


When Hunter makes a display of throwing away his gun for Caleb in Ep 01 he reaches back, pulls out his blaster, and tosses it aside.

But where did he get it from?

He isn’t wearing a belt or any other attachment for it to be stored in, it can only have come out of his backpack. I’m willing to allow for an option of a quick release panel on the underside of his pack allowing him to access it quickly if it’s stored in there, but he only appears to reach towards the small of his back to retrieve the blaster, and not high enough to touch the base of the pack.

You can clearly see here that there’s simply nowhere else for it to have come from though, yet we clearly see him reach behind himself to retrieve it.


Skip forwards to Ep 07 and we see him draw his blaster again when they’re in Cid’s office and hear shots fired in the bar.  However, this time his blaster has been stuck to the back of his Katarn class underpants with, what?, blu-tac? double sided tape? Is it coated with the sticky clinging vinyl stuff that these things are made of?


Because it’s just ‘there’ sticking to his butt by sheer willpower alone.


Slightly different angle


It’s really hard to see because the scene is dark and he’s in motion, and I had to screenshot this and lighten it significantly in order to catch this at all - anyone would think they were hoping no one would notice :D

And I only spotted it magically sticking there because I was specifically looking for it once I realised that he has nowhere to keep his blaster anywhere on his outfit

And never is this made more painfully aware than in the very next episode where he manages to stick it to the side of his leg with no sign of visible support so that he can pull off his quickdraw fail against Cad Bane.


Look at that. No holster, no nothing, just massive static cling?

He spends the next episode recovering from being shot, but after that appears to have remembered that blasters don’t usually just hover by your side of their own free will and has added a holster to accessorise his thigh plating


But the holster is presumably also made of the same stuff which allowed his blaster to stick there beforehand, since there’s no sign of how it’s hanging on there either.

Yes, I do realise that there’s been time to attach it there somehow, he Gorilla Glue’d it on, or something, but he’s the only person who manages to have a holster with no visible means of support such as a strap hanging from a belt for extra stability even if it isn’t required to hold it there.


Now, in all fairness, I can see where this problem most likely comes from.


The concept art design of Hunter has no holster anywhere even though he’ll need one later on. They do remember to add the knife and how it’ll attach to his forearm on the design sheet, but no notes on a blaster or a holster.


But Crosshair’s has one from the initial design onwards.

So, presumably, the animating team didn’t know Hunter was supposed to have one, or that he was going to need one in the future, and just added a blaster in as and when necessary up until the point where a proper holster asset was provided and hoped that no one would notice the impossibility of it just defying gravity and friction to stay where it was put with no means of support.

Usually clone armour provides them with holsters hanging from their standard issue belt, but on this team only Echo still wears that belt/holster combo so it wasn’t something that’d immediately leap to the animators attention as being missing until it was too late to do much about it.










US Elevation.


man the Appalachian mountains really aren’t shit huh

The Rockies are new, young and virile and fresh from the Laramide orogeny, tall and lanky teenagers on the geological scale.

the Appalachian mountains are old, formed hundreds of millions of years ago before dinosaurs walked the Earth. They are ancients, elders, witnesses to half a billion years of life coming and going.

To be tall is not a virtue. To be small is not a sin. The Appalachians are eroding under the weight of time, slowly shrinking and returning to the Earth from which they sprang.

Appreciate them while they are still here.

I do want to say real quick again about the age of the Appalachians…

They said “before dinosaurs,” but we have a cave here that began forming between 450 million to 550 million years ago.

There are no bones in that cave. No fossils. No nothing.

That’s because this cave began forming before bones existed on land, and had only just started to exist in the ocean. Shellfish hadn’t evolved yet. Limestone, which forms many caves, was just starting to become a more prevalent rock.

The mountains aren’t older than dinosaurs. They are older thanbones.

see that little lump up at the top of minnesota? the sawtooth mountains? so small most places would just call them hills?


those are over a billion years old.

that’s why they’re so small. they’re the last ancient remnants of a lava flow 5 miles thick. the lava didn’t kill any dinosaurs. or any fish. or any animals at all. because there were no animals. you know what there was?


those mountains were 5 miles tall when the most advanced life on earth was algae.

so i’m just gonna go ahead and keep calling them mountains, even though all you need to climb them is hiking shoes and a nice afternoon. because a place where you can crouch down and touch basalt that was lava before leaves were invented deserves some respect.

