#psychic powers


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By Ghia Vitale

“The fire of passion and the power of prayer will defeat evil! I’m Sailor Mars, of the red high heel!”

As a Chaote, I believe any form of media can be a valid source of spiritual wisdom as long as it resonates with you. Sailor Moon is no exception and it has impacted my witchcraft practice significantly.

Sailor Mars has always been special to me. It’s not just because I had a crush on her, either—she fascinates me as a character. When she isn’t fighting for justice, she’s living her life as Rei Hino, a student in junior high school. Her entry in the Sailor Moon Fandom Wiki suggests that “Ray of Fire” is a literal translation of her name.

Sailor Mars embodies Mars perfectly. She has an assertive, fiery personality and doubts the leadership abilities of Usagi/Sailor Moon. She isn’t afraid to wage war when it’s necessary. When you mess with her, prepare to face Mars’ red hot temper. She exemplifies so many personality traits of Mars that once I actually opened my first occult book at 12, I read the description of Mars and already felt familiar with its energy. Watching her work with fire inspired me to cultivate my own abilities.

Sailor Mars is the most spiritual of all the sailor scouts. As Rei, she lives and works at a Shinto shrine called Hikawa Shrine. She runs the shrine with her grandfather and serves as a miko. (“Miko” is a Shinto word that refers to a shrine maiden.) She developed her psychic powers by directly working with the Sacred Fire at the shrine. Although working with the Sacred Fire empowered her, others viewed her behavior as strange and avoided her because of it. This makes me relate to Rei more than the other sailor scouts: As a high school freshman, I lost some friends once they found out I practiced witchcraft. Others thought I was weird for pursuing the occult and stayed away from me.

While fighting, Sailor Mars throws Ofuda at youma (which is a Japanese word for “demons” and refers to enemies in Sailor Moon) while commanding evil spirits to disappear. These are Japanese paper charms with scriptures that are good luck. You’ll find them at shrines all across Japan. Seeing Sailor Mars work with these charms awakened me to the magickal power of writing symbols on paper and burning them.

Since then, I’ve designed a lot of personalized sigils that I charge/manifest with fire. Sometimes, when I’m meditating with a piece of paper in my hand, I’ll feel like how I imagine Sailor Mars does when she’s focusing her energy. When I actually set the paper aflame, I feel like I am throwing my own psychic Mars Fireballs.

You know how witches have familiars? Well, Rei has 2 guardian crows named Phobos and Deimos after the 2 moons of Mars. These crows provide her with insight, assistance, and empowerment. Crows have always occupied a special place in my heart, but I didn’t start working with crow energy intensely until my third year of college. Eventually, I decided to create my own crow servitors!

I programmed these crow servitors to help me send and receive psychic messages more efficiently. I gave them their own names: Shadow and Whisperer. These servitors did exactly what I programmed them to do. I even frequently “felt” them perched on my shoulders. As a result, I began appearing in my college friends’ dreams much more frequently and getting “hunches” that turned out to be true. 

The best manifestation I got from these crow servitors was when I was out birdwatching with my ornithology class. At one point, I saw 3 crows fly down from the sky. Then I casually mentioned to my peers that 3 crows are supposed to signify marriage according to that old crow-counting rhyme/poem. That night, I found out that someone close to me said “yes” to a proposal. I believe that seeing those 3 crows foretold this event. That spot-on omen proved to me that I was doing something right by incorporating Sailor Mars’ magick into my witchcraft practice.

Anime has a lot of valid witchy wisdom. I used to think my interest in anime was weird, but looking back, I must admit that Sailor Mars was a great role model for me as a young witch. I wouldn’t be surprised if more people cited Sailor Moon as a force behind their fascination with magick when they were young witchlings as well. 

Here’s the scoop about me: I’m Ghia Vitale, a writer and senior editor at Quail Bell Magazine. I’ve been practicing witchcraft for around 18 years now. I was recently included along with 13 other witches in a Bustle article about our favorite witchy media. I’d recommend checking out this article to learn about some other ways Sailor Moon resonates with me as a witch. Thanks for reading!

