#peter parker imagine


Tony: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.

Peter: Tony no.

Y/N: Mistlefoe.

Peter: Please stop encouraging them.

Steve: Y/N isn’t answering their phone

Nat: I’ll call

Steve: Tony and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-

Y/N: Hello?


word count: 2431

request by: anon

WARNING: Might be triggering to some people! Please do not read if this may harm you. No fic is worth your safety. 

Ridiculous. That is what you would describe this entire day as. It was nearly midnight and you were finally leaving Flash’s house after finishing your chem lab work. Of course he waited until the night before it was due to invite you over to “help”. His version of helping is sitting beside you talking complete nonsense while you do all of the work. You swore that if your teacher ever assigned the two of you to work together, you were going to just throw him off of the school building.
What’s worse is that he didn’t even offer you a ride home afterwards. He seriously expected you to walk home in the dark by yourself. At the time, you were just happy to be leaving his house. But about twenty minutes into your journey, you were drowning in anxiety. Every single sound or slight movement that you heard, you were immediately spraying pepper spray in that direction. Of course it was useless since the trash cans you heard rattle were not a threat, but you couldn’t be too careful. 

When you weren’t giving yourself a heart attack, you were thinking up a million ways to murder Flash. Decapitation. Throwing him off a building. Running him over with his own car. The possibilities were endless. 

“What are you doing walking around this late?” a gruff voice asked from behind you. You were so caught up in your own head that you didn’t even see the three men leaned against the side of a building. Your spine snapped straight, feigning as much confidence as it could in its terrified state. 

“As if it’s any of your business,” you scoffed before attempting to walk away from them. However you felt two hands snake around your waist from behind. You jumped, a surprised yelp jumping out of your throat. Quickly, the man covered your mouth with a sharp curse. 

“Come on, now,” he scolded you, “There’s no need for that. We aren’t gonna hurt you, baby.” 

You squirmed in his grasp as he led you over to his friends, one hand holding your waist in a death-like grip. Your attempts at calling out for help were all muffled behind the man’s hand. However futile they felt, you never once stopped. If you had any luck, some sort of stranger could walk by. Maybe they could hear you crying out for them. Maybe you could be saved from this. 

“I’m gonna need you to shut the fuck up,” the man holding you growled into your ear, his lips brushing against your skin which made you recoil from him. He pulled you back to him harshly, his grip curling slightly which caused his nails to dig into your flesh. You let out a painful whimper, too scared to scream anymore. 

“There you go,” he praised gruffly before turning to his friends, “good bitch knows how to take orders.” 

His friends laughed alongside him as they approached slowly, each of their hands moving to caress various areas of your body.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               You weren’t sure you could call it that at this moment though. It didn’t feel like your body anymore. Not with their hands and bodies pressed against it. And how do you move a body that isn’t yours? The most you could do was shut your eyes. Close your eyes and pray that this will end quickly. But as the sound of your shirt ripping off your body was heard, you didn’t have a single ounce of hope left.  

“Hey!” a voice broke through the air. The hands of the men stopped suddenly. You assume they had turned to the origin of the voice, but you weren’t ready to open your eyes just yet. Not when you felt the cold chill of a sharpened blade to your exposed neck. 

“How about you back away, Spiderman?” a cocky tone chimed in from behind you. He spun the two of you to face Spiderman, causing you to cry out in fear as pressure slightly increased under the blade. Your eyes opened as if on their own, the sting of the cold metal against your surprising them open. Spiderman’s stance straightened in surprise. Before now, you had kept your hair partially sheltering your face, when you looked up to see the man- he acted almost as if he knew you. 

“Don’t you hurt a single hair on her head,” Spiderman growled, his posture shifting into a fighting stance. 

“It’s up to you, Spiderman. You move, she gets hurt,” the man cooed teasingly, “But if you leave, I’ll put the knife completely away.”

Spiderman looked at you for a moment, and even though he was wearing a mask… you knew that he was sorry. The knife was against your neck. If he were to move his hand to shoot his webs, there was a good chance that he couldn’t stop the knife in time. Sadly enough, you understood. You knew that no matter what superpowers Spiderman has… right now he couldn’t save you without gambling your life. So instead you just closed your eyes. It would be easier to forgive him for this if you didn’t see him leave. 

The men laughed cockily as the sound of Spiderman retreating hit your ears. Immediate tears formed in your eyes, well aware of what he had left you with. You tried to tell yourself that it wasn’t his fault. There was nothing he could have done. He isn’t the monster of this story. But it was so hard to convince yourself while foreign fingertips greedily scanned your bare skin. 

“I think that since I was the one who got rid of ole Spidy, I should get first dibs,” the man with the knife whispered against your ear before softly nibbling your neck. You recoiled at the feeling and let out a pathetic cry. 

“I’m the one who caught her,” another griped, “If I wasn’t behind her, she would’ve gotten away.” 

The men bickered, their motions becoming harsher. You tried not to cry, not wanting to give them more satisfaction than they were already stealing from you. Soon the argument took over the situation, causing two of the men to break away and fight on their own. To them, you were nothing more than an object. They only saw you as some living toy used only for their desire. It was sickening. How could they not care that they were ruining someone’s life? 

The second the men broke into their own battle, a figure swooped in from the sky and kicked off one of the men held against you. A small smile broke out of your face as you witnessed the man slamming against the ground, unable to bring himself back up. The men fighting stopped instantly, turning to keep you cornered behind them. However, before they could make it to you, webs shot out of the sky. The web wrapped completely around them, immobilizing them. You watched with bright eyes, finally seeing some hope in this horrible situation. Spiderman swung out from the shadows and slammed against the two men, kicking them away from you. You heard them struggling against the webs, but your eyes stayed locked to your savior. 

“I suggest you let her go,” the man growled, stepping closer to the two of you. The man didn’t give up, instead using you as a shield. You felt him pulling you backwards with him, but if it was just one guy- you could do something about it. 

You waited until he was taking another step back before twisting as best as you could and slamming your leg into his groin. You heard the man let out a sharp breath of air before doubling over. Immediately you intertwined your hands and slammed downwards, knocking him to the ground face first. The two of you left standing winced slightly at the sound of bones breaking. The impact of his nose against the concrete caused it to break. It made you happy, knowing that you wouldn’t be the only one scarred from the situation. 

“Ma’am?” Spiderman asked from behind you, not wanting to step forward and frighten you more than you already were. You turned towards him and it was something about being able to move freely… or maybe it was the fact you didn’t feel their hands anymore. Whatever it was, it caused tears to flow freely down your face. Spiderman jumped slightly in surprise as a loud sob erupted from you. 

“Take me away from this please,” you wailed, “Please get me away from them or I’ll be the one having to go to jail. Please take me away.” 

He moved quickly to you and waited for your permission to wrap his arm around you before swinging the two of you away from the men. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to get back in time to arrest the one not webbed, but you were more important to him than anything else. 

The two of you ended up on top of an apartment building. He placed you on the ground as gently as he could, but it didn’t matter. The second your feet touched the ground, you dropped to your knees and cried. 

“I-I’ll be right back I promise,” Spiderman said before jumping off the side of the building. A few minutes later he showed back up with a t-shirt and jacket in hand. You thanked him and put the clothing on. Whenever you turned back to him, you saw him facing the other way with his hands over his eyes. 

“I don’t know why you’re doing that. You’ve already seen it,” you said quietly, hugging yourself with the fabric, “you can turn around though. I’m done.”

“I kept my eyes closed when I got the first three guys,” he admitted sheepishly, turning towards you slowly, “With the last guy, I looked only at him.”

Red hit your cheeks, “Thank you for that,” you mumbled, “And for saving me. I know that there was nothing you could’ve done the first time so… thank you for coming back.”

“I never left. I waited until it was safe… I had to wait until the guy with the knife was far enough from you. I’m so sorry it took so long.” 

You were trying your hardest to fix your composure. You didn’t want to look weaker than you already did. So you stood tall  and wiped the leftover tears off of your cheeks. Spiderman surveyed your posture before slumping.

“Y/N you don’t have to be on your guard with me,” he sighed, “I know you’re scared, but we know each other. Just trust me, please? I won’t hurt you.” 

“We know each other?” 

You could see him thinking something over with himself before he answered, “If I take off my mask will you not freak out or tell anyone?”

“Will you tell anyone anything about what happened tonight?”

“Other than the cops, no. I won’t use your name either.”

“Then we have a deal,” you agreed, still being on your guard. But when he lifted his mask, you broke down completely. You ran into his arms and hugged him as tightly as you could.

“Hey,” Peter shushed you calmingly, “You’re safe here. I’ve got you.”

“Peter,” you cried painfully into his chest. Peter was one of your best friends, and as soon as you calmed down from the situation- there would be a talk about why it took so long for you to be in the know. But for right now, you just wanted him to hold you a little longer. 

“You can stay at mine tonight,” he told you, kissing the top of your head, “Aunt May won’t mind and you can just tell your parents you stayed at MJ’s. She’ll cover for you.” You nodded, unable to speak. You just held onto him as he took you back to his apartment. 


Peter led you to the shower as soon as you got to his house. You thanked him as he turned the water to an appropriate setting. He of course made it a little hotter than he normally would because he knew how you liked the water hot. He left the bathroom for a minute and returned with a set of clothes, a towel, and a spare toothbrush. 

“You know where my room is. I told Aunt May you’re here, it’s up to you whether or not you want her to know. She’s so tired that she didn’t really question it. Plus she knows about the whole side job thing.” 

You thanked Peter, motioning to the shower, “I’m gonna get in now. I’ll probably be a while…” 

Peter’s expression contorted to concern, but he just nodded. He knew it was better to just let you cry it out for right now. As much as he hates seeing you upset, he knew that you needed to get it out. 

And you did. You sat on the floor of the shower for an hour and sobbed. You kept it as quiet as you could because of Aunt May, but it was hard. 

You scrubbed your skin raw until you felt like you’d gotten most of their filth off of you, but some would always remain inside of you. The memory of you would keep their torment alive forever. They knew that, and you were sure they loved knowing you were going to suffer thanks to them. 

Whenever you finally rejoined Peter, he was sitting up in his bed changed into nightclothes already. You had stayed with him before, but this was the first time you were nervous to share a bed with him. He noticed immediately and hopped off.

“I’ll stay on the couch tonight,” he announced, “Do you need a light? I don’t know how you feel about the dark right now. But I have a lamp I could keep on.” 

You shook your head, “No I’m fine, but you can stay. I-As much as I’m scared to share a bed with a male right now, I’m more afraid of being alone.” 

Peter nodded and walked towards you, enveloping you in his arms, “I’m so sorry I didn’t get there faster.” 

Hearing his words, you let your walls down once more and clung to him, “Could you just take the pain away? It hurts… “ you whispered in a broken tone, Peter held you tighter to him, “It hurts so much.. Help me.”

Peter sighed, unsure of how to tell you that he didn’t know how to fix this. All he knew is that he would never let you leave his sight ever again.

No Inhibitions - Peter Parker




You told him that it was a bad idea. Tony specifically told the two of you to stay away, but Peter wanted to see what everyone was being so secretive about. Of course you didn’t want to join him, but he begged you and Peter had this ability to convince you to do just about anything. He knows it too. So when he came into your room and begged you to come with him (Tony would be less likely to yell at him if you were with him), you couldn’t say no.

