#i miss you


do you still think about me?

do you think of the nights we spent talking for hours on end?

do you think of the moments when i’d remind you that i’d fight everything for you?

when i was still yours?

do you think of how much i would’ve given up for you and feel tears well up in your eyes?

do i even cross your mind?

-because i still think about you. every day. c.r.

what does it mean, that i still miss you?

what does it mean, that i still want to be yours?

what does it mean, that yours are the only eyes i dream of?

what does it mean, that i would do anything to go back and time and fix what we lost?

what does it mean, that i cannot fathom anything more painful than never again being yours?

what does it mean?

-what did any of it mean, really? c.r.

“and in the end, was it worth it?

wasshe worth it?

because i know you’ll never love anyone like you loved me.

but whether that’s a good thing-

or a bad thing-

remains to be seen.”

-was breaking my heart worth it? c.r.

“that girl-

who is she?

though i know i have no right to be jealous,

nor to demand an explanation from you,

and though you are not mine any longer,

i cannot help but wonder-

do you love her?

do you love her like you said you loved me?”

-did you ever love me? c.r.

I miss you too

I miss you too

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Well we’ve started talking again, and you keep liking my facebook statues. Its been more than anything for a long time, I feel like something has changed, not my feelings for you though. Your single again. I’m still in love with you. You apologised for how you treated me. I have a spark of hope again, hopefully I’ll see you soon.

hi friends. i have missed you all so very very much. i am so sorry that i have been just MIA from Tumblr. so much has happened since… well, i don’t remember when i was last active here. i got locked out somehow and i am only able to post right now because i found my old video iPod. i hope everyone’s 2021 has been better than 2020. i am definitely moving forward!!! love you all foREVer!
