#nesta archeron



Nesta & Manon: I could be a better boyfriend than him

Art by emilia.mildner



Nesta: *freaking out right before the mating ceremony*

Gwyn: Relax, Nesta, the hard part is already behind you. The mating ceremony is just a formality.

Nesta: *hyperventilating* What part was the hard part?

Gwyn: Fitting his cock inside of you.


Nesta Archeron - A Court of Silver Flames

So a couple weeks ago I met Official Hambly and we collaborated to do the ultimate Nesta Archeron photoshoot from the ACOTar series by Sarah J Maas. She put together the entire dress in under a week and I styled the wig the evening before the shoot. We both love Nesta so much and her story in ACOSF. I cannot say enough about this photoshoot. Shooting with Sarah was honestly one of the best times I’ve ever had in cosplay, and it certainly was a dream come true to cosplay as Nesta!

Fassian (FeyrexCassian) Brotp:

Idk why but I hoped that Feyre would be protective over Nesta: (in a good way)

Like I wanted a scene where Feyre is completely oblivious that Nesta and Cassian are together (even tho they’re mates) and when someone tells her that they are, she runs around the house with a shoe behind Cassian.

Like she will be on his nerves (cause she knows he’s a player) and she would be repeatedly REPEATEDLY threatening him that if he ever hurt Nesta she would make sure that she hurt him.

Feyre : *with a knife against cassian’s throat* Are we clear?

Cassian : *genuinely scared by her psychotic behaviour* *croaks out* yes

Feyre : *insert my scary pt sir’s voice* I COULDNT HEAR YOU ARE WE CLEAR?!

Cassian : Yes ma’am.

And Nesta won’t even try to like intervene cause she’s so fascinated by her sister actually caring about her.


I’d previously responded to someone’s post with the following quote, but I wanted to highlight it in my own post. After Feyre learns Nuala and Cerridwen track Amren for Azriel—despite Rhys having told the twins not to do so—Amren says the following (emphasis mine):

‘The Court of Dreams is founded on three things: to defend, to honor, and to cherish. Were you [Feyre] expecting brute strength and obedience? Many of Rhysand’s top officials have little to no power. He values loyalty, cunning, compassion. And Azriel, despite his disobedience, is acting to defend his court, his people. So no, Rhysand does not punish that. There are rules, but they are flexible.

(Source: ACOMAF, chapter 28)

I love this passage for the reason you suggested, but I also think it shows how eachof the Archeron sisters fit into the Court of Dreams.

  • Feyredefended the Rainbow from Hybern’s invasion, and is extremely loyal to her friends, family and court.
  • Nesta could be considered as having brought honour to the Valkyries by surviving the Blood Rite/defeating Briallyn, and is studying military strategy with Cassian, ie. honing her cunning mind. Not to mention how she dealt with Tamlin and Eris.
  • Elain valued her time in their cottage growing up, no matter how impoverished they were, because she cherished her family; she has also shown great compassionthroughout the series, ie. when she went redirected Cassian’s ire at Nesta towards herself in ACOMAF, when she thought of the humans in their old region during the war, and when she helped Feyre come to terms with gift giving and winter solstice.

I do think each sister embodies all of those traits to varying extents, but it’s possibly significant that they were listed in that particular order, which appears to match the predicted order of their books, so could be more evidence to suggest that Elain does, in fact, have a home in the Night Court.


Nessian: Momma

In which to soothe Nesta’s fear of being a bad mother, without directly calling it out, Cassian reassures her. Most commonly in the form of calling her “Momma.”