The earth is unfathomably ancient, and you garner no love from her when you insult her eldest children.

not only that, the Appalachians predate the Atlantic Ocean and were fragmented. they stretch across three continents, as Atlas in Africa and Caledonians in Europe as you can see here:

the Appalachians are way way old. the fossils that ARE found in these ranges are ancient marine beings, whose fossil remains predate the anatomical structures of beings migrating to land for the first time. THAT’S how old the Appalachians are.

show the elders some respect, they have witnessed eons and are returning to the land from which they grew, it’s the kind of the passage of time on a scale that our human lives could not even begin to comprehend.

Give me ALL the geology discourse

Post link
 Read the original post HERE<<Missing Mollie Tibbets- What happened? On July 18th, 2018, a twe Read the original post HERE<<Missing Mollie Tibbets- What happened? On July 18th, 2018, a twe Read the original post HERE<<Missing Mollie Tibbets- What happened? On July 18th, 2018, a twe Read the original post HERE<<Missing Mollie Tibbets- What happened? On July 18th, 2018, a twe

Read the original post HERE<<

Missing Mollie Tibbets- What happened? 

On July 18th, 2018, a twenty year old Psychology student named Mollie Cecilia Tibbetts went missing while out on a jog in Iowa. The girl was dog-sitting at her boyfriends house while he was away for work. She sent him a Snapchat, went out to run and was never heard from again. Police believed she had been abducted, and after hours of trawling through CCTV from the area noticed a suspicious vehicle driving along Mollies usual jogging route… (READ POST)

Woman goes missing on belated honeymoon sailing trip

Isabella Hellmann and her husband Lewis Bennett had been married for three months when they finally decided to take a belated honeymoon. They planned to sail through Puerto Rico and Cuba when on the last leg of the journey Julia went missing. Her husband claimed she had fell overboard and noticed that the boat was taking on water rapidly. But what really happened that night? (READ POST)

Child dies and woman found starving on the floor of  home of a man with cult connections

In November 2014, a 44 year old man form Georgia walked into a local hospital cradling the lifeless body of his 1 year old daughter.
She isn’t breathing” he told hospital staff.
Noticing the deceased child was severely malnourished, the police were contacted and searched the mans apartment to find a starving woman in one of the rooms as well as literature belonging to a strange cult with an Egyptian aesthetic that followed a religion of Kemetism, UFO religion and ancient mysticism (READ POST)

Beverly England cold case close to being solved? 

32 year old Beverly England went missing on June 12th, 1980. Rumors had been making their way around town that Beverly had been having an affair with another woman’s husband, so she decided to meet with the woman that day at a local picnic area. Beverly was never seen again. Mitzy Abeyta, who was pregnant at the time, told police the two of them got into an altercation and Beverly attempted to attack her with a broken bottle but is Abeyta as innocent as she still claims to be? (READ POST)

Missing Maine woman Kristin Westra 

Kristin Westra had suffered several sleepless nights before she went missing. She had been feeling stressed out and arranged an emergency appointment regarding anxiety and her mental health. That night, she and her husband lay in bed reading before going to sleep for work, but Kristin could not stop tossing and turning. The following morning when her husband woke up she was nowhere to be found. Several days later two children playing in a field stumbled upon a body. (READ POST)

Read more true crime and unsolved cases HERE<<

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About once a month I run into an older American gentleman who tells me stories about his life and his time in Vietnam. He regularly reads my blog and recently told me that he has one of his own and that there were several posts I (and anyone who reads my blog) may be interested in so I thought I’d share one here!

