

“Perdida, sin querer ser encontrada.

Igual que las hojas rojas del suelo

dejan de pertenecer a los árboles,

ella dejó de pertenecer a la tierra.

Encerrada en la penumbra del mármol frío,

pero libre para vagar sin rumbo.

Cruza el río en una barca que ha pagado

con el metal de sus ojos.”

- Perséfone moderna


Tu alma como una flor apretada, enroscada en sus pétalos, entre la oscuridad del invierno, que no es otra cosa que vida interior que reposa en lo más profundo del alma y esa luz que renace, como Perséfone, que eclosionará cómo flor abierta, florecer de primavera. Lo esotérico del espíritu dará paso a lo exotérico, luz radiada, candente. La luz negra atrapada en la profundidad de la carne, será júbilo de vida efervescente, clamor y canto de placeres por ese deseo intenso, será poema y verso de un sentimiento profundo que brota ante la mirada de tu caballero errante.


PersephoneThe Wicked + The Divine“You will be loved. You will be hated. You will be brilliant. WithiPersephoneThe Wicked + The Divine“You will be loved. You will be hated. You will be brilliant. WithiPersephoneThe Wicked + The Divine“You will be loved. You will be hated. You will be brilliant. Withi


The Wicked + The Divine

“You will be loved. You will be hated. You will be brilliant. Within two years, you will be dead. Child of the sky, betrothed to darkness. Your mother’s tears freeze us all. One part of a two-part mystery.“

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Chthonic Persephone #underworld- Persephone Chthonienne- η Περσεφόνη, η πριγκίπισσα του κάτω κόσ

Chthonic Persephone #underworld
Persephone Chthonienne
η Περσεφόνη, η πριγκίπισσα του κάτω κόσμου -
❗Don’t repost without credits AND tag!
#chthonic #persephone #illustration #digitaldrawing #dessinateur #olympian #characterdesign #narcissus #ancientgreece #hellenic #hades #enchanted #mythology #persefone #romance #персефона #hadesandpersephone

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Godess of love, beauty and passion


Godess of the harvest and agriculture


Godess of the hunt, the wilderness and the moon


Godess of wisdom and warfare


Godess of women, family and childbirth


Godess of retribution, revenge and justice


Godess of vegetation and queen of the underword

So… Halloween in the Underworld! :D Hades of course doesn’t understand a thing about trick-or

So… Halloween in the Underworld! :D

Hades of course doesn’t understand a thing about trick-or-treating. Persephone is all “I love this muggle stuff, omgyes”. Melinoe thought anime pumpkins were extremely scary, Zagreus thought happy doll faces were terrifying… and Macaria just wanted to be creepy for once :)

I didn’t have much time to do this, I’m sorry, and Happy Halloween!

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Old sketch of Persephone & Hades, together again <3(Sorry I didn’t post anything in such a lo

Old sketch of Persephone & Hades, together again <3

(Sorry I didn’t post anything in such a long time, I don’t have scan right now nor time…)

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