

Inej teasing Kaz:

Inej:*cups his cheeks in her gloved hands* ,,oh well look at you! your eyes are so pretty! and your nose is so cute. to be honest brekker, you’re actually pretty cute ”

Kaz:*blushing, looking at her with wide eyes* ,,s..stop it. i have a reputation"

the first time i hear matthias call nina “my love” all bets are off, i will start sobbing uncontrollably

chloe gong really just said “enemies to lovers is about looking someone in the eye and knowing all the darkest parts of them and knowing they know all the darkest parts of you and having a mutual respect and admiration for the other but being too unwilling to admit it and walking away because you love them too much to hurt them but not enough to give up your world for them and hoping that they find someone they deserve in the end” and expected me to walk away okay


What I imagine it will be like if the crows all sat down in the morning for breakfast

Nina: morning inej *walks in the room with sleepy eyes*

Inej: *freshly awake* hey! i just made waffles

Nina: *instantly wakes up* YOU ARE THE SAVIOR FROM THE SAINTS

Nina: *sits and eats* i am alive.


Kaz: *walks in clearly awake*

Inej: morning kaz

Kaz: *doesn’t know what to say what to do is panicking maybe between saying morning love, inej, wraith* morning

Nina: *bangs fist on the table* BREKKER.

Kaz: *sighs* morning inej *nods to nina*, zenik.

Nina: tsk you can do so much better than him ‘Nej likeee me *winks*



Matthias: *walks in*

Nina: oh hey babeeee *kisses Matthias*


Kaz: *rolls his eyes as he makes coffee*

Nina: have you eaten? no nevermind i dont care you’re eating


Inej: hey wylan

Inej: where’s jes?

*loud footsteps*

Jesper: *opens door* WASSUP HOMIESS

Wylan: there he is

Jesper: here i am indeed *sits beside wylan*

Jesper: hey merchling *winks*


Jesper: *expected wylan to fluster but he flusters himself*

Kaz: it’s too early for this *leaves*


Kaz: I got work to do


Kaz: *sits back down*

Kaz: whatever *reads newspapers*


Wylan: what is it?

Kaz: apparently some group of people tried to break into the ice court

Matthias: you mean us?

Kaz: *shows news paper* do we look like that?


Kaz: they all got caught and are sentenced to trial


everyone: *laughing their arse off*


Nina: THEY WHAT NOW *continues laughing*

“See, I told you it was easy!”Got to draw some holiday dancing Helnik for the lovely @tr“See, I told you it was easy!”Got to draw some holiday dancing Helnik for the lovely @tr“See, I told you it was easy!”Got to draw some holiday dancing Helnik for the lovely @tr
“See, I told you it was easy!”

Got to draw some holiday dancing Helnik for the lovely @trassellynn as part of a Secret Santa! I’ve concocted a whole Thing for this, including Nina’s years of cover on the Wandering Isle meaning she has a favourite holiday festival dance to show off and teach to Matthias (including appropriately-festive green waist ribbon!).

Matthias simply can’t help the heart eyes :“)

Post link
daniellegalligan: Look at this pic of mom n dad back in the 20’s #CalaDanSkogigan #Wolffles

daniellegalligan: Look at this pic of mom n dad back in the 20’s #CalaDanSkogigan #Wolffles

Post link

Nina:i like you

Matthias:like, for my personality?

Nina:i was surprised too
