#lord of the flies

Who needs sleep really, when you have books? Instagram

Who needs sleep really, when you have books?


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“Which would you rather be—a pack of ___ ___ like you are, or to be sensible like Ralph is?&rd“Which would you rather be—a pack of ___ ___ like you are, or to be sensible like Ralph is?&rd

“Which would you rather be—a pack of ___ ___ like you are, or to be sensible like Ralph is?”

from two different editions (left: American printing, 1992; right: U.K. printing, 1985) of Lord of the Flies, Ch. 11 “Castle Rock” by William Golding

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by William Golding

What’s it about?

It’s about a group of English schoolboys stuck on a remote tropical island after an airplane crash. Over the course of the short book, they devolve into barbarism and anarchy.

That seems simple enough. 

That’s the cover story. There are layers underneath. It’s about the powerful self-destructive and competitive parts of human nature, social organisation, and the possibility that we’re all just one plane crash away from literally eating each other

That sounds kind of dark and violent.

It’s as dark as it needs to be, although if you’ve read Game of Thrones and you think Lord of the Flies is too dark and violent, you should probably present yourself to the relevant authorities at first light.

What should I say to make people think I’ve read it?

“Civilisation is hard work.”

What should I avoid saying when trying to convince people I’ve read it?

“I’m not reading a massive book about elves and dragons.”

Should I actually read it?

Yes. It’s on countless reading lists for secondary school children all over the world because it deals with vital philosophical questions in a very accessible manner. 

sharpen a stick at both ends

“That night I put my youth in a casket, and buried it inside of me.”


Spades -> Jack

Clubs -> Roger

Hearts -> Maurice

Diamonds -> Robert

Hi! so i’m currently opening up both drawing and writing requests so if you wanna recommend a character/ship for me to draw or write go ahead :D!!!

its actually canon that jack was in the logang sooooo

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Spoiler Alert: In a wild turn of events, rich white private school boys can’t deal with the fact that other people need to live.

Jack Merridew is a strong independent chief who don’t need no Ralph.

Jack: I’m Jack Merridew.

Ralph: And I’m questioning my sexuality.

Simon: Guys, hurricane Irma is on land and it’s supposed to keep traveling north!

Ralph: Oh no! Are we prepared for it?

Jack: I hope not. I hope it kills us.


Jack: What? It’s true, I hate this place.

Roger: It would be kind of exciting to live through it, though.

Maurice: Guys! This is scaring me, let’s not talk about it anymore please!

Simon: But it’s really important!

Ralph: Simon’s right. We need to make sure we stay safe through it.

Piggy: … We live in England

Jack: Ball is life, Dad.

Jack’s dad: Oh, so you’re playing basketball?

Jack: No, Dad.

Jack’s dad:


Jack’s dad:Oh…


what books were you assigned to read in a class that you still hold a violent and bitter grudge against

for me it’s into the wild and the scarlet letter
