#professor mcgonagall


McGonagall: Mr. Black, if your friends jumped off a bridge, would you jump as well?

Sirius: I-

Remus: He’d be the one that jumps first, Professor

James: We’d jump as well though

Draco Malfoy X Gryffindor!Reader

Summary: You hated Malfoy and he hated you and you were okay with that. It was natural. The Malfoys and the Lupines hating each other. It was fine by you… so then why did you care when he got hurt?

A/N: Alright y’all. Here it is! A small piece to what I have coming for you guys. At the moment we’re gonna keep it in book 4 because… well I want to. A few notes: 1. I gave the Reader a last name (and something very close to my own) 2. Because I’m American, so is the reader (it’s explained) 3. Yes, I am a Gryffindor (but I have a problem with the House system, but I won’t get into that now) Please let me know what you think! Do you guys want a seperate blog dedicated to this? 

HP Tags: @coffee-addicti@ilikestuffproductions@msmcsmutt@ravn-87@artemismohr18@whygz@crazywritingbug@dolphincommander@bisexualbumblebeesstuff@fuzzy-panda@bitemebro522@zombiesnips-blog


Fourth year at Hogwarts and of course Malfoy stood right there on the train as we shipped off. I didn’t say anything as he and Ron and Harry got into it again, though I wanted to. It had been four years and the only person that Malfoy hated as much as Potter, happened to be me.

Our families had been rivals for… centuries. In a desperate attempt to break the cycle, my parents moved to America, with me. I had no contact with Malfoy or his family… until I got my letter to Hogwarts. Then the time came to go back and be who I was meant to be.

When first year came, there was a blond-haired stood beside me in line alphabetically, and though he didn’t talk to me, and scared off other students, I did manage to get a smile from him. I knew his nerves matched mine. We had reputations to live up to. It gave me hope that I wasn’t alone.

Then I found out he was a Malfoy. 

And I was a Lupine.

Slytherin and Gryffindor.

I guess it started then. Every class we had together we had avoided each other. Shunned each other. I refused to rise to his bait, and I suppose he grew bored. We hated each other in silent. Unlike Harry, Ron, and Hermione—who I was quite close to, but not completely taken with—I sighed and shook my head.

That was, until third year and the entire Buckbeak incident happened. Then I wasn’t quiet anymore. I was almost worse than Harry about making snide comments to the ‘Slytherin Prince.’ I hated injustice and I was tired of being quiet about it. And Harry wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, and Hermione wasn’t the most vocal… I on the other hand was both, and it infuriated Malfoy to no end. Because there was one thing that I had on him:

I was a pure blood. And he couldn’t do anything about that.

Our rivalry grew. Every day it was something different. Every class we had together we challenged the other. I won most, but the few he did win he wouldn’t let me live down. Our duels left him angry and brooding and me grinning and smiling all day.

Maybe I could see why our two families didn’t get along. He was too easy. It was almost fun. It also helped me in my classes—to beat Malfoy at his game I had to be smarter than him.


The Fourth Year

“You’re a pathetic excuse for a pure blood,” He sneered as I got off of the train.

I snorted a laugh and rolled my eyes, Harry and the other two had gone on ahead, leaving me with Malfoy and his two goons.

“Careful Malfoy, I don’t think I’m a mirror,” I quipped, a wicked grin on my face.

I could see him grow red as he looked for a comeback. I simply walked off.

“You won’t win! No matter what you do!” He shouted.

“I don’t have to win!” I turned around, still making my way towards the school. “I just have to beat you!” A smile stayed on my face for the rest of the night.


I watched as Harry turned away and Malfoy rose to cast a spell against him. I drew my own wand to counter him, but there was no one to cast a spell on but a small silvery ferret, where Malfoy was standing.

I stared at the small thing, a smile growing on my face. This was almost too easy.

Moody came then, started scolding the little ferret Malfoy, holding him by his tail and I itched to tell Moody that’s not how you’re supposed to handle any kind of animal—even if it was Malfoy—but McGonagall beat me to it.

Something, that was beyond any rivalry, gripped my heart when I saw Malfoy, now human again, curled up on the floor in pain and fear. I was about to reach my hand out to help him up, but Hermione gave me a nudge. A reminder.

“Don’t talk to me,” Ron said quietly as we sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall.

I was almost to lost in thought to notice that he had said anything.

“Why not?” said Hermione in surprise, drawing me from my thoughts.