But you should’ve.

“Peter what are we even looking for?” you asked him with a bored expression. Peter looked back at you and shrugged. He didn’t have a clue. You sighed and leaned against the door frame, waiting for your idiotic friend to hurry up and leave. The deal was that you would go with him to the room, but you wouldn’t go in. Peter whined for a moment about it, but decided that it was better than nothing.

“I’m guessing I’ll know it when I see it,” he commented as he continued snooping around Banner’s work space. Guessing that you would be there for a while, you pulled out your phone and began scrolling through social media. You could hear Peter shuffling around the room mumbling to himself, but you concluded that if he found what he was looking for he would let you know.

It was quiet for a while, maybe two or three minutes before you heard clattering and Peter let out a short cry. When you looked up, you saw Peter flat on his ass looking up at some weird pink plant. You didn’t move to help him up or make any noise because of the look he had on his face. He looked dazed or distracted, like he was in some trance.

“Pete?” you asked with furrowed brows, shoving your phone back into your pocket, “You doing okay over there, Spidey?”

Peter’s gaze snapped away from the plant immediately and stuck on you. The way he was looking at you caused your heartbeat to quicken. He both looked confused and enthralled at your presence. You backed away slowly as he rose to his feet, not fully trusting his willpower at the moment.

“I don’t know what’s happening to me,” he spoke almost robotically, stepping closer towards you, “But I think you might need to get Mr. Stark.”

Without questioning him, you took off in the opposite direction where you assumed Tony would be. You ran as fast as you could through the headquarters, earning the attention of everyone you passed. When you finally caught a glimpse of the man, he was in a conversation with Banner. Normally you would just stand beside them awkwardly until you were noticed, but of course this situation was a bit different than all the other times.

“Tony!” you yelled as soon as you saw him, “Tony something happened!”

He turned around and looked at you with a surprised expression, “What hap- where’s the kid?”

You doubled over, holding onto your knees to catch your breath. Tony, who had an idea of what was going on, grabbed onto your shoulders and lifted you to his eyesight, “Y/N, where is Peter? Please tell me you did not go in the lab!”

“I-I didn’t,” you panted, “But Peter did. He messed with something, I don’t know what it was.”

Tony growled lowly to himself, removing his hands from your shoulders, “I need you to go into your room right now and don’t come out until I come to get you.”

“What ha-”

“No,” Tony snapped at you causing you to flinch slightly, “You don’t get to ask any questions. What you get to do is listen to me for once and go to your room.”

“Tony, all due respect and all, but I am not a high schooler anymore,” you seethed, not appreciating his tone, “I am twenty-three, okay? I told Peter to not go in there, but he didn’t listen to me. Don’t you dare treat me like a kid when I am just concerned for my best friend. So you’re going to tell me what the fuck happened in that lab and you’re going to tell me now.”

Tony sighed, his leg shaking impatiently. He didn’t have time to argue with you on this. Peter could be anywhere in the building by now. As much as Tony loved the fact that you were learning to stick up for yourself, he also knew that Peter probably figured out what happened in the lab. If he found that out, that means he’s trying his best to stay as far away from you as possible. There is no telling just how long he can hold himself back. Tony sighed, looking back at Banner who looked just as worried and guilty as Tony did.

“Banner, tell her everything,” Tony instructed, but before you could rejoice, Tony continued, “but walk her to her room while you do it. Quickly please.”

“So you’re saying that Peter was infected by…” you trailed off, not sure what to call the mysterious plant Banner was explaining. Apparently Banner and Tony found it on some planet or something. Tony, of course, was curious and talked Banner into helping him discover it’s powers. Little did they know that they ended up stealing a mating plant.

“We aren’t sure what to call it,” Banner explains, “but all we know is that once you sniff it, you go a bit crazy. Your inhibitions drop and your libido kind of goes crazy.”

“So you’re basically telling me that Peter sniffed a mysterious alien plant and is now roaming the building with a major boner?”

Banner slightly cringes at your terminology, but he couldn’t really argue with it, “Yeah basically.”

“So why am I being sent to my room like a scorned toddler?” you huffed.

Banner looked at you for a short moment, wondering if you were actually serious. When you didn’t budge, he just shrugged his shoulders, “I have no idea. But I’d rather follow Tony’s orders than be on his bad side.”

“I guess I understand that,” you stop in front of your door, turning to the man with a puzzled expression, “I have one last question.”

“Go for it.”

“How are you guys going to help him?”


It has been an hour since Banner and Tony stuffed you into your room. There hasn’t been any word on Peter’s condition, nor if they found him. Of course you have been blowing up everyone’s phones, but the only answer you received was from Nat. It was pretty vague also.

“Stop being a chicken. Do what you have to do. I never sent this message.”

You hate that you knew exactly what she meant. It didn’t take you very long to connect the dots as to why you were the only person being locked in their room. When Peter looked at you after messing with the plant, his eyes never left you once. The way that his eyes traveled down your body like he was soaking you in… You began to berate yourself for taking this long to realize.

You were the first person he saw. That had to be it.

But to break it, you would have to do something that would possibly end your friendship with Peter. Having sex with your best friend has always been the number one “do not”, but what if it was to save him? Though you weren’t entirely sure if he would die from this, but the way Tony was acting you just assumed it was lethal. So you asked yourself the dreaded question:

Would you have sex with your best friend in order to save their life?

Easy. Yes.

It wasn’t like you hadn’t thought about it before. There was no way that you could see Peter Parker without a shirt and not have that thought. The one reason you never crossed that territory is because you know Peter, and you know that he wouldn’t endanger your friendship like that. Unless he was saving you from an alien plant that made you super horny? Honestly this whole situation is very Riverdale-y.

So you texted Nat. By now she would know.

Where is he?

She didn’t take long to answer you back.

His room.


“Peter?” you whispered, knocking lightly on his door. You could hear shuffling noises from behind the door, but Peter never replied. He had to be in there, Nat said he was. Also, who else would go into Peter’s room? On the brightside, if you were to go in and it wasn’t Peter- you could possibly catch a thief or an eavesdropper. It didn’t take long for you to make up your mind before you pulled out the spare key you had to his room. Peter had one to your room too, just in case.

Whenever you walked in, you noticed that his room had been destroyed. His desk, which was normally cluttered with his little inventions, was empty. The tools and other objects that normally resided on the desk were scattered around the floor. You searched the room for the boy, but he was nowhere in sight.

“Pete?” you called softly. A soft groan sounded from above you. Startled by the sound, you looked up at the ceiling to see your best friend covered in sweat. You could see the pain in his eyes as he looked down at you.

“Y/N, you really shouldn’t be in here,” Peter struggled to speak, jumping off the ceiling but staying a fair distance from you.

“Nat told me where to find you, but I’m not supposed to tell anyone,” you spoke softly, attempting to approach him. Peter back up into the wall, trying to stay as far from you as he could.

“Please,” Peter strained, “You don’t understand, you can’t be in here.”

“Banner told me what happened with the plant,” you sighed, stepping forward once more. Peter couldn’t back up anymore. He was stuck.

“Y/N can you not hear me?” Peter whined, “Just listen to me for once. Leave. Please.”

“I’m not leaving until I fix this,” you spoke stubbornly, your arms crossing in front of your arms, “Banner didn’t tell me why I was the only one being kept from you, but I finally figured it out. So I came to help. Please let me help.”

“You figured it out?” he croaked, “And you’re not… do you… you know?”

“I was the first person you saw after you were infected,” you explained, “So I’m guessing it’s like a love potion type deal? First person you see, you get stuck too.”

Peter looked at you in shock before laughing, “That’s not it at all, Y/N.”

Your eyebrows furrowed at the boy, a small frown tugging at your lips. Peter watched as the wheels in your head began to turn. You would figure it out soon. When you did, that would be the end of your friendship. There was no way that you would stay friends with him once you figured out how obsessed with you he was. He’d been in love with you forever and he was really good at hiding it from you. Years and years of pretending that he didn’t think about you writhing underneath him as his lips greedily devoured you… down the drain.

“Oh,” you whispered before meeting his eyes, “That makes this a whole lot less awkward.”

Peter’s grip on the window seal tightened, the wood splintering in his grip. He didn’t meet your eyes, afraid of what he would say or do. His resolve was crumbling by the second and he didn’t know how much longer he would be able to keep away from you. But then he realized something.

“Less awkward?” he spat, “Really? Is right now the time for you to be making jokes?”

“I’m not joking with you, Spidey,” you huffed, “I was going to have this whole heartfelt confession about how I really like you, but you know what. If you don’t want sweet, fine. You won’t get sweet.”

Peter’s eyes darkened, “You-”

“Like you a lot? Have imagined you pinning me down? Wondered what it would be like to have you whisper in my ear? Yeah all of the above, I guess. Also, Peter you broke the window seal. I’m not taking the heat for it so y-”

Hands reached out for you in a frenzy, both grasping onto your hair and tugging you backwards until he had you pressed against the wall, his knee positioned between your legs. You felt Peter’s lips envelope your own, snatching the breath right out of your lungs. Peter’s lips were soft and inviting, also they had a hint of a maple taste but that could be because you made him pancakes this morning. One of his hands abandoned your hair and fell onto your waist. You didn’t argue with him as his fingertips dipped underneath the fabric of your shirt, though you did make a sound when his warm hand caressed your breast, but it wasn’t in protest.

“Peter,” you moaned as his thumb grazed the fabric over your nipple. You felt his body go rigid against yours, a groan of desperation soaring past his lips.

“Pretty girl, I’m going to need you to stay a little quieter for right now,” he strained, “I don’t want our first time to be a blur to you. If you keep making beautiful noises like that, I might break and take you right here.”

You smiled at him challengingly, “Maybe that’s exactly what I want.”

Peter shivered at your words and gave you a wicked smile before placing both hands on your waist and wrapping you around his hips. His greedy lips bruised the skin of your neck, marking every available spot that he could reach. Your head was thrown back in bliss, symphonies of needy cries escaping your lips. It didn’t help that you could feel him against your crotch, teasing you ever so slightly.

Peter sat on the bed, leaving you sitting pretty on his lap. However, it wasn’t his plan to keep you there.

“Stand and strip.”

You didn’t challenge him this time, you would save that for later. Instead you just stood and slowly removed each article of clothing. Peter’s eyes drank in the sight of you bare in front of him, his beautiful eyes darkened by lust. It only made them more beautiful.

“Good girl,” he hummed, “Now sit on my knee.”

Confused, yet intrigued, you followed his orders. Peter smiled, loving how obedient you were being for him. The look in your eyes as you sat and awaited your next instruction. But he didn’t say anything, not at first. Instead, he began bouncing his leg. A struggled moan pushed passed your lips as the movement stimulated your clit. Your hands desperately grasped onto his shoulders in an attempt to steady yourself a bit better. Peter watched you with an amused smile on his lips. He loved seeing the way your eyes screwed tight just at the feeling of his thigh, He couldn’t wait to see your expression when he pushed himself into you.

Peter’s hands fell to your waist, guiding your hips in a grinding motion. You quickly understood his silent instructions and you kept the motion going, pressing down harder on his thigh.

