

your kidnapper playing a fun little game and letting you “escape” only for them to catch you all over again, wanting to feel the rush they felt when they first took you

really want someone to call me under an anonymous number n threaten me until i’m paralyzed with fear only to show up at my house to kidnap me at knifepoint and keep me as their little toy

yes i want someone to become the scream villain and let me be their victim

i want to scream. i want to of been tied down for hours, tortured far beyond my limits, and i want to just scream and cry and wail. with every ounce of energy i have, just give it my all until my throat goes sore because i can’t possibly take anymore. it’s all too much, i’m far beyond broken and there’s nothing i can do with my shattered, pathetic little brain of mine. i want to feel like im going crazy, knowing day in and day out this is all ill ever know again.

and i want to do that all while my kidnapper laughs, while they fix the hair that got caught in the damp streaks across my face from tears i’ve cried. while they pout at me and apologize, talk about how they just have to do this. how they couldn’t possibly pass up an opportunity to torture their little toy. how it’s so hard to resist a little thing like me. and how your screams and tears do nothing but make them want to go harder, and for longer. how they want to see how far they can push you until you break.

you’ll learn to love it, sweetheart. soon you’ll be begging me to put my hands on you, begging me to make you feel good in the ways only i can. for now you can cry, you can scream and weep. ill be patient.”

they say with a wand on your clit and fingers roughly shoved inside you, while you lay there, painfully tied and stretched out, forcing orgasm after orgasm out of you

I had the great pleasure to be invited by Gerald Guerlais to participate in a collective project forI had the great pleasure to be invited by Gerald Guerlais to participate in a collective project forI had the great pleasure to be invited by Gerald Guerlais to participate in a collective project for

I had the great pleasure to be invited by Gerald Guerlais to participate in a collective project for the upcoming illustrated book “Universal declaration of child’s rights” ! :) In French only.

Article 11 – Protection against kidnapping

Article 18 – Parents responsibility

Article 21 - Right for adoption


(I am sorry, I don’t know why the quality is so shitty… click on the picture to get a better definition)

Post link
Where are we going? Oh, you don’t need to know that slave, heres a gag, make your self comfort

Where are we going? Oh, you don’t need to know that slave, heres a gag, make your self comfortable here because your gonna be used and abused later.
Im taking you to a secret fetish party and your going to be the main entertainment! But we must go early cuz they paid me to make you clean the bathroom in your little maids outfit, then im going to fuck you in front of all those people and show them what a sissy bitch you are. Awww don’t look so scared, your life is ruined anyways, don’t act like you have any dignity left, your my bitch now.

Post link

May 7th “Relax”


Okay, this one is a doozy and I’ve held onto it so that I could get to the cannon noncon first. It’s short, the noncon is only like two paragraphs and not detailed. (If you’ve been following cannon, that’s what I mean by detailed.) Heed the tags though for other Volkov horribleness.

This is my last Merry Whump of May post. I did them all! \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/

Comfort | Branded | Trembling 

Ben was sobbing and trembling with absolute terror.  He knew what was coming.  Volkov had tattooed him repeatedly during his first captivity.  Apparently, it was a Russian thing, that’s what Volkov had told him.  Ben had been having regular appointments to have the tattoos removed since he’d been rescued.  And now, stripped down to his underwear, bent over face down on a table, wrists tied together underneath the table, legs bound to the lower end of the legs, he knew there would be no removing this. 

Volkov had been furious when he’d seen the faded and disappearing tattoos when he’d taken Ben’s shirt off on the plane.  Ben’s ribs were still bruised from the beating he’d taken as a result. 

Ben glances helplessly to where Jake was bound on his knees, with his arms pulled up nearly vertical behind him and secured to a hook in the pillar.  There was blood still on Jake’s face and burns on his chest and abdomen from the electric baton they’d used on him.  His mouth was stretched around a black rubber ball as he screamed for his brother, screamed for them not to hurt him, screamed for them to hurt him instead.

Their eyes locked and they were both terrified for each other.  Ben had a ball in his mouth as well and he couldn’t do the one thing he wanted to do which was to reassure his brother that it was going to be okay.  Was it? a little scared voice asked inside his head. 

Volkov stroked his hair and Ben sucked in a gasp of air through his nose. 

“You tried to erase who you belong to, didn’t you?”

Ben whimpered and shook his head. 

“You’re mine.  Always.  You will always be mine.  And I’m going to make sure you remember that this time, Malyshka.” 

Ben dissolved into sobs again.  Dmitri approached and handed Volkov the glowing white metal.  Ben squealed in terror and doubled his struggles, forgetting temporarily that he was trying so hard to be strong for his brother, to not make it worse for him.  Volkov leaned over and kissed Ben’s spine, licking the spot between his shoulder blades where his mark would reside. 

Volkov straightened up and then he brought the branding iron close to Ben’s skin, letting him feel the heat, dragging out the terror on the boy’s face before pressing it into his skin.  Ben’s scream rose to a shriek of absolute agony. 

Jake screamed from where he knelt, barely even able to keep his head raised due to the strain on his shoulders from his stress position.  He would not look away though.  He wouldn’t leave his brother alone in this.  If all he could do was bear witness to what Volkov was doing to him then he would do it. 

It seemed like an eternity before Volkov pulled the brand away from Ben’s skin, leaving a stinking burned smell in the air and literal smoke rising up from the horrific mark on Ben’s flesh.  Ben’s body continued to quake and twitch while he screamed through the pain, eyes squeezed tight shut. 

Jake didn’t think it could get any worse.  But then Volkov did the unthinkable and tore off Ben’s boxers.  Ben screamed and thrashed, eye’s shooting open and his panicked gaze meeting Jake’s.  Jake held his gaze while Volkov prepared himself. 

Both brothers cried out when Volkov thrust roughly into Ben.  Jake watched powerless as Ben was brutally used.  Thankfully, Volkov didn’t last long, too aroused by what he’d just done.  He collapsed onto Ben’s back, hips still jerking as he finished himself inside of his captive. 

Ben lay utterly exhausted and in extreme pain.  Volkov pulled out of him and ran his fingers over the fresh brand on Ben’s back. 

“So beautiful, so fucking perfect, Malyshka.”

Ben’s eyes slipped closed and all he could do was breathe.  He was so tired.  He felt his restraints being loosened and then he was pulled off the table.  He let himself be dragged away, unable to even open his eyes and process where he was being taken.  He sank to the ground where he was dropped and passed out. 


Jake was finally released from the stress position he’d been held in for hours.  They’d taken another hour after taking Ben away to beat and shock him.  He was exhausted and in pain, but he forgot all that when they dumped him in a stone room with Ben. 

They dragged him to a wall and chained his wrists and ankles to make sure he couldn’t get away from the wall, but the chains were long enough that he could slip down to the floor.  He reached out and could just barely reach Ben, who was only chained by his wrists. 

He pulled on the chains, arms screaming with pain and dragged his brother’s limp body towards him.  He checked his pulse.  Thank God, he’s still breathing.  He pulled Ben to his bare chest and cradled his little brother against him. 

He was careful not to touch the fresh circular brand on the back of his shoulders.  The stylized letter V filling the middle of it.  Jake’s eyes flooded with tears as he took in the injuries up close.  He didn’t care how weak his body felt, he was going to hold on to Ben as long as he could.  He rocked him in his arms like he did when they were children.  He remembered being a precocious eight-year-old and having to sit very still when his mama put the tiny bundle of new baby in his arms. 

He’d promised he’d protect him, that he’d be a good big brother.  His tears dripped down into Ben’s head as he kissed his hair.  Chalk it up to one more fucking failure in his life. 

“I’m sorry.  I’m so fucking sorry…”


When Ben awoke, he was resting against a warm surface.  It was soft, but it moved.  Ben felt himself raising and lowering slightly, but every now and then it shook.  He could hear crying.  Someone had an arm around him and for a split second he thought it was Volkov.  But why would Volkov be crying?  He wouldn’t. 

Ben blinked his eyes open.  The room was dark, the warm surface beneath him moved slightly and Ben could hear chains rattle with the movement. 

“I’m so sorry.  I’m sorry.  Oh God am I sorry.  Please be okay.  Please.  Please. Please.”

Jake.  Ben moved his arms slowly, weakly, and wrapped them around his brother.  He felt his brother kiss the top of his head like he used to do when Ben was very small. He winced as the movement pulled at the fresh brand at the center of his shoulder blades. Volkov was such a fucking bastard.

“No’ your faul’, Jake,” Ben whispered.  “Ne’er your faul’,” he slurred, jaw still aching from the gag. 

Jake let out a small sob. 

“I… I love you, Jake.”

“Love you too, baby brother.”

Ben stayed pillowed on his brother’s chest, arms wrapped around each other for a long time.  Neither of them spoke; what was there to say?  They cried off and on, sometimes together, sometimes just one or the other, but neither of them broke contact.  They needed each other.  The truth was, any second here with Volkov could either be their last with the other, or their last moment alive. 

Both of them fell into a distraught slumber brought on by utter exhaustion, breath hitching even as they slept. 

May 27th “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry”


Also, thanks to @whumpcereal for this idea. I was struggling with this prompt. LOL!

Mask | Nightmare | Pliers

Ben stared up at the terrifying mask.  Ben was fastened to an inclined table and stripped down to his boxers, this was the stuff of his nightmares.  Was this a nightmare?  And the face on the mask… Ben shuddered at the twisted, carved form of a corpse face looking down on him. 

“Now little Benjamin, let’s find out what you’re made of, shall we?”

Ben strained helplessly as his mouth was forced open – open so wide he could feel his jaw ache and click.  Ben’s eyes widened in terror as a pair of pliers descended towards his open mouth.  They clamped around one of his teeth and started to tug.  Ben’s eyes watered and he wanted to scream, but no sound came from his mouth. 

Ben jerked awake in the dark.  The sound of the chains rattling set his teeth on edge and reminded him where he was – that and the fact that he was warm.  The only time he was warm was when he was in his bed.  He was curled up as much as the chains on his wrists and ankles would allow, Volkov spooned around him, limbs tangled with his own.  Ben hated that he reveled in the warmth. 