Because@frecklesandfiction is having a tough week and @thecrispypotatochip asked

  • She’s a little embarrassed when she’s the first one of them to bring it up, but after summoning some courage, four decades after being mated, Nesta finally asks him.
  • In the most roundabout way…
  • “I… I’m ready.”
  • Cassian raises his brows from his seat on the sofa. Nesta is curled up on the rug by the library fire, a book in her hand.
  • “Me too,” he replies apprehensively. “But what for?” Cassian adds with a smirk.
  • Nesta can’t bring herself to meet his eyes so she stares into the hearth. “For a baby.”
  • And he’s silent. She still can’t make herself look at him. Gods after so many years she’s finally rendered the male speechless.
  • But he finally interrupts her in the softest of voices: “You’re… you’re sure?”
  • Nesta’s head whips in his direction, her expression carefully blank. “Yes.”
  • And he smiles wider than she’s ever seen him smile before. And it sets her heart on fire.
  • And Nesta thinks that the worst is over. She’s breeched the topic. Now all they have to do is conceive.
  • And that’s the fun part, right?
  • Cassian can tell that Nesta is relieved. He can tell because the tense line of her shoulders has relaxed and because she unconsciously releases a heavy exhale.
  • And while making the baby is the fun part… he is prepared for what will certainly prove to be the most difficult aspect of this pregnancy.
  • The doubts that will arise in Nesta.
  • He knows they will surface because they’ve already surfaced for him.
  • He had an irrational fear that he would suddenly develop the urge to abandon his family. Like father like son, right?
  • No. Rhysand had helped him disperse of that fear quickly.
  • Whenever Cassian had watched over Nyx, his brother would casually remark: “Keep being so good with him and he may assume that you’re his father.”
  • Or even going so far as to say: “You’ll make a fine father some day, brother.”
  • And over and over and over again he said such things to Cassian till Cassian realized that all his preconceived fears of being a poor father were foolish.
  • After all, what sort of a poor father consciously promised to ensure his children never felt unloved or unwanted?
  • “Should we… get started?” Nesta asks apprehensively, bringing him back to the present.
  • Unable to wipe the smile from his face Cassian replies: “Oh yes. Right away.”
  • They get lucky. It only take a few months before Nesta is pregnant. Cassian scents it one morning when Nesta is exiting their bathing chambers.
  • She’s drying her hair with a towel when the scent hits him like a freight train.
  • Nesta meets his eyes and his face splits into a smile before he starts laughing.
  • “Really?” Nesta says, stilling before him.
  • Cassian nods and tosses aside the reports he had been reading, clambering out of bed to embrace his mate.
  • As he holds her he feels the bond between them tremble. She’s nervous. It hurts his heart.
  • So he presses a kiss into her hair and whispers fondly. “Congratulations, Momma.”
  • And then the bond is humming and glowing and he smiles to himself, self-satisfied.
  • He places a calloused palm over her flat stomach, and murmurs a word of thanks in her ear.
  • And makes a silent promise that he’ll call her “Momma” every time he feels the bond waver with insecurity. He’ll reaffirm her every chance he gets.
  • “Good morning, Momma,” he says when she joins him for breakfast.
  • “Sorry, Momma,” he says as she wretches into the basin and he holds back her hair.
  • “Here you go, Momma,” he croons, handing her a cup of ginger root tea for her nausea.
  • “Rest, Momma,” he whispers as she lays down for a nap.
  • “Look at you, Momma,” he grins when he catches her looking down at the lump between her hips.
  • “Aw, Momma,” he murmurs, when she cries over the soup she spilled.
  • “Come here, Momma,” he smiles admiring her noticeably larger breasts.
  • “Looking good, Momma,” he remarks, watching her decorate the nursery — because there’s something very beautiful about her folding that baby blanket.
  • “What’s this, Momma?” he whistles when he discovers her examining her now noticeable bump in the mirror.
  • “What’s wrong, Momma?” he asks softly, drying the tears she can’t explain.
  • “Feel that, Momma?” he chuckles when they feel the baby kick.
  • “Hey, give me that, Momma,” he grumbles, grabbing the heavy jug of water she is trying to carry.
  • “Lift your legs, Momma,” he commands, prompting her to place her swollen ankles in his lap so that he can massage them.
  • “Are you ready, Momma?” he asks the night before the baby is due.
  • “Great job, Momma,” he half laughs half cries as she finishes pushing.
  • “She’s perfect, Momma,” he sniffs, cradling his daughter.
  • “Here you go, Momma,” he says handing her their baby.
  • “You both are beautiful, Momma,” he smiles as she nurses the baby in their home.
  • And when his daughter’s first word is “momma” Cassian couldn’t be happier.
  • Because Nesta’s eyes are immediately tearing up and she’s applauding her daughter, and telling her that she’s right.
  • But then Nesta turns to Cassian and points, her daughter follows her mother’s finger and she meets her father’s eyes.
  • Nesta inclines her head and says “Now can you say: Papa?”
  • And Cassian chuckles gruffly, because he knows it will be a little while longer before her vocabulary expand—
  • “Paw-puh,” his daughter says.
  • And Cassian smiles.

Reblogging because I’m in my Nessian feels…






tinyancient1:what do u think?

gimmemor: uh ya


elliephante: i’d start running now

sunny-d: not at all, u should send the same thing back

cassman: hey i got that one too 


Friendly Reminder

Nesta never pretended to be someone she wasn’t. She puts out the ugliest parts of her first and never denies her actions. She is honest about what she wants, and what she doesn’t. She is not a puzzle and is consistent in her reasoning for her actions.

redisriding: FUCK YES!!!!I wasn’t expecting the next sneak peak until Monday (the 16th) but this is



I wasn’t expecting the next sneak peak until Monday (the 16th) but this is so beautiful. I need my girl to go on a healing journey, to claim her power ❤️❤️

Post link


Nesta: Cassian was annoying me today so I told him that I couldn’t wait to see what he had planned for our special day tomorrow.