“That’s my pretty girl,” he whispered, his lips grazing your bruised flesh, “I want you to keep going until you cum.”

You whined at his words, but you did as you were told. You rocked your clit against his denim clothed thigh, your eyes fluttering shut at the friction gathering between the two of you. Peter watched you with hunger in his beautiful brown eyes. The desire to touch you became too strong for him, leading him to allow his hand to travel to your heat, rubbing circles against it. The second the pad of his thumb pressed against your soaking wet clit, you were gripping tightly onto his thigh in order to quicken the pace. Peter smirked, enjoying the fact that all it took was his thumb and his thigh to have you falling out of place for him. As your pace increased, so did the bouncing of his knee. He closed his eyes, trying to lock the memory of your desperate mewling inside his mind.

“Peter,” you whined, your nails digging into his jeans.

“Are you close, pretty girl?” he asked sweetly. You could only nod in return, your eyes screwing shut at the knot turning in your stomach. Peter removed his empty hand from your waist and lifted it onto your breast, circling the areola faintly before dipping his head down and encasing your pearled nipple between his perfect lips. The sensation was the finishing touch to make the knot in your stomach finally break, causing stars to erupt in your eyes. You screamed a moan as you tried to ride out your high on Peter’s thumb and thigh, but he had other plans. The second you came, Peter flipped the two of you around, slamming your back onto his mattress. You didn’t have time to question him, nor were you really interested in asking.

Peter helped you ride out your high as he continued rubbing circles on your clit, high pitched whines dripping from your lips like profanities. It was the most provocative thing that Peter had ever heard in his entire life and he was hoping to remember the sound of you screaming his name on the day that he dies. Your hands reached forward and grasped onto Peter’s curls, tugging mercilessly at them.

“Peter,” you cried, “Peter please…”

He didn’t take another moment before ripping off his clothing and following you down onto the mattress. Peter’s warm palm was placed against your breast, massaging it and ever-so-slightly twisting on your nipple. More cries. Peter couldn’t get enough of the way you looked and sounded, dripping wet and desperate. For him. He reached into the dresser beside his bed, pulling out a condom and effortlessly sliding it onto his hard cock.

“Hey,” Peter hummed, “Pretty girl, I want you to tell me if it hurts okay? If it hurts, we will stop immediately.”

Your eyes opened to meet his, and to any other person- you would look like the most innocent girl in the world, but he knew you better than that. He knew that the innocent look was an act, and he was proven correct by your following words, “Make me hurt.”

Peter grinned, “God you’re hot.”

He didn’t waste any time before gripping your hips and thrusting himself in completely. You screamed his name so loudly that both of you were sure that the entire floor heard you. Of course neither of you cared at that moment. Peter dug his nails into your hips, leaving angry crescent shaped scars on them that he would later kiss as an apology. However, as of right now, he was unapologetic in each of his movements. Each deep thrust, each scratch, each sharp nip of your flesh… Peter did it all.

“Baby I-” that’s all you could get out before being interrupted by your second orgasm.

When you came for the second time, Peter discovered that it felt so much better having you come undone around his cock rather than on his thigh. The feeling added with the way you called him baby…You were in big trouble now. Peter was rushed with another frenzy, flipping you around onto your stomach, lifting you ass into the air by your hips, and slamming into your entrance once more. You crumbled onto the bed, your pussy throbbing against his cock. However, Peter didn’t like you like that, he wanted you upright. So he reached down and grabbed onto your hair, yanking you up onto all fours. He gripped your hair in two parts, using them as leverage to slam your body back into his with each thrust. Stars, fireworks, cannonballs… you saw them all.

“Fuck baby,” Peter groaned, he emptied one handful of hair into the other hand and used his now-empty hand to turn your head, kissing you deeply. You tried kissing back, but the angle was too awkward and you couldn’t stop the moans from filling the room. Peter lowered his hand, using it instead to choke you once more. He would use his grip on your throat just like he used your hair, causing him to go deeper and deeper into you.

“Peter I can’t,” you struggled. You were so close again and you weren’t sure how much longer you could take this. You told him to hurt you, not wreck you. Hopefully you wouldn’t have to go on a mission for a few days because you’re not entirely sure that you would be able to walk.

Peter understood you though, but he was far from finished with you. He reached his hand around your waist and began to circle your clit once more, overstimulating your body. Peter felt as you began to shake, coming so close to your orgasm that you could almost taste it.

“Not yet, princess,” Peter growled.

A breathy whimper escaped your lips at his words, you didn’t know how long you could keep it from coming. Peter was hitting every good spot and you were on the edge of spilling over.

“Peter please,” you cried, your hands grasping onto the pillow on his bed, submerging your face in it.

“I said not yet,” he chastised, his hand coming down on your ass as quick as lightning. A sharp moan filled the room as his hand print  settled on your ass cheek. Peter flipped you over once more, wanting to see your face as you come undone.

“Now?” you begged him, tears brimming your eyes.

“Cum for me, princess,” he instructed. Your walls came undone around him as he spilled into the condom. You felt him twitching inside you as he messily tried to ride out each of your highs. Whenever both of you came down, he pulled out of you gently and tied the condom, tossing it into the bin. Peter picked up the nearest blanket and wrapped the two of you in it. He watched you as you cuddled closer to him, a content smile on your pretty face.

“I know it’s a bit late to ask this,” Peter whispered to you, gently brushing strands of hair out of your face, “but will you go on a date with me?”

You smiled up at him, taking in his perfect features once more before nodding, “But don’t be mistaken… I don’t kiss on the first date.”


Times this has been stolen: 3 (ongoing)

Word Count: 1553

Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader

AN: I’m really sorry about how inconsistent these have been but I've been really sick and also have my final exams and assignment all at the same time so i’m kind of freaking out. But i’m trying my best to keep posting :)

“Pete!” You quicken up your pace when you catch sight of your best friend Peter Parker at his locker. Upon hearing your voice he turned around, sending you a friendly smile as you approached. "Hey Y/N what’s up?“ 

Today the boys hair was a curly mess that you always found adorable, wanting to reach out and twirl the strands in between your fingers. But you could never do that, you were just friends. "Are we still on for tonight?" 

He seemed confused as he pulled a textbook from his locker before turning his attention back to you. "Sorry?” Rolling your eyes in response you let out an audible sigh, this was typical of Peter to forget about plans. "The lego death star…“ Recognition flashed in his eyes as he shut his locker, but something was off with him. "Oh yeah of course! I wouldn’t miss it.” He’d been acting strange for a while now, always seeming so distracted and forgetting things or just not showing up to classes which Peter Parker would never have even thought of doing not so long ago. You weren’t the only one who had noticed this change in him, your friends Ned and Michelle had been worried about him too. And now as you looked at the boy that you not only cared deeply about but was in love with, you had to know what was troubling him.“Are you okay Pete? You’ve just been acting strange lately and i’m worried about you- Pete are you even listening to me?" 

Noticing that Peter was staring off behind you oblivious to what you were saying, you turned around to see what could possibly be more important than yourself. But god did you wish you didn’t. Because standing at the end of the hallway was Peter’s crush Liz Allan, looking as effortlessly beautiful as ever as she walked the halls. To say the sight crumpled your heart into nothing was an understatement, you had to leave before tears started to surface in front of Peter. "Never-mind i’ll see you later.” He didn’t hear your goodbye or notice you walk away though as he was too busy staring at the girl of his dreams. The girl that wasn’t you. A few moments pass before the boy finally snaps out of his daydream, looking around confusedly as to where his best friend disappeared to. "Y/N?“

"Boys ain’t shit.” You muttered grumpily taking a seat beside Michelle in your fourth period history class. Looking up from her notes she nodded her head in agreement, twirling the pen she was writing with in her hand. "Tell me about it. So what’s got you in a mood? Is it Parker again?“ 

You almost let out a laugh at her words for it truly seemed like he was the reason for both your happiness and sadness lately. It would be so much easier if you could just take away your feelings for your best friend but sadly it wasn’t that simple. "When isn’t it. I can’t have a full conversation with him if Liz Allan walks past, not to mention how crappy that makes me feel because…well you know." 

"You need to get over that boy Y/N, it’s breaking you. Unless you confess your feelings-" 

"Nope no no way in hell is that happening. Completely out of the question." 

Michelle almost let out a groan in frustration. She was honestly tired of seeing her friend hurt like this and deep down she knew Peter liked her back even if he didn’t know it himself yet. "You’ll never know if you never try.”

“I’m not gonna lose my best friend over some stupid crush okay.” You exclaimed, leaning your head on top of your arms as they rested on the desk in front of you. Michelle placed a comforting hand on her friends shoulder feeling pity for her. "Fine fine but I still think it’s your best option.“ 

"Hey you made it.” Bouncing up from your position on the bed you practically tackled Peter into a hug and he hadn’t even come through the door yet. He laughed at your reaction to his arrival, wrapping his arms around you in return making your heart flutter at his touch. "Of course, you said you made cookies.“ 

"I did.” Pulling away from his embrace you reached for the platter of chocolate chip cookies that just came out of the oven and offer them to your friend. "Uh you’re the best Y/N.“ He mumbled before stuffing a cookie into his mouth and smiling at the taste, they were always his favourite. 

"Sure am.” Agreeing to his statement you set the cookies down before taking a seat on the ground in front of the lego pieces that were piled in the middle of your room. Pulling on Peter’s hand you dragged him down there with you, folding out the diagram of the death star with a determined look on your face. “Okay let’s do this!" 

2 hours later 

"Do you want a drink?” It was the first thing spoken in a while due to the utter concentration you both had on this project. Looking up from what he was doing Peter sent you a small smile. “Yes please." 

Nodding you stood up from your spot to go to the kitchen, not getting very far however as you step on something causing extreme pain to course throughout your foot and for you to stumble forward in the process. "Ouch!” You let out before hopping around on one foot over to your bed, cradling the foot that was in pain. 

 "What happened?“ Concern flashed across his face as he quickly got up from the floor. "I stood on a lego and I think I rolled my ankle in the process.” Your words came out as a whine as you rubbed your ankle in an attempt to ease the pain, your explanation causing Peter to visibly wince.

“Here let me get some ice." 

"No no it’s fine Pete really-”

Ignoring your refusal he rushed to the kitchen anyway knowing that you’d need to ice the injury in order for it to heal quicker. He soon returned with a bag of frozen peas, not being able to find an ice pack in the fridge.  "Here this will help.“ Taking a seat beside you on the bed he took your foot and gently moved it up onto his lap, pressing the frozen peas against your ankle. You couldn’t deny that you found it incredibly cute how he was taking care of you. That was something you could always count on him for; taking care of you. 

 "You don’t have to do this you know.” He shrugged in response, still concentrating on icing your ankle as he spoke. "I’m your Pete, I’ll always look out for my Y/N.“ 

Your heart fluttered in your chest at his words, he sure knew how to make a girl swoon. Tears threatened to escape your eyes as you stared at the boy in front of you but you couldn’t help it, you were a hormonal teenage girl. Momentarily forgetting about the pain in your ankle you engulfed him in a bone crushing hug causing Peter to jolt back a little in surprise before relaxing into your arms.