“Because I want to fix that in my memory forever,” said Ron, his eyes closed and an uplifted expression on his face. “Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret …”

Harry and Hermione both laughed, and a smile touched my lips as I ate quietly. I didn’t quite agree, and I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I should be laughing at his misfortune. It was almost too easy. The entire situation was a gift from my ancestors, and yet something was… off.

“He could have really hurt Malfoy, though,” Hermione said. “It was good, really, that Professor McGonagall stopped it —”

Maybe that was the problem. Maybe I didn’t like the idea that he had gotten hurt… or could have gotten hurt worse than he already was. But why did I care again? We were enemies. That was that. And yet…

I tuned out Ron yelling at Hermione at her comment. 

“Hermione’s is right guys, it could have hurt him,” I muttered.

I looked up from my plate and Ron and Harry were staring at me like I had three heads. Hermione was indifferent, the look on her face like she knew something.

“Any why do youcare? You hate him more than the rest of us.” Harry pointed out.

“I compete with him yes, and he’s a pain, yes, and I wish I never had to see him again… but he doesn’t deserve to…” I trailed off knowing I was fighting a losing battle.

“I’m off to the library,” Hermione stood, pushing her plate away.

“I’m gonna go too,” I stood, pushing away my half-eaten plate.

“But why? You don’t have homework!” Ron complained.

“I’m not doing schoolwork,” Hermione said in passing as we left.

As we walked down the hall Hermione didn’t stop looking at me. I sighed and kept to my own thoughts, trying to unravel the dilemma that the situation presented.

“Youlike him,” she nudged me.

“What?No! I don’t!” I deflected. “Me!? Like a Malfoy!?

She laughed.

“It’s okay, I won’t tell the boys. But if you want to check on him, he’s probably in the infirmary complaining.”

Why would I—”

“You really think I believe you want to go to the library?” She raised an eyebrow. “You hate the library. You study in your room at all costs,”

That was true, I preferred my own space and to study in the comfort of my own bed and room. It was hard enough focusing, let alone focusing on things in a place I wasn’t comfortable in.

“I just… I don’t know Hermione… seeing him like that.No one deserves that. I know Malfoy is… Malfoy… but injustice is still injustice?” I offered. It was some sort of explanation.

Go,” She ordered. “I’ll see you later.”

I debated a moment more then decided.

“Thanks, Hermione. I owe you one,”

“Just go!” She shoved me off and I changed directions heading towards the infirmary.

Thinking that this was the stupidest thing I ever had done, I, for once, shoved every preconceived notion about Malfoy that I had and went to go and see if he was… okay.


I could hear him complaining as I entered the hallway that held the infirmary. A smile touched my lips as I neared the door. Some things would never change.

“Can I help you, dearie?” Madam Pomfrey asked. 

“Here as a visitor,” I smiled sweetly.

“For who? Mr. Malfoy?” She raised an eyebrow at me. She had seen both of us in here as a result of our little rivalry.

“Against my better judgement, yes.” I sighed.

She let me in and immediately his eyes snapped to mine. His eyes were puffy and red, like he had been crying. He looked pitiful. I wanted to laugh, but I didn’t have it in me.

“What are you doing here? Come to make fun of me?” He snapped, crossing his arms.

“Where’s your posse?” I asked, folding my arms as well, cocking my head back. “I thought sure they would be with you.”

“Am I their keeper?”

“Ithought so.” I smirked.

“Whatever, Lupine,” he rolled his eyes.

We remained quiet around another as time stretched out. There were so many things that I wanted to say but didn’t. I wanted to ask if he was okay, if he needed anything, if he was still hurting. But I also wanted to laugh and make fun of him. I wanted to put him down and never let him live this down. I wanted to write a letter to my parents so that they knew…

And I did none of that.

“You make a cute ferret,” I noted and turned to leave, wondering why I went in the first place.



Part 2

Percy: We need more homework to prepare us for the exams!

Oliver: No! We need less homework to prepare for quidditch and win the cup!

McGonagall, standing in front of them: I don’t get paid enough.

- has the WORST insomnia

- never sleeps at night but always sleeping during the day

- you will never catch this boy awake in history of magic

- used to chain smoke but when he started dating lily, he stopped because he knew she didn’t like the smell of it

- sirius stopped smoking as well because he didn’t want to tempt james into smoking again

- bisexual king

- until the day he died, he would’ve been completely fine marrying sirius and even in the afterlife

- literally has the BEST friendship with sirius it’s not even funny like everybody is so jealous

- mother hen :’) 

- since he never sleeps at night, he’s always awake at the crack of dawn and is always waking the boys up with him

- “if i don’t see feet on the ground in thirty seconds, i’m opening the curtains!’