(Do not read this too close to mealtime.)
This incident took place in northwestern Pennsylvania USA in April, May or June sometime in the mid-1990s, in the first really consistently hot days of the year. This is the time of the year when the remains of animals that had been road-killed by cars during winter and left along the roads smell most rank. My many walks along highways and back-roads have always confirmed this.
I was living at Wilderness Park high up on the Allegheny Plateau and hiking often out on the back trails in the Allegheny National Forest, which was just out my back door. One section of my favorite trail paralleled a back-road for a brief while at a distance of several hundred yards across a quite wild forested area, but if the wind was right you could occasionally hear motor vehicles on the road across that stretch of woods.
On this one particularly hot day as I was hiking this trail, the wind was blowing from the direction of this back-road, and I caught a couple of different whiffs of road-kill from that direction. One of the smells was extra strong, and I was sure that it must be a very big animal such as a deer or even a bear.
Immediately after this time I started to have very vivid, extremely violent and disturbing nightmares that involved stark images and memories of the Vietnam War. They went on for a week or two. I had not had nightmares like this for a long time, so I could not account for it.
I have had other war-related nightmares that could be easily explained, before and after this episode. Back in 1986 after seeing the very authentic movie “Platoon” in the theater, I immediately had nightmares and disturbed sleep for a two week period.
Also, a number of years later – long after this incident at Wilderness Park that I am presently describing had occurred – I again had disturbed sleep for a period, and I am sure that this latter episode was because at that time I was teaching US Military History for two semesters. As a brand-new course preparation for me, I was reading about and thinking of war all of the time, and I was especially thinking of it last of all before sleep-time. (I gladly handed over this course to a teacher both well-qualified and very eager to teach it, because it pleased him very much and contributed to his morale as a history teacher on our team, it strengthened our history department’s program, and it got the nightmares out of my head.) But these two episodes, the one before and the one after the Wilderness Park one, were not as disturbing as the one I now describe in the mid-1990s.
I could not explain why I was having these vivid nightmares at this particular time, so I just assumed it was the hot humid weather triggering memories of tropical Vietnam. I turned up the a/c at night but still had the horrific nightmares.
Then I belatedly got the community gossip. It was not road-kill that I had smelled after all. Two neighborhood boys on their bicycles had discovered a woman dead in her car on an obscure turn-off dead-end lane off from that back-road that paralleled my hiking trail. She had committed suicide in her car with the windows down earlier on one of those fine days of spring, and she was not discovered until a while after the fact, and this along with the extreme hot weather put her into a bad state of decomposition. The location of her body was exactly upwind of the place on my hiking trail where I had smelled on that day what I thought was a big animal road-kill, and the timeframe was an exact match – i.e., I had smelled the scent before her discovery. It had never occurred to my conscious mind that it was not the smell of a regular road-kill of a forest animal.
Dead mammals have a particular smell, but dead humans have a unique one. The best descriptions will usually tell you that a human’s decomposition smell is a sickeningly “sweet” smell. The only time I smelled this smell intensely was in Vietnam. In the tropical heat, decomposition worked fast. Our own dead were zipped into body bags and brought out as quickly as possible, but sometimes not quick enough. Enemy dead were often neglected, especially in more remote areas, and you were reminded of them by the smell whenever you went back through that area. It was a smell that you wished at the time that you could somehow flush and cleanse out of your nostrils, sinuses and skull, but it stayed with you. By the 1990s I had completely forgotten about all of this through the years, especially the fact of the uniqueness of the smell of human decomposition.
So now I became convinced that, 25 years after being in Vietnam, the ripe death-smell of this unfortunate woman near Wilderness Park triggered memories of the war somewhere inside my subconscious and completely without my conscious knowledge, thus producing unexplained nightmares. It made me a believer that memories can reside in the mind closely linked to the sense of smell.
I began writing this document when I read (on 18 September 2008) the following article in Science Daily online. The linked article is named, “Emotion and Scent Create Lasting Memories – Even in a Sleeping Brain,” and describes experiments on the brain chemistry of mice at the Duke University Medical Center and is published in The Journal of Neuroscience. Implications for other mammals such as humans are clear.
It all falls into place and makes perfect sense to me.
[Sources: news of a new study, reported in Science Daily online, Sniffing Out Danger: Fearful Memories Can Trigger Heightened Sense of Smell. The original journal article was published in Science and titled, “Fear Learning Enhances Neural Responses to Threat-Predictive Sensory Stimuli.”]

Thought I’d share my favorites(Full post here<<) Whang! [X] My new favorite. What can I say, IThought I’d share my favorites(Full post here<<) Whang! [X] My new favorite. What can I say, IThought I’d share my favorites(Full post here<<) Whang! [X] My new favorite. What can I say, IThought I’d share my favorites(Full post here<<) Whang! [X] My new favorite. What can I say, IThought I’d share my favorites(Full post here<<) Whang! [X] My new favorite. What can I say, IThought I’d share my favorites(Full post here<<) Whang! [X] My new favorite. What can I say, IThought I’d share my favorites(Full post here<<) Whang! [X] My new favorite. What can I say, I

Thought I’d share my favorites

(Full post here<<)

Whang! [X] My new favorite. What can I say, I love whang. Dude covers weird and forgotten mysteries of the internet. Doesn’t drag out stories, is informative and entertaining. 

