

DID things

When someone asks if you’re okay and you answer:

yes, no, maybe, i dunno

cause everyone is feeling different things so you have no idea

For Protector Alters

You’re amazing! we love you so much. We wouldn’t be where we are without you. You are vital to you’re system!!! You’re doing an amazing job! Keep going, we need you. We know that it can be quite frustrating, but we are all grateful for you, even if it sometimes doesn’t seem like it. We love you!!

Sometimes I wish my alters had their own separate bodies so we could physically do stuff together like shopping with the girls and talk out loud to each other and try things on in our own bodies and compliment and hype each other up cause I think North would be a good hype women.

Having DID is having to always check all of your social media because who said what to your friends when you weren’t around?


I just made a promise to Dante that I wouldn’t make another suicide attempt until we try the lsd route first. He heard me and acknowledged it. I have to remember. 

It’s been over a year since We started psychedelic therapy. Started with lsd and ketamine. Saved us. It’s time to wake up Dante. I think he would like things much better now with the new level of self awareness. I think he would like to front.

Every time We see a cat face emoji, We think of Rio. It still hurts.

Donatello is changing. Getting brought to the front more and more now that We’ve been experiencing PTSD symptoms again. His appearance is even starting to change, it seems.

Uncovered some real fucked up shit, this morning!… Found an old external hard drive and a few flash drives. A bunch of stories, pictures and videos from 2010 - 2015. I don’t know what to think. My brain is automatically trying to find a rational explanation for what We’ve uncovered… We knew We should not have been digging but We felt that it was necessary. We thought… I don’t know what We thought. But it… Wasn’t what We found. We found a VIDEO of MALICE. 2011-ish??? So she wasn’t lying or mistaken. She did exist before me, Teen. Anyway, what is strange is that she was crying throughout the entire video. Why? Because she was showing her badly bruised thigh. How did she get that bruise? Our old roommate who used to beat the fuck out of us! She hid the video. I didn’t find it with the other videos. She tucked it away in another folder titled something different. Like she was afraid someone would find it… Also found two videos that the fucking roommate was in… I liked those videos! We helped create those videos! And now they just upset us… I honestly can’t even describe how I feel about this. Why now? Why did We have to go digging now? Why did We find that shit now? We have an exam in a couple days and a project due by the end of the week. We don’t have time to relive trauma!

Hey! We’re back with flags for those of y’all who are proud to be you! Edd and Edward helped me because one of fictive and the other is factive!

Before I get into it, I just want to tell a slight story thing on why I made these. So, back when I first joined plurality servers, systems used to bully Edd and Edward for who they were, calling them names for being fictive/factive and that there will be identify issues in the future. When we joined PositivelyPlurality all of that changed. When I realized how okay it was to be fictive/factive we were so happy! Edward has a lot of pride for being factive. Be happy for who you are! That’s why I made these :). There were flags before for this but I heard they were from bad systems.

Fictive Flag

Darker green on top: They are from fiction and it’s okay to be proud of that! 2nd Green: Just because they are from fiction and not an “original” they are still valid so it is a very bright colour to show that.
White: Shows they are from a source!
Gray: Shows that they do not need to be canon and can break free from it!
Dark green: They can be whatever they want and can date whoever even from another source.
Darkest green on bottom: Same meaning as top one.

Factive Flag

Red - Passion! Shows factives are based on the real world and that it is an okay thing!
Grey- Maturity, authority over who they are.
Orange- Creative for being who they are!
Green- Growing as a person, also shows they are based on the real world since it is a life/earthly colour.
 Pink- Valid. They are just as valid as any other headmate.
Purple- They are perfect as they are. Do not change yourself for others.

Fcktive Flag

Fcktive is a mix between Fictive and Factive, so the meanings above can help you with this one. And make it your own! Fcktive is different in every case.

Feel free to use them! You do not have to give credit each time you use it (although it’d be appreciated) but if someone asks or if you’re using it for a server, video, website, etc please give credit to me! Please don’t say you made the designs as that’s plagiarism.

Written by Host

-Made with love from Edd, Edward, and Host ♥