Volkov knew exactly what he was doing when he’d chained him to that cross outside.  He’d brought him back here to his bed and wrapped him in blankets.  He’d explained that the only way he got a blanket, or a pillow, was when he was with him.  When Ben chose to be with him. 

He’d made him ask - made him beg.  Ben had sworn he wouldn’t at first, but he was so cold in his cage and it was always so warm in Volkov’s bed.  It was the one reprieve to the disgusting things that happened to him here, to the things he made Ben do here. 

“Malyshka?  Did you have a bad dream, my little kitten?”  Volkov’s voice was thick with sleep, his Russian accent gruffer as a result. 

“N-no, I’m, I’m, I’m sorry I woke you, you, sir,” Ben said quietly.  He could feel Volkov’s erection pressing against his back and god, he hoped that the mad Russian would just go back to sleep. 

“No, tell me, my darling.  You can tell me anything,” Volkov’s voice was soft and questioning.  Ben knew not to trust it. 

“I-it’s fine.  Go back to sleep.  It was, was n-nothing.”

“Tell me, Malyshka.” 

Ben could hear the command in Volkov’s voice.  He huffed out a breath and slowly, reluctantly, recounted what he could of the terrifying dream.  As if anyone needed to tell him who the man in the mask was.  It was either Volkov or Dmitri, the two men who had hurt him the most over the last few months.  Maybe Ilya as well. 

“Let me see… my Babushka used to interpret dreams.”  He was thoughtful for a moment.  Ben hoped desperately that he’d fallen back asleep, but of course, no such luck.  “Maybe this man in the mask represents that you do not know who you can trust.  Perhaps you are worried about who might be hiding, lurking behind a mask to hurt you.  Like your brother, kitten, he was behind a mask all along, wasn’t he?”

Don’t fucking talk about Jake! Ben wanted to scream.  His brother made some mistakes, he wasn’t a monster, not like the man who had Ben chained in his bed. 

Ben nodded his head obediently.  Perhaps if he just went along, they could go back to sleep. 

Volkov continued with his farcical dream interpretation.  “Losing your teeth could be kin to you losing control.  And we certainly both know you have none of that around here, do you my little scholar?”

“N-no, sir,” Ben said, barely above a whisper.  He swallowed hard as Volkov’s hand drifted from his hip and down around to cup him between his legs. 

Volkov stroked Ben with one hand while he turns the boy’s face with his other towards him.  His mouth was on Ben’s, tongue demanding and receiving entry.  Ben knew not to fight it.  Maybe Volkov would be quick.  Volkov pulled away.

“The only interest I’d have in taking your teeth would be if you forgot yourself while you’re performing for me.  We have found some great uses for that tongue of yours, haven’t we?” 

Ben closed his eyes in the dark of the room.  “Y-y-yes… Yes, sir.”

“Now, forcing your mouth open…” Volkov reached behind him to the bedside table for the conveniently located ring gag.  “I think we can arrange that.  Open up, little scholar.”

May 28th “I’d rather not”


Faked death | Iron | Ditch

Whumpee trembled next to whumper, blood oozing from the gash whumper had carved into their hands, which were bound behind their back.  They watched the body of the unknown and unfortunate homeless man burn to ashes in the ditch in front of them next to their wrecked car. 

“Now comes the hard part, my darling, but it’s necessary for us to stay together and remain unbothered,” Whumper crooned lovingly into their ear. 

What more could they want?  They’d already forced the blood from their hands so it could be sprinkled all around the fire. 

Whumper took out a pair of plant cutters and grabbed whumpee’s bound wrists.  They twisted their arms until whumpee was bent nearly double with the strained position. 

Whumpee let out an unearthly scream as the blades clamped around their pinky finger and contracted.  There was no pulling or fighting, they couldn’t from the position that Whumper held them.  They screamed and screamed hysterically as Whumper cut both pinky fingers from their hands.  They collapsed to the ground as pure agony radiated up their arms.  Their hands throbbed, permanently mutilated forever.  Their remaining fingers trembled violently as they tried to process what whumper had just done. 

Whumpee watched as his fingers were tossed to the edge of the fire where they would be burned, but easily identifiable and therefore most likely to be tested for viable fingerprints or DNA. 

Whumper grabbed whumpee by the iron collar around their neck. 

“There, it’s done my lovely.  Now we shant ever be disturbed.  I have a lovely home ready for us to go to.  It’s on an island.  It’ll just be the two of us.  Forever.  Isn’t that wonderful?”

They dragged whumpee toward the waiting vehicle. 

“I know that was unpleasant, but it was a necessary sacrifice, don’t you agree?”

Whumpee could feel the blood pulsing from the missing digits and they grew faint, knees buckling. 

Whumper caught them delicately in their arms.  “Oh you poor thing.  You must be exhausted.  Faking your own death is hard work, isn’t it?  Come.  Let’s get those wounds cauterized.  I rather not have you bleeding out on me. I left the cigarette lighter on in the car for just that purpose.  It’s why I chose this old relic.  And then we’ll be at the air strip and on my private plane in no time.  We can finally relax.  No one will be looking for us.”

Whumpee finally fainted when the glowing hot metal of the cigarette lighter was pressed against the wound where their pinky used to be. 

Brother’s Keeper

Chapter 13: Time’s Up, Part 2

Tagging List:@i-can-even-burn-salad@peachy-panic@deluxewhump@arwenadreamer@whumpcereal@melancholy-in-the-morning@dont-touch-my-soup@whumpsday@keeper-of-all-the-random-things@whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump@oddsconvert@melennui@susiequaz12@morning-star-whump@crystalquartzwhump@whump-and-other-things@mylifeisonthebookshelf@reflected-pain@hold-him-down (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it. I’m still getting used to this) 

Thanks again to the absolutely AMAZING and LOVELY @whumpcereal who has truly been a fantastic sounding board to help me get through some REALLY difficult subject matter over the next several upcoming chapters. I couldn’t have done this without her.

WARNING: This chapter as well as SEVERAL subsequent chapters will contain explicit noncon. If you prefer not to read, I’ll totally understand. Heed the tags because this gets dark.


“You may choose not to enjoy yourself, but I plan to fully indulge myself tonight.  I’ve been waiting weeks to have you, and now that you’re finally here, in my bed, I don’t plan on holding back anymore,“ Volkov growled in Ben’s ear.

Ben squirmed and tried desperately to pull away as Volkov’s hand was around his cock again, stroking him with long, languid pulls and a twist of his wrist at the end.  Ben couldn’t help it; he hardened under Volkov’s touch. He moaned, tears soaking into the blindfold, and he felt cold metal being locked around the base of his cock.  He twisted and writhed, trying to get it off.  No, no, nonononono, this cannot be happening.  He didn’t want this!  He didn’t want any of it!

“That’s it, Malyshka.  Struggle and squirm.  That makes it far more interesting for me.”

Ben’s fear escalated and his heart was in his throat as restraints that felt just like the ones on his wrists and ankles were strapped tightly around his upper thighs and then another set just above his knees.  What the hell was Volkov doing?  

“Just a few more new toys for you before we get started, kitten.  You look so gorgeous already.”  

Ben screamed in abject terror as Vokov moved to straddle his chest, the older man’s weight oppressively heavy on top of him.  He roughly grabbed Ben’s hair, pulling his head back and then Ben’s cries were suddenly muffled by something being forced into his mouth.  

Ben panicked, expecting hot flesh, but he was taken aback by cool silicone. The object slid inside until it hit the back of his throat and Ben choked, gagging on the intrusion.  Ben understood suddenly that it was a stand in.  A stand in for Volkov’s fucking cock.  He couldn’t breathe.  Not because he couldn’t get air into his lungs, but because he was choking on pure fear and disgust.  In his terror soaked brain, Ben knew this was only for a matter of time.  Soon it would be the real thing.  Volkov was going to fuck his mouth.  

He squeezed his eyes shut.  Why?  Why was this happening?  Why was he doing this to him?  Why couldn’t he just hurt him?  Why this?  Why did it have to be this?  I don’t fucking want this!  The new gag twisted in his mouth and he realized with horror that it was locking in place, working in tandem with the ring forced behind his teeth.  He gagged and gagged over and over again, trying to push it out of his mouth, out of his throat. It didn’t move, of course. Volkov wanted him stuffed full.  

“Easy.  Easy, Little Benjamin.” Volkov was gently massaging his throat on either side of his windpipe.  “You can breathe, Malyshka.  Steady breaths, in and out through your nose.  You’re okay.  You’ll learn.  This is what you were made for, Malyshka.  You’re soft and need training.  You’re gonna be so good for me.”  

Made for this?  He… he wasn’t.  He was smart.  He was a twenty-two year old graduate student.  He finished high school at sixteen.  He was ready to propose to the girl of his dreams.  They were going to eventually start a family.  Made for this?  No. Never! No he wasn’t made for this.  He didn’t want this!  But some part of him was already accepting his fate.  He was trapped, naked and helpless.  This… whateverthiswas, was going to happen.  He couldn’t escape it.  

No. Ben wouldn’t be good. He wouldn’t! But somehow, even then, he knew that Volkov was right. He continued to gag helplessly, but he found he could breathe and so long as he kept his head still, the pressure at the back of his throat could be managed. He was already getting used to it. He was already learning to be good.  The thought sickened him, but he didn’t know how to fight it.  Volkov was so utterly in control of this whole situation - of his body.  

“Just one more little toy,” Volkov intoned.  Ben could hear the delight in his voice and could imagine the predatory gleam in his eyes.  He lay perfectly still as Volkov moved back down between his legs.  He wanted to believe that he lay still to keep from choking, and that was partially true, but really, deep down, he was utterly paralyzed with fear.  He could barely make his lungs work to pull in a breath.  His chest hardly moved at all.  Volkov’s hand returned to stroking Ben, making him whimper and shake with the effort to be still and not aggravate the gag.  

Volkov unlocked the left ankle restraint and moved Ben’s leg so that his ankle was pressed up against his thigh, securing the leather cuffs together.  He then repeated this with Ben’s other leg before sitting back and admiring the way he looked, tense, desperate, and splayed out in front of him.  

Alexsei returned to his gentle stroking of Ben’s member.  His other hand drifted lower and Ben sobbed in pure cold fear.  He knew what was coming.  Dread and hopelessness pooled and mingled in his stomach.  Volkov’s fingers were circling his hole, slickened with something cool, pressing ever harder.  Nonononononononono!!!! He tried to desperately clench against the mounting pressure, but Volkov was insistent and relentless.  

