#look after yourself


Learning self love ❤

atheist-xmas: kowabungadoodles: A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your mentaatheist-xmas: kowabungadoodles: A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your mentaatheist-xmas: kowabungadoodles: A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your mentaatheist-xmas: kowabungadoodles: A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your mentaatheist-xmas: kowabungadoodles: A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your mentaatheist-xmas: kowabungadoodles: A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your menta



A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your mental health during the tough times ahead.
I started this last November, when people were hurting so hard it was difficult to function - I’m sorry it took me so long to finish it.  

Everyday activism you can do when you feel powerless.
And when you feel stronger, Punch back.

This comic only gets more important.

This is important, humans! 

Post link

Deactivate Facebook

Comparison is the thief of joy, and nowhere is comparison more actively trying to suck the happiness out of your cells than on Facebook. Your friends, colleagues and acquaintances are excellent human beings, but there is such a thing as knowing too much about a person. If you want to sit down and tell me a personal story full of TMI because it helps you, great: I’m here. But do I want to know your thoughts on every single article you read and every video you watch? No, no I do not.

I’m not a curmudgeon (well, not exclusively): I understand and enjoy the connection and community that social media brings to my life. But as an introvert I find being on Facebook for a while as draining as being around a crowd. If you are going to survive in this modern life, sometimes it’s important to step back and create a space for yourself where there is none. Sometimes you just need to withdraw.

There are downsides. You may miss some invites. You may miss some gossip. You will almost certainly have to explain yourself more than once. “You’re not on Facebook?” But you can reactivate your account if you need to. And I recommend it, sometimes: it will almost certainly reassure you that it doesn’t add anything to your life and you don’t need the added noise.

Facebook is the internet equivalent of standing in someone’s garden and staring into their window while being upset that they’re warm and happy while you’re standing in a muddy flowerbed in the cold. If it adds value to you, keep it. But if not, think about taking some time to tend your own flowerbeds instead.

Stop watching the news

TV news channels need to fill 24 hours a day with endless, rolling news. The news is already dramatic enough without adding talking heads speculating non-stop about the what-ifs and the wherefores. In times of chaos and boredom, I used to come home, sit down and watch it unfold in front of me, congratulating myself: watching the news is what adults do, look at home responsible I am!

Last year I cancelled my cable TV and moved to Chromecast only. I still pay a TV license, so I could still watch endless pontificating, but when you have to sit down and plan for it, it’s not something you really do anymore. I still read the news, and I still know what’s happening, but I don’t let it suffocate me for hours anymore. 
