#system pride



I just made a promise to Dante that I wouldn’t make another suicide attempt until we try the lsd route first. He heard me and acknowledged it. I have to remember. 

It’s been over a year since We started psychedelic therapy. Started with lsd and ketamine. Saved us. It’s time to wake up Dante. I think he would like things much better now with the new level of self awareness. I think he would like to front.


Shout out to systems who have system experiences they are afraid of talking about because they are afraid of harassment or being fake claimed <3

Also, for fear of getting into trouble.

We did a good thing. But it is going to take some getting used to. So many more are active now. We still don’t know who everyone is. ✌️☝️… So sex is more awkward now. Oh… Fuckin… We’ll tag it with “TMI” or some shit. Right… DMT! I, Malice got us over our fear… Well THEIR fear. Not mine. That’s why I could do it when they couldn’t. Someone was pushing us really fucking hard to do DMT. We don’t know who. But We HAD to. We had no choice. The Gobos kept trying to front for whatever reason. Animal, Teen and I had to keep pulling them out. They were so scared But they were being so BRAVE! I, We want The Gobos to know that We, Animal, Teen and Malice are so very proud of you. You never have to do anything like that though. We will always protect you. No matter what happens. Okay? You brave little souls have no need to worry. You are completely protected from harm. Someone else is here with us. They seem to really care about The Gobos as well. So… Umm… See? You guys are safe!

*Listening to Alestorm*

Headspace Chatter:

“Rum! Beer! Sex and Weed! These are the things that a Pirate needs!”



The best thing abt doing actual research into the plural community is that its literally never been like the medicalists say it was. I have a book from a 60+ year old diagnosed did system who can and has rejected/expelled alters entirely. another with an interject of a religious figure whos a gatekeeper. Another who can control switches, one who has known since they were kids ect ect ect. Plurality has always been weird and different my guy, to say otherwise is to erase our history and ignore basically all aspects of plurality

Also this goes for nontraumagenic plurals and headmates we have been a part of the community since the start. Stay mad

Oh FUG! Got too fucking high again! I can’t imagine why We keep tolerance fucking ourself?! Jeezus, man! I know you’re upset but you really need to chill. It’s okay, man. We’re all okay. And We’re gonna continue to be okay as We continue to move forward. We will get through this. You and I and the others. We are all going to be okay. Even better than that someday. I promise you. We all need to promise to make that our main goal. Happiness. Whatever that may mean to us. Not perfection. Not misery. Not in the middle. Where ever We want to be. We don’t know who We are

Donatello is changing. Getting brought to the front more and more now that We’ve been experiencing PTSD symptoms again. His appearance is even starting to change, it seems.

We hate everything Mean people dick bags! We are having PTSD stuff happening. We were having bad dreams for a little while now. And now Teen dissociates hard and often. He can’t handle the stress. He is trying but even some of us think that Teen may be experiencing a bit of psychosis. We will try and help him keep it together.

Watching a video:

“… And it glows blue.”

Malice fronting (once again.. Or… Still???):

“Blows goo. ”

Animal and Teen:

Uncovered some real fucked up shit, this morning!… Found an old external hard drive and a few flash drives. A bunch of stories, pictures and videos from 2010 - 2015. I don’t know what to think. My brain is automatically trying to find a rational explanation for what We’ve uncovered… We knew We should not have been digging but We felt that it was necessary. We thought… I don’t know what We thought. But it… Wasn’t what We found. We found a VIDEO of MALICE. 2011-ish??? So she wasn’t lying or mistaken. She did exist before me, Teen. Anyway, what is strange is that she was crying throughout the entire video. Why? Because she was showing her badly bruised thigh. How did she get that bruise? Our old roommate who used to beat the fuck out of us! She hid the video. I didn’t find it with the other videos. She tucked it away in another folder titled something different. Like she was afraid someone would find it… Also found two videos that the fucking roommate was in… I liked those videos! We helped create those videos! And now they just upset us… I honestly can’t even describe how I feel about this. Why now? Why did We have to go digging now? Why did We find that shit now? We have an exam in a couple days and a project due by the end of the week. We don’t have time to relive trauma!