His whole body jerked as two fingers were pushed into him.  He couldn’t stop the terrified sobs that shook him to his core.  This shouldn’t be happening, it shouldn’t.  It can’t be.  It can’t.  Fuck this was his worst fucking nightmare.  He tried to pull away, but Volkov’s hand went with him.  He keened in frustration and shame.  

Volkov’s fingers moved deeper, then back out.  He pumped into him for several minutes, crooking his fingers and making Ben yelp with each small action.  Heat flared up and down Ben’s spine and scarlet humiliation crept up his neck and across his face as pleasure pooled in his belly.  

His cock was now painfully hard and twitching.  He made obscene noises every time Volkov’s palm circled the head of his member.  

Ben arched his back and whined when Volkov added a third finger.  

“Easy, Malyshka, I’m just making sure that you’re ready for me.”

Ben shook his head wildly, forgetting the gag for a moment before he gagged and choked once more.  What little noise he could make bordered on hysterical.  There was a strange buzzing sound that filled his ears and Ben thrashed and screamed as Volkov ran a vibrator up and down the underside of his cock, pressing it firmly just under the tip of his dick.  Ben squealed and squirmed trying to pull away, but Volkov followed every movement.  

Somehow, Ben did the unthinkable and yanked his knees together.  Volkov growled and hit the shock collar button again.  When the shocks subsided, Ben was boneless and exhausted; he had no resistance left. 

Volkov reached over the edge of the bed and grabbed the chain at the center of the frame.  He secured it to the leather straps just above Ben’s knee and then repeated it for the other side.  Ben could do nothing now to stop the abuse he was sure Volkov intended to visit upon him.  

When Ben heard the vibrator turn on again, he twisted to get him away, voice pleading for this to stop.  Volkov giggled and stroked the toy down Ben’s cock and over his balls, teasing each one and circling the sac a few times before pressing it against Ben’s hole.  Ben’s hips snapped up involuntarily and he cried with shame at his own actions.  He didn’t want to seek relief.  He didn’t want any of this.  Fuck!  He was so damn hard.  The sensations that Volkov was forcing on him were overwhelming.  Much like the whip, there was no escaping this.  His ability to struggle and move was gone.  His mouth was stuffed full, his sight was gone, leaving him with the sound of the vibrator and Volkov’s giggles of glee.  And of course, the constant stimulation of his most sensitive nerves.  

Ben suddenly understood what Volkov intended to do.  He shook his head and tried desperately to get him to stop, even as he tried desperately to swallow down his own pleasure.  God he couldn’t think.  He couldn’t fucking think.  There was just too much stimulation and Volkov wasn’t even really beginning yet.  His hips jerked again, and Ben groaned with arousal.  

Volkov was unrelenting in his desires.  Ben let out a high pitch scream as the toy was pushed inside of him.  Volkov wiggled the toy further inside of Ben until the boy’s cock was jumping, and he knew that it was pressed firmly against the young man’s prostate.  

Ben sobbed, shrieking and begging incoherently, toes curling, legs flexing, desperate to get any sort of relief.  He needed to stretch and he couldn’t.  He was trapped.  He needed to come.  But fuck!  No!  I don’t want to fucking come.  Fuck!  Fuck!  Fuckfuckfuckfuck!  God why wouldn’t he fucking stop?!

Volkov settled in next to him.  “Shh.  Shh… Just enjoy it, kitten.” His hand was back on Ben and it was too much.  Just too much.  Ben’s cries dissolved into hopeless sobs.  “You said you didn’t want to come, and I’m honoring that wish.”  

Ben groaned.  HIs whole body was covered in sweat, every muscle tense and tight.  And Ben couldn’t help rolling his hips into Volkov’s hand.  Something animalistic was taking over and his mind was shutting down, he could feel it.  But the damn ring around the base of his cock wouldn’t let him.  No matter what.  And Volkov’s pace was maddeningly slow.  Ben yanked savagely on the cuffs around his wrists, enough to draw blood, but there was no give or relief in the action, and the pain was only a minor distraction.  

“You’re so gorgeous like this.  I’m glad you said you didn’t want to come.  I was hoping that you would say that.  I like you helpless and needy under my fingers.”

Volkov’s hands were slow and steady, not enough to bring him over the edge, but enough to keep him teetering there.  “Would you like me to distract you?”

Fuck!  Yes!  Damn it!  Yes! Anything has to be better than this! Ben screamed in his head.  Outwardly he let out another sob and nodded his head frantically. 

Ben had no expectations as he sensed Volkov reaching for something else on the nightstand.  There was the light sound of a slight whistle and then a sharp smack.  Pain erupted across Ben’s chest and he screamed, back arching, body twisting.  Another smack from sharp leather to the same location and another scream.  

Volkov took his time between each stroke, bringing the riding crop down across Ben’s chest, abdomen, and thighs.  Volkov seemed to favor Ben’s nipples, lower abdomen, and his inner thighs, all extremely sensitive areas.  

Ben screamed and thrashed beneath him. He knew he couldn’t take much more, his skin stung and he could imagine the deep bruises that would soon purple his skin.  

Volkov paused his beating and settled in next to him, his hand caressed Ben’s cheek.  

“Shhh.  Shhh.  You scream so beautifully, even with your voice muffled.  That was lovely.”  He pressed a kiss into Ben’s neck, just above the collar.  Ben continued to grunt and moan with forced pleasure, pain, and discomfort.  The discordant jumble of feelings threatened to overwhelm his mind.  Volkov kissed and licked down the column of his neck, and across his collar bone.  His teeth nipped at Ben’s nipples causing Ben to hiss.  

Volkov returned to stroking and stimulating him manually.  It was maddening as he started a long, drawn out, cycle of molesting him and then whipping him with what Ben assumed was a riding crop?  He wasn;t sure, but he suspected.  He would bring him, sobbing, right to the edge, and then beat him as a way to calm down the sensations.  And always, he would soothe him after the beating with kisses and teeth nipping and leaving their own marks.  Ben hated that his body craved this as the part that he could deal with the easiest.  He didn’t want Volkov’s fucking lips and teeth marking him.  He didn’t want to be marked as someone’s.  And he knew that’s exactly what Volkov was doing.  

“Are you ready for me now?” Volkov growled into his ear after nibbling on the lobe.  

Ben whimpered and sobbed, nothing he could indicate would change what Volkov was going to do.  Volkov’s mouth was on his neck again, sucking and biting what he was certain would be visible bruises into his throat.  One of his hands was in his hair, the other was down between his legs again, tugging at the toy he’d pushed in earlier.  

Ben wanted to cry with relief when it was pulled out, but Volkov’s fingers were there again, thrusting in and out of him and curling inside.  Fuck! He hated that feeling of something inside of him, but why did it have to feel so good?  Why did there have to be a part of him that relished the waves of pleasure that would flood him every time Volkov’s fingers moved over that one spot inside of him?  It wasn’t fucking fair that his body could be played like a fucking fiddle and be so damn traitorous while his mind screamed at him.  

Volkov released Ben’s neck and sat with his knees against Ben’s legs.  He took something else off the shelf and Ben soon heard the sound of liquid being squelched into Volkov’s palms.  He could hear him slicking his own member and then slick fingers were being pushed into him again, twisting inside of him.  

The restraints at his knees were undone, but Ben was too terrified to try pulling his legs together again.  

Ben let out one final gasp and then clenched his teeth as hard as he could on the ring as Volkov lined himself up.  He would not scream.  Not this time.  He would not give that to Volkov.  Ben felt his pain settle into deep anger and resentment, like a switch had been flipped.  He stopped clenching and unclenching his fists and wrapped his hands around the chains and squeezed with everything he had.  He would focus all his pain and energy anywhere else except screaming.  

Volkov had taken so much from him.  Ben would keep this from him.  He might scream later.  But he would not scream for him in this first round.  Volkov the sadist would be left unsatisfied.  Sure, he’d get his rocks off inside of him, Ben had reconciled himself to that, but he would not give him the satisfaction of screaming.  He thought about this last week, spent drugged and unaware.  He thought about how he’d learned to be quiet.  He’d be fucking quiet alright.  He could hold off for however long this was going to take.  He could.  He would!

He bit down hard, body straining as Volkov thrust past the tight ring of muscle.  Tears sprang to his eyes anew, but Ben kept silent, only offering soft grunts as Volkov relentlessly fucked into him.  He could tell he was trying to get him to scream.  It fucking hurt more than any other experience, the deepest violation he’d ever known, but he would not give Volkov what he wanted in this moment.  It was the one tiny fraction of a victory he could give himself.  He controlled nothing in his life, but he could control this.  

“You fucking cunt!  Scream!  Scream or I’ll make you regret it!  Scream!  Scream damn it!” Volkov roared.  

Ben refused, he could feel his tears soaking into the blindfold.  Zoe once again popped into his mind’s eye and he didn’t force her back down.  He looked into her beautiful face and tried to pretend that he was sitting in the window seat with her, looking down into his mother’s garden.  And he could smell her lovely skin and feel her soft hair.  

His hands clenched the chains and he pretended that he was touching her.  He held onto it for as long as he could.  He knew the vision wouldn’t last, but it was better than reality - the reality where he was being fucked and brutalized by a madman.  The reality where he’d just lost his virginity–something he’d promised to Zoe, something he would never get back–to a violent unwanted act.  

Volkov fucked him, rhythm brutal and pounding.  Ben couldn’t hold the vision any longer as Zoe slipped from his grasp.  He wanted to cry so badly but he clamped down on it and focused his mind on the pain.  The pain from the bruises that had been sucked into his neck, the stinging pain from the beating Volkov had given him. The pain of his straining, and blessedly neglected cock.  God, he needed to come.  

Volkov’s pace grew erratic and Ben could sense he was near.  Almost over, just hang on.  He’s almost done, he whispered to himself over and over.  Sure enough, Volkov’s hips stuttered with a deep thrust into Ben, who let out a soft moan.  Volkov stayed in him, hips making small rutting movements as he milked himself inside of Ben.  