"Please don’t ever leave me.” You mumbled into his shirt sleeve as you felt his arms trace small circles across your back in comfort. "What? Where’d you get that idea from?“ Shaking his head and chuckling at the idea he placed a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Continuing to talk into his shoulder you let out the thoughts that had been plaguing your mind for months now. "People change Pete. They grow up and start relationships and lose some, what if I lose you?”

He pulled away from the embrace, gently tilting your chin up to face him and taking your hands into his own. “Hey listen to me, I’ll always be here for you okay? I promise." 

You find yourself speechless as you stare back at the boy you loved. It was only now that you noticed the close proximity between you both, causing your cheeks to darken into a blush. It was silent as Peter placed his hand softly against your cheek, the only sound filling the room being both of your heavy breaths. Eventually you both find yourselves starting to lean in, almost closing the gap between you when the sound of Peter’s phone ringing snaps you both out of whatever trance you were just in. 

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his phone, bringing it to his ear as he avoided eye contact with you. "May hey…okay i’ll be there soon…okay bye.” You found yourself looking at your lap,  far too nervous to look at Peter right now. What if he is freaked out by what just happened? What if he knows my secret now? What if he never speaks to me again?

“I guess i’ll see you tomorrow?” You spoke up, still avoiding eye contact with him. "Um yeah, see you then.“ With that Peter reached for his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder and walked out the door. You let out a groan as you leaned back onto the bed, face palming as you thought about what just occurred. "What the hell did I just do?!”

Let Me Go

: -

: ..!



/: . ’ ! .. , . !

“Peter,” I said panicked, pleading to him with my eyes. I knew he had no other choice, as did he. He’d never admit it to himself though. Both my hands gripped his arm, his other holding onto the front bumper of a car that was hanging by a web to the bridge. The car in question, well it carried a little boy inside. “No, no! Y/N don’t even think for a second that I’d do that!” Peter said, frustrated and stressed about the situation he was in.

“Peter, let me go.” I cried, holding onto his hand as tightly as I could, no matter how bad my arms burned. “No, I can’t.” Peter argued, eyes welling up.

I gasped, a scream caught in my throat. We had jerked down, the bumper of the car slowly beginning to break away. “Peter, we don’t have time, please.” I begged him. “Let me go.” I whispered, silent tears streaming down my face. The bumper snapped again. “Y/N-“ “I love you.” I interrupted. The bumper snapped again, and within seconds, it fell off and I slipped from Peter’s grasp. I closed my eyes, but when I opened them, I wasn’t in the water below. I was hanging by a web. Peter used his now empty hand to web me to the bridge, and then went to save that child from the car.

After a moment, Peter swung down and crashing into me, swinging me up and onto the bridge. He set me down alongside the many people on the bridge. “You stay here, and don’t move. Okay? I love you.” He quickly said before swinging off to take a sweep of the area, make sure he didn’t miss anyone.

After a moment he swung back over the crowd of people. I ran toward him and clashed into his chest. I hugged him so tightly, any tighter and he probably wouldn’t have been able to breathe. He clutched my body close to him, like if he let go, I’d disappear.

I merely sighed into his shoulder, and in a single moment, he webbed up into the air and swung through the city until we landed on the fire escape outside my bedroom window. He set me down gently, and I opened the window and crawled into my room, Peter behind me.

Once inside and calmed down, I just stood there for a second. I stood in front of him, not even sure of where to start. Peter sighed, and slowly came up to me, and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his torso, closing my eyes.

“This is exactly what I was afraid of.” Peter admitted. I immediately knew what he was talking about. My father. He made a promise to my father. That whatever Spider-Man got into, that he’d leave me out of it. We broke that promise. He broke that promise.

“Peter, don’t.” I whispered, wishing that he’d stop blaming himself like this. “It’s not your fault.” I assured him. “No, but it is though.” Peter argued, taking a step back to look me in the eyes. “You we’re there because of me, and you almost died because of me.” His voice began to raise, “I almost lost you, Y/N. Do you realize that? If something were to happen to you, I don’t know what I’d do! I can’s live without you.” His eyes bored into mine, pleading for forgiveness.

I brought a hand to his face and sighed. “Peter,” I began, bringing my other hand to his face as well. Peter placed his hands on top of mine. “I love you, so much. You didn’t put me in danger. It was my choice.”

“But I could have stopped you.”

“We both know that wouldn’t have worked anyway.” I smiled, and so did he.

“You are the most stubborn person I’ve ever met.” Peter chuckled admittedly. I then leaned up to kiss him. “Will you stay the night?” I asked, pulling away, Peter chasing my lips, lingering. “Only if you want me to.” He replied. “I always want you to.” I smiled, taking his hand in mine and bringing him to my bed.


Teenage Romance

: -

: ..!



/: . ’ ! .. , . !


Your essay writing was short lived when you were interrupted by knocking on your window. You got up and turned around to be met with Peter waiting for you on the other side of your window. You approached the window and quickly opened it, allowing him into your room. He stumbled in and you helped sit him down.

“Peter what did you do?” You asked, frantically and disapprovingly. “Oh you know, the usual.” He said sarcastically, wincing as he shifted in his seat. You sighed, going to grab your first aid kit from the bathroom. You came back to a shirtless, or should I say, suit-less, Peter. “I wish you wouldn’t keep doing this.” You said as you sat down beside him and began to clean the gashes that painted his chest. “Do what, come see you?” He teased. “No, make me clean you up just for you to go and get hurt again.”

“You know I can’t do that, baby.” Peter said, laying a hand on your thigh. You brought a dampened pad to his cheek to clean the scrapes that covered his beautiful face. Peter took this as the perfect opportunity to steal a kiss from you. And then another one. And another one.

“Peter,” You managed to whisper in between his kisses. “Hm?” He simply hummed in response. “Stop trying to distract me.” You said smiling, pulling away slightly. “How dare you.” Peter teased, pretending to be offended. You only chuckled in response, bringing a hand back to his face to resume your cleaning.

Peter whined in response, stealing the pad from your grasp and throwing it to the floor. “Y/N, please.” He begged. You brought a hand to the nape of his neck, and the other to his jaw. “Peter.” You simply replied. “Just for a minute. Can we?” He pleaded with you. “You’re very cute when you want something from me.” You said, giving his soft lips a quick peck.

“I love you, you know?” Peter said, a wide smile on his face. You smiled just as big in response, “I love you too, Peter.” You replied, leaning down to kiss him yet again. Peter kissed back feverishly, one hand on your face, the other on your waist. His grip tight, like you’d disappear if he ever let go. You smiled into the kiss, resting both hands on his broad shoulders. You were careful not to touch any of his wounds.

Peter’s hand traveled from your waist and under your shirt. “Easy, Bug-Boy.” You warned in response, and his hand slowly receded. “What did you call me?” He asked breathlessly with a goofy grin on his face. You laughed at his response. He chuckled too.

, ’ . He thought.

, ’ . She thought.


Ziggy’s Masterlist Pt.2

Ziggy’s Masterlist Pt.1

. , .

. ’ ! . , . !





TH!Peter Parker:

I’m Happy To Have You Back ~ .

Come on ~ .

James Aubrey:

The End in The End ~ ’ .

Jamie Henson:

The Day After ~ ’ .

Rafe Cameron:

Caught ❤️ ~ .

Caleb Holloway:

We Have Families ~ .

Happy To See You ❤️ ~ .

Ziggy’s Masterlist Pt.1

Ziggy’s Masterlist Pt.2


. , .

. ’ ! . , . !

Top 5 Posts:

  1. You’re Cute When You’re Horny - Stiles Stilinski
  2. Mischief - Stiles Stilinski
  3. Fuck The Rules - JJ Maybank
  4. Beautiful Girl - Newt
  5. Teenage Romance - A.G.!Peter Parker





Stiles Stilinski:

Mischief~ .

You’re Cute When You’re Horny ❤️ ~ ’ .

I Want A Kiss ~ ’ .

I Think It’s Best ~ .

You Are The Only Exception ~ .

She’s Different ~ ’ .

Just Play ~ .

Never Thought That Would Happen ~ , .

Unexpected Guest ~ .

It’s Too Late For Me To Cry ~ ’ .

We’ll Sleep Down Here ~ .

I Know It’s Hard For You ~ .

He Did What? ~ .

Why Would You Write This? ~ .

I Want Your Heart To Beat For Me ~ ’ .

It’ll Pass ~ .

Go Back To Sleep ~ .

Wait ❤️ ~ .

We’ll Be Saved ~, , ’ .

Frozen ~ .

Relax ❤️ ~ .

I’m Right Here ~ .

Dance With Me ~ .

I Know But ~ , .

You’re Obsessed ~ .

Are You Sure You’re Okay? ~ .

It’s Anxiety ~ ’ , .

Thank God ~ .

Come Here ~ ’ .

I’m Sure ❤️ ~ .

You’re Back ~ .

It’s Alright ~ .

It’s Okay~

Stuart Twombly:

It’s Platonic ~ .

Okay Who Likes Her? ~ .

Who Is That? ~ .

Private ~ ’ .

Dylan O’Brien:

But I Have Her ~ , … .

Unwind ~ .

I Fucked Up ~ .

I Love You ~ .

It’s A Secret ~ .

You Tired? ~ .

Dave Hodgman:

Sensitive ~ .


I’m Not Letting You Die ~ ’ .

Okay ~ .


Beautiful Girl ❤️ ~ , .

Lovey Dovey ~ .

We ~ .

In His Arms ~ .

It’s Just You Guys ~ .

I’m Tired Of This ~ .

You’re Not Looking Good ~ ’ .

I Just Want To Ensure Your Safety ~ .

Out There ~ .

Goodnight, Love ~ .

JJ Maybank:

Fuck The Rules ❤️ ~ .

Come Home With Me ~’ .

A.G.!Peter Parker:

Teenage Romance ~ ,

Let Me Go ~ .

Daniel Desario:

Smarter ❤️ ~ .

Dirty ❤️ ~ .

J.F.!Harry Osborn:

Backstabber ❤️ ~ ’ .


                                      NORMAL MASTERLIST  

Summary: It was not meant to happen, but it did. There i was, on the steps of the stark tower, in the pouring rain. I dont know why Tony let me in, maybe it was the tears down my cheeks or maybe the wet clothes clinging on my body. Thats when i met the avengers, a bunch of train wrecks huddled up in seperated rooms with crippling deppresion and anixety. I think they saved me, but they think i saved them. Maybe they were to long gone for my fixing or maybe all it needed was new baked cookies and a movie marathon.




Imagine disappearing before Tony, your father, and your boyfriend Peter during the snap.

requested by: anon
warnings: angst !!

Only a few minutes had passed before you heard Mantis gasp and you watched her disintegrate in front of you. You felt your stomach drop in realization as Thanos had got what he wanted. Your eyes fell on Drax, then Quill, and to Doctor Strange all turn to dust and something surged inside you.

Your whole body started to tingle and you looked down and tears welled in your eyes as you saw yourself succumbing to the same fate as the others. You turned to your father and boyfriend as they both looked on with fear.

Peter wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled into your neck and you felt his hot tears trickle onto your skin. You embraced him tightly and you shook your head as the rest of you started to fade away. 

“I’m scared, Peter,” you whimpered. His face, fear-stricken, only darkened. He was too.