- “don’t you make me count to three, mister!”

- “sirius get out of the bathroom, peter needs to pee and he can’t hold it anymore” “you didn’t have to tell him that james!” “we’re all men here, peter, grow up and learn how to tell people you need to pee”

- super smart 

- loves the library but refuses to admit that he does

- once quoted shakespeare at lily and later, she told him it was one of the reasons she fell in love with him

- actually has really good sportsmanship

- like of course he gets super butthurt when he loses anything but he makes sure to tell the other player or players that they did a good job 

- literally the nicest asshole you’ll ever meet

- like he’ll hit your books out of your hands and then help you pick them up

- resorts to physical violence because “it gets the job done faster moony don’t lecture me”

- has punched snape before but only because he called sirius privileged and james was not having it

- has a toad at home

- never told anybody about the toad (her name is cecilia and he loves her very much) so when sirius moved in and saw the toad vibing on his window sill, he flipped his shit

- cecilia pees on sirius every time he picks her up but it never stops him

- james is sure sirius loves cecilia more than he himself does

- when remus and peter find out about cecilia, they also flip their shit

- cecilia becomes the marauders mascot

- lily finds out halfway through seventh year that they have a mascot and it’s a toad named cecilia and teases them endlessly about it

- also has a cat at home

- his name is sandwich (james named him when he was four) and he’s best friends with cecilia

- the potter family owl is named odessa (james calls her dessy) and she hates james but james loves her

- he had a crush on regulus in his fifth year and never told a soul. remus knew but didn’t say anything

- his friendship with remus :’)

- it was his idea to become animagi (he read about it in a book) and it was also his idea for the map

- he did a lot of the charm work on the map

- there were a lot of ‘hypothetical’ questions for flitwick during this time period and flitwick was all too happy to answer them

- took ancient runes and arithmancy from third year to seventh and made an O in both

- took divination in third year with sirius, remus, and peter but he was the hermione in that group

- while remus, sirius, and peter were like ‘alright i can dig it’ with divination, james was getting SO heated about it 

- for the remainder of their school career, he made sure to tell them all the flaws in divination at any chance he could

- lily was super into divination, though, just because she thought it was really interesting and there were too many instances of it being real to be counted as coincidences, and james literally almost imploded when he found this out

- when they heard the prophecy for the first time, james literally stood up and left lmao

- “i’m not believing some bullshit prophecy that tells me my son has to die at the hands of voldemort, lily!” “what if it’s not bullshit” “are you fucking shitting me right now lily”

- only agreed to go into hiding for lily 

- also took care of magical creatures from third to seventh year and also made an O in that

- when they learned about unicorns, the unicorn looked at all the girls in the class and then trotted past and stood in front of james

- james never stopped gloating about this ever

- “sorry what was that? i couldn’t hear you over the sound of being trusted by a unicorn” “a unicorn trusted me minnie why would i ever break the rules like that”

- didn’t actually mind slytherins

- was almost one himself and def wouldn’t have made a huge deal about it because euphemia was a slytherin when she went to hogwarts and he knew they weren’t all bad

- the only reason he never styled his hair was because his dad invented sleekeazy’s. that’s it, that’s the only reason. he did it to spite his dad.

- momma’s boy !!!

- until the day euphemia died, james was not embarrassed to hold her hand as they crossed the street and tell her he loved her

- could not fathom a world without his mother so when she died, he shut down for a good month and a half

- used to actually be afraid to curse

- said his first swear word in fifth year and never looked back

- “what the fiddlesticks” “for the love of all that is holy, just say fuck”

- “f-f-” “yes, you can do it” “i’m nervous”

- fleamont found out that he smoked when he was in his sixth year and he ripped him an entirely new asshole before pulling out his own cigarette and lighting it

- cannot hold his alcohol

- was drunk by the third butterbeer

- was destined to be the chill dad because his dad wasn’t

- yes you heard that right. euphemia was the chill parent. fucking deal with it.

- was an amazing liar purely because of fleamont

- like this boy could lie straight out of his ass the second he learned how to talk

- “james fleamont potter did you break this vase” “didn’t I tell you, dad? the manor’s got a poltergeist!” “we do?!”

