story that makes sense for you or the person you’re doing a reading for.


The art of mirror gazing (scrying) is called, a term that refers to the use of reflective surfaces.

Scrying is the art of obtaining clairvoyant visions. Is used to connect with spirit and ‘see’ beyond the physical realm and into the minde eye, where the subconscious knowledge sits without ego or judgements for clarity and guidance.

Common methods use one of the four elements as a scrying medium. It’s best to choose the element suited to the type of visions you are hoping to get from the scrying.

As a portal into other realms, it can also be used to aid astral travel, and during ritual to communicate with your deity.

Scrying can be practised at any time, but best results are often gained in the quiet of night after the hustle and bustle of the day’s activities. It is not necessary to construct a fully consecrated circle for scrying: it is enough to simply create your sacred space by visualizing a circle of white light surrounding and purifying the appointed working area.

In a quiet darkened room, place your object of choice on a table or altar. Light a candle, one on each side of the object, but in such a position they don’t reflect on the mirror’s surface, and if you wish, burn an appropriate blend of incense to stimulate the psychic senses. Switch off all other light sources except for the two candles, and seat yourself comfortably in front of the object.

Take a few minutes to relax while you tune into the atmosphere created. When ready to start, first ground and centre yourself, then call your guides or guardians ( or the universe) to protect the work from unwanted or misleading influences.

To begin, when looking at the object try not to just stare at it, but look through its surface as if gazing into a dark and endless tunnel. After awhile, images and colours will begin to take form, they may even appear and take shape outside the mirror surrounding it on all sides.

When you first start scrying be patient, keeping your first sessions to about 10 to 30 minutes, and gradually work it up to hour-long sessions as you learn.

The art of scrying is interpreting what you see in the images and colours as they take form. This in a way it is a little like dream interpretation, and initially you may wish to consult one of the many books on the subject to help define the images you see.

At the end of the day however, the real interpretation will be what those images mean to you personally.

After you have completed your scrying session, re-ground yourself and close your sacred space.

You may wish to keep a journal and note down any visions you received during your session and later compare them with a list of dream interpretations. The more you practice, the more familiar the images and their meanings will become, but you may need to meditate on them for awhile to reveal any hidden meanings.

In conclusion, there are many different ways and methods of scrying in addition to the one above, so it pays to experiment and use what works best for you. Whatever tool or method you use, be it your own personalized mirror, a crystal ball, or simply a dark bowl of water; it can with time and patience become a font of wisdom and knowledge.

Believe in your abilities and may you find what you seek.


Tell me in the coments what tipe of divination you all want me to talk about. Here some examples: tarot, scrying, palmistry, astragalomancy (dice divination), clairvoyance, rune divination, automatic writing, numerology, tasseography, etc.

Salt spell

Ingredients: Bowl of salt

A white candle


Light the candle

Chant over the bowl:

“Salt of earth guard this home,

While i’m here, or when i roam.

Keep it safe and all within

For good of all, bond begins.

By my will, with harm to none.

By earth power, this spell is done!”

Put it somewhere in your house where keeps untouched.

(i like to add into the salt some chips of amathyst to protect our aura, red agate for protection and clear quartz to amplifie the energies of the others crystals)

Birthday stones

There are differents ways to clasify stones. This is one. There are also:

Zodiac Stones

Traditional birthstones vs Modern Birthstones.

With a like you let me know if you want the other clasifications of stones


If you pay attention on your daily life, you can see and feel the universe giving you signals. This set of numbers are an example. Keep it always with you or take notes of the numbers you see and when.

It’s amazing

Caution when casting spells! ⚠️

When casting spells, you have to be as specific as possible.

You always have to specify what and how you want this to go.

For example: if you want more money, you don’t have to say “i want money” and thats it. Becouse you might get what you wanted, but your husband died and you got his life insurance.

You can say: “i want more money to come to me, with the less harm to me and to others”

Doing this, you are putting your energy in one spot, causing less or any side effects of your magic.

Be safe and protect others from harm

Devotional poem for Artemis

Barefoot you amble through wilds
Well-crowned with mists of the evergreen.
Flowers raise their petals in joy as you pass.
Beasts bow their heads in humility.
“Our Lady has come!”
Announce the birds chirping proudly.
“She’s come!”
Accompany the whispers of the treetops
And the rustle of the woods chants your holy name.

greek mythology inktober 1: an olympian god (i chose apollo!)

greek mythology inktober 1: an olympian god (i chose apollo!)

Post link

☀️ Apollo devotional acts ☀️

Hello it’s me again with a post I was meant to put online three weeks ago! I’ve done several of these: Artemis-Demeter - I also made one for Hermes during my 30 days challenge but I’ve just realized it’s quite short so I will be making a new one again at some point in the future.

What are devotional acts?

Devotional acts, or devotional activities/practices are things one can do in order to honor a deity, just like one would do with physical offerings or prayer. In short, instead of giving, say, wine, you will offer time and energy (the mundane one). You would typically look at a deity’s domains and pick some things related to them.

So here is a list of things you might do, in the hope that it would spark some ideas. Of course the list in non-exhaustive !