Ben could feel it.  He could feel the moment Volkov released and he wanted to vomit.  He was glad there was nothing in his stomach to come up.  He felt hot and sticky all over, and he felt Volkov’s semen seeping from inside. The squelching noise that now came with Volkov’s movements didn’t help the sick feeling that washed over him.  He was pretty sure he was bleeding, but he had no way of knowing how badly he’d been torn.  He panted and tried to focus on his breathing.  

Alexsei’s grip was iron tight on him, and Ben could practically sense the rage rolling off of him.  He pulled out roughly and Ben gasped at the sudden emptiness.  Volkov grabbed him by the arm and his knee and flipped him over.  

Volkov’s body was on him again, pressing him down into the mattress.  His hot breath was on his neck as he growled into Ben’s ear, “I bet you think you’re real fucking cute, don’t you.  Let’s see how cute you are when you’re covered in blood.”

Ben finally cried out as the toy was thrust back into his body and turned on.  He squirmed as the frequency of the vibration was turned up.  Volkov took the riding crop and rained down blows on Ben’s shoulders, back, buttocks, and thighs.  Ben let himself scream now, pulling and struggling under the abuse.  Blow after blow came down on his body and he took it all, knowing it was worth it.  He’d held on to something Volkov couldn’t take from him.  Sure, he was screaming now, but he clung to the one tiny victory he’d earned.  The first since he’d been taken, and maybe the last one he would ever have  

The riding crop struck with such force that it opened up the skin on his back and legs where the whip marks were still healing, letting Ben’s blood run down onto the sheets.  Ben’s anger began to fade and was replaced with deep exhaustion and agony.  His cries grew more and more quiet as he didn’t have the strength or the voice to scream anymore.  

Volkov stopped hitting him and turned him over onto his abused back.  Ben writhed and moaned as the fresh cuts came in contact with the sheets.  Volkov backhanded him across the face and his lip split open where it was stretched around the gag.  

“You don’t wanna scream for me, that’s fine.  Let’s see how you like having my cock down your throat instead of the gag.”

Ben paled.  He’d thought Volkov might do this, but doing so while he was angry?  Oh God, he wasn’t going to be able to breathe.  Ben imagined himself choking to death on Volkov’s dick.  

He twisted and tried to pull his head away as Alexsei grasped his hair and wrenched his head back.  With another twist, the silicone gag was yanked from his mouth.  

“Bet I can go deeper than that training gag, little kitten.”

Ben’s scream of terror was cut off by Volkov’s heated, heavy member shoved into his mouth.  Ben heaved at the taste.  He could taste the bitterness of Volkov’s seed, he could taste himself on Volkov, still thick and hot.  Fuck!  He heaved again and brought up bile, but there was nowhere for it to go except back down his throat.  He swallowed convulsively but nothing alleviated the most vile thing he’d been forced to endure.  

Ben struggled as his head was manipulated into just the right position and Volkov’s cock kept pressing in, deeper and deeper.  He couldn’t breathe.  I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe!  Volkov bottomed out, balls pressing into Ben’s chin as he coughed and choked around the intrusion in his throat.  Volkov held him there while Ben jerked and twitched against him. The mad Russian’s fingers stroked Ben’s cheeks, running through the tears that had soaked through the blindfold and left his face damp.  Ben was forcibly reminded of Volkov telling him this was what he was made for.  This is how he was going to live his life for the foreseeable future.  Something to be fucked into and abused as Volkov saw fit.  He closed his eyes under the blindfold and let the tears seep further into the fabric.  

After an agonizing amount of time where Ben’s vision began to go gray around the edge, Vokov pulled back, just enough so that Ben could suck in a couple of breaths of air before plunging into him again.  Ben’s protesting throat and attempts to beg for relief served only to spur Aleksei on.  Round after punishing round of Volkov thrusting deeply into Ben’s throat and only pulling back enough so that he could take a couple of breaths and then thrusting in again.  

Ben’s eyes rolled back and he felt all the fight slipping from him.  When Volkov finally spilled into him, his cock was so deep that Ben had no choice but to compulsively swallow the salty, bitter discharge.  Volkov kept himself pressed deep inside of Ben’s throat until the boy slumped, no longer struggling, back onto the bed. 

May 29th “Don’t make me”


Sorry, I got behind on these so I’ll post a couple a day for the next two or three days. Oops.

Collared | Cane | Flinching

Ben flinched as the mask over his eyes was removed.  He trembled at the sight before him.  Jake was stripped down to his boxer briefs and stretched out vertically in an X shape.  There was a bar between his wrists and one between his ankles.  His brother had a bit between his teeth, and it looked like his collar was fastened to tight.  Ben can hear a sort of wheezing coming from him, like he’s straining to breathe.  He was blindfolded too. 

Ben hadn’t been allowed to see his brother for the last several days.  Volkov said that Jake had been naughty and needed to be punished.  From the looks of it, he had certainly been punished.  There were electrical burns and bruises and countless cuts and scrapes that covered his brother’s back, arms and legs, as well as roughly one inch circular burns that littered his body. What the fuck had caused those?

Ben trembled as he looked at him.  What had he done to deserve this?  It reminded him of when Volkov had punished him for not coming out of his cage fast enough.  Tears slipped down his cheek as he looked him over.  Jake was clearly exhausted.  His head hung low against his chest, he didn’t look up or acknowledge Ben’s presence.  Ben looked at Volkov who had a sadistic grin on his face.  God I hate you, Ben thought viciously. 

“Here’s what’s going to happen.  You’ve been through punishment, Benjamin.  You understand.  So, you’ll be teaching today’s lesson to your brother.”


“You’ll be administering his punishment.”

“I don’t… what are you… what do you mean?”

Dmitri stepped towards him and that’s when Ben saw the cane in his hands. 

“N-n-no!  No, you… you can’t make me do th-that.  No.”

“You’ll administer the cane to Jake’s body where instructed, or I’ll let Dmitri do with an added bonus.”

Ben looked at Volkov, eyes questioning him. 

“Refuse to carry out your brother’s punishment and I make you watch as Dmitri get’s to use your brother in whatever way he wants as often as he wants until I’m ready to take you back to our bed.”

Ben swallowed hard.  He couldn’t hurt his brother.  Not like this.  Dmitri put the cane in his hands. 

“Please, can… can I please talk to him?”

“Punishment first.  Do it and I’ll let you two share a cell tonight.”

Ben saw his brother’s shoulder’s shake slightly.  He could tell Jake was in pain. 

“Consider it payback for all you have suffered because of him.”

“It’s not like that.  I mean… I don’t think like that.”

“Really?  You’ve never had a moment where you wished it had been him, and not you?”

Ben drops his eyes from Volkov’s, knowing that he’ll see the truth of his thoughts there.  He remembers a harsh conversation where he’d nearly shouted the same thing at Jake at home in their kitchen after he’d been rescued. 

“I thought so.  Now do it! Or give Dmitri back the cane and watch him utterly ruin your pathetic brother.”

It really was best if he did it.  But god, he knew how much it hurt.  He didn’t want to hurt him.  Even if Jake was to blame, Ben truly didn’t want him hurt.  But the only way to save Jake, in this instance, was to hurt him.  Would Jake forgive him?  He looked at Jake, he couldn’t see his face, but despite his trembling, it looked like he was nodding his head yes.  Was he trying to tell Ben it was okay?

Ben held the cane in a tremulous grip.  “O-okay,” he agreed in a very small voice.  “But, sir, please, c-can I talk to him?  It’s been days.  Please.”

“You can talk after.”

Ben swallowed and nodded.  Volkov would not be negotiated with.  He glanced over to see a video camera ready to record the beating.  He looked back at Volkov who once again had a cruel, smug smile on his face. 

Ben pulled in a deep steadying breath.  He didn’t know how he was supposed to do this.  He approached his brother.  The wheezing got louder the closer he got.  “Please,” he said, turning back to Volkov, “could you at least loosen his collar so he can breathe?  I can hear him struggling from here.”

Volkov assented and Dmitri unlocked the padlock and loosened the collar, then locked the tiny padlock back into place.  Ben was relieved to see a fraction of the tension in his brother’s body loosen. 

Ben stood behind Jake, just off to his left.  He raised the cane, but it felt thick, heavy and unwieldy in his grasp, despite its apparent suppleness. 

“I-I’m sorry,” Ben whispered, and he hoped it was loud enough that his brother could hear him. 

The cry that Ben let out as he swung the cane at Jake’s back was nearly as loud as Jake’s when the rod touched his back. 


Brother’s Keeper

Chapter 13: Times Up, Part 1

Tagging List:@i-can-even-burn-salad@peachy-panic@deluxewhump@arwenadreamer@whumpcereal@melancholy-in-the-morning@dont-touch-my-soup@keeper-of-all-the-random-things@whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump@oddsconvert@melennui@susiequaz12@morning-star-whump@crystalquartzwhump@whump-and-other-things@mylifeisonthebookshelf@reflected-pain@hold-him-down (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it. I’m still getting used to this) 

Thanks again to the absolutely AMAZING and LOVELY @whumpcereal who has truly been a fantastic sounding board to help me get through some REALLY difficult subject matter over the next several upcoming chapters. I couldn’t have done this without her.

WARNING: This chapter as well as SEVERAL subsequent chapters will contain explicit noncon. If you prefer not to read, I’ll totally understand. Heed the tags because this gets dark.


Ben blinked his eyes open.  The sun was warm on his face, and he was sitting in one of his favorite spots, the window seat that faced west in his bedroom at his parent’s house.  

“Rise and shine, sleepyhead.” Zoe’s voice was soft in his ear. Her touch was just as soft as her fingertips brushed the hair from his face.  Her palm cupped his cheek, and Ben leaned into her touch, letting his eyes flutter closed again. Soft lips brushed against his; fingers tangled in his hair.  

He pulled back slightly and looked into her deep green eyes.  “I missed you.”

“What do you mean you missed me?  I’ve been right here.”

“No… I…”  A shiver ran through Ben, but he shouldn’t be cold.  He glanced out the window to the back garden his mother had spent the last several years perfecting.  He could see bees and butterflies drifting lazily through the spring air.  