- the manor did have a poltergeist but he didn’t know that at the time

- humble rich kid

- his house is huge but so is his heart

- sirius found out his middle name was fleamont when he moved in because fleamont yelled his full name SO often

- james hates that sirius knows his middle name

- sirius loves that he knows james’ middle name

- sirius and sandwich the cat have a silent feud going on that james fuels by privately telling both of them that they’re his favorite

- his actual favorite is cecilia

this got super long but still, feel free to add your own weird james headcanons!

Gryffindor: depends on the person, ranges anywhere from “dear lord was there a tornado in here” to “oh my god there’s not even a speck of dust”

Ravenclaw: organized chaos

Hufflepuff: kinda organized but also not completely organized, kinda like half-assed organization

Slytherin: straight up chaos

Gryffindor: Procrastinates until the last minute and then stresses while doing all of it at once

Ravenclaw: Does it the night it’s assigned just to get it out of the way

Hufflepuff: Invites all their friends over for a group study hall and they all help each other 

Slytherin: Cheats

Gryffindor: climbing trees, jumping into piles of leaves, getting lost in corn mazes, face painting, building pillow forts, ripped jeans and combat boots, laughing loudly, rolling down hills, walking barefoot on cold floors, a mischievous glint in someone’s eye, roasted marshmallows 

Ravenclaw: bedheads and fuzzy socks, pumpkin flavored coffee, reading by the fire, passing out on soft pillows and warm blankets, listening to rain, old music playing on a turntable, deep conversations, crunching leaves, foreheads against cold windows

Hufflepuff: bonfires and camping with close friends, big sweaters and fluffy scarves, drinking loads of hot cocoa, pumpkin carving, warm hugs, morning walks, smiling at strangers, holding hands, blue lips and pink noses, huddling close to friends, holding a warm drink, cuddling

Slytherin: watching old movies wrapped in a fluffy blanket, hot tea on cloudy days, pink cheeks from cold wind, knitted beanies and cozy jackets, stargazing on a rooftop, long sighs, flickering candles, misty mornings, reading old poetry, writing in a cafe, tired yawns

Gryffindor: the second they lay down, they are out like a light. literally no difference between them and a dead person

Ravenclaw: the lightest sleeper freaking ever. anything can and will wake them up

Hufflepuff: is a pretty normal sleeper, but snores like a lawnmower

Slytherin: “sleep is for the weak”


the climax of a horror movie, weird coincidences, the moment when you know you’re about to be found at hide and seek, graduating and realizing your life is in front of you, big blasts of thunder at night

the moment a plane takes off, the first time you jumped off a swing as a kid, walking outside for the first time on a bright morning, right before the roller coaster goes down the first hill, making eye contact with a stranger across the dance floor

Walking into a new place for the first time but it’s oddly familiar, a hidden bookshelf in a very old bookstore, being this close to figuring something out, listening to wind outside when you are home alone, shoe clicks

the moment before you meet someone for a first date, songs that make satisfying rhymes, getting to pet/feed an animal at the zoo, when you finish singing or playing a song and it’s all quiet and happy, being a kid and thinking you might hear sleigh bells on Christmas Eve

This is so accurate???

Professor Sprout and Professor McGonagall being gal pals

Mcgonagall : I have a very important mission for all of you! Severus,Fred, George, Y/n

Snape : Me included?

Mcgonagall : Yes! Silence, Severus!

Y/n : What do you want us to do?

Fred : Whatever that is-

George : We will accept!


Mcgonagall : Prank Umbridge for me

Snape : I would love to do it and will do it right now

Snape : I’m burning through the sky, yeah

Mcgonagall : Severus, your robe

Snape : Two hundred degrees, that’s why they called me mr. fahrenheit

Mcgonagall : Severus! You’re on fire!

Snape : Who’s severus? I’m mr. fahrenheit

I hope that in Hogwarts no one knows about Smartphones..
Its kind of weird if everybody chat with their phones not with their owls..

And when the Deatheaters come they say: “wait a moment! I have to write Dean on whatsapp that i stand in front of a deatheater. Lets take a selfie that he believes me.”

[Oliver in the Quidditch locker room hurriedly filling out a future careers plan form McGonagall said he had to complete before training]

Oliver: What does “desired occupation” mean?

Angelina: It’s what you want to do, Oliver.

Oliver: *nods as he writes down Percy Weasley*

Remus: *sitting quietly, probably reading a book*

Sirius: Merlin’s Beard, how could someone even be that ADORABLE?! OUTRAGEOUS. Ugh.

Remus: *proceeds to literally not move a muscle*

Sirius: *to James* You see what I have to DEAL with EVERYDAY?! It’s unbearable!

