#incorrect wayv


Ten, after finishing his 4th cornetto ice-cream: I’m going to get another FUCKING cornetto

Kun, shouting from another room: no you’re not

differentiating the unit maknaes like:

haechan, the all-rounder

  • knows how to do everything somehow
  • because he’s brainy
  • and it benefits his competitiveness bc he loves winning
  • over doyoung, specifically

yangyang, the opportunist

  • definitely knows how to do things
  • but pretends he doesn’t
  • just so he can get kun to do things for him
  • pulls out the maknae card for his convenience

jisung, the confused

  • poor little meow meow
  • genuinely doesn’t know how to do things apart from singing and dancing
  • experiencing life for the first time
  • gets a free pass bc he’s just clueless™

a summary of (Un)official Cantonese Class with Teacher Hendery

hendery: you might ask, why is it derived like this?


hendery: lmao idk either man i just learned it like that as a kid so anYWAY-

Lucas: old people burp and be like “thank you god”

Yangyang:they probably thought it was their last breath

*both turn to look at kun*

Kun:I never thanked any higher power after burping so y’all can turn back around

Yangyang:sure gramps

Xiaojun:yangyang has no survival skills. the need to win has replaced them

Winwin:yeah right

Xiaojun:no really, watch

Xiaojun: hey yangyang, i’ll race you to the bottom of the stairs

Yangyang:*throws himself out of the window*