Suddenly, a sharp, hot line of pain arced across his back, and then another across his chest.  Ben gasped and looked down at himself.  A moment ago, he’d had on his favorite pair of soft flannel pajama pants and a clean white cotton t-shirt.  Now, his chest was bare.  His feet were bare.  Why?  Ben loved socks.  Soft white cotton socks were one of his favorite things.  He hated being barefoot.  

Zoe didn’t seem to notice. She curled up next to him, tucking him against her soft body.  He breathed in her scent, smelling roses and toothpaste as she tilted his head to hers, and for a moment, he forgot everything else.  

“I love you,” he whispered just before their lips met again.  

“Love you too, Benny.”  

Ben sighed into her as their lips and tongues moved in symphony.  

Everything seemed perfect until Zoe pulled back; there was blood on her face, on her shirt.

“Benny?  You’re bleeding.”

Benny glanced down to see blood welling up from the gashes across his chest.  Sharp, hot pain and stinging cold flooded him, and he jerked awake.  


Ben’s drugged state began to slowly lift.  There was a beeping sound, but he wasn’t in the hospital.  There was no mattress underneath him, no blanket covering him.  He was on his back, something cold and hard beneath him.  And he couldn’t really move.  

Like so many times before, the memories of where he was and why he was in so much pain came flooding back over him.  Sometimes, he hated waking up, but the last few times– really, he didn’t know how long it had been–were hazy.  Like, the events of the last few days were out of reach.  

He remembered the whipping.  God, did he remember being whipped.  But, other than that, he could only sort of remember being strapped to the force feeding chair. There might have been cold water on him.  A shower maybe?  He’d been naked again.  He hated being naked.  

Ben tried to open his eyes.  His vision was blurry.  

“There you are.” Ben tensed, but the voice wasn’t Volkov’s. “Open up, let me see you,” Andrei prompted gently.  

Ben blinked a few times, and the room spun slowly around him.  He was on his back, splayed out on the table that he’d been strapped to so many times before.  

He finally focused enough to bring Andrei’s face into view.

“Hey, better?”

Ben didn’t answer.  What did that mean anyway?  He noticed an IV going into his left arm.  


“Volkov wanted the drugs out of your system before tonight.”


“It’s been a week.”

“I don’t… A week?  No.  It’s only been a few days since he let Dmitri whip me.”

Andrei shook his head sadly.  “You’ve been out of it, strung out on drugs and…” Andrei lowered his voice, “pain killers,” his voice returned to his normal level, “for a week now.”

Ben took a moment to process what Andrei was telling him.  Then it hit him like a thunderclap.  All Volkov’s promises and threats of the last week.  His eyes went wide and the color drained from his face.  His stomach flipped.  

Keep reading

Morning reblog since I posted sooooo late. Heed the tags, here there be noncon.

Brother’s Keeper

Chapter 14: Small Victories

Tagging List:@i-can-even-burn-salad@peachy-panic@deluxewhump@arwenadreamer@whumpcereal@melancholy-in-the-morning@dont-touch-my-soup@whumpsday@keeper-of-all-the-random-things@whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump@oddsconvert@melennui@susiequaz12@morning-star-whump@crystalquartzwhump@whump-and-other-things@mylifeisonthebookshelf@reflected-pain@hold-him-down (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it. I’m still getting used to this) 

Thanks again to the absolutely AMAZING and LOVELY @whumpcereal who has truly been a fantastic sounding board to help me get through some REALLY difficult subject matter.

This on is REALLY long, but I didn’t want to break it up and you guys not get to see Ben get a bit of aftercare after what Volkov has done to him. So, enjoy the LONG chapter.

WARNING: This chapter as well as subsequent chapters contain explicit noncon. If you prefer not to read, I’ll totally understand. Heed the tags because this gets dark. It starts IMMEDIATELY where the last chapter left off, so it’s below the cut for noncon sensitivity.


When Ben regained consciousness, the training gag was back in his mouth, tickling the back of his throat again; Volkov’s toy still buzzed inside him.  Ben coughed, and the toy shifted inside, but at least the gag did not seem near as troublesome as it had been. His throat felt raw and sore, but it was nothing compared to what Volkov had done. 

The blindfold over his eyes was soaked with tears.  His whole body ached and, to his horror, Volkov’s hand was on his cock again.  Ben let out a groan as the Russian’s palm circled him again and he tried to shift his hips to the side.  His throat ached with the sound of his own hoarse voice.  

“There’s my darling Malyshka.  I have a feeling you’re going to need to get used to the feeling of choking on my cock.”

Ben yelped as a second vibrator was pressed against his member.  Nonononononono!!! How much worse could this get?  How much further could Volkov debase him?

“Did you think this was over?  Oh, my sweet, innocent boy.  I told you I had no intention of holding back with you today.  I fully plan on us being here for a while.  Now, I’ve already come inside of you twice, so I need a bit of rest.  You, on the other hand, decided to be a little shit.”

Ben let out a small whimper and then bit it back.  No.  Be quiet.  Don’t engage with him. But it hurt.  Everything hurt. And what didn’t hurt was too terrible to think about.  

It wasn’t long before Ben couldn’t stop the whimpers and the wiggling.  He was painfully hard and had been for a long time now.  Volkov kept a steady rhythm, toying and teasing him with hands, fingers, and vibrator. Ben hadn’t known that pleasure could be warped this way, that feeling good could be such a betrayal. 

Ben writhed against his restraints.  His legs were sore, especially his bent knees, still splayed open and chained to the edge of the bed frame.  God, he wanted to stretch so fucking bad.  But his body couldn’t have what it wanted. Against his will, his hips bucked wildly, and he didn’t even try to stop the movement anymore.  Volkov would build up a steady rhythm, stroking him, hand going faster and faster and let Ben start fucking into his hand–Ben couldn’t help it, he couldn’t–and then he would stop, suddenly, pulling his hand away.  

Over and over, Ben was left frustrated and flushed with humiliation at what he knew he’d just been doing.   And each time, Ben felt his resolve, his fight, crumbling and eroding further and further away.  

“Would you like to come now?”  Volkov asked playfully, thumbing Ben’s slit, making him jerk with forced pleasure.  “Have you changed your mind, kitten?”

Ben sobbed.  He didn’t want to, not like this.  But god, he knew he couldn’t hold out any longer.  He nodded, utterly broken and humiliated.  

“Alright, Malyshka.  I think you’ve earned that and more.”

Warning bells rang in Ben’s ears.  What the hell did that mean?

The ring at the base of his cock was taken off, and Ben groaned in relief. Volkov jacked him with a fast, rough pace.  Ben arched his back and came hard over Volkov’s hand in a matter of seconds, the vibrator still pressed against the head of his cock.  Ben sobbed with humiliation and relief as Volkov milked the last of his orgasm from him.  

Suddenly, something was being secured around the head of his cock.  The fucking vibrator was another ring.  Ben screamed as overstimulation slammed into him.  He writhed and jerked his hips, again, trying to throw the ring off.  

“I told you, my little scholar, that you’ve earned this.  Let’s see how many we can wring from your body.”

Ben shook his head as Volkov pressed the vibrator further inside him. He knew he was in trouble as soon as the moan escaped from his lips. Volkov turned up the frequency, and so it began. 

For the next two hours, Ben’s body was nothing but Volkov’s plaything, trapped in a brutal cycle of unwanted pleasure, orgasm, and unforgiving overstimulation. Volkov pumped the vibrator in and out; he changed the setting on the cock ring so that Ben couldn’t tell when the next pulse was going to come; he punished Ben’s cock with his relentless strokes. And he counted. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Eventually, Ben lost track. He couldn’t hear Volkov’s tally. He’d retreated inside of himself, and still it wasn’t enough. By the end, he was a writhing, babbling mess. 

Volkov wiped his fingers, sticky with Ben’s forced seed, down Ben’s chest before reaching to take off the blindfold so he could get a better look at Ben’s desperation.  A slow, toothy smile slid onto his face at the sight of Ben’s brown eyes, pupils blown wide from exertion.  “There’s my lovely boy.  All fucked out, aren’t you?  Had enough yet?” 

Ben sobbed, desperately nodding his head.  His normally floppy brown hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat, and his cheeks weren’t pink–they were beet red from exhaustion, stress and need.  His nostrils flared, and he sucked in air through his nose in heaving gasps.  

“I bet you have at least one more inside you just for me, don’t you?”

Ben shook his head.  God please let this be over!  

“I think you do.  You want it to stop, you have to earn it.  Are you willing to earn it?”

Ben nodded as tears streamed down his cheeks.    

Volkov’s already broad grin broadened even more.  “Good.”  He pulled the silicone training gag out of Ben’s mouth.  “Show me what you learned last time.  Take me all the way down.”  He unlocked the chain holding Ben’s cuffed wrists to the headboard, leaving his wrists bound in front of him.  

Volkov was already half hard, and he helped Ben get to his knees. Without realizing it, Ben reached for the vibrating ring around his tip; he couldn’t handle both at once. No way.

It was the wrong thing to do. Volkov struck him hard on the cheek, opening up the cut on his lip again and sending him back to the mattress.  Ben yelped with the force of the blow.  

Volkov grabbed his hair with one hand, unclipped the short clasp between his wrists with the other, and then wrestled Ben onto his stomach.  Ben struggled weakly as his arms were manhandled behind his back and clipped back into place.  Volkov dragged him back to a kneeling position, and Ben screamed as his arms were yanked up and secured to the top of the headboard.  Ben whimpered as his hair was pulled back and he stared up with wide eyes at Volkov.  

“I really thought you were smarter than that, Little Scholar.”  They stared at each other, both panting.  “Did I give you permission to do that?” Ben squirmed in his hold as the vibrator around his dick whined suddenly higher.  

Volkov shook his head with his hair.  “I asked you a question,” he growled dangerously.  

“Nghh,” Ben gasped, shaking his head as best he could.  

“All you’re meant to do right now is be my fuck toy.  Do you understand?” Volkov gave his hair another viscous shake.  

Ben squeezed his eyes shut and nodded furiously.  How the hell had he ended up here, prisoner to this mad man?  

“You belong to me.”  Shake.  “I own you.”  Shake.  “You are MINE!” Volkov screamed the last word into Ben’s ear.  He knelt on the bed in front of Ben and lowered him down towards his crotch, letting his shoulders strain behind him.  “You better fucking make me happy or we’ll just keep going for a few more hours.  Well, you will.  I’ll settle down and take a long night’s sleep and you’ll spend the night writhing with an even bigger vibrator up your ass and your cock in a cage.”