You looked over at your dad and he was shaking his head vigorously and he reached out to you. “I love you,” were the last words you could manage before you crumbled, dust scattered to the wind.

Peter stood there and stared down at his hands, shaking as the dust of your remains slipped from his fingers. He clenched his fists, trying to keep you, desperate to hold you for just a little longer. He choked out a sob and fell to his knees, a mangled cry vibrating at the back of his throat.

Tony, face set with devastation, approached the boy who’d meant so much to you and put a hand on his shoulder, and he looked up at him, eyes red with tears. The older man had to keep himself together despite feeling his throat tighten, and he knelt to Peter, and the boy immediately wrapped his arms around his shoulders, clamping him tight.

"I’m sorry, Mr. Stark,” Peter cried, hands still balled into fists. “I-I couldn’t stop it.”

Tony let out a shaky breath and patted his back, trying to comfort him. “I know, kid. I know. None of us could’ve stopped it.”

written by: jesse

Imagine selling Peter Parker a necklace in Venice.requested by: mewarnings: KINDA FAR FROM HOME SPOI

Imagine selling Peter Parker a necklace in Venice.

requested by: me
warnings: KINDA FAR FROM HOME SPOILERS but nothing plotty so ?? not really ? but sorta.

The sun shone on the water in Venice, and you watched it through the window of your grandfather’s jewellery shop. Gondolas floated by carrying lovesick couples and you couldn’t help but simultaneously dislike and admire them. But one day you’d have the chance to see the city through a lovers’ eyes, surely. You dreamed of the day.

Elbow on the desk and chin in your hand, you dazed through the minutes, visions of romance with a guy you hadn’t met yet dancing before your eyes.

If you focused enough, you could make out a face.

Dark hair, sharp jaw, an eyebrow that seemed like it wanted to be brushed. A brown eyes set in a gentle expression - he’d have a sweetness that no one could replicate.

You imagined him at the window, eyeing glass necklaces in the window. You’d send him a breezy smile when he looks in, and he’d be a little flustered, but manage to shoot one right back.

And then he’d stumble into the shop, backpack slung over his shoulder, and say a heavily accented “Ciao.”

You smiled dreamily. It was almost as if he was real. “Ciao.”

He bounced on his feet a little, awkwardness seeping through. “Hi, um, I was wondering- I’m looking for a necklace? A black dahlia one?”

His voice was eager, ernest. But wait, his English- well, it was English, and you could barely understand. This boy was actually American. He wasn’t in your head.

You gasped and snapped upright, a deep blush dusting your cheeks and ears to the point that you were nervous you’d break a sweat. His brows shot up at your sudden energy and change of disposition, and an awkward laugh fell from his lips.

“Uh, you okay?”

You brushed a couple of strands of hair out of your face and joined his laugh, acutely aware of your heavy accent. And then, acutely aware that you were aware of it. You dealt with American tourists daily - why were you suddenly like this? You cleared your throat and reassured, “I’m okay, very good. Necklace?”

He smiled again, nodding. “Yeah, a black dahlia one? You know, like the murder.”

“Murder,” you scoffed, “I know. I think I have it-?” You emerged from behind the counter and led the boy to a flower collection by another window, cursing yourself for not trying harder in your English lessons. The words wouldn’t come to your mind when you spoke to him, and then they felt clumsy in your mouth when you tried to use them. So much for elegance.

Your fingers knocked pendants aside to find a certain one that hung from the holder, and your excitement spiked when you found the one you wanted. You unhooked it and turned to show him, but-

He was right there. He must have been leaning with you to look over your shoulder, and when you turned he accidentally elbowed your… front curves.

“Oh god, sorry, I didn’t mean-” he professed, taking a huge step backwards, hands open and high in front of him. He cleared his throat when you shook your head, just as pink as him, the delicious smell he wore swirling in your mind. “No no no, no worries.”

Whether it was feigned surprise or he was just trying to disperse the embarrassment, you couldn’t tell, but as soon as his eyes sought the pendant he announced, “Hey, that’s perfect!”

He bent to inspect it, and you took the opportunity to take in his expression. The wonder on his face was so endearing, and you couldn’t help the curve that pulled your lips.

You weren’t sure what it was, but something possessed you and made you voice your thoughts in Italian. “So are you.”

written by: archie

Post link

Lights Out – P.P

Alrightyyyy this was my first Peter Parker request, and I think it’s kinda bad but it’s a start I guess lmao.

Requested by @incorrectquotesconaisseur :) thank you for the request!

Summary - While hanging with Peter, the reader catches her trashy boyfriend smacking lips with another girl. Revenge ensues.

If you wanted to be added to the Peter Parker taglist, let me know! (Also currently writing a Peter Parker slow-burn series called An Immortals Heart ;))

Jack wasn’t… Perfect. But Y/n could see the light in his heart, she truly thought so. He had a tough bad boy exterior, but inside he was sweet.

Or at least that what she had hoped, but after 3 months it was getting hard to hope.

Jack had brushed her off almost their entire relationship. She thought maybe he was going through something because before they were dating he was such a gentleman. He had gotten her flowers for a week straight before asking her out.

Now he ignored her unless it was the occasional peck on the lips. Or their weekly movie night, those things made her hold on.

“Hey Jack, do you want to go to the movies with me and Peter? He asked if you wanted to join.” Jack shook his head as he walked up the stairs toward his room.

“No, I’m good, kinda tired so I’m probably just gonna go to bed.” He smiled at her, blowing her a kiss. She smiled, catching it, then snapping which turned the lights off in his living room.

“Sleep well love.” She said, heading out his front door and closing it quietly. She then

began her drive to aunt May’s apartment.

Y/n knocked lightly on the door, it swung open mid knock.

“Ready to go?” Pete asked, raising his hands into jazz hands. She smiled with a nod, pulling him from the door.

“So what are we watching?”

“Despite not wanting to see a horror movie, I picked the second Quiet Place because I knew you wanted to see it.” He whipped the tickets from his pocket with a cheesy grin. Y/n’s eyes widened.

“Awe Pete! It’s okay, you can hold my hand if you get scared.” She winked playfully, grabbing his hand and dragging him to her car.


After the movie, they made their way to a coffee shop a little ways from the theatre. It was called ‘Singing Beans.’ Peter held the door open for Y/n, heads whipping towards them as the little bell rang. One

little girl’s eyes lit up, running toward Y/n.

“Are you Lights Out!” She screeched with a big smile, Y/n crouched down to her size.

“Yes, I am!” She said with a snap, causing the light above them to go dark. The child shook with excitement.

“You’re so cool!” A small crowd accumulated around them, asking for pictures and for her to sign their arms. Peter just stood back and watched.

In the middle of getting a free coffee from a barista, Peter shook her arm.

“What?” She asked quietly, thanking the barista a thousand times. He only shook her shoulder again, prompting her to look at him, eyebrows furrowed. He noticed he was pointing out the window with a pained look.

There he stood, Jack.

Kissing another girl.

Y/n nearly dropped her coffee. He was sucking face with Felicity Hardy of all people. The girl people called Black Cat, recently causing minimal havoc around the city. Mostly vandalism disguised as activism.

She stormed out of the shop, leaving Pete behind. Once she stepped out, she turned the street lamp above them off, hearing a sigh from Jack.

“Y/n…” He turned to her, crossing his arms, an innocent look on his face.

“You are so luckyI don’t take the light from your eyes Jack, you piece of shit.” Felicity rolled her eyes, looking around looking disinterested. “You too Felicity, you knew I was dating him.” She hoped that waswould sting Jack, but deep down she knew it didn’t.

“Oh please, as if I cared.” She scoffed with a laugh. She came face to face with Y/n, nearly 3 inches from her face. “You don’t scare me.” Felicity whispered.

The rage built up inside Y/n, rarely did she do this in docile situations. She usually did it when she was in deep shit, but she was so mad. She sneered as she snapped her fingers behind her back, watching as Felicity panicked.

She screamed, touching her eyes, which Y/n didn’t understand, considering she didn’t inflict any pain on her. She just… Made her temporarily blind.

“I can’t see anything!” Felicity screeched.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be able to in a few hours.” Y/n shrugged, looking to Jack. He looked like he could scream too, but from anger.

“God, you’re such a pretentious bitch.” He spat at her, just as two feet came down from the sky, kicking him in the chest and knocking him to the ground.

“I’m sure lots of people could say the same about you.” A voice quipped. Y/n smiled as Spiderman stood on her ex-boyfriend’s chest. “Do you even know what that word means? Because you kind of used it wrong.” He rambled as he webbed Jack’s wrists and ankles to the ground.

“Thanks, Spiderman.” Y/n chuckled.

“Of course beautiful stranger.” She could practically see him winking. “And as for you, maybe you should just sit down with your new boyfriend. Because the webs should dissolve in the amount of time it takes you to regain sight.” He hung above Felicity and patted her head, bringing himself up as she swatted the air around her. He swung in a different direction, visibly landing in an alley 2 blocks over.

Y/n jogged to the alley, walking up just as Pete pulled his shirt over himself. He looked up with a sad smile, immediately turning worried as he saw tears forming in her eyes. He ran to hug her, pulling her into his chest.

“I’m so sorry Y/n, he didn’t deserve you.” He heard her sniffle into his chest, breaking his heart. That stupid boy, breaking his girl’s heart.

“I feel so stupid, he was shrugging me off for months and I ignored it. He was probably cheating the whole time.” This made her sob harder, grabbing at Pete’s shirt and squeezing the fabric between her fingers.

“It’s not your fault, he’s just a piece of work.” He sighed, running his hand over her hair.

“Can we go to your house, do you think May would let me stay over.” She looked up at him, her nose red, along with her tear-soaked cheeks.

“I think so yeah.” His thumbs rubbed tears from her cheeks. “Let’s get home, don’t forget to text your mom.” Y/n texted her mom as Pete walked them to her car.

Jack cheated, I’m staying at Pete’s tonight, love you :(

I’m so sorry bb, I’ll see you tomorrow. (I never liked that douche anyway, he had no manners) Have fun at Pete’s.

Y/n giggled at her phone pitifully, hopping in the passenger seat, mumbling that he could drive back.


Y/n had fallen asleep in the car on the way there. Peter knew this, considering he looked at her every 30 seconds.

He did that even when he wasn’t worried about her.

He parked her car outside of his apartment, quickly making his way to the passenger side. He opened the door and scooped her up easily, shutting the door with his foot. Once he made it inside, May gave him a puzzled look.

“Can she stay the night, we just beat her exes ass because we saw him cheat. She’s really tired.” He whispered. She nodded with a smile.

“Of course she can, night Petey.” She ruffled his hair, heading to her room. Pete pushed his door open with his foot, slowly setting Y/n down on the bottom bunk. He pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead.

“Good night beautiful.” He whispered, admiring her sleeping face.

'Goodnight handsome.“ She giggled back, pulling the covers closer and turning away.

Oh shit.

An Immortals Heart P3 –Peter Parker

Summary - Y/n is starting to make some new friends, and maybe even joins something, for the first time in a long time.

If you aren’t caught up, the reader is immortal, falling for a mortal (P.P) Part 1 and 2 are under the tag - an immortals heart -

Word Count - 1.3k


Y/n missed making friends, but she was a bit out of practice.