Y'know, even as a mostly traumagenic system, anti-endo bullshit still gets right under our skin.

Why? Because some of our members are endogenic.

Fuck, some of us are intentionally created.

Most of us aren’t a direct result of trauma, but are rooted in it in some way.

However, folks like Onn, for example, are not rooted in trauma, but formed outside of it, then decided to hold onto it because of that.

So yeah, anti-endo shit hurts traumagenic systems too, you bastards.

Nearing the end of day two of our THC talerance break. Realizing that it wasn’t the THC that was increasing the symptoms. The THC just made it more obvious to us. We aren’t high. We aren’t drunk. We aren’t on anything. Still switching out. It seems like whoever is fronting gets influenced without warning. Mixing without warning. Just start moving and talking. Moving with different mannerisms. Speaking someone else’s words with someone else’s voice. The symptoms have not decreased since the break from Concerta and THC. They may have increased the dissociation in the beginning but it seems like whatever switch it flipped is still flipped. Not upset. Not excited. Just observing. Trying to just document our symptoms without emotional interference. We have become our own psychiatrist. We are the doctor. We are the patient. Don’t forget that.


happy system pride day!

just a reminder that this day is for all systems

disordered systems

non-disordered systems

systems of all origins, including self-created, endogenic, mixed origins, traumagenic and all other origins

poc systems

lgbtqap+ systems

polyfragmented systems

systems that only have a few members

introject heavy systems

systems of all kinds, origins, amounts and types, happy system pride day <3

[ anti-endos please don’t clown on this post, don’t turn it into a syscourse post or an argument point.

if you’re absolutely gonna insist on fighting us, use our asks or our pms, not the rbs ]

quoigenic system pride stimboard


3 kawaii cats that are stacked together and forming System Pride flag colors.ALT

A customer reached out recently to request for a kawaii cat stack design with the Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) system flag colors.

Admittedly, I didn’t know DID has a flag. I felt a sense of mission when I was creating the design.

I have been thinking a lot lately, particularly, about my creative voice.

Yes, I want to create art that bring happiness and make people smile but there is more… and I can’t articulate it easily…

I’ll try. Please bear with me.

I hope to create a world with no prejudice, where people treat one another with kindness and respect, regardless of race, language, religion, color, size, ability, profession, sexual orientation, geography, etc.

Life is not easy, everyone is fighting their own battles. If we can just smile and be kinder, maybe we can make someone’s day? Perhaps this will in turn makes us feel lighter and easier?

If we can appreciate the goodness and simple happiness in everyday life, I think we’ll be happier.

In my world, everyone is free to be themselves, express their love and pursue their own passion and adventure.

I am just an artist, I can’t change the world. But I am an artist, I can create my ideal world with my kawaii cats. (=^w^=)

Thank you for popping by. Hope you find comfort and happiness in my world.


DID/OSDD System Pride Flag!

A follow up for this post!

I never liked all the other system pride flags, so i decided to make my own! This flag is for both did and osdd systems! ENDO/TULPAS/NON TRAUMA “SYSTEMS” DNI. THESE ARENT FOR YOU.

Singlets can reblog content/make content with them if a system requested something.

Color meanings:

Dark magenta: Loving your system

Orange: Pride in being a system (orange is also the office did/osdd color)

Pale yellow: Healing and recovery

Light green: Overcoming our traumas

Green: Intergrated systems

Teal: Acceptance in having DID/OSDD (teal is also the official color for mental illness)

System pride! (Plus lgbt system pride!)

These flags are for those who are lgbt and systems! The middle flag is for all systems, regardless if theyre lgbt or not! (I’ll be making a separate post for that flag!) ENDOS/TULPAS/NON TRAUMA SYSTEMS DNI. THESE ARENT FOR YOU.

Please only use these flags if you have did/osdd!
