#james x lily


This is pure pain! Beautiful, angry, passionate - PAIN!

beautiful eyes 



In which Lily Evans realizes yearning and hatred are two sides of the same coin.

A Muggle University AU where Lily develops a massive, cute crush on her friend

all the time in the world 



Three seconds. That was how long Lily let herself consider the thought of it, before she pushed it away and forced herself to think of something, anything else. One, there was his mouth, obviously, his lips and how they were slightly chapped and definitely capable of driving her mad by the words that came out of them so she could only imagine what else they could do. Two, his shoulders were broad and he insisted on wearing those stupid threadbare T-shirts so she could see the planes of his chest move beneath them when he laughed or stretched or did anything at all, because apparently she was dealing with some kind of Greek marble statue. Three, his hands, and there was no justification she could give to herself for why they transfixed her that couldn’t be seen with one look at them. And that was three, and she was done.

(your classic little uni au)

Band AU + Second Chances + two timelines?




“I raced through soundcheck just to meet you…”
They have to fall apart, fall back together, and find themselves somewhere in the middle.

James learns to play rugby. At Hogwarts. After 6th year exams. In front of a certain pair of hungry eyes. Nuff said.
And at the same time some of the best written James POV, self-reflection about growth and feelings.

(get on out of your seat) all eyes on me 



As James stops to catch his breath, he also catches Lily’s eye, already fixed on him in the blatant, unblinking way he hasn’t seen since she used to verbally eviscerate him for minutes on end. It hits with the same mortifying heat as it always did then, when he used to stand there watching her yell at him and imagine her mouth doing everything else. He’s ridiculously grateful for whoever throws the ball straight towards his face for saving him from the fate of just standing there, watching her watch him with his dry mouth open for the rest of eternity.

In a movement of pure reflex, he grabs the ball out of the air and starts back towards the end of the pitch before Orie comes out of nowhere and takes his legs out from under him. Winded and disoriented, James sighs at the universe’s rather unsubtle visual metaphor. Is it even worth getting up again when he just keeps falling and falling and falling for her?

Canon divergent Normal People AU with lots of angst, pining, feels, secrets, smut and simply incredible writing!

to love, softly 



1439 days.
Carnival lights. Sea breezes. Summers spent together, summers spent apart. To the lover that got away.

Completely in love with this Jily Lived AU. Everything I would want in such a fic!

Professor(s) Potter 



When James Potter accepted the Defense Against the Dark professorship in his son’s second year at Hogwarts, he didn’t realize it would mean going a full term without getting to see his wife. Or will it…?

blissful-blvnk: the Potter house was great and all, but James decided they would need some privacy sblissful-blvnk: the Potter house was great and all, but James decided they would need some privacy sblissful-blvnk: the Potter house was great and all, but James decided they would need some privacy sblissful-blvnk: the Potter house was great and all, but James decided they would need some privacy s


the Potter house was great and all, but James decided they would need some privacy soon.

So many feels ❤️

Post link

headcanon that after Remus died James, Lily and Sirius didn’t know he’d died him until Harry used the recreation stone and Remus appeard with them

Marauders If they ✨marble games✨

Or im sad and chose for marauders to endure my pain

Sirius & Remus (closest to the wall)

Remus would sacrafice himself. He would lie and say they would play fair because both of them wanted the other to live. “Pinky promise to not lose purposly” “Pinky promise”. Remus is crossing his fingers behind his back. Sirius would go first and do a weak throw but still far enough that he wouldn’t break their rules. Remus would look at him tears in his eyes and a small sad smile before barely dropping his marble. “Remus what are you- no moons you promised you promised you would be fair” “I’ve loved you all my life, i’ll love you in The next” Sirius would cry and scream and try to get him to throw another one and Remus would just hug him. Sirius wins

Marlene & Dorcas (guess how many)

They’d do The one to guess how many marbles you’re holding because “Let’s test ourintuition.” They would laugh mostly out of pain. They would play fair a few rounds. They didn’t say it but they knew without saying that they wouldn’t look at each other, it would be too hard. Marlene was never good with rules. She’d take one look at Dorcas and realise the situation, If anyone was gonna make it out of there it would not be herself. Dorcas was trying to be sneaky and make Marlene win, she wasn’t careful laying out marbles in her hand she made sure Marlene could see exactly how many was in her hands. Marlene guessed wrong everytime. Dorcas Slowly realise what’s happening. Marlene figured out her game and made her own. There was no way for Dorcas to lose. She refuses to continue but Marlene takes her hands “Please Dorcas please live for The both of us” Marlene lost

James & Lily (i don’t even think they’d play anything they’d just spend the time talking)

They spend the time talking about their future ignoring everything around them. They talk about where they’re gonna live and the names of their future children and how many dogs they’re gonna have (“We’re not getting six dogs James” “Why not?” “how will we have time?” “We’ll make time” “What about our kids?” “We’ll just make more time"he smiles) Lily is the first one to comment about the situation. She says she’ll sacrafice herself, he has too good of a heart to die. James declines. Says he won’t let her die for him. They argue for a good amount of time. They come to the conclusion that neither will let the other die for them so they’re gonna die together. They laugh and cry and hold hands but in the last seconds James shoes his marbles into her hands and she screams at him but he pushes her forward befire she can give them back to him. Lily wins

Peter & Mary (They spend most of the time trying to decide what game to play)

Mary and Peter being the ones to play together was mostly a slump. They’re trying to decide what to play. Mary suggest the normal marble games Peter suggest the guessing game. They’re not sure. Mary starts to cry that she doesn’t want anyone to die. Peter agrees ("Why us?” “I don’t know Mar i don’t know”) instead of playing anything they talk about their past and their school years and anything and everything really. Peter doesn’t wanna die. Really it comes down to that in the end. Mary choiskg Peter as her partner was the end. He steals her marbles and betrays her. Mary lost (“We played fair im so sad she wasn’t suppost to die” he’d lie)

  • And Bonus bc i love pain

James & Sirius

James again looses willingly. He wouldn’t ever let Sirius die for him. Sirius tried so hard to lose. James gave him everything, a friend, a family, something to live for, happiness. He’s not gonna let James give him his life. James on the other hand is a stel ahead of him. Knows sirius in and out and knows exactly Sirius plan and let himself make a new plan. Sirius will never forgive himself for letting James lose

Sirius & Regulus

Regulus tries to lose. He’s always been a shitty brother might atleast let himself do something for Sirius. Sirius has things to live for, he does not. Sirius would never let his little brother die for him. He’d so anything to protect him til the end. Sirius loses and Regulus will forever be mad at Sirius for it

Okay the rest you’ll have to think of yourself because break your own hearts

Lily & Remus

Marlene & Mary

Marlene & Sirius (these two stubborn bitches)

Remus & James

Lily & Sirius

James & Peter (oh i wonder how this would go//sarcasm Peter would betray him and kill him)

Gideon & Fabian

Maybe one Day i’ll write the rest but it’s not today. I hope you all are in pain after this <3 sorry but like not completly sorry just like partly
