#life events


I literally cannot believe that so many people go through heartbreak it is such an awful feeling ???? Like i can’t stop feeling empty and crying and feeling like someone is stabbing me in the chest over and over again and i look around and think about how many other people went through this and I’m like damn , that’s so much to go through, especially if you’ve been through it multiple times. Basically i hope it hurts less and we figure things out even if it seems like the end of the world ( it feels like that for me right now ) but I’d like to think I’ll be okay and even happy again sometime . I’m so proud of everyone slowly slowly making it day by day.

The College Graduates of Bondoc Family

Last April 23, 2014 I graduated college and officially I am now jobless and broke. I don’t have to post lots of ‘Thank You’ messages here. I am not good with those so if you are my family, friend, colleague and you know I am thankful you were there throughout my college life.

Selfie with my college dabarkads.

Obligatory “Nyeee” pose with le friends.

Say hell-o to my fugly face.

The obligatory picture of myself with muji.

FEU Chorale serenading the graduates.

Photo-op with muji handing me my Latin honor award.

Selfie with Clara and Ria, myfriends from first year first semester to the last semester of my college.

Rain, and my two thesismates Marien and Anndrei. Ann was missing when this was taken.

Okay I just have to post this picture. 

Hey guys! Whit and I leave for Bama, for good, tomorrow. I was hoping we would be able to stay here for good, but we were given a opprotunity that most people never get and we took it. We are home owners now and we have to figure out how to live our lives now, and together, we can do it!

Quick Q&A:

1.) Am I sad about going home? - Yes and no. I am sad to be leaving Florida and that I wasn’t able to stay, I mean, everyone loves the beach right? But, it is time that I go home.

2.) How often will Whit and I return to the beach? - We have to worry about getting everything for our home done like we want it before we can really go into any details about returning to the beach.

3.) Who is the family member I always mention when talking about the trailer, and why do I want nothing to do with person? - The family member that I mention a lot is my brother. I choose not to be around him or associate with him because he is a meth head and he has, not only torn our family a part completely, but he has also ruined a lot of opprotunities and things for me and my family. I really don’t want to say any thing else about him because it makes me so mad, really.

4.) What do I plan on doing when I go home? - First things first, I’m getting a job. I will do everything that I have to do in order to get a job! I also plan on getting things for the trailer, so we can start working on it.

5.) Did I find what I was looking for while being in Florida? - Yes, but there still is a lot more that I need to find by being back home and facing a lot of the challenges and things I was so afraid of. It’s time that I grow up.

So, I know this was a Q&A post, but these questions were things that I frequently get asked and I thought I would post them so you guys could understand a little better. I don’t know what’s in store for me when I get back to Alabama, but I’m going to do everything in my power to stay focused, and keep doing what I’m doing. I really hope I get a call from one of the jobs that I applied at yesturday, sometime soon. I need a job more than anything right now! Hopefully, Whit will start applying for jobs soon because I really don’t want to be a lone in all of this…if that makes any sense.

**Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we try and find jobs and get started on our home! We appreciate all the love and support you guys have gave and shown us! Thank you so much!**

☕️‍♀️Life Events

Changes of home often occur under a transit of a social or outer planet to the IC,the IC ruler, or planets in the 4th. Transits to the Moon reflect the emotional impact. A square from transiting Uranus to a Cancer Moon, for instance, implies a time of emotional disorientation that generates feelings of insecurity. Uranus & Moon are most inclined to change home or move.

‍♀️❤️Many transits of Venus and Mercury can mean that a person will apologize to you or that you will reconcile with someone at that time.

We are most prone to conflict when we have transits to Mars, Uranus, Pluto. Mars represents how we defend ourselves. It is our warrior spirit and often see us fighting back. As with disagreements, transits of Uranus or Pluto suggest times of tension and strain, often ignited by the profound changes these planets bring about. Particularly when they transit opposite to a planet in your chart, you can be aware of resistance or opposition from others.

☁️Planets most prone to competition are jupiter, pluto & mars. A transit to your 7th house can herald a new relationship, but equally the presence of an opponent. For ex.: Pluto transiting here, a competitive situation might arise that feels like a fight to the death, involving feelings of jealousy or betrayal. Chiron, for instance, might show you that compassion and forgiveness can be just as powerful as winning.

Transits to the 4th house can signal shifts in the familly structure and the addition of another member. Any transits to Sun, Saturn, Moon can mean starting a family or having a child. For man transits to Sun or Saturn might coincide with becoming a father. For a woman transit to Moon.

Neptune in your chart represent your spiritual escape. It also shows where you have the most chaos or confusion. For ex.: Neptune in 6th house your plans are always chaotic, you can’t keep a routine or you always have an untidy apartment. It also represents where we sacrifice the most and in what way. For ex.: Neptune in 11th house you sacrifice a lot for friends, community and people around you.

Aquarius moon people will have special conection to their father. Or having more deep relationship with father than mother. Because Aquarius is also ruled by Saturn and also represents the father. Therefore, these people are more inclined to have a relationship with their father.

Moon in 9th house could feel hard for you to find home. Or you feel like you have more homes. You can constantly move from one place to another. Wherever you are you want to find comfort and warmth. Maybe moving is hard for you because you don’t like to change places. Or you may feel alien elsewhere.

People who will have more difficult planets in 4th, 7th , 11th house will find it difficult to maintain relationships with others. It will be harder for them to stay or keep someone in their lives.

Someone with libra placements or someone who will have only one personal planet of libra will try to understand people and their emotions.

Maybe I will make post about more difficult positions in astrology and how to keep up with them

