#incorrect silmarillion quotes


Celegorm: if Caranthir had a twin, he would’ve eaten him in the womb.

Feanor: BEHOLD, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!

In Nargothrond


Celegorm: Come again?

Curufin: You insult me.

Finrod: He was making a factual statement.


The Silmarillion for Dummies

• Melkor was right

• Fëanor did nothing wrong

• Hot Sauron rights

• Fuck Manwë

• Don’t eat trees

Celegorm: Tulkas’ balls!

Celegorm: Eru’s ass!

Celegorm: Varda’s tits! Urgh!

Curufin: Interesting display of divine genitals.

“There is nothing violence would resolve, so I suggest we put you to sleep. Gently, but permanently.”

— Lúthien to Morgoth.


Nerdanel: What are these?!

Fëanor: Dwarf costumes.

Nerdanel: Why? Have you lost your mind?!

Fëanor: How many dwarves in Snow-White?


Fëanor: How many sons do we have?


Fëanor: Et voilà.


Why Fëanorions threw a tantrum when they were young:

Maedhros: Nerdanel didn’t let him throw a small Varda sculpture at Fëanor.

Maglor: Cried because he didn’t want to wear clothes, but then cried because he was cold.

Celegorm: Saw a dog from the window and was afraid of it.

Caranthir: Was still hungry after eating his meal, and somehow it was Finwë’s fault.

Curufin: Maglor refused to let him bite his lute.

Amrod: Hated yellow and was mad Celegorm wore a yellow shirt.

Amras: Maedhros could go to bed late, but not him.

Annatar: Let’s make rings.

Celebrimbor, suspicious:Why?

Annatar: Come on, it’s not dangerous.

Celebrimbor: No, but-

Annatar: Have you ever seen a ring kill someone?

Celebrimbor: No, I-

Annatar: We’re making rings.

Who’s the Tolkien character you’re the most afraid of?

Lobelia Sackville-Baggins. Ungoliant comes close second.

Curufin: Where’s dad? I need help at the forge.

Nerdanel: Ask your grandfather, your father is grounded.


Nerdanel: I found your father passed out on his office desk at the forge. He claims he forgot to feed himself for three days.

Nerdanel: No forge for him for a month.

Narvi: Between you and Annatar, is there something?

Celebrimbor: No, why?

Narvi: People have been… speaking.

Celebrimbor: What are they saying..?

Narvi: They nicknamed you Celebrimboink


*after the incident with Luthien*

Maedhros: I am at a loss for words!

Celegorm, narrating: Despite being at a loss for words Nelyo yelled at me for the next 45 minutes.


Caranthir:Cuteness has no effect on me.

Celegorm: You’re giving Huan belly scratches and telling him what a good boy he is.

Caranthir, continuing to do this:Again-


I often feel like Fëanor has his priorities sorted out-

Maedhros: I’m dating Fingon.



Maedhros:I ate the last piece of chocolate.

Fëanor: YOU DID WHAT??!


Caranthir: Why are Maglor and Maedhros sitting back to back?

Amras: They had a fight

Caranthir: Why are they holding hands?

Amras: Maglor gets sad when they fight.