Ghia Vitale is a writer and senior editor at Quail Bell Magazine. She is also a queer witch/feminist harpy/otaku who lives on Long Island. She has been practicing witchcraft for about 18 years. For more updates, follow her on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Nearly endless in its beautiful varieties, the orchid flower almost seems to float on air as it invites one to contemplate its beauty. There are over 30,000 different varieties of wild orchids growing across this Earth, from the jungles of the equator to the arctic tundra and everywhere in-between! That’s not even counting over 200,000 hybridized varieties that florists have bred into existence. Orchids come in so many different varieties which love so many different growing conditions that, no matter where your garden, you’re sure to find a variety that’s right for you!


Energy ~ Feminine
Planet ~ Venus
Element ~ Water
Deities ~ Aphrodite, Qu Yan

Most varieties of orchids grow in jungle conditions, clinging to tree bark with thick white roots that are adept at drawing out moisture and nutrients. Because these varieties like to grow high in the tree tops, they’re ravenous for intense sunlight and thrive on 12-hour days — close to midsummer conditions in temperate regions. Many varieties of orchids are difficult to grow, to be sure; even professional growers can struggle to bring them to bloom! But even if your thumb isn’t quite green enough to get these fussy flowers to take to your garden, there are dozens of natural varieties and hundreds of hybridized species who are perfectly content to grow on a windowsill or under lights.

If you want to give your orchid the best possible chance of growing, do thorough research into which varieties are the best fit for your region, and purchase the most mature plant you can: younger plants are very difficult to please. If possible, buy it while it’s in bloom — that way you’ll immediately know what you’re striving for! While there are simply too many varieties of orchid to give general growing instructions for all of them, a look at the plant’s physical characteristics should give some clues. Plants with few or leathery leaves will likely prefer high-light environments, while plants with soft, limp leaves are probably light-sensitive and should not be placed in sunny south-facing windows.

In addition to one variety of orchid being our source for vanilla, the tuberous root of the plant is filled with a highly-nutritious and starchy substance, which is famous for a sweetish taste and somewhat unpleasant smell. This substance, known as bassorin, can be used to replace starch as a reserve material, or to make a drink known as salep — named after an Arabic word for orchid — which was sold in stalls from the Middle East to the streets of London until being supplanted by coffee. In addition to this drink’s purported rejuvenating properties (being lauded as a strengthening and demulcent or anti-inflammatory agent), Chinese medicine has recorded uses for orchids dating back over 3,000 years, noting varieties of the Dendrobium genus of orchids as one of nine ‘faery herbs’ said to be a gift from heaven. Different types of orchids are used in remedies for a huge variety of purposes, ranging from improving memory to treating rheumatism to even easing the symptoms of tuberculosis! Many cultures, including Greece and China, use the plant as an aphrodisiac, and orchid fragrance is also used in perfume and aromatherapy.

In terms of magick, old texts tell of witches using orchid tubers in their philters, the fresh tuber being given to promote true love whilst the withered one checks wrongful passions. Culpepper refers to orchids as being under “the dominion of Venus,” and tells us that, among other things, when “being bruised and applied to the place” they cure the King’s Evil. Orchids also correspond to beauty and elegance, expressing uniqueness, ecstasy, spiritual intuition, and Goddess energy. Some varieties of orchids are also used in creating visions, entering trance-states, and inducing psychic powers.


Confucius wrote many poems on the orchid’s beauty, and even based some of his teachings on this delicate flower! He wrote, “The orchids grow in the woods and they let out their fragrance even if there is no one around to appreciate it. Likewise, men of noble character will not let poverty deter their will to be guided by high principles and morals.” Whether you ascribe to the teachings of Confucius or not, the many multitudes of orchid varieties have a great deal to give us on all levels of our life: whether contemplating them philosophically, utilizing their medicinal properties, or simply savoring their beauty, orchids are a treasure to be cherished.

Different colors of orchid have different meanings, but generally speaking, in flower language it means “Love, Beauty, and Refinement.”

May the Tree of Life always shelter you!