Ben whimpered as Volkov pushed his mouth on to his cock for the second time that night.  

Volkov slapped him to get his attention.  “Use your fucking tongue.  Make it good.”  Ben had never had a blow job.  He actually found the idea of mouth to genital contact rather revolting.  However, in this instance, his sense of self-preservation overcame his revulsion.  He obeyed, using his tongue to please Volkov, lapping against Volkov’s wet tip. 

Alexsei used him for several minutes straight, pushing balls deep into Ben’s mouth more than once, but he lacked the intensity that he had earlier in the evening.  It was slower, more measured, to draw out Ben’s suffering. Ben wasn’t just being fucked; he had to participate, to perform.  Volkov admired the clearly painful tension in Ben’s shoulders and arms, the way his hands flexed and trembled with each thrust into his mouth.  

Ben’s arms ached, the muscles spasming and trembling painfully behind him.  And there was always the taste and texture of Volkov on his tongue.  He had no idea how to truly give a blow job, so he just kept his tongue moving, hoping desperately that it was enough.  He breathed through his nose, smelling sweat and sex, but there was no thought to what he did with his mouth.  He blanked his mind as best he could, his only thought, keep moving.  

So he did, he flicked his tongue over Volkov’s member, swirled it around, stretched it out and pulled it back.  He had no energy to hold back his tears or stifle his trembling or the small cries that left him when Volkov would yank on his hair, wanting him to change angles.  At least Volkov was letting him breathe this time.  

Volkov pulled out of Ben and shoved him roughly down onto the bed with his ass still in the air, body twisted so he could get access.  Ben wanted to cry with relief when his wrists were freed from the head board, but he didn’t have the chance. Volkov entered him without warning, without preparation, and only one tiny cry escaped Ben as he was pounded from behind. 

Ben managed to clamp down on every sound he wanted to make except pained, breathy grunts.  He was doing well, until Volkov reached around his abdomen and started stroking his sore, sensitive cock.  Ben jerked and writhed, now moaning as Volkov’s hand moved at a punishing pace.  Volkov came again after a few minutes, and Ben, still sobbing, spilled over his hand a few minutes later.  

Volkov shoved Ben to his back on the bed, holding his knees apart and playing with the head of Ben’s cock, polishing it with the palm of his hand until Ben was thrashing and screaming.  Before it could fall into pleasure once again, Volkov finally released him.  

He grabbed Ben by the hair, pulling his face closer and backhanding him for the third time that night.  Ben slumped back to the bed sobbing, bruised, and bloody.  

“Don’t you ever pull that shit with me again, you little prick.” Volkov wrapped his thick hands around Ben’s throat just above the collar.  He squeezed, and Ben gasped. There was no air.  “You’re fucking mine!  Do you hear me?  MINE!” Volkov kept squeezing.  Ben saw spots, then the edges of his vision grayed out.  Ben tried desperately to suck in air, but nothing could get past the constriction around his throat.  He felt himself losing consciousness, slipping into darkness.  Tears flowed freely from his eyes and back into his hair.  

Then, everything went black.  


Volkov stared down at the fucked out toy beneath him.  Little bastard didn’t want to scream? Fine.  That could be arranged.  He checked to make sure Benjamin was breathing.  Volkov ran his fingers along the fresh marks just coming up.  He’d have a lovely ring of bruises tomorrow.  He undid Ben’s cuffs and put him in the recovery position before ringing for Dmitri to carry him back to his cage. 

He pulled out his phone and took a picture of Ben, and then another of Ben’s face.  He made sure he documented the sweat, blood, and tears staining his face, and the filth that still stuck to the boy’s body.  This way, he’d never have to forget how ruined Ben was after this first time–and neither would little Benjamin or his brother.  Before putting his phone away, he took a picture of the bruising around Ben’s neck.  He’d get some rest and then send these pictures to Jake in the morning.  

Volkov waited for his underling to take Ben away, with the instruction that the boy’s muzzle be put back on. If Benjamin would not scream, Benjamin would not speak.  Volkov then crawled back into bed and slept like a baby.  It was the first time he’d been able to work out all the tension in his body in a while.  Fuck, it felt good.  Next time he’d consider keeping Benjamin here so that he could wake up next to him and fuck him as soon as he woke up again.  


When Ben came to, he was still bound, hands in front of him now. He wasn’t on the soft bed anymore. Not that he wanted to be.  The ring had been taken out of his mouth, but it had been replaced with the tight muzzle.  He was back in his cage.  Despite everything, Ben breathed a sigh of relief and lay his head down on the cold floor of the cage.  It was over.  It was finally fucking over.  

For now, a voice in his head supplied.  

Ben stretched with relief at the realization that his ankles, while chained together, were no longer strapped to his thighs.  His dick throbbed painfully between his legs and his backside felt like he’d been ripped in two; the ache was so deep he felt like it might never go away.  But, damn it, he survived.  And he hadn’t screamed when Volkov had fucked him. Not once.

Ben smiled under his muzzle.  If it was the last thing he did, Ben swore to himself that he would never scream while Volkov used him  Sure, he might make Ben scream during other tortures, but not that.  Never.  He could do it.  He could keep that one tiny piece of himself alive in this hell hole.  He would.  

Alone and locked away, Ben let himself cry.  He’d earned it, hadn’t he?  The tears pooled beneath his cheek, and still he cried.  He cried for home, for his lost future, for the person he’d been only two weeks ago. He cried for Zoe, and he cried for Jake and his parents.  Ben cried for himself and what had happened to him over the last two weeks, and what had just happened to him in the last few hours. He cried for what would certainly happen again.

With the exhaustion of his tears came a quiet peace.  Not a relief, but a reprieve.  Ben didn’t fight the sleep that pulled his eyes shut.  So what if he had a nightmare.  He lived in a nightmare.  Sleep was a welcome disconnect from reality.  And Ben welcomed it with every fiber of his being. 


Something brushed near his cage, and Ben gasped awake with a near scream.  His eyes shifted around–was it Volkov? Had he already come back for more? He wasn’t ready. Not yet..  Ben sucked in smothered breaths through his muzzle.  

“Easy!  Easy, Ben.  It’s just me,” Andrei said from the door of Ben’s cage.  

It took Ben’s eyes a moment to settle on Andrei, for him to grasp that it was justAndrei, and no one else.  His chest heaved, but he couldn’t get air; he felt like he was hyperventilating.  It was a far greater response than it should have been. A panic attack probably, but knowing what it was didn’t make it stop. 

“Breathe, Ben.  Breathe.  In and out.  You’re okay right now.  You’re okay.”  Andrei spoke calmly as he opened the door of Ben’s cage.  Ben jumped and pressed himself to the back of the cage, like a frightened animal.  

“Hey, easy.  Okay.  Okay, I’ll leave it shut.  Is that okay?”  Andrei closed the door and sat back on the floor.  

Ben met Andrei’s eyes.  They weren’t the steel gray of Volkov’s.  That helped.  He focused on Andrei’s gentle, soft brown eyes.  He breathed through the panic.  Eventually his gaze drifted down, and he could see Andrei’s mouth was moving.  His breath was still frantic in his ears, and he couldn’t quite hear. But still, he kept trying to  focus on Andrei’s lips, trying to focus on his words.  

“In… and out…  In… and out.”  Andrei nodded at Ben.  “You’re doing great.  It’s okay.  We’re not in a rush.  Take your time.  I’m sorry I scared you when I took the cover off.  I should have warned you.”

Ben nodded.  He understood him.  

“Is it okay if I open your door now?  You don’t have to come out yet.  It’s just you and me, kid,” Andrei’s voice was soft and gentle.  

Ben nodded again; he remembered his  rules. Andrei held the cage door open for him, and he crawled toward it.  

“You don’t have to come out yet if you need a few minutes.”  Andrei sat criss-cross applesauce on the floor next to the door, arms resting casually on his knees as he waited for Ben.  “I’ll tell you the plan for the morning while you get your bearings.  Vol- He’ll be down later.  Wanted to sleep in.  He said you could too.  Would you prefer to keep sleeping or get cleaned up?” Andrei frowned as he took in the sight of Ben’s battered and bruised body, his filthy skin, the blood still on his face.

Ben lay at the doorway of the cage.  He didn’t know what to do.  He felt gross.  He knew he’d been laying in dried sweat and blood and other bodily fluids all night.  He looked up at Andrei, eyes pleading to be told what he should do. Ben didn’t want to choose; that never worked out for him. Not here. Whatever Andrei decided, Ben just wanted it to involve the least amount of pain possible.  

“I promise I won’t do anything without your consent first.  And I swear, I’ll be as gentle as possible.  But you really do need to get cleaned up. I came in early so it would just be us and no Dmitri or Ilya.  Is that okay?”

Ben nodded and crawled towards him.  The effort it took to move his body even this far was exhausting.  

“I’m strong enough to carry you.  I have everything we need at the table.  Is it okay if I assist you?”

Ben collapsed on the floor in front of Andrei and nodded his consent.  

Andrei was very careful as he slowly pulled Ben up.  “Let me know if I’m hurting you.  Okay?  I’m not trying to, but I need to assess your injuries as we go.”

Ben nodded.  Andrei lifted him up and swung his arm over his shoulder.  He carried Ben over to the table and helped him lay down on his side.  Ben was aware that Andrei turned something on, there was a whirring sound and heat started to flow over him.  A heater.  Andrei had turned on a heater.  Ben nearly giggled as the warmth flowed over him. 

“Is that better?” Andrei asked.  

Ben nodded.  

“Is it okay if I take off the muzzle, Ben?  It’s only for a little bit.  Volkov ordered that you wear it all the time, and you’re forbidden to talk.”  Andrei leaned in close to him.  “But he’s not here right now.”

Ben nodded again.  

Andrei removed the padlock and carefully undid the buckle.  “Easy, easy,” he spoke calmly as he pulled it from Ben’s face.  “I’m sorry in advance for when I have to put this back on.”

“‘S’okay,” Ben replied flatly, his voice rough.  

“What did you do to have him forbid you from talking?”

