#incorret quotes


Diana: So, what’s your plans for Christmas?

Batman: I have to go to the store buy the boys their Christmas presents.

Superman: wow, they’re gonna received more presents? They’re so Lucky. I only received Santa’s presents.

Diana: what you’re talking about?

Superman: I’m just saying they’re lucky for getting presents from Santa and you Bruce. When I was younger I only received presents from Santa, it’s funny he wrapped the presents in special paper so I wouldn’t see what was inside, and he was so quiet like, I didn’t even hear him when he entered and leaved my house.

Batman to Diana: I’m gonna tell him.

Diana: Don’t you dare.

Tim: so… What was everybody doing while I was dead?

Damian: I kidnapped your friends and became the leader of the teen titans.


Bruce: Tim drop that gun-

Batman: Jason, if you kill someone that’s means you’re a criminal.

Jason:bitch, you break almost every traffic and airspace laws in this world, you have information that even the government shouldn’t have, you have no ideia what privacy means and you put minors to fight serial killers and monsters. And I’m pretty sure that being a vigilant is a crime too.

Batman: but- killing is ba-

Jason: SHUT UP.

*Bruce’s Grindr plays in the middle of a Justice League Meeting*

Clark, Hal, Barry: *Stares in gay language*

Diana: Funny, Steve has the same ringtone.

Teen!Five: broke my heart

Teen!Vanya: aaawww

Teen!Five: So I broke his jaw to make up for it.
