

7/100 Days of Productivity

Saturday ❤ I love Fridays and Saturdays, they are my favorite days since I was little. Today I have a lot of stuff to do, as I am coming to the final days of my Java School with the MJV company and we will have to make a big final project with Java integrated with a web page.

I am liking Java more than I thought I would, and I think there is something here, as I could understand Programming Logic much better with C++ than with JavaScript. Oh my… am I a back-end programmer instead of a front-end programmer? Well, HTML, CSS and JS were my first contact with programming, I thinks that made me think that was my path, but I can be wrong, right?

All I know now is that I like Java and the market likes it too, so, if this will be my door to start for real in the tech world, so be it .

I wish you all to keep fighting for your dreams! Nice weekend everyone.

3/100 Days of Productivity

I have a lot to read and research! Due to my Java classes at night, I am not able to wake up 4 am to study, so I have to review my daily schedule

1/100 Days of Productivity

Second day of 2022 and I will start a 100 days of productivity. Sorry for missing guys, but Q3 and Q4 2021 where insane for me!

I am here with a new challenge: quit my job and be fully dedicated for programming (Javascript, HTML, CSS & JAVA).

2022 will be a great year, very important to me. Let’s Begin!

Happy New Year everyone!

Ps.: I gave myself this Logitech K380 keyboard for Christmas very happy for it!

219/365 Saturday - August 7th, 2021

Winds of change in here.

I am thinking about investing my time exclusively for Front-end learning. Wish me luck!

How about you all? If vou need to make a change to pursuit your objectives and dreams, just do it! Be happy ok? Ok!❤

A few days ago i was trying to find a tumblr theme with a compact main page. I searched around one hundrend themes but i wasn’t able to find what i was looking for so i decided to create my own.

Here we are … Theme is still in alpha version and has some bugs i am trying to fix. I install it though  because i wanted to test it with some real posts.

There are also some things i want to add as well but thirst i have to fix the bugs. Here is the complete “to do” list:

  • Widget sticky posts
  • Widget also like posts
  • Slideshow on main page as first post
  • Fix the bug with the border around flash videos on main page
  • Move CSS to seperate file
  • Move Javascript to seperate file
  • Rewrite Javascript to a more compact way
  • Get rid of clear divs and put clearafter in their place
  • Get rid of all pictures from Technologic theme and make my own
  • Find better theme colors
  • Rewrite html get rid of useless divs
  • Drop the code bellow 64kb
  • Find a name for the theme

The newest issue of Taper just came out and it features a project of mine made specifically for the publication.


Taper is an online literary journal for computational poetry and literary art. Each code poem consists of pure HTML/javascript and must be under 2048 bytes.

My entry, Video Music, is about discovering Atari 2600 cartridges in my basement.

You can see my entry here: https://taper.badquar.to/8/video_music.html


Hello [coders, programmers, developers, software engineers]

I’m currently knee deep into a front-end coding bootcamp at the Georgia institute of Technology. My goal is to find a job as a front end developer when I get out, or another role writing code.

I’ve been writing code as a hobby for the past 15+ years - Mostly web development and python. This course provides lessons, practice, and projects for most of the front-end and some of the backend languages, libraries, frameworks, etc. that I need to get a job in the industry(Including projects to display in my portfolio.)

The reason I told you all of this is that I’m looking for someone to look at my code and projects to review and critique them.

If you wouldn’t mind helping me out with this, reply here, message me, or you can join my slack channel: Code Review


Hello [coders, programmers, developers, software engineers]

I’m currently knee deep into a front-end coding bootcamp at the Georgia institute of Technology. My goal is to find a job as a front end developer when I get out, or another role writing code.

I’ve been writing code as a hobby for the past 15+ years - Mostly web development and python. This course provides lessons, practice, and projects for most of the front-end and some of the backend languages, libraries, frameworks, etc. that I need to get a job in the industry(Including projects to display in my portfolio.)