Ben shrugged, but a shudder ran through his body.  He moved his fingers to his throat as he recalled Volkov squeezing and squeezing there.  Ben clenched his eyes shut at the memory of Volkov’s eyes looking into his as he strangled him.  

“Hey, it’s okay.  You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.  You’re okay.  He’s not here right now.  You’re not there.  Focus on here, okay.  My voice, the table underneath you.  Your heart rate, your breathing.”

Ben nodded, like he forgot he could talk for a moment.  

“Is it okay if I start cleaning you up?  I’d like to start with your face and then assess those bruises on your throat.”

“‘S’fine,” Ben said, voice raspy and harsh.  He coughed and then winced in pain at the burn in his throat.   

“You can keep your eyes closed if you want.  It might help you relax.”  

This time, Ben didn’t want to talk, so, again, he nodded and closed his eyes.  

Andrei was true to his word and very gentle.  He cleaned Ben’s face and neck with a warm sponge.  His fingers were light as he probed at the bruising along Ben’s trachea.  

“Ben, would you mind opening your mouth for me?  I… I need to see if there’s any internal damage to your throat.”  Andrei waited patiently, watching how Ben’s eyes rabbited around the room, as if her were still trying to make sure that Volkov wasn’t there.  When his eyes settled back on Andrei, he nodded slowly and opened his mouth.

“Thank you, Ben.  I’m going to put my hands on your chin and shine a light down your throat, okay?”

Andrei moved very slowly and paused before he touched Ben, waiting for Ben to acknowledge him.  Ben opened his mouth wider in agreement.  Andrei held on only as tightly as he needed to in order to steady Ben’s trembling.  He shined his light down Ben’s throat and took note of the deep internal bruising that he observed there.  Andrei turned the light off and Ben closed his mouth, his face flushing with embarrassment once again.  Fuck that bastard.  He must have been so brutal with the boy to leave bruising like that.  Andrei swallowed, and not for the first time, he was grateful that he could.

“You’re going to be okay.  You’ll be sore for a few days; you should conserve your voice when you can.”

Ben laughed.  “L-like I h-have a ch-choice,” he rasped as he fought back tears;he’d cried enough yesterday.  “W-why do you, you care anyway?” Ben’s voice was thin and unfamiliar to his own ears. 

“You… well, you remind me of myself.  Just a bit.”

“Volkov torture you too?” Ben couldn’t keep the hard edge of sarcasm out of his voice.

Andrei’s hands kept on. “Not physically, no.  But do you think that this is what I saw myself doing when I first became a doctor?”

Ben shrugged again.  

“May I move lower down your back, Ben?  Some of these stitches will have to be done again, but it has to be cleaned first.”


“When I was a teenager, I wanted to be a doctor.”  Andrei kept his voice even as he talked.  “Kids from my part of Russia don’t often have the means or ability to go to school, let alone become doctors.  I was determined.  I sought out every scholarship and program I could find.  I got my undergraduate degree and my graduate degree, but when I was ready to go to medical school, there was nothing left.  I had exhausted all my resources.” 

 Andrei dumped the warm water from the bucket and filled it with fresh water so he could continue cleaning.  

“I heard about a brilliant philanthropist who was known to help people who were… promising.  I’d worked hard to get the opportunities that I had.  This was just one more thing to work hard at.  It took me six months, but I finally got a face-to-face meeting with one Alexsei Volkov.  He had billions at his disposal, always wore bespoke suits, and had an ear with the Kremlin.  And he’d agreed to meet with me.  I was a hopeful fool.  I was utterly smitten with the legend of Alexsei Volkov.  I bought everything he sold me, hook, line, and sinker.  

“He agreed to put me through medical school, free of charge… with one small caveat: I had to come and work for him for a period of time after I graduated.  He assured me I would be helping people and putting my medical degree to good use,”

Andrei paused and moved to Ben’s front.  “May I clean your chest?”

Ben didn’t speak but rolled back to give him access.  Andrei’s voice was calm, grounding.  It was the most anyone had talked to him since he arrived here.  At least the most talk which wasn’t threats and manipulation.  At least he hoped this wasn’t manipulation.  But what reason would Andrei have to lie?

“Anyway.  It was my dream.  And I would get to work with Alexsei.  I willingly agreed and unknowingly signed my life away.  I got my degree and had a job as well.  It went well for the first year or so.  Then he had me accompany him on a trip to the Philippines.  It wasn’t a regular business or humanitarian trip.  I… saw things.  I saw Volkov do things… He made me participate and do things… Things I never thought I’d do…”

Ben giggled bitterly, still not fully processing everything.  “Like helping someone that he’d fucked into unconsciousness?”

Andrei frowned.  “Sort of.  By the time we got back to Russia, I knew what he was.  And I knew I’d never be able to leave him.  He knew it too.  Forced me to break up with my girlfriend.  Kept me from contacting my family.  I haven’t talked to them except for a five minute phone call here and there maybe three times over the last five years.”

Andrei looked at Ben as he finished cleaning his upper torso.  “Like I said, do you think this is really what I wanted to be doing with my life?  Volkov routinely shows me pictures of my parents, siblings, nieces and nephews.  It’s not because he’s being nice.  It’s a threat.  He’s letting me know he knows where everyone I care about is.”

Ben swallowed.  “I… I’m sorry.”

“Not your fault, Ben.  Just wanted you to know why I’m here and why I care.  I hate it here too,” Andrei whispered conspiratorially.  “But I do what I can to help ease the suffering of those under his thumb in far worse conditions than me.” 

Yeah, because helping Volkov draw out my torture and making sure I’m alert and concious is so fucking compassionate, Ben thought, bitterness coloring his view of the doctor once again.  

Andrei sighed.  “This is gonna be the hard part, Ben. I need to clean and inspect your lower half.  If you’d like, I can start with your feet and legs.”

Ben nodded.  He knew this was coming.  His face flushed red with embarrassment at his condition–but then again, maybe Andrei had seen worse.  Andrei changed the water again and then sponged off Ben’s feet and legs.  As he got high up onto Ben’s thighs he had to change the water more frequently.

Ben was okay when Andrei was washing his feet.  His breath caught slightly as Andrei cleaned the filth from his lower legs.  He shut his eyes tight and felt his heart rate increase when Andrei cleaned his legs just above his knees and inspected the chaffing from the restraints that Volkov had put on him to hold him open.  He bit his cheek to hold in his sob as the memories started to pour over him, through him and a soft groan escaped his lips.  

“Ben, do you need a breather?  I have to do the hard part now.” 

Ben swallowed.  “No.  I can… I can do this.  You won’t hurt me.”

“You sure?”  Andrei rubbed at Ben’s tense calf muscles.  “You seem tense.”

Ben gasped and his legs flexed at a sudden vision of Volkov rubbing his legs in a mock massage while he lay screaming and begging for him to stop from behind his gag.  

“No!  I’m good.  I just… I fucking need this to be over!” Ben said through gritted teeth and harsh breaths.  “Please.” Ben’s chest was heaving.  “Please just finish.”

“Okay, like you said, I won’t hurt you, but some of this may be uncomfortable.  If you need me to stop, I will.”  Andrei checked his watch.  “We still have time.  There’s no rush.”  

Ben gasped in a breath, it was stupid to be so emotional about a promise like that.  But no one here had yet given him the option to say no.  Andrei was holding that out to him like a lifeline.  He was seen.  His pain and trauma were seen.  It was a small thing, but to Ben it was massive.  He blinked rapidly as tears flooded his eyes.  

“No.  I want it over with,” Ben said, breathing slightly more calm than a few moments before.  

Andrei repositioned him and started working.  

Ben winced and hissed as the parts of his body that had endured the most trauma were cleaned and probed.  He tried not to cry, but as the flashbacks started coming more quickly he gripped the edge of the table harder and harder.  Ben squeezed his eyes shut and tried to do as Andrei told him.  Focus on the feel of the table beneath him, his breathing, his heart rate, the sound of Andrei’s voice.  But Andrei wasn’t talking now.  

“Hey.  Hey, Ben.”  Andrei’s hands were on his face.  “Hey, let’s take a break.  It’s okay.  You’re so strong.  I can see it.  You’re so very strong, Ben.  You’re doing so good.  I know this is hard.  I’m so sorry that this is happening to you.  Shhh.  Shhh…”

It wasn’t until Andrei started shushing him that he realized he was crying, deep heaving sobs he’d been trying to hold in but that couldn’t be contained.  

 Andrei took his hand, and Ben gripped onto it like it was a life preserver.  “You’re okay.  It’s over.  It’s over.  You’re not in that room.  You’re not in that bed.  It’s okay.  Shhh.”

But it wasn’t over.  It might never be over. Ben knew that Volkov was going to do this again and again and a again.  He was going to come in here and drag him back to that room, to that bed.  He’d do what he did last night as often as he wanted.  And knowing Volkov, that would be frequent and Ben wouldn’t put it past Volkov to have even more evil surprises and tortures to inflict on his Malyshka.  Whatever the hell that name actually meant.  

Ben’s heart was in his throat.  There was no air in the room.  It didn’t matter how kind Andrei was, Volkov was a monster that was going to use him in any way he wanted.  This was all an illusion.  Neither Ben nor Andrei had any power here.  

“Breathe, Ben.  Breathe.  It’s okay.  I’m sorry.  I should have realized you were in distress.  I should have stopped.  I was just trying to finish and get it over with.  I’m sorry.”

Ben’s hair was sweaty again.  He held desperately to Andrei’s hand as he rode out his tremulous emotions.  

As his breathing calmed, he kept his eyes shut but told Andrei, “Please.  Please finish.  I need it done.”

“Okay.  I’ll finish.  And then I’ll help you get rinsed off.  We’ll wash your hair.  It’ll be okay.”

Andrei was gentle but quick.  Ben had to bite down on the leather around his wrists as Andrei examined him, and he realized Andrei was trying to see if Volkov had torn him and how badly.  As Andrei moved his gloved fingers out of him, Ben let out an agonized cry that he had held in since the night before. 

“Okay.  All done.  All done.  Hard part over.”