LordanARTS[X] This guy goes in depth about cases in his “Brainscratch/searchlight series He covers true crime, cold cases and missing people. 

Reignbot [X] I really like Reignbot’s channel, she’s great at analyzing mysteries and conspiracies and the like. Her voice is also really easy to listen to and she often does in depth horror movie reviews as well as lists. 

Vintage Files [X] Unsolved mysteries, strange cases, creepy photos, everything.

Shrouded Hand [X] Paranormal / creepy / Aliens and UFO’s

NightmareExpo [X] Another great channel. Reminds me of Reignbot in a way. Reviews and analysis of various web-series and creepy content gone viral along with scary story times and a "disturbing things from around the internet” series.

NightMind [X]I like Nightmind a lot. Good creepy channel with analysis of mysterious online videos and coverage / reviews of creepy online content from around the internet. Really worth subscribing to.

Rob Dyke [X] specifically his series “seriously strange” / twisted tens and the anatomy of a serial killer.Rob’s channel has a lot of good quality content and since he’s been around for a while now, he’s got quite a few to binge on. His channel covers everything from unsolved mysteries, serial killers, and twisted top ten lists. 

Elders Vault [XEV dives into unsolved mysteries with his “Beyond the vault” series and it’s very, very interesting. Really like the guys voice, easy to listen to, well worth a sub.

OrderoftheGoodDeath[X] …more commonly known as “Ask a mortician”. It’s all in the name, the presenter of the channel is a mortician, and her channel features morbid and interesting content surrounding death and everything about it.

Caylleigh Elise [X] Another great channel, especially the “Dark matters” series.Features topics along the lines of true crime, missing people, unsolved murders, and the odd list video.Very respectful and informative. 

Gloomy house[X] As the user name suggests, pretty gloomy content. From “videos that will make you lose hope in humanity” to “The euthanasia roller coaster” and even “the Mickey mouse sex tape”Hmm.

Crime documentary [X]
It’s all in the name. This channel has a lot of true crime documentaries, usually 40 minutes and longer.

I thought I’d also make a little sub-list of scary story channels I like, because I do listen to a bunch of them. If you don’t know, scary story channels are basically people reading either listener submitted, or online sourced real life terrifying experiences. These are good playlists for just before you go to sleep or whatever. Some of the readers have branched out to do lists and cover crime or paranormal stories too.

Lazy masquerade 



Corpse husband 




Doctor horror

Mr. Nightmare 

Swamp Dweller

Share your favorites!

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(Better viewed with all media HERE<<) EDIT: post was really long, all details in the link abov(Better viewed with all media HERE<<) EDIT: post was really long, all details in the link abov(Better viewed with all media HERE<<) EDIT: post was really long, all details in the link abov(Better viewed with all media HERE<<) EDIT: post was really long, all details in the link abov(Better viewed with all media HERE<<) EDIT: post was really long, all details in the link abov(Better viewed with all media HERE<<) EDIT: post was really long, all details in the link abov

(Better viewed with all media HERE<<

EDIT: post was really long, all details in the link above. 

I woke to this morning to several DM’s all directing me to online articles about a self-confessed time traveler named Noah.

Time traveller’ man from 2030 makes specific predictions for the future” read the headline of an article from news.com.au.

Time travel SHOCK CLAIM: Man from the ‘year 2030’ says ALIENS become ALLIES with the US” cried the Express online.
BACK TO THE FUTURE Man claiming to be a time-traveller from 2030 ‘PASSES lie-detector test’… and he has these predictions for the next 10 years” wrote the Sun.

Everyone loves a good time traveller story, just ask you tube; “Time travellers caught on tape”, “time traveller took this video in the year 2120”, “Time traveller caught on 911 call’.

Remember that photograph of the “Time travelling hipster”?

Admittedly in a sea of generic folk from the 1940’s dressed in suits and hats, the dude in the shades and casual clothing holding a portable camera does stand out- but is his casual attire really undeniable evidence of time travel?
After much excitement the seemingly modern items in the photograph were proven to have been available and on the market at the time the image was captured. The logo tee turned out to be a hockey jersey, the protective glasses were on sale at the time and the camera was confirmed by Kodak as likely being a Kodak 35, which was introduced in 1938.

So, friends, it’s now time for us to look into the newest time traveler on the block, a man from the year 2030- the man known only as “Noah”.