About 70 or so years out of practice, because she didn’t *always* push people away. She had decided that this change was going to be a big one, one where she would let herself be happy and radiant, how she used to be.

So MJ was the perfect first friend. She was quiet and mysterious, and trustworthy. Over the past couple of weeks, she had made casual conversation with her, lots about true crime. Believe it or not, true crime was something Y/n was *very* into. And she was *alive* for most of the popular ones. So she could recall such small details about it.

That amazed MJ.

“Everyone here thinks I’m so morbid but think they’re just boring.” MJ shrugged as they spoke about Black Dahlia. “It’s just interesting, the real problem is when people start romanticizing it.” She pointed out.

“Yes! Exactly, that’s just gross. Like, the way people fawn over Ted Bundy? Revolting.” Y/n gagged a bit.

“Oh, I especially love hearing about those really old crimes from like, the 1910s. They could pretty much get away with anything back then.” Sentences like that always made Y/n feel extra old. Those were her early years, but these people weren’t even a thought at that time. “Speaking of the 1910s has anyone ever told you that you have an extremely 19th and 20th-century face?”

“Uh, I’ve heard it quite a lot.” She laughed. That was true, lots of people had commented on her looks.

“No judgment obviously, you are very beautiful, everyone thinks so. You just have a very unique face, even your voice.” She nodded.

“What do you mean *everyone thinks so*?” Y/n asked, she would never get used to people finding her attractive. At least she didn’t think so. Before she knew she was undying, no one paid any attention to her.

“Well Ned, he’s in academic decathlon with me, is always gushing about you. More than the last chick Liz. I think Peter thinks so too but he’s like, so awkward.” She laughed. “Seriously though, everyone wants you on the team, Harrington is always talking about your exam score.”

Y/n thought for a moment, I mean, it couldn’t hurt. She could pretty much guarantee them a win.

“Well, tell Harrington I’ll take that spot.”

Soon she was dropping into her seat next to Peter Parker again in history. She hadn’t had much of a conversation with him since she started. Besides the ones they were practically forced to have. MJ *did* say he was awkward. So she engaged in one, considering they were both 5 minutes early. Everyone sat around at others’ desks, conversing with friends.

“So Parker, what do you do in your free time?” He looked up from his backpack, making immediate eye contact.

*Which made her stomach feel weird for some reason…*

“Uh, build lego sets with Ned mostly. Watch Star Wars.” He nodded, rummaging in his bag again.

“I love Star Wars!” She gushed. She had gone and seen the premiere of the very first one, she even met Carrie Fischer. It was one of the more remarkable days in her long life. His head whipped back up at her comment.

“Really? You like Star Wars?” A smile played at his lips.

“Yeah of course, who wouldn’t? The new ones are alright but they could just *never* size up to the originals.” His smile widened.

“Exactly! Flash argued with me the other day for 10 minutes over him saying the new ones were *better*. I’m convinced he’s never even seen them!” She laughed at his enthusiasm, his smile incredibly contagious.

“Well, that’s because Flash is an imbecile with no taste in pop culture.” Peter smiled at this, nodding along with her.

“I seriously don’t know how he got into this school in the first place or the decathlon team.”

“He’s on the academic decathlon team too? Maybe it was a mistake joining it then.” She giggled. His smile widened.

“You joined the team?” It looked like the boy had stars in his eyes at the comment.

“Yeah! MJ told me that Harrington wanted me on the team because of my exam scores so I figured why not?”

“Would you wanna study sometime? Harrington gave us a few sources we could use for the next event.” Y/n nodded profusely, giddy that she had made 2 new friends. Hopefully gaining a 3rd once she officially met Ned Leeds. Peter wrote his number down on a piece of paper and handed it to her just in time for the bell to ring.

*It had been a long time since she had been handed a boy’s information.*


Peter and Y/n had been getting a lot closer within the last week. He decided to set up his first study day with her at his apartment today. At the moment he was standing in the bathroom mirror fixing his hair.

*He wasn’t quite sure why though…*

“So, tell me about this girl.” May insisted, leaning on the door frame. Pete groaned, knowing what she was implying.

“She’s just a new girl, she’s in my history class. MJ talked her into joining the academic decathlon so we are studying for the next event. And for our next practice, which will be her first.” May smiled at her boy, brushing some of his hair back with her fingers as he pulled away. “Stop it!” He drug out the words with a whine.

“I’m sorry! I just haven’t seen you this nervous since Liz.”

“I’m not nervous, I’m just, I’m just fixing my hair May.” He sounded defeated, she knew him too well. But she also knew when to leave things alone, and so she did.

“Alright, don’t sneak off to your room right away though, I wanna meet her.” She left him alone at the sink with that.

Minutes later there was a faint knock on the door. Peter tripped on the way to open it, May covering her mouth as he regained his balance. He gave her a look before opening the door.

There stood Celeste, she was wearing a different outfit than she did to school. Now wearing leggings and a big t-shirt.

“Sorry, I jogged here instead of getting a cab so I wanted to be comfy.” She smiled, gesturing to her new attire.

“No! No, you look fine, great even.” Peter stumbled over his words.

*Christ, what is up with me today?.* He thought.

He moved out of the way, inviting her inside.

“This is my aunt May.” He introduced. May smiled kindly, waving at the girl.

“Hello, I’m Celeste. I love your jeans, where did you get them?” May looked down at her jeans with a giggle.

“Thank you! JC Penney, I think.”

“Well, they look amazing on you.” Celeste extended her hand out to her to shake. May did so, graciously.

“It is a pleasure meeting you Celeste. Now you guys go have fun, or study, whatever you’re doing.” She laughed, playfully shooing the kids off to Peter’s room.

Peter led the way into his room, closing the door behind him and immediately digging in his bag. He pulled a binder out and plopped on his bed beside Celeste, who was looking around his room curiously.

“What?” He asked with a short laugh, referring to her puzzled look.

“Nothing, just observing.” She patted the bottom of the bed above her. “Bunk beds huh?” She smiled at him, watching a blush appear on his cheeks and the tops of his ears. “Oh I’m not judging, I would have bunk beds if my mom had ever let me.”

“I have them because Ned stays the night a lot, it’s just easier this way.” Peter shrugged a little, most of the blood leaving his cheeks.

“I’m excited to meet Ned, he seems legit.”

“He is.” They sat for a second, just staring at each other. Pete shook his head, clearing his throat a little. “Anyway, let’s get started.”

And with that Pete went through his binder and rambled the whole night, but he had a funny feeling she could keep up with it. She never slowed him down.

And he liked that.

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An Immortals Heart p2

This is kind of addicting to write lol

Summary - Peter is getting a little suspicious of the new girl, but why?

Y/n’s shoes squeaked down the hall of Midtown. Just a few days ago she had passed the test that was given to her. She finished with flying colors to be expected, by her at least. (She was over 100 years old after all, she had a lot of time to study things, her actual birth year being in 1890.)

She could feel the probing eyes on her as she adjusted her backpack straps on her shoulder.

You would think by now she would have less anxiety doing this.

She peered down at her schedule, her eyes landing in her first period.

American History

Oh, how the world held irony for her.

She led herself to the room number, the bell ringing just as she entered the room. Which is the exact opposite of what she was trying to do. She would never miss the prying eyes of teenagers when she was stood up in front of a classroom.

But she truly missed social interaction with people whose brains were developed the same amount as hers. Because no matter how many years she aged, she knew and felt how young she was inside.

“Hello! You must be Celeste!” She had read his name as Mr. Dell on her papers. She nodded with a smile, coming closer to shake his hand. “Class, this is Celeste, she’s coming from the UK.” There were a few waves and quiet hellos from the sea of teens. Y/n gave a wave as well. “You can sit back in that empty seat by Peter.” He emphasized the name when he noticed the boy wasn’t paying attention.

Peter looked up quickly, putting an arm over whatever he was writing. He nodded dismissively with a slight smile, looking right past the girl to Mr. Dell. This made her quirk an eyebrow, what a secretive boy. She brought her stuff to the back next to him and plopping down in the seat, a few heads following her movements.

Mostly those of boys.

She looked up to Dell as he began telling everyone what page to turn to. She soon heard some whispering from beside her. Something Y/n had become an expert on over the years was eavesdropping.

“Dude, did you even look at her?” A voice asked, then she heard a shove. She noticed Peter, the boy beside her, moved slightly. “Parker!” He whispered aggressively.

“Ned I’m kinda busy here.” He answered with a harsher grumble. She could see in her peripheral that he was gesturing to the page in front of him.

“Okay but seriously, just, just peek at her.” She could barely make out the words. Peter huffed and peered the girls’ way, immediately doing a double-take. Y/n attempted to hide her smile as he blinked profusely.

“O-Okay Ned, happy now?” He stuttered, going back to his paper.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Ned giggled, finally listening to Mr. Dell.

Y/n had figured that would be the last she saw of the boy that day. But it soon became apparent that that wasn’t true when she followed him to her next class, Science.

Another introduction ensued when she entered the room, only after an introduction from Mr. Harrington.

“Hi! I saw your results on the examination, I think you’d be a great addition to the academic decathlon team.” She shook his hand firmly.

“It’s certainly something I will think about.” He then went on to introduce her to the class. Placing her in an empty seat next to a boy named flash.

What a weird name…

He instantly opened his mouth as she sat down.

“Hello, gorgeous, how come I’ve never seen you around here before?” He flashed her a toothy smile and held a hand out to her.

“The answer is kind of obvious don’t you think?” She quirked a brow at him as his smile barely faltered.

“Is that a hint of a British accent I hear?” He titled his head, but she ignored the comment completely.

“I just moved here.” She shook his hand. “And here I thought this was a school for geniuses.” She released his hand and looked up to Mr. Harrington, hearing snickers around her.

“You’re a tough nut to crack, I’ll get there though.” He nodded to himself as Y/n rolled her eyes.

“Alright everyone, page 276.” Harrington set a textbook in front of her with a smile. She thanked him and turned to the page, squinting at the title as if it were a hallucination.

An introduction to aging and regeneration.

This kind of stuff was always happening to Y/n, but it completely befuddled her each time. She pinched the bridge of her nose, letting out a dry laugh.

“What’s wrong princess, stressed already?” Flash whispered, leaning down to her height. She glared daggers at him, causing him to raise his hands in surrender and retreat to his height.

This was going to be a long year.


Peter had watched her for the past 2 weeks. Not in a weird way (or he convinced himself it wasn’t weird…). He was suspicious of her. He just didn’t know what to be suspicious of yet.

“Ned, I’m telling you, there’s something up with her.” He subtly prodded his spoon at her, she sat across the cafeteria with MJ in silence.

“Yeah, there is something up with her.” Peter gaped at him, surprised he was agreeing for the first time. “She’s extremely smokin’.” Peter gave him a dumbfounded look, rolling his eyes.

“Ned I’m serious, I can just feel it.

"Peter Tingle?”

“Ned oh my God!” He whined at the name for his spidey sense. Whether Ned wanted to believe him or not, he needed more info on her. If he was wrong, he needed to be provenwrong.

Pete sent a quick text to May that he would be home late as he entered the avengers compound.

“Hello, Peter.” Jarvis chimed as he walked through the front hall.

“Hi Jarvis, where’s Tony?”

“In the lab Mr. Parker.”

