#henry jekyll


Sure, canon Jekyll probably bought his big mansion with his own money, but JD Jekyll had it given to him out of pity by some overly exhausted surgeon so who’s the real lucky one

This is the moment! Damn all the odds!Dr. Henry Jekyll - Jekyll and Hyde The Musicalx / x / x - x /

This is the moment! Damn all the odds!

Dr. Henry Jekyll - Jekyll and Hyde The Musical


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Haven’t posted a comic page in a while but this is from one of the most recent scenes I’ve scripted, Victor and Jekyll’s first meeting. I’m really happy with how this scene turned out, both in scripting and concept art :D


Bear with me descriptions are hard


Edward was created by a potion made by the chemist Dr. Henry Jekyll. He spends most of his time running around London jumping in puddles and making terrible puns. During the day he lives in Jekyll’s mind and complains about it loudly.


Adam is a reanimated corpse monster created by the college dropout Victor Frankenstein. After he and his creator didn’t kill each other in the Arctic, Adam traveled to London and now lives in a cottage in the woods. He gives Edward cookies on occasion and spends his time trying to make worse puns than him.


Ren is a patient at Praeceps Insane Asylum, and has been taken under the wing of the mysterious Count Dracula. He thinks Edward and Adam’s puns are funny and likes caring for the critters that accidentally climb into his cell through the window.


Victor is the college dropout who created Adam. He nearly died of hypothermia while chasing Adam through the Arctic, but was saved by a ship captain and is now tracking his creature through England. He is eventually recruited by Van Helsing into the Merry Band of Monster Hunters. He thinks Adam and Edward’s puns are annoying.


Jekyll created Edward on accident through a potion gone wrong and has been being mildly inconvenienced by him ever since. Jekyll works as a chemist at Praeceps Insane Asylum alongside Dr. Jack Seward and spends his days playing the piano, filling out medical records and ignoring Edward’s terrible puns.


Mina is Dr. Seward’s apprentice at Praeceps and is very tired. She joins the Merry Band of Monster Hunters after her ex girlfriend, Lucy Westenra, was killed by Dracula.


Van Helsing is the leader of the Merry Band of Monster Hunters. He hunts vampires and works at a university in Amsterdam during his free time. He was called to London to investigate the illness of Lucy Westenra shortly before her untimely death.

Dr. Lanyon: You call yourself a friend, but where were you, when my meme had only four likes?

Dr. Jekyll: Making four accounts, bro.

Lanyon: Bro!

Dr. Faust: *is bitching with Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Lanyon in a highly complicated scientific manner*

Victor Frankenstein, who understands every word: Gentlemen, if you have to talk trash, why ca’t you do it normally?

Dr. Faust: Hush, kid. The doctors are talking.

Victor: …

Victor: Okay, first of all-

Dr. Jekyll: *screams*

Mr. Hyde: *screams louder to assert dominance*

Mr. Utterson, who just sees Jekyll screaming at a mirror: Should we stop this?

Lady Summers, who sees the whole thing: No, I want to see who wins.

Mr. Utterson: You know those things will kill you, right?

Dr. Jekyll, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.

Dr. Lanyon, smoking a pipe: We’re trying to speed up the process.

Mr. Hyde: *nods while eating raw cookie dough*

Dr. Jekyll, hopelessly sleep-deprived: Oh, but I’m so tired, I must sleep! And I cannot sleep! I’m too tired to sleep! I will never sleep again. I may die from this … what am I gonna do?

Jekyll: *picks up a bag with egg yolks with starry eyes* My god, I’m hallucinating! I see little balls of sunshine in a bag! Does this mean something?

Mr. Utterson: *concerned* Those are egg yolks, Henry.

Jekyll: *giggles deliriously* My brain’s gone!

*Dr. Jekyll, having a musical conversation with a masked Lady Summers inside a drug trip*

Lady Summers: *playing organ* Whyyyy, Doctor, whyyyy, have you held your true feelings inside?

Dr. Jekyll: I am scared of rejectiooon~