Elain: But there’s nothing special about tomorrow.

Nesta: Well, yes, but there was something exquisite about watching the color leave his face as the panic took over.

acourtofcandles:Newest exclusive work of art by @bxromance! Now available in the Shop! … … … #nessia


Newest exclusive work of art by @bxromance! Now available in the Shop! … … … #nessian#acosf#bxromance#nesta#cassian#acourtofsilverflames https://www.instagram.com/p/CMFaFhjl0AU/?igshid=1jumwo3xnil2y

Nessian (Arte de BXRomance) 

Post link

—Quería que supieras eso. Que no lo hacemos, que no te odio.

Ella sopesó lo que sea que hubiera en su mirada. Probablemente más de lo que

era prudente dejarle ver. Pero ella dijo en voz baja—: Y nunca te he odiado, Cassian.


 Durante un largo momento, Nesta y Cassian se observaron mutuamente. El viento rasgaba su pelo oscur

Durante un largo momento, Nesta y Cassian se observaron mutuamente. El viento rasgaba su pelo oscuro hasta los hombros, pero podría haber estado en un campo de verano si no hubiera reaccionado al frío. Era todo lo que podía hacer para evitar que los dientes se le salieran del cráneo.Cassian finalmente dijo: “Te quedarás en tu antigua habitación”. Como si ella tuviera algún tipo de derecho sobre este lugar, sobre cualquier lugar en absoluto. Continuó, Mi habitación está un nivel por encima de eso. ¿Por qué necesitaría saber eso? Las palabras se le escaparon. Comenzó a caminar hacia las puertas de cristal que conducían al interior de las montañas. “en caso de que tengas un mal sueño y necesites que alguien te lea un cuento” dijo, una media sonrisa bailando en su rostro. tal vez uno de esos libros obscenos que tanto te gustan.

Post link

soft nessian: a series

I saw this picture from Pinterest and felt like I had to draw the Cassian and Nesta version. All I want from ACoSF is Nesta with her hair down around Cassian and if they’re planning military strategy together too then that’s also cool

Incorrect Quote

GWYN : Why are you smiling?

AZRIEL :Why, can’t I just be happy?

Nesta :Cass just tripped and fell face first over the steps .


Lucien’s (and Feyre’s) Powers

This theory relies somewhat on and mentions HOSAB spoilers, so proceed at your own risk! Also I apologize for the length but I couldn’t help myself.

Keep reading

Reblogging to add a crack theory based on something discussed in @offtorivendell’s amazing post on Theia (credit for this research and line of thinking also goes to @wingedbloomsand@psychee92).

In Greek mythology, Theia had three children: Eos (the dawn), Selene (the moon), and Helios (the sun). Helena seems like she might represent Selene, the moon. We know Theia also had a second daughter—could she represent Eos, the dawn?

Of course, the question is whether Theia only had 2 children, or might she have had a third, a son. @offtorivendell theorizes in the post I linked above that the son might be Pelias, which is a fascinating theory. But I wonder if the son actually remained in Prythian, and if that son is the direct ancestor of Helion. I mean, this would make sense given Helion’s name. And it would also explain why Helion reacted to the mask’s presence how he did—it’s likely because his ancestor interacted with the mask 10,000+ years ago. So this would mean Helion and Lucien are direct descendants of Fionn and Theia and are starborn, and that Feyre has that starborn power in her veins from Helion as well.

Also interesting about this, of course, is the parallel to the Archeron sisters. Nesta has been described as the moon, and would thus be Helena’s heir. Elain has been described as the dawn, and would be the second daughter’s heir. And then of course we have Feyre, who is called a star, and whose light is bright white like Helion’s—the heir of the sun?

And would this mean that Theia’s children/heirs have essentially been reborn, either for the final battle against Koschei (to finally defeat him), or for the upcoming fight against the Asteri?


Nesta seducing a duke at 14. Nesta going to the wall to try and save Feyre. Nesta single handedly intimidating all characters, to the point where many of them shudder at her name or presence. Nesta taking from the cauldron. Nesta saving Cassian’s, Feyre’s, Nyx’s, and Rhysand’s life. Nesta getting lucrative marriage proposals. Nesta making a House come to life. Nesta making magic weapons. Nesta finding magic weapons. Nesta slaying a kelpie, a death god, and a queen. Nesta stopping time and death. 