James: Mate, you can’t stop talking about him; just ask Remus out, I’m sure it can’t go that badly.

Sirius: Fine! Well, I’ll, I’ll see what the people have to say about it! *turns to group* Do you think I sh-?

Marlene, Dorcas, Peter, Alice, Frank, Lily, Madam Pomfrey, Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore, the Fat Lady, Mrs Norris, Nearly Headless Nick, the Giant Squid:YES.

Sirius: *crying* BUT IT’S SCARY.

James: Guys, we should really go out to Hogsmeade - it’s been ages! Pads, are you free after we get out of detention with McGonagall on Sunday?




James: Excellent! I’m not!



James: Have fun on your date!

Remus: Wait, did he really just…?

Sirius: *mouthing to James* Thank you.


After full moons, Remus was a wreck, he was lethargic, sore all over, and red from the new bruises and scars he had acquired through the night.

  • Oftentimes, he’d try to make it through lessons the next day, cloth bandages seeping with blood as he stumbled up and down the stairs, assisted by James and Sirius when his legs gave way. Halfway through he’d have to stop; by then a migraine would kick in, or his limbs would ache so greatly when he moved them that they would go numb and limp. Sirius always made sure he sat next to Remus in classes, so when it ended and the other students had left, he could discreetly carry him over to Madam Pomfrey. Remus would thank him apologetically, slumping in the bed as aches and pains continued to plague him. He could never conceal his frustration with the fact that he’d ‘given up’, announcing he would be fine by tomorrow. Peter would always smile in agreement, “Of course Moony, just rest now.”
  • Sometimes, he’d be so tired that nothing could wake him - and in the morning the Marauders would quietly get ready, leaving their dorm floor clear so he wouldn’t trip, and make sure some water and chocolate were placed by the bed - so if he woke up alone and unable to go to the kitchens at some point in the day, he’d have something to nibble on. Although James would reassure him, “Mate, you don’t have to leave the bed - don’t worry about anything, we’ve got you.” He’d still stumble out to do his homework, and on rare occasions, Sirius would discover him slumped over his desk, overcome with exhaustion. Remus would awaken - mysteriously back in his bed - tucked in cozily with Sirius sat beside him.
  • The other Gryffindors were always curious as to how James and Sirius could possibly be hungry enough to take spare food back to the dorm, but the house elves knew to leave a plate and utensils so Peter, James and Sirius could empty the contents of their stowaway dinner onto it and deliver it to him.
  • When it was really bad, Remus wouldn’t wake up until the middle of the night following his transformation; but he always awoke to a drowsy Sirius - with a cushion propped up by the bedside table and and a hand outstretched clasping his. “What are you doing awake at this hour?” He would whisper, combing his tense fingers through Sirius’ dark mane, to which Sirius would mutter something or other about a homework he hadn’t done or a book he was reading: Sirius was a terrible liar. Every single time, Remus would insist: “Pads, I’m fine, stop waiting up for me like this. I need you to sleep and not worry.” Sirius would nod his head, “Okay, okay - I promise.” - but he’d never stop, not even in Azkaban - where he’d perch anxiously by the cold window, staring at the full moon.
  • The Marauders would always delegate Remus’ classnotes and homeworks, which he hated, and always tried to cram in the week before his transformation to save his friends the trouble of completing all his work for him. James had unofficially decided to cover Transfiguration, Arithmancy and Potions, Sirius helped with Ancient Runes (though it was admittedly his worst subject), Charms, Divination and DADA, and Peter would pitch in with Astronomy, History of Magic and Herbology. Professors would occasionally receive identical homeworks with the same handwriting - but knew better than to inquire further: McGonagall had already chatted to teachers about leniency for Mr Lupin.
  • While Remus was resting in the hospital wing or the dorm, McGonagall would arrange to meet with the other boys: “How is he doing, Mr Potter?” “Have a biscuit, Sirius.” “Mr Pettigrew, I have spoken to Professor Sprout, about your recent absence of homework and ensured she will be more understanding of the situation in the future.” “So, I don’t have detention on Saturday?” As she watched them trail off to check on their friend, she couldn’t stop the smile that softened her serious demeanour. “Alright, Minerva?” Dumbledore would quip, pulling a lemon sherbert from his pocket. She’d smirk, “I have a reputation to uphold, Albus.” and promptly return to her usual affairs.

James: I suppose I do have the slight tendency to be a bit hyperactive at times.




Sirius: A bit?

Professor McGonagall: At times?!
