#jorge luis borges


Ahora estoy de regreso.

Llevé lo que la ola, para romperse, lleva

—sal, espuma y estruendo—,

y toqué con mis manos una

criatura viva;

el silencio.

Heme aquí suspirando

como el que ama y

se acuerda y está lejos.

“Nostalgia”, Rosario Castellanos

“No soy yo quien te echa de menos, igual que no eres tú a quien yo echo de menos. Somos una nostalgia de otro tiempo y de otros nombres”

Elvira Sastre.

La situación a nivel mundial nos ha afectado como nunca antes; es muy extraña esta sensación de que no hay presente, todo está por venir o en un recuerdo desenfocado.

El presente se ha vuelto más bien una pausa indefinida…

“Si en nombre del amor debo restringir mi libertad de expresión, bloquear mis pensamientos y sentimientos legítimos o decir lo que no pienso para no afectar el equilibrio de la relación o para no crear "malestar” en el otro, mi vínculo estará regido por el sometimiento y la prohibición. No busques encadenarte a un corazón, prefiere volar con quien elijas hacia un horizonte común".

Walter Riso

Es posible que, como apuntó Virginia Woolf en un cuento, el lenguaje no sea más que una frágil y agujereada red por la que se escapa, furtivo, el sentido. Por eso el silencio es tan poderoso: nos rodeamos de quien sabe interpretar nuestros silencios y adivina en ellos su sentido…

Eclipse solar de 1991 en Chiapas, por Antonio Turok.

“Se puede amar perfectamente sin que ame el otro. Es una cuestión de soledad. Por ese motivo es que en el amor siempre sobran las demandas de uno hacia el otro. Este es su gran defecto, pedirle siempre algo al otro, mientras que el estado de pasión entre dos o tres personas permite una comunicación intensa”.

Michel Foucault

Jean-Luc Godard: “I read something by Borges where he spoke of a man who wanted to create a woJean-Luc Godard: “I read something by Borges where he spoke of a man who wanted to create a wo

Jean-Luc Godard: “I read something by Borges where he spoke of a man who wanted to create a world. So he created houses, provinces, valleys, rivers, tools, fish, lovers, and then at the end of his life he notices that this ‘patient labyrinth is none other than his own portrait.’”

Follow@a.bittersweet.life for your daily dose of cinematic inspiration.

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sappy quotes about love as faith

“to fall in love is to create a religion that has a falliable god.”

  • if i didn’t believe in you, i wouldn’t have loved you at all.
  • ‘do you regret?’ 'i’d do it again. i’d like to believe that i’d do it again and again and again… and what more can i say?’
  • to love another person is to see the face of god.
  • his mind could do without faith, but his heart could not do without friendship: a profound contradiction, for affection in itself is faith.
  • love, the future is thine.
  • i have something to believe in now that i know you believed in me.
  • today, all day, i had the feeling a miracle would happen. i know now i was right. for here you are, and what was just a world is a star!
  • i’ll see my love tonight. and for us, stars will stop where they are.
  • we’re untouchable; we are in the air; we have magic!
  • 'i believe you! you do have magic.’ 'well, of course i do, i have you.’
  • for saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss.
  • sin from thy lips? o trespass sweetly urged! give me my sin again.
  • for the first time in my long history of being locked inside things, i knew someone would come.
  • there is no answer, but eleanor is the answer.

//the last five years//falsettos//les miserables//newsies//west side story//romeo and juliet//community//the good place//

Cover of Kristian Cordero’s translation of Jorge Luis Borges poems.

Cover of Kristian Cordero’s translation of Jorge Luis Borges poems.

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Book cover studies for Kristian Cordero’s latest book translating Jorge Luis Borges to Bikol aBook cover studies for Kristian Cordero’s latest book translating Jorge Luis Borges to Bikol a

Book cover studies for Kristian Cordero’s latest book translating Jorge Luis Borges to Bikol and Filipino.

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Book cover studies for Kristian Cordero’s latest book translating Jorge Luis Borges to Bikol aBook cover studies for Kristian Cordero’s latest book translating Jorge Luis Borges to Bikol a

Book cover studies for Kristian Cordero’s latest book translating Jorge Luis Borges to Bikol and Filipino.

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SalinGuhitSeptember 2016I was developing an art style for my day job, so I experimented by creating SalinGuhitSeptember 2016I was developing an art style for my day job, so I experimented by creating SalinGuhitSeptember 2016I was developing an art style for my day job, so I experimented by creating SalinGuhitSeptember 2016I was developing an art style for my day job, so I experimented by creating SalinGuhitSeptember 2016I was developing an art style for my day job, so I experimented by creating SalinGuhitSeptember 2016I was developing an art style for my day job, so I experimented by creating SalinGuhitSeptember 2016I was developing an art style for my day job, so I experimented by creating SalinGuhitSeptember 2016I was developing an art style for my day job, so I experimented by creating SalinGuhitSeptember 2016I was developing an art style for my day job, so I experimented by creating SalinGuhitSeptember 2016I was developing an art style for my day job, so I experimented by creating

September 2016

I was developing an art style for my day job, so I experimented by creating social media cards using famous quotes from some of the authors I have read. I had my friends translated their words into Filipino, and named the project “SalinGuhit”.  It’s fun doing the series, no deadlines and pressure. :D

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“From the far end of the corridor, the mirror was watching us; and we discovered, with the ine

“From the far end of the corridor, the mirror was watching us; and we discovered, with the inevitability of discoveries made late at night, that mirrors have something grotesque about them.”

—Jorge Luis Borges, Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius

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 “Writing is nothing more than a guided dream.” —Jorge Luis Borges, born #onthisday in 1

“Writing is nothing more than a guided dream.” —Jorge Luis Borges, born #onthisday in 1899

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I have suspected many a time that meaning is really something added to verse. I know for a fact that we feelthe beauty of a poem before we even begin to think of a meaning.

Jorge Luis Borges, tr. unknown (text found here)

 Juan Manuel Gaucher Troncoso — Retrato de Jorge Luis Borges  (acrylic on panel, 2017)

Juan Manuel Gaucher Troncoso — Retrato de Jorge Luis Borges  (acrylic on panel, 2017)

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“We are our memory,
we are that chimerical museum of shifting shapes,
that pile of broken mirrors.”

~ JORGE LUIS BORGES / In Praise of Darkness ~
~ Died on this day, 1986

“To say goodbye is to deny separation. That is to say: today we are playing at separating ourselves, but we will see tomorrow.”

~Jorge Luis Borges