The reason I told you all of this is that I’m looking for someone to look at my code and projects to review and critique them.

If you wouldn’t mind helping me out with this, reply here, message me, or you can join my slack channel: Code Review


Hello [coders, programmers, developers, software engineers]

I’m currently knee deep into a front-end coding bootcamp at the Georgia institute of Technology. My goal is to find a job as a front end developer when I get out, or another role writing code.

I’ve been writing code as a hobby for the past 15+ years - Mostly web development and python. This course provides lessons, practice, and projects for most of the front-end and some of the backend languages, libraries, frameworks, etc. that I need to get a job in the industry(Including projects to display in my portfolio.)

The reason I told you all of this is that I’m looking for someone to look at my code and projects to review and critique them.

If you wouldn’t mind helping me out with this, reply here, message me, or you can join my slack channel: Code Review


Hello [coders, programmers, developers, software engineers]

I’m currently knee deep into a front-end coding bootcamp at the Georgia institute of Technology. My goal is to find a job as a front end developer when I get out, or another role writing code.

I’ve been writing code as a hobby for the past 15+ years - Mostly web development and python. This course provides lessons, practice, and projects for most of the front-end and some of the backend languages, libraries, frameworks, etc. that I need to get a job in the industry(Including projects to display in my portfolio.)

The reason I told you all of this is that I’m looking for someone to look at my code and projects to review and critique them.

If you wouldn’t mind helping me out with this, reply here, message me, or you can join my slack channel: Code Review


Hello [coders, programmers, developers, software engineers]

I’m currently knee deep into a front-end coding bootcamp at the Georgia institute of Technology. My goal is to find a job as a front end developer when I get out, or another role writing code.

I’ve been writing code as a hobby for the past 15+ years - Mostly web development and python. This course provides lessons, practice, and projects for most of the front-end and some of the backend languages, libraries, frameworks, etc. that I need to get a job in the industry(Including projects to display in my portfolio.)

The reason I told you all of this is that I’m looking for someone to look at my code and projects to review and critique them.

If you wouldn’t mind helping me out with this, reply here, message me, or you can join my slack channel: Code Review

Hello [coders, programmers, developers, software engineers]

I’m currently knee deep into a front-end coding bootcamp at the Georgia institute of Technology. My goal is to find a job as a front end developer when I get out, or another role writing code.

I’ve been writing code as a hobby for the past 15+ years - Mostly web development and python. This course provides lessons, practice, and projects for most of the front-end and some of the backend languages, libraries, frameworks, etc. that I need to get a job in the industry(Including projects to display in my portfolio.)

The reason I told you all of this is that I’m looking for someone to look at my code and projects to review and critique them.

If you wouldn’t mind helping me out with this, reply here, message me, or you can join my slack channel: Code Review

Created my first local server today. I’ll be adding pages tomorrow. #onedayatatime#newskills #webd

Created my first local server today. I’ll be adding pages tomorrow. #onedayatatime

#newskills #webdevelopment #fullstackdeveloper @node.community #express #javascript #javascriptdeveloper #inthemaking #onlythebeginning

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I’ve been working on this project for a while now, and it’s nearly ready to go online. I

I’ve been working on this project for a while now, and it’s nearly ready to go online. If any of you fans are in Hamilton Nz you can come see it ahead of time at Waikato University on exhibition from tonight until next tuesday. See more info at My Degree Show Website. this is all outdated now

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simplyanjuta: Blog Pages cannot have JavaScript anymoreYou guys, apparently there were some securi


Blog Pages cannot have JavaScript anymore

You guys, apparently there were some security changes on Tumblr and JavaScript is no longer allowed for blog pages, which probably affects a lot of blog pages that use a custom theme. You need to contact support & ask to make an exception for you if you want to keep using it - which is what I did now (waiting for a reply).

Keep reading

Yep. Won’t be able to update my downloads page tumblr really wants me to quit.