“Thanks!” He jogged to the lab, knocking lightly on the door. Tony held a tool in his mouth and another in his right hand. He used the remaining one to wave Peter in. He dropped the one from his mouth, turning to him.

“Hello boy, what are you doing here?” His eyes remained focused on the task at hand.

“Since Ned doesn’t believe me I wanted to talk to you about this girl at school.” A smirk made its way onto Tony’s face.

“A girl you say? Go on.” Peter ignored the way he was trying to imply things and told him what he told Ned.

“That’s the thing, I have no proof of anything. I don’t even know what I need proof of. There’s just something about her, I can feel it. Like it’s scratching in the back of my head.” His hands waved sporadically as he spoke, words flying from his mouth quickly.

“I’m sure there is something about her, is she pretty?” Tony glanced at him momentarily. His face turning a slight pink.

“That’s- That’s not what I meant. There’s something upwith her. I’m serious. Can’t you like, look her up or something?” Tony threw his head back with a groan at the request.

“I guess so.” He dropped his tools and drug the bit to his computer room, logging into some program Pete didn’t recognize. “What’s her name?”

“Celeste Dockery.” Tony’s hands typed quickly, information whizzing right past Peter’s eyes.

“Everything seems fine Pete. Born February 1st, 2002 in the UK. Sound about right?” He nodded, scanning the documents.

“Where’s her transcripts?” Peter tilted his head at the scene.


“Her school transcripts. They start freshman year. Where’s middle school and elementary?”

“Some people don’t have transcripts that far back, plus it’s the UK so it probably works differently there.” Tony shrugged, unconvinced.

“Okay fine, look up her mom then, Jaqueline Dockery. This program completely tracks addresses right? You would be able to see she moved to New York recently.” Peter insisted.

“Good lord kid, what do you think we are going to find?” He typed some more, coming up with lots of Jaquelines’. He filtered then to the UK. “Well, that’s weird.”


“Every Jaqueline Dockery here still holds residence in the UK and only the UK.” It looked like to Peter that he had convinced Tony. “Alright keep an eye on her I guess, don’t be a creep though.”

Peter nodded in approval. He would keep an eye on her.


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An Immortals Heart

Hey I’ve returned with a new fic for Peter Parker! I’m gonna try and make this a long one. But this is just part 1. This takes place right after Homecoming.

Summary - An Immortal reader decides to move to NYC and go to Midtown High for a change.

Word Count - 1.7k

One of my fave troped that I don’t see very often, an immortal falling for a mortal.

Ps - Shes an immortal that also had the powers similar to deadpool, so she’s literally undying.

Living with the knowledge that you will never die was hard.

It was much harder than Y/n would ever care to admit. She wasn’t one to complain very often, most knew that about her. Y/n just bottled up that pain of it until it burst in one of two ways.

One being snapping at whoever minorly inconvenienced her after a particularly hard day. The other being crying at the most minuscule trigger usually late at night in her bed.

Being immortal meant a lot of things. Things like ‘Don’t tell anyone, it will put you both in danger.’ Or 'You must switch identities once every 25 years.’ Or the one she most thought about 'You can’t have meaningful relationships, you’ll have to watch them die.’

It ate away at her like a hungry termite in a rotting house.

She had met tons of people in her lifetime, many of them so intriguing and unique. The ones she knew were completely one of a kind. That was kind of beautiful if you didn’t think about the crushing feeling that you won’t be with that person very long. Not long before you have to disappear. Not long until that person is among the sea of others you’ve abandoned.

With each move and name change, Y/n became more and more distant from people. She felt it made it easier on everyone, including her.

Which was a lie of course.

But right now was one of those times she absolutely had to have social interaction.

“16 you said?” The man across from her squinted suspiciously in her direction. “Most kids get fake IDs to get beer and stuff. What’s the point of getting one so young?” The truth was that the actual age that Y/n had finished aging was 17. But she hadn’t gone to high school in about 50 years and she kind of wanted to experience it again. There was a gifted school in the area too, she thought that it might do her some good.

“It’s complicated, and really none of your business don’t you think?” She tilted her head at the grizzly man, setting the money he asked for on the table. He shrugged and made the card for her, handing it to her with a smile.

“You have fun out there kid.” He shooed her from his apartment and the door slammed shut behind her. And so she would.

Each time Y/n had to move around and change things up, she came up with a new backstory. And a new name of course. She stared down at her new ID along with her new name.

*Celeste A Dockery*

The 'A’ being for Arabella. She had researched some European names and ran with it. So here was her backstory.

Celeste Arabella Dockery was born in the UK to her English mother Jaqueline Dockery and her American father James Dockery. It wasn’t until she was 9 that her father left them. This prompted her mother to make a big change and move them to the US, believing it was better for them. (They also had a better health plan for her here. She was very ill.)

This was much different from her actual story, but it was one she tried not to dwell on much.

Y/n had picked up lots of dialects. So it wasn’t going to be hard for her to have an American accent with a very small hint of British. Though to act as her mother on the phone, she would have a strong one.

She looked up the phone number for Midtown High and dialed it on her phone. A lady was quick to answer.

“Hi! This is Jenny from Midtown High speaking, how can I assist you.” Y/n smiled as she prepared her extreme, but frail, British accent.

“Hello, Darling! I’ve just moved here with my daughter and was researching good schools and this school came up at the top.” Y/n could hear a sigh at the other end.

“I’m sorry Ma'am but this is a gifted school, you can’t enroll just anyone.”

“So what, is there a test or something she needs to take so she can get enrolled?”

“W-Well there is a test yes but-”

“Great! When can she come in to take it?”

“Uh, I suppose I can set one up for tomorrow, does that work?” The receptionist sounded a bit flustered.

“That’s perfect, what time?”

“10 am?”

“Lovely, she will see you tomorrow.” And with that Y/n hung up the phone.

“Well, that was too easy.” She laughed as she walked up the street, in search of her new apartment.

See, a 16-year-old ID card wasn’t the only one she had. She also had a 19 year old one. She had two whole sets of new fake documents, that’s just what she had to do every 20 years. She had booked this place a few weeks ago from her old home in California.

She had come up with the 20-year plan a long while ago. After the incident, she decided that no one would ever believe she was over 35 to 40. So she had to choose between the ages of 15 to 20. It had gotten her in trouble a few times. This led to having an early change one of those times.

It was nothing new though, even before she was immortal people had mistaken her for a younger age. Now she tried to dress older and style herself to fit the age.

Though it would never stop long-time coworkers from asking how she stayed looking so young.

But she was proud to say she had only told one person that she was undying. That person being her mother after everything had happened to her and sunken in.

The year was 1910 and Y/n had been staring at her wall for at least 3 hours. It couldn’t be true right? It probably wasn’t. The notion wasn’t even in the realm of possibility. The so-called curse was just a silly myth her dad told her as a kid. Right?

Long ago in Athens Greece lived Y/n’s great great great grandfather Alexander. Around the world, Gods were well known, and heroes for the most part, such as Thor. This also meant the ones who weren’t heroes were worshipped and treated extravagantly by many.

Alexander didn’t live the best life, often drowning in poverty. But he didn’t mind that, as long as he had his love Zoe by his side. But Zoe had fallen ill, so he did what he did best, and he asked the goes for help. Zoe had always felt a pull to Athena, so he made sure to speak out to her the most.

Though Zoe just got sicker and sicker, no matter what he said to Athena. So one day he marched to the chapel in anger.

“I will not tolerate this disrespect!” He shouted into the nothingness. “I’ve been nothing but kind and well-meaning but you mean to take Zoe from me!” He stomped his foot harshly on the ground. A stunning silence fell over the room.

“Do you disrespect me?” He heard a piercing whisper through the room. But he was done and tired of the silence he held. For he had come here each day and asked for help and healing. Not only from Athena, but also from Asklepios, the God of healing.

“I do! My wife and I have done nothing but ask for help with no remorse! I even offered myself up to help heal her. She is the kindest soul I have ever come across and you will let her die!” His words spat like venom, this enraged Athena, she liked to be treated with respect.

“Some things are meant to be Alexander. I cannot change the fate you’ve been given, I can only assist in your fate.” She tried to remain calm with him, to give him another chance to choose respect.

“No! You will do as I ask! I’m a loyal servant and you haven’t come to my aid!” That was the last straw for Athena, she had given him another chance and he threw it in her face. She appeared in front of him, making him drop to his knees. A quiet plead fell from his lips.

“Since you’ve chosen to disrespect the gods, I think it’s time I make a deal with you, though it’s not one you will be able to refuse.” He nodded his head vigorously at the offer. “You can have your darling Zoe healed and healthy, but I will curse the next born woman in your family with immortality.” She held out her hand to him with a smile, which he grabbed graciously.

Her grip on his hand tightened as he took it. A white rope-like light wrapped around their hands. Alexander looked back up to Athena, noticing just how mischievous her smile looked now. He tried to pull his hand back but she wouldn’t release him.

After a few seconds she let go of him and shooed him off to see his wife. You could imagine his devastation when he entered his home to find Zoe had passed in her sleep. Athena had lied along with cursing his family.

Y/n had felt not that long ago that she had stopped aging. It was just a feeling she got. She was supposedly 20 but she felt17. She just knew somehow, I guess that was the point.

It would become apparent in later years that she had in fact, stopped aging. Her mother took it well, finally telling her once she reached 35 and hadn’t changed one bit.

Y/n walked into her apartment and flipped down on the bed softly.

“10 am tomorrow? A little early but alright.” She sat up and looked out her giant windows out to the city. This was the first change that she decided would be a fun and big one. Usually, she would move out to a country home with a small-town job and lay low until the next move. But she missed high school, and she had never lived in a big city before so why not? She decided this would be the next move about 9 years ago, and she began saving any and all extra money so she could afford it. Luckily she had a well-paying job back in California, one she would miss.

She kept herself occupied till nighttime by unpacking the rest of the house and making food. By the time she was done eating her extremely late dinner, it was 10:30 and she was exhausted. She layed down in her bed at 10:45 and was asleep within minutes.

“The I’m-Sorry-For-Being-a-Dick Bouquet”

TASM! Peter Parker

Tighty Whiteys” Pt. 2

SUMMARY:Peter wholeheartedly regrets not coming back to Y/N’s apartment and tries his best to stay away for her sake. She continues to think of him as her career begins to take off. Spiderman sees her during a battle and has to make a deal for her safety.

TW:cursin’ n kissin’ n shi(PG-13)


-> Part One

Peter laid on his bed, staring mindlessly at the noisy fan that clicked away above him as he tried to fall asleep. He’d probably watched it spin around hundreds or thousands of times every night, trying to rid his mind of her. She lingered in his every waking thought and visited during his dreams.

“Jesus Christ,” He whispered, rubbing his hands on his face in aggravation. “Okay, stupid multiverse-god-thing. Very funny. She’s the one, I get it! Just let me sleep..”

He found himself thinking of her eyes and the way they darted around aimlessly as she talked as if they were following her train of thought. He thought about her voice and the way it got raspy as the night progressed and her drowsiness with it. He accidentally caused a small explosion at the lab earlier in the day because his mind was on her. Her plump lips; the way they moved when she spoke or, god, when she smiled.

He flipped onto his stomach and groaned into his pillow with frustration.

