

Another year out the door, and still I’m left wondering what’s wrong with me and why can’t I make and keep friends. It is, once again, a me issue. Maybe I try too hard. Maybe I don’t try hard enough. Maybe I speak too much. Maybe I don’t speak enough. Whatever it is, I know it’s me. So here’s to another year sucking as a human being and another year trying to be my own friend since no one around here else really is.

Pandemics didn’t help because I couldn’t go out to meet new people, but it doesn’t excuse any time before.

Just me and my books and my games and my tv shows. And it feels like that’s how it’ll always be so why even bother anymore.

Netflix needs a filter for “I wanna feel good, but I don’t wanna cry about it”.

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.



Using his face as a footrest and then abusing him!

The perfect woman. She treats his face the way it should be done

#girldaddy    #foot rest    #furniture    #ignore    #face abuse    #foot slap    #face kick    

when depression hits you hardcore after 3 years of radio silence and all your favorite fandoms are dead and all the people you used to talk to are gone/have moved on and you can’t even do the most basic things on the job  anymore ( one that you love sm and that you’ve been a complete workaholic for for the past three years) 

and when you’ve finished writing all your fics that kept you afloat and looking forward to something and can’t bring yourself to start writing something new and when you can’t go swimming (another thing that kept your effed mind occupied) either because everything is closed and when all your rl friends are scattered across the country/continent and you’ve drifted apart from them too so there’s literally nothing there to distract you :)


Ignore Dave Ramsey. 5 Ways $1,400 Stimulus Check Can Change Your Life

Ignore Dave Ramsey. 5 Ways $1,400 Stimulus Check Can Change Your Life

Private finance guru Dave Ramsey in his broadcast studio in Brentwood, Tenn., in 2006. “I don’t imagine in a stimulus test as a result of if $600 or $1,400 modifications your life you have been just about screwed already,”  Ramsey stated on Fox Information in February. “You bought different points happening.” Mark Humphrey/AP Picture

Did you get up on St. Patrick’s Day to the next checking…

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season 2 of legend of Korra really makes me so fucking uncomfortable even alcohol can’t cure it fucking cHRIIIISSST

hrngngngngnng finally got back to Studio Mir animation and it still feels wack. not trying to be all negative and stuff, and there’s a good number of things I like from this season….but damn it really got rid of any residual enthusiasm I had for this show

but LMAO book 3 is fucking phenomenal

I’m actually stunned I forgot about how much of a 180 I felt watching it for the first time….like….EVERYTHING is better. The comedic timing, fight choreography, dialogue, character relationships, PROBABLY THE BEST VILLIAN BESIDES AZULA, problems/themes/storyline feel more naturally developed rather than just pulling shit out of a hat….I can go on.

My partner and I are noticeably laughing more and going through it faster than book 2. Just…WOW.

Also I might be the only one but Book 2 had this weird thing where the episode breaks or ends abruptly/at a weird spot and lord that bugged me. Never felt that once in Book 3.