Apparently the first video of Noah appeared on YouTube on the 17th of November 2017. The first result on YouTube is a video by a channel called paranormal elite that currently has 33K subscribers. The video, titled “Time Traveler Who Has Been To The Year 2030 Shares His Experiences”, is (at the time I write this) sitting at over 2 million views.

The introduction lays out the basic information we need to know about who Noah is. The channel claims that an individual located in Guadalajara, Mexico contacted them via phone and claimed to be an ex-US government worker who was fired after failing a time-travel mission in South America. The individual identified himself as only “Noah” as he feared he would be taken out by the US government if they were to discover his identity. Noah claimed that he was 50 years old, but had taken an age reversal drug that shaved off 25 years, making him appear to be 25 years old.

He told Paranormal Elite that the constant time travel had affected him mentally that he has depression and an eating disorder as a result.After the introduction we see a video of Noah clad in a burgundy with his face obscured, reading from a pre-written statement explaining that he is a time traveler and wants to prove to us all that time travel will be available to the public in 2028.  To do so, he claims that he has traveled back to the 13th of November 2017 from the year 2021- which he claims is where he existed for most of his “natural life”.

The statement is then interrupted by Noah getting seemingly overwhelmed before asking for a moment to compose himself . At one point he starts sobbing and the P.E channel slides in a message telling viewers not to feel bad as they have donated around “$700 in food and water to help him get by”.
In order to prove that he really is from the future, Noah has provided us with a list of predictions for technologies that will be available to us in the near future- 2021 to be exact. 

Here’s the list:

1.Electric cars that are able to cover an average of 600 miles on one full charge

2. HD video recording glasses with augmented reality. Basically like Terminator shades or an advanced pair of Google glasses that can do way more than show you maps and make a phone call. These 2021 glasses will supposedly have an augmented reality screen that will basically allow us to perceive generated data that we can see, hear and touch etc.  Essentially we’ll be living in the “black mirror” universe in a couple of years.

3. Trump will be re-elected. He’s 100% certain, apparently.

After displaying some symptoms of stress, he wishes us good luck for the future and signs off.

On the 5th of August, 2018, a YouTube channel called APEX TV boasting 686K followers posted a follow up interview with Noah titled: “Time Traveler Noah From 2030 Tells His Story”.  A far cry from the 3 minute video originally posted on Paranormal Elite, this video is over 37 minutes long.It’s important to note that paranormal elite is part of APEXTV.

Now I actually sat down and watched that 37 minute video(I know) and I thought I’d recap it here for you, so you can skim-read what Noah claims to be his story:

In 2025 Noah was in his teens and attending high school. He was bullied for having a stutter as a child, but was smart and got good grades- in fact he got straight A’s across the board. One day, out of the blue, a pair of men with shaved heads, clad in suits (he accidentally describes them as “tuxedos”) had him pulled into the office and forced him into a top secret government program where he would have to travel through time to complete missions and the past and future. 

He was prohibited to tell anyone about the project and began to feel isolated from the rest of the world.He was driven out to a military complex in the middle of the Nevada desert where he had to register as a worker. He was then led down a staircase into a basement level facility where he saw an unfathomably large glass time machine crawling with mechanics. 

He signed an 8 year contact with the government and was put into a small class of  trainees (five in total)  and lived at an on-site dorm with minimal furnishings. From there he studied until it came time to take the final exam, which he passed. A chip was then implanted into his left wrist- a painful procedure that had him in intense pain for several days. 

Noah hated the job, but he could be at least relieved in the knowledge that he didn’t have a contract as long as some of the others in his class, some of whom received 50 – life.  

(Continue reading)

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It’s just one of those days man. Or weeks. Months. Years. Lost track. Things are bad enough for me to make two shitty, angsty posts in one day so…

savagedefectives:pond, by claire-louise bennett


pond, by claire-louise bennett

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Kathryn Beaumont (born 27 June 1938), the actor who voiced both Alice in Disney’s Alice in Wonderland and Wendy in Disney’s Peter Pan, also modeled for the animators. These photos show how much work was put into classical animation at the Disney studio.

Walt Disney chose Beaumont to be the voice of Alice when she was just ten years old. He chose her for the model of Alice. She was named a “Disney Legend” by the Walt Disney Company in 1998.

Made under the supervision of Walt Disney himself (1951), this film and its animation are often regarded as some of the finest work in Disney studio history, despite the lackluster, even hostile, reviews it originally received.

