#i need to stop


I get too wound up in not being like other people. I’ll often feel my art and ideas aren’t good enough, solely because they are different from what other people do. And i’ll occasionally feel alone in my viewpoints to the point where I start to think I am a problem. But….I very rarely stop to ask myself “do you like what you do? does it make you happy? were you excited to make it?” bc I spend way too much time thinking about other people. will /they/ like this? will they think i’m weird for making it? There have been times in fandom where I have changed myself and what I do bc of fears like that and im realizing how not good that is. I’ve chained myself to works bc of people who wanted to see them, i’ve changed ideas/original plans based on other people, and i have done this ever since i was like….12. Its not good. Its not good at all. It’s great to take feedback and do what people like, esp if they happen to inspire you, but if you hyperfocus on pleasing them all the time, you forget to please yourself and that can be really detrimental to your mental state. It can make you think your ideas and opinions dont matter, especially if not a lot of people share them. but they do matter. you matter and you should always do what makes you happy, even if you are the only one who likes it.

I’m reevaluating myself and trying to become better at taking care of myself. I, like many others, forget to do that.  

-_- and coping mechanism or not, i need to stop calling myself lame or boring. jkfhdjgks

Be nice to yourself, people!! You deserve it. We all do.


Quando mi dissero questa parola il mio cuore si fermó. Poi, preso da una scarica di adrenalina, battè più forte come a voler uscire fuori dal petto.. Come a voler andare a risanare il suo male che sentivo forte come fosse di mia proprietà.


When its 12 AM and you can’t sleep so you make a nest that’s more comfortable than any mattress ever. #not relatable






heroes, and partners,

heroes, and partners,

Post link

ok so………i might be getting into 4town?? god help me, i’ve never been into bandoms butof course the animated movie with fictional characters dragged me inbecause it wouldnt be me otherwise would it??

why do the songs have to be so catchy?? my dumb musical theatre kid ass got sucked in the moment i heard jordan fisher’s voice for fucks sake


stop unfollowing me i have been nothing but gorgeous and hilarious to u all

When you find a Cyclamen tuber that had rolled in a corner of the shed months ago and is dangerously close to death:


i just had a presentation for my ib lit class and stuttered my way through the whole thing and then paused for a good minute before laughing when i couldn’t form a sentence. my grade in this class is going down for sure

anyways, let me focus on finishing up tangled sheets and redacted.


my brain, stomping it’s feet: i wanna use one inconsequential negative experience to spiral into an echo-chamber of self hatred!!!

me, stirring my tea with my little plastic knife: no, we don’t do that anymore
