

Malice fronting, walking by the ferret cage:

“You look wrecked, man. Rough night?”

Fucking harassing the ferret?… Really?

Yeah! Cuz it’s fucking funny!

Uncovered some real fucked up shit, this morning!… Found an old external hard drive and a few flash drives. A bunch of stories, pictures and videos from 2010 - 2015. I don’t know what to think. My brain is automatically trying to find a rational explanation for what We’ve uncovered… We knew We should not have been digging but We felt that it was necessary. We thought… I don’t know what We thought. But it… Wasn’t what We found. We found a VIDEO of MALICE. 2011-ish??? So she wasn’t lying or mistaken. She did exist before me, Teen. Anyway, what is strange is that she was crying throughout the entire video. Why? Because she was showing her badly bruised thigh. How did she get that bruise? Our old roommate who used to beat the fuck out of us! She hid the video. I didn’t find it with the other videos. She tucked it away in another folder titled something different. Like she was afraid someone would find it… Also found two videos that the fucking roommate was in… I liked those videos! We helped create those videos! And now they just upset us… I honestly can’t even describe how I feel about this. Why now? Why did We have to go digging now? Why did We find that shit now? We have an exam in a couple days and a project due by the end of the week. We don’t have time to relive trauma!

Been trying to sleep for a couple hours now. Lots of shit happening. Found out what the Eddie Money reference was all about. Saw Henry as an angel. Don’t know what the fuck that means. Slow danced with Rio. Someone was controlling the vessel and dancing to Die Antwoord. Dante, Animal, Rio, Teen. We were all together. Not really. It was showing us what could be. Needed to take notes.

Teen: “Imagine if I was my age.”

Animal: “Thaaat sentence doesn’t make any fucking sense! ”


Comic: Excalibur (2019)

Source: Marvel Comics

recent work in progress