It gained popularity in the 1970’s due to the “drug” culture fandom at the time, it was released in 1974, and then again in 1981.

Today, it is not only considered the best animated film adaptation of Lewis Carrol’s novel but one of Disney’s greatest classics. { 1-10 }



I see the original post going around every so often and it saddens me a little that it’s never accompanied by this thread explaining why it’s completely understandable how a child would arrive at these spellings in accordance with english phonetics

This. Is. AWESOME!!! 


Do you design a lot of characters living in not-modern eras and you’re tired of combing through google for the perfectoutfit references? Well I got good news for you kiddo, this website has you covered!Originally@modmad made a post about it, but her link stopped working and I managed to fix it, so here’s a new post. Basically, this is a costume rental website for plays and stage shows and what not, they have outfits for several different decades from medieval to the 1980s. LOOK AT THIS SELECTION:


There’s a lot of really specific stuff in here, I design a lot of 1930s characters for my ask blog and with more chapters on the way for the game it belongs to I’m gonna be designing more, and this website is going to be an invaluable reference. I hope this can be useful to my other fellow artists as well! :)




It’s sad how much of what is taught in school is useless to over 99% of the population.

There are literally math concepts taught in high school and middle school that are only used in extremely specialized fields or that are even so outdated they aren’t used anymore!

I took calculus my senior year of high school, and I really liked the way our teacher framed this on the first day of class.

He asked somebody to raise their hand and ask him when we would use calculus in our everyday life. So one student rose their hand and asked, “When are we going to use this in our everyday life?”

“NEVER!!” the teacher exclaimed. “You will never use calculus in your normal, everyday life. In fact, very few of you will use it in your professional careers either.” Then he paused. “So would you like to know why should care?”

Several us nodded.

He picked out one of the varsity football players in the class. “You practice football a lot during the week, right Tim?” asked the teacher.

“Yeah,” replied Tim. “Almost every day.”

“Do you and your teammates ever lift weights during practice?”

“Yeah. Tuesdays and Thursdays we spend a lot of practice in the weight room.”

“But why?” asked the teacher. “Is there ever going to be a play your coach tells you use during a game that requires you to bench press the other team?”

“No, of course not.”

“Then why lift weights?”

“Because it makes us stronger,” said Tim.

“Bingo!!” said the teacher. “It’s the same thing with calculus. You’re not here because you’re going to use calculus in your everyday life. You’re here because calculus is weightlifting for your brain.”

And I’ve never forgotten that.

Ooh. I like this anecdote. 







Sometimes I’m looking for something online - often “how to” articles - and I want to filter for - like - a website that was clearly built in 2010 at the latest, which may or may not have been updated since then, but contains a vast wealth of information on one topic, painstakingly organized by an unknown legend in the field with decades’ worth of experience.

I don’t want a listicle with a nice stolen picture in a slideshow format written by a content aggregator that God forgot. I want hand-drawn diagrams by some genius professor who doesn’t understand SEO at all, but understands making stir-fries or raising stick insects better than anyone else on this earth. I don’t know what search settings to put into Google to get this.

thank you for articulating this cri de coeur for me

ngl these days i’m just happy when it’s not a video

search.marginalia.nu is the search engine you want!

The search engine calculates a score that aggressively favors text-heavy websites, and punishes those that have too many modern web design features.
This is in a sense the opposite of what most major search engines do, they favor modern websites over old-looking ones. Most links you find here will be nearly impossible to find on a regular search engine, as they aren’t sufficiently search engine optimized.

“It is a search engine, designed to help you find what you didn’t even know you were looking for. If you search for “Plato”, you might for example end up at the Canterbury Tales. Go looking for the Canterbury Tales, and you may stumble upon Neil Gaiman’s blog.

If you are looking for fact, this is almost certainly the wrong tool. If you are looking for serendipity, you’re on the right track. When was the last time you just stumbled onto something interesting, by the way?

I don’t expect this will be the next “big” search engine. This is and will remain a niche tool for a niche audience.“

Oh my god. On their About page, they explain a movement called the Small Web – basically a return to the weird indie stuff of the late 90s and early 2000s. The thing I’ve been LOOKING for. Right down to a Geocities like website.

I love this.





i made another horrible quiz, come get assigned a niche lgbtq aesthetic such as “strapping young transmasc farmhand” or “morose bisexual sailor”


Medivel knight wlw

Pocket-full-of-rodents wlw and honestly yeah

who participate in?