☀️Study academic fields (sciences or humanities) - dedicating your studies to him can be one of the easiest devotional act you can do. Can be for school/uni/work or simply your research related to the hellenic path. He’s all about the pursuit of knowledge so no matter the field, you can dedicate this time to him. It’s a side of him that is a bit forgotten as people will think of Athena first, but it is completely in line with his domains as a god of Knowledge and Education.

☀️ Art and Music making and appreciation - he is the god of music and all the fine arts so you can dedicate the practice of these things to him and call upon his aid to develop your skills and sensibilities. The mastery of Arts requires the combination of technical skills, emotional sensibility, the capacity to break down things mentally, and the creativity to bring out solutions, things that are his domains as a god of Reason and Expression. If you don’t make art, you can simply dedicate some time to your appreciation of those fields by going to an exhibition or a concert.

☀️Honoring the Muses - his epithet Musagetesmeans leader of the muses and is meant to connect him to the Arts, as previously mentioned. However, you could also take that more litteraly and devote your time forming a relationship with the Muses to him.

☀️Write and appreciate poetry - made this a separate entry for how important this was to the Ancients. Without judging yourself, write your thoughts and feelings freely and see it as an expression of your mind and soul. Alternatively, lose yourself into the writings of others.

☀️ Working around health - Apollo is the god who inflicts but also relieves plagues, and the father of Asclepios. He is thus linked to the medical field and any practice related to that would be a great idea. One of his epithets, Acestor, means healer.

☀️Philosophy- Apollo is the patron of those who seek truth and wisdom, so not only would studying philosophies and religions be a neat idea, the most important would be to adopt that mindset and make sure you reflect on your values, the meaning of your life, your place in society, etc… The delphic maxims can be a good place to start, not to use them as dogmas but rather to stimulate your own thoughts and spark questions. When I think of Apollo I think of a god who wants us to keep questioning the world and ourself and push us to a better understanding of things and to build our own sense of ethics.

☀️Introspection - As an extension of that, practising a form of introspection as a way to shed light on the most unknown parts of yourself and seeking understanding of your whole self. Keep an journal to write down your introspection sessions can be a great devotional act and would draw his good influence upon you.

☀️Pursue the best version of yourself (with kindness) - to some extent all gods want to see you become the best version of yourself, but I don’t know why, maybe it’s a bit of an UPG, but I see Apollo as the one who thrives for perfection the most and works hard for that. Just be careful that this doesn’t become unhealthy and that you are always doing this with kindness and love for yourself.

☀️Celebrate the blessings the light and the warmth of the sun gives us - he isn’t the Sun himself (that is Helios) but he is undeniably linked to the Sun and its light so he is the one I go to when I want to celebrate the bright season and its blessings. Personally I intend to celebrate the summer solstice with him.

☀️Practice methods of divination - he is the god of prophecy and oracles and one you can go to to improve your ability to divine. He isn’t the only god whose domain is of one form of divination (Hermes has ornithomancy and astragyromancy, and Zeus had oracles), but he was the one who spoke through the Pythia so you can dedicate the development of your psychic senses to him. Also, Tarot is a relatively modern invention but I link it to him due to the fact that it’s an elaborated system through which spontaneous insight arises.

☀️Teaching- giving a drawing or music class, or just anything really. The idea of transferring your knowledge and allowing someone else to become more skilled at something. Especially great with the youth since Apollo is one of its protectors.

☀️Crafting things for your altar - maybe you want to make a laurel wreath (his sacred plant) to DIY your altar, or what about a scented candle containing solar plants, you could also use clay to shape little elements that you will paint later as a decoration. The possibilities are endless!

☀️Note on donations: an alternative to practising the activities I previously mentioned, you could also give your money to those causes and domains. For example: by supporting local artists or health-workers.


I came across this lovely tarot spread created by @eclectic-earth and had to give it a go - especially as i was feeling down at the time

Card one: my problem

card i pulled : nine of wands

wisdom, perseverance and last stretch

  • im not persevung through the last few obstacles i’m hitting to reach my goals
  • i’m not preparing and protecting myself
  • i keep doubting myself and not believing or trusting in my strength, powers and lessons i’ve learnt

Card two: what to do now

card i pulled: the emperor

authority, ambition and power

  • create proper structure and stability for myself in my life
  • learn to control and understand my emotions
  • develop more self discipline
  • carry out plans in a systematically and controlled way

Card three: what to do later

card i pulled: three of wands

persistence, anticipation and progression

  • look at the bigger picture to anticipate all opportunities that are available for me
  • prepare for good and bad news in the upcoming future
  • allow myself to follow my unique curiosity’s and travel

Card four: what do i need to hear

the card i pulled: knight of pentacles

harvest, dedication and routine

  • slow and steady wins the race
  • stop rushing thing
  • stop rushing INTO things
  • make a routine that encompasses doing little bits everyday
  • decide what i want in life and take it
  • stay true to my vision to see results

Card five: what should i avoid

card i pulled: page of pentacles

manifestation, financial opportunities and skill development

  • avoid starting something new through manifestation
  • don’t waste my newly found money on stupid things i regret like always
  • avoid overworking myself

This was my second tarot spread i’ve ever done so if you have any suggestions or disagree with my interpretation of the cards, feel free to comment