Andrei turned from him and tossed his gloves in the garbage.   The damage wasn’t too bad.  Andrei was honestly surprised that it wasn’t worse.  He’d seen Volkov do so much worse, and to people even younger and more defenseless than Ben.  He took a moment to take a few steadying breaths himself.  He fucking hated this part of his job.  He hated that he knew exactly what to look for, what kind of damage Alexsei liked to inflict.  

He hated that he knew Ben would be okay because that meant that Volkov would drag him back to that horrible room and do this again, and maybe worse, sooner than Andrei would like.  Maybe he could buy the kid some time, but it wouldn’t be much.  If the damage were worse, he could bargain for more.  But fuck if Volkov didn’t learn from his past mistakes as well.  Sick bastard.  

He grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to Ben.  

“Drink.  It’ll help.”  Ben sat up as best he could, shivering slightly from the fear and humiliation that kept rolling through him.  He sipped on the water.  It did seem to help, and Ben found that he was ravenously thirsty.  He finished the bottle of water within a few minutes.  

“Th-thank you,” he managed to whisper to Andrei.  

“You’re welcome.  Is it okay to get you rinsed off now?  I’ll help you stand.  You must be sore and exhausted.”

Ben nodded, wiping at the tears that still kept coming.  

“It’s okay, don’t try to hold it in.  I know it’s hard.”

Ben couldn’t handle it anymore. Maybe Andrei saw what other people suffered, but he had no idea what it was to be in Ben’s shoes. “Stop saying that!  You don’t!  You see all the medical stuff, but you don’t actually know.  You don’t know what it’s like to have what he did to me done to you, for hours.  Hours!  I wanted him to stop.  He wouldn’t stop!”

“I know.  It’s what he does.  You must have got angry last night.  All I can say is I’ve never heard of him getting so furious that after a first time, he orders them muzzled.  Hold onto that.  It’s what will help you survive,” Andrei challenged.  

“I-I just want it to stop,” Ben’s voice cracked with desperation, “and it’s not… It’s not going to.  He’s going to do it again and I don’t want him to.”

“He is.  We both know that.  I’m sorry.  Like I said yesterday, god, I wish I could do more.  But I promise you that I will always be here afterwards to help you.  I’ll do whatever you need me to do.”

Ben barely heard him. “I’m so tired,” he whimpered.

“I know.  Come on.  Let’s get you rinsed off and your hair clean.  It’s still all sweaty.  You can relax, sleep even if you want.  I’m not gonna touch anything that hurts for a while.  I’ll have to redo your stitches, but I can give you a local anesthetic.  I told you the hard part was over, and I meant it.”

Andrei helped Ben sit in a chair under the shower nozzle.  He turned the nozzle away from Ben until it was warm.  All the leftover bits of filth and sweat were washed away.  Andrei tilted Ben’s head back, supporting the base of his skull with one hand and directing the water over his scalp with the other.  Ben kept his eyes closed, and Andrei noted the almost peaceful expression on the boy’s face.  He turned off the water and lathered up some soap in his hands. Ben had longish hair, especially when it was wet; Andrei combed his fingers through it, but it took a minute for Andrei to work out all the dried blood and other fluids.  He massaged Ben’s scalp, knowing how much tension it might help release. 

Ben didn’t talk, but Andrei watched as the boy’s breathing calmed to a slow, steady pace for the first time since he took him out of his cage.  Andrei turned the water on and rinsed out the soap.  Then he repeated the process.  He didn’t need to, Ben’s hair was clean of all the offending material, but he knew the boy could use someone touching him that wasn’t threatening, wasn’t harmful.  He needed human contact that was free of pain.  And so he gave it to him.  He washed Ben’s hair three times before he finally turned off the water.  

He got a towel, and unlike Dmitri who liked to pull hair and hurt, Andrei was very soft as he toweled Ben’s hair dry.  

“Come on Ben, let’s get you dressed.  You’ll feel more like a human being once you have your clothes back on.”

“Hmm.  Yeah,” Ben replied sleepily in his ragged voice.  

Andrei helped him up again, and Ben leaned heavily against him as they walked back to the table.  Andrei helped him get dressed and then eased him back down onto the table.  

“Andrei?” It was the first time Ben had called him by name.  “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, Ben, what do you need?”

“What… What does Malyshka mean?”  Ben lay on his stomach with his eyes closed.  He didn’t see the frown on Andrei’s face.  

“It means babe or baby, like a… um… term of endearment.”

Ben’s face twisted in disgust.  “I thought it was something like that, fucker.”  Ben settled his head back onto his arms and took a deep breath.

Andrei smiled.  “He is.”

“Can I have your permission to inject you with some pain killers?  They’re local for your back, so I can do the stitches.”

Ben lay with his head pillowed on his arms.  “Yes.  Do what you have to.  I just don’t wanna hurt.”

“It’s okay, Ben, I’ve got you.  I’m not gonna let it hurt if I can help it.”

Ben winced a few times as he felt the needle going into the abused sections of his back.  Andrei tossed the needles and medication away.  He’d put it all in the incinerator once Ben was asleep again; Volkov would be angry if he found out that Andrei had spared Ben any suffering.  

Once Ben’s back was numbed, Andrei worked quickly.  He restiched the cuts from the whip that had split open and made sure they were disinfected once again.  

“Okay, Ben.  I’m all done.”  He gently touched Ben’s shoulder and smiled as a soft snore left the boy’s mouth.  

Andrei gathered up all the supplies and evidence of drugs and gentle treatment and then walked down to the incinerator at the end of the hall.  He tossed all of it in and kicked the furnace on.  By the time he returned to Ben, he was curled up on the table, sleeping soundly.  Andrei checked his watch.  He still had time before Volkov and his men would be down here.  He took the muzzle and set it on the prep table.  He’d let Ben sleep as long as he could before he had to wake him and put that god awful contraption back on his face. Still. It was evidence that Ben was the fighter Andrei knew him to be.

“Bravo, Ben,” Andrei whispered, letting a gentle hand smooth Ben’s wet hair away from his face. “Whatever the hell you did to make the old man so mad… Bravo, kid.  Bravo.”

I thought I was doing better.

But then there was that one comment.

By a stranger.

And now I’m reliving all the traumatic feelings. The rape. The kidnapping. Everything.

Drowning. Just drowning by myself.

Whump Prompts #48: Self-Sacrifice

CW:kidnapping, illness, curses, magic whump, self-harm, torture, experimentation, inhuman whumpees


Whumper is draining whumpee A of blood for an experiment; whumpee B steps in so whumper can take their blood instead

Whumper has been experimenting heavily on whumpee A; whumpee B sees that A is declining quickly and offers themself for whumper’s experiment

Heroes and villains:

Villain has kidnapped sidekick and is torturing him; hero takes sidekick’s place, knowing that sidekick can succeed him as hero

Sidekick saves hero from villain’s attack and gets gravely injured; hero snaps but has to decide between attacking villain and taking care of sidekick

Villain kidnaps civilian and threatens hero with civilian’s death; hero rescues civilian knowing that it’s all a trap and villain just wants hero dead

Supervillain orders villain to kill hero; villain makes the fatal choice to save hero instead


Whumpee becomes a royal bodyguard; when whumper kidnaps the royal to execute them, whumpee volunteers instead, but neither the royal nor whumper know that he’s immortal

Whumper threatens whumpee’s team; immortal whumpee makes a deal: whumper will kill him once for every team member that was saved; only whumpee knows that he can only come back to life a certain number of times


Inhuman whumpee has their scales/feathers/blood etc. harvested for a spell to find others like them; whumpee decides to kill themself so the magic won’t work

Whumpee has been cursed and is very sick; caretaker can’t bear to see whumpee suffer and manages to shift the curse so they’re the one dying instead

Team whump:

Whumpee is on the run with a team and for whatever reason their affiliation with the group puts everyone in extreme danger; whumpee gives themself up to whumper to protect everyone

Whumper gives whumpee an enchanted dagger, telling him that his soul is the only thing that will save his team; whumpee stabs himself to save everyone

criminal: we have your brother.

diego: which one?

criminal: uh, wears skirts? talks to himself? smudged eyeliner?

diego: ah, you’ll bring him back within the hour.

criminal: what?

diego: trust me.

diego: *hangs up.*


Thinking a lot lately about kidnapping someone from a concert. Grabbing them in a dark alley or hallway from the venue, whispering in their ear how good they did dressing up so slutty for me tonight as I finger the holes they ripped in their own fishnets to look fashionable at the show. Gripping their ass under their miniskirt with both hands and pulling the fishnet apart until it rips as they meekly let it happen out of fear. Pulling a knife and sliding it across their body, asking them if they like the bands here tonight as I use it to cut off their freshly exposed panties and top. Ignoring their muffled gasps when I pull the ruined clothing off their body and push them against the wall. Gently running the blade of the knife along their wet slit and gathering their mess on the metal before holding it in front of their face with one hand while the other grips the back of their head and forces them to look at it. Asking them if they’re enjoying this, and when they shake their head no in panic, telling them that the evidence is right in front of them. Ordering them to stick their tongue out and wiping the mess on the blade onto it as they start to cry in fear. After the knives cleaned of their mess and covered in their drool, pulling it down to their throat and holding it their as I finally slide into them from behind. Taking my time as I use their hole to get off, telling them how good they feel and how thankful I am they showed up to the concert tonight, that it’s been a while since I’ve had a concert slut to use. Filling them up with cum, watching it drip out of them onto the backs of their fishnet covered legs and the floor beneath them until they collapse onto their knees on the floor and I stand above them.

Talking down to the lifeless mess underneath me, telling them how good they were and how they’ll feel better when we get home. Asking them if they’re to move and ignoring them when say no, wrapping my arms around them and pulling them to their feet. Telling them not to worry about their outfit, that I’ll let them borrow this and pulling the oversized concert tee I bought for myself over them, long enough to cover even the hole I ripped in the ass of their fishnets. Guiding them out of the concert venue in their stupor, only stopping to pick up the panties I cut off them on the floor and pocketing them, walking them back to my car before they even remember they should be kicking and screaming to get away from me. Picking them and placing them in the trunk, telling them at its okay as they start to fall asleep, too tired from the concert and the panic and the adrenaline to do anything except fall unconscious in the back of my car. Taking the opportunity to use my knife to finish cutting off the rest of their fishnets, then gagging and tying them up in their sleep before I close the trunk over them and start driving us to their new home.