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Join #Worldie #womenwhocode #womenintech #girlswhocode #daysofcode #womeninstem #dev #developer #gir

Join #Worldie #womenwhocode #womenintech #girlswhocode #daysofcode #womeninstem #dev #developer #girls #programming #coding #peoplewhocode #coder #girlsintech #softwareengineer #webdeveloper #code #girlboss #javascript #tech #codinglife #womenempowerment #technology #programmergirl #cutetechgirls #geekgirl #programmerlife #webdevelopment #devlife #programmer (at Downtown Detroit)

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Join #Worldie #womenwhocode #womenintech #girlswhocode #daysofcode #womeninstem #dev #developer #gir

Join #Worldie #womenwhocode #womenintech #girlswhocode #daysofcode #womeninstem #dev #developer #girls #programming #coding #peoplewhocode #coder #girlsintech #softwareengineer #webdeveloper #code #girlboss #javascript #tech #codinglife #womenempowerment #technology #programmergirl #cutetechgirls #geekgirl #programmerlife #webdevelopment #devlife #programmer (at Downtown Detroit)

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 I did another hackathon with Mintbean! We made our own idle clicker games in 4 hours. Today I wante

I did another hackathon with Mintbean! We made our own idle clicker games in 4 hours. Today I wanted to challenge myself by using vanilla JavaScript and take a break from React. I also have been watching some videos about cat cafes so I let that inspire my clicker project.

The main thing I learned about was using the setInterval method. Plus, the logic behind creating a game takes time. I wasn’t sure how my game was going to turn out, but I got a decent foundation working. I’m going to play around with it more. It was also very fun to play with everyone’s projects!

Link to project: https://codepen.io/spR1nG/pen/yLeeEyo

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Day 7: I did my 2nd hackathon with Mintbean! Today we worked with Algolia which is a quick and powerful search API to make our own search projects. I thought it was difficult at first but not impossible. I wanted to do something Star Wars related so I used data from the Star Wars API. I made a simple character search with React and Algolia’s react-instantsearch library.

Link to project: https://8f9y2.csb.app/

#100daysofcode    #coding    #hackathon    #mintbean    #hackathons    #javascript    #reactjs    #womenwhocode    #starwars    
 Day 5: Focused on redux and react-redux today. Getting ready to set my sleep state to .

Day 5: Focused on redux and react-redux today. Getting ready to set my sleep state to .

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Day 4: Today I played around with the Bootstrap documentation. It’s very easy to explore its many features. Then, I wanted to work on playing CSS animations on scroll. I was able to create a codepen using popular music meme titles.

Link to code: www.codepen.io

#100daysofcode    #womenwhocode    #codepen    #coding    #jquery    #bootstrap    #cssanimation    #javascript    #webdev    #web developer    #web development    #song meme    #frontend    

Day 3: I practiced using jQuery and animations together to create a party turtle. I also learned more about minified files and how they help reduce loading time of websites. You can minify CSS and JavaScript easily with Minify: https://www.minifier.org/.

Link to party turtle: https://codepen.io/

#100daysofcode    #coding    #womenwhocode    #jquery    #javascript    #cssanimation    #turtle    #partytime    #web development    #webdev    
magnolianfarewell:simplyanjuta: Blog Pages cannot have JavaScript anymoreYou guys, apparently ther



Blog Pages cannot have JavaScript anymore

You guys, apparently there were some security changes on Tumblr and JavaScript is no longer allowed for blog pages, which probably affects a lot of blog pages that use a custom theme. You need to contact support & ask to make an exception for you if you want to keep using it - which is what I did now (waiting for a reply).

Keep reading

Yep. Won’t be able to update my downloads page tumblr really wants me to quit.

We had this problem too! To anyone running into the ‘you can’t use java’ issue, @glenthemeswrotea whole guide on how to submit a request, complete with what to say. We submitted at the end of May and had access five days later. :3

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