He wanted nothing more than to wait for her to return to the apartment and take him to her favorite diner in the city on that day. He felt his heart sink when he felt the familiar tingle, knowing he’d have to leave her stranded to chase after his newest enemy. He didn’t have time to leave a note. He had a responsibility to protect the innocent; it normally came with the cost of hurting or losing someone he loved. As much as he hated to admit it, as bad as he wanted her, he needed to stay away.

Butboy did he want her. His mind wouldn’t let him simply forget about the destiny written by the fates; the story of Spiderman and MJ, an inevitable romance that spanned through multiple universes, his being no exception. He wanted her to take him to the diner. He wanted to walk her home and kiss her sweetly before making plans for a second date. He wanted to fall for her. At times, he wanted to ignore his power and abandon his responsibility all in hopes of living a domestic and happy life with this woman.

But alas, the world didn’t stop turning for him; not in his darkest times, much less in the hopeful ones. Duty called. The Collector continued to wreak havoc on the city of New York, and Peter had no other option but to fight. Yet, he couldn’t help but wonder how she reacted when she arrived home.

Little did he know that after her meeting, she’d gone through the effort of ordering two of her usual coffee for the man who had painted the everlasting, smitten grin on her lips. She had gone through her day with a coy smile, anticipating and craving his presence. She rushed home, opening her apartment door to be greeted by a soul-shattering silence.

No number, no address, no way to contact the perfect man she had woken up next to only a few hours prior. She’d searched every room, hoping the sinking feeling in her stomach would be replaced by the warm one she’d felt that same morning but there was nothing but her usual empty and silent apartment. Her smile faded and eyes blurred, left with no other option but to drink both coffees and move on with the day.

It had been almost two weeks now since their interaction. He’d seen her at the scenes of The Collector’s attacks, observing Spider-man’s every move and defending him mercilessly in her New York Times column; The Daily Herald. He’d make it a point to pick it up every morning on his way to work and read it on the train ride. Her words were piercing and revolutionary, changing the minds of thousands of citizens a day. It seemed that as time carried on, Peter noticed more and more pedestrians reading and talking about her articles.

He sighed, looking at the clock. Sleep now weighed heavily on his lids as his thoughts slowed to a single image; her. Y/N was engraved into his mind; he saw her vividly every time his eyes fluttered shut. And with that, he slowly drifted into a restless slumber, unaware that she laid under the same sky with the same striking memory replaying on a loop in her own mind.


The city had been quieter than usual; everyone hid away in the safety of their own home in fear of being caught in The Collector’s terrorizing paralysis. Tourists mostly steered clear of New York, and those who had the privilege of working from home rarely dared to leave their apartments. The attacks were more frequent and deadly. declining in morality at the villain’s mind declined in its strange illness.

Y/N mindlessly stared at the pedestrians who rushed past the cafe window. She was meant to be writing the next day’s article. Though it was a seemingly impossible task with the endless daydreams and memories of the night spent with a perfect stranger. She’d never quite managed to rid her mind of him completely.

She rarely remembered her dreams yet couldn’t seem to forget the one she woke from that same morning. His warm brown eyes, his soft chuckle, the tint of his blushing cheeks, the shape of his lips, the way he said her name- it was all the same.

The beginnings of rain snapped her out of her thoughts. She smiled as it began to sprinkle the fast-paced crowd outside, watching as some children held their arms up and stuck their tongues out before being ushered off by their parents. For a split second, it felt like the same city again; bustling with life and noise. It felt like home again.

The moment was interrupted by a loud crash, and suddenly the sweet scene from just seconds before melted into disarray. The same kids she watched happily embrace the rain were now being pulled into buildings by their mothers. A crowd of people ran down the street in blind chaos, screaming so loud that the windows rattled.

“‘Scuse me! Comin’ through!” She heard someone yell before seeing the familiar red vigilante sprint past the window. He shot a web and launched himself forward, sending him out of sight.

The Collector, she thought as she closed her laptop and quickly stuffed it in her bag before running outside. She only caught a small glimpse of the battle before it moved out of sight, it seemed that the enemy kept developing new weapons; this time it was a motorcycle that sped effortlessly between crowds and buildings. She followed the screams and ran against the swarm of panicked pedestrians, paying little mind to the mayhem.

She kept seeing glimpses of red turn corners, missing the majority of the action. She sprinted at full speed at this point, knowing damn well the danger she was putting herself in but putting the thought aside for the opportunity to write about a first-hand Spiderman experience. The adrenaline kept her legs moving and thoughts silenced for a few more minutes before she finally slowed down.

She turned another corner, only to see a frozen congregation of people that looked like something from a River Styx painting. She stopped in her tracks, backing behind a wall before deciding on whether or not to proceed. Then she saw it; Spiderman holding the watch in his hand as The Collector yanked at the makeshift web cuffs on his wrists to no avail. The motorcycle was dangling to the building above.

“Oh, my sweet boy,” The older man chuckled, shooting his foe a bone-chilling grin. “This would’ve all been over by now if you killed me when you had the chance.”

“It could’ve been prevented if you would’ve just listened to me,” Spiderman spoke up, breathing heavily with anger and despair. “The cure wasn’t worth the madness. The old you would’ve preferred death over the man you’ve become.”

“Kill me,“ He purred, smiling like the Cheshire cat. “Or I will personally see to your loved ones’ deaths. Starting with that old-“

A web suddenly covered his mouth. The Collector’s eyes widened before he squirmed around and screamed.

“What was that? Starting with who?” Spiderman asked, stepping closer to his muffled words and cupping his ear. “Just a little louder, man. I can’t quite understand you.”

He fumbled a bit with the watch for a moment as the wailing sirens grew closer. The silence burst into screams and the sounds of a stampede, civilians running every which way. Y/N could no longer hear the conversation but watched as Spiderman walked up to the man and whispered something in his ear, causing The Collector to fall still. She dared to step out from behind the wall, trying to hear what was being said.

It was no use trying to run against the roaring crowd. She felt people slam into her and shove her out of the way as she attempted to approach her targets. The sirens grew deafening as she halted to a stop, giving up any chance of getting close before the cops ushered her away.

The masked man looked to his left to see the cop cars begin to swarm in. That’s when he saw her. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of the woman standing amid the paranoid mob that ran against her. He dared not look for too long, not wanting to give any hint of recognition.

“Well, that’s my cue,” Spiderman nodded toward the cops before shooting a web up towards a nearby skyscraper. “I meant what I said. Behave.”

“Wait!” Y/N stepped forward only to see him fly into the sky once again. “I-.. And you’re gone. Great.”

“Out of the way!” The cops called as they shoved people away from the man in web constraints.

“How many times have we told you that you can’t be at these scenes, Y/L/N?” A familiar cop barked, grabbing at her shoulders to pull her away. She turned to see that it was the chief of police, an old friend of her father’s. “It’s dangerous. You can get a quote later.”

“Chief Johnson, it’s part of-“

“Your job, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard your spiel before. It’s my job to clear the premises so get the fuck out of here!” He rolled his eyes, shoving her towards the cop cars. She looked back at The Collector as a cop recited his rights and cuffed him. “MJ! Go!”

“Fine! I’m gone,” She held up her hands defensively before turning on her heels. “Damn, who pissed in your fucking cereal this morning?”

“Don’t you have something better to write about?” He called after her. She stopped in her tracks. “He’s a menace to society!”

“He hasn’t killed anyone so what does that make you?” She asked, shrugging with her hands before turning to leave.

Y/N rolled her eyes as she turned the corner. She hated cops, but specifically the ones on Johnson’s crew. He used to be someone she was fond of until she found out about all of the injustice and corruption that he and his coworkers partook in.

“Fucking pig.”


After returning to the cafe, Y/N spent the next few hours writing and perfecting the article, making sure to explain the events that unfolded only hours before. She lost track of time, only leaving when the barista informed her that they’d be closing soon.

The streets were bustling with people celebrating the newfound freedom that came from The Collector’s imprisonment. She smiled at the lively crowds that gathered in the East Village, giggling at the people who decided to sport Spiderman masks. New York City was restored to its buoyant state.

She took the usual train home and walked a few blocks towards her apartment, opting to take a shortcut through the same alley she’d found Peter in.

The city’s sounds were muffled in the dark space; it was instead filled with the echo of her footsteps bouncing off of the dirty walls and rusty trash cans. She walked for a few minutes before realizing that she heard a second pair of footsteps behind hers. Taking a quick glance over her shoulder, she noticed the silhouette of a familiar skintight bodysuit.

“You’re that Daily Herald journalist,” The voice from earlier spoke. “Y/L/N, right?”

“Depends,” She adjusted her backpack as she turned to face him. “Who’s asking?”

She heard a breathy chuckle before he walked into the light, showing off his brilliant red suit.

“Just figured I’d say thank you. Before your column, most people saw me as a threat. But tonight.. I’ve never seen so many-”

“Fans?” She suggested.

“Well, I was going to say Spidermen in one place,” He chuckled once more. “But I like the sound of fans a lot better.”

She smiled. “Well, it’s no problem. I’m just writing the truth. It’s part of the job.”

“Is it part of the job to follow me around too?” He questioned.

“Oh, that? No, that’s just for fun,” She deadpanned before laughing. The man chuckled. “So did you really go through the trouble of finding out where I live just to thank me and ask if I was following you around?”

“Actually no. My main purpose of coming out here was to tell you to be careful,” He continued, making her furrow her brows. “Look, I don’t want you getting hurt on my behalf. Stop following me, alright?”

“And lose my job? Pass. But I appreciate the concern,” She turned to leave before a web blocked her path.

“I’m serious. Just-.. Be more careful. There have been lesser-known journalists that have died for less. If I see you in the middle of a fight again, I’ll have to web you to a wall or something,” He said sternly, making her smile.

“Web me to a wall?! No, please, Spiderman! I promise to stop following you around!” She cried out sarcastically. “How was that?”

“How was the acting or comedic presentation?”


“It was god awful,” He answered nonchalantly, making her chuckle. “What do I have to do to get you to stop following me?”

“Meet me here every night and tell me about your battles.”

“No way,” He protested. “Do you have any idea how much danger I put you in just by visiting tonight?”

She narrowed her eyes in thought before pulling her backpack off of her shoulder and taking out a small business card.

“Email me then,” She said, holding out the card. He looked down at her hand. “I can’t afford to lose this job. So it’s either this or I keep following you around.”

“You want me to report back to you after every battle?” He grumbled, looking back at her. She raised her brows, waving the card. He hesitantly took it. “Even the nightly patrols?”

“You do nightly patrols?” Her eyes widened. “I didn’t know that. But, yeah, that’d be ideal. If you can’t get around to it though, I’d settle for a weekly update.”

“Okay, deal,” He said after a brief moment of consideration. “You sure it won’t cause any tension between you and a boyfriend?”

“I’m sure he won’t mind, considering he’s nonexistent,” She smiled again before shrugging, choosing to ignore the inquisitive, flirtatious tone. “Currently too busy being caught up on someone I met once to fall for somebody new.”

Peter felt his breath hitch in his throat at the confession. She was talking about him. Not only that, but she rejected what she thought was another man because she liked him. He felt a hot blush graze his cheeks, grateful for the opportunity to be able to hide behind a mask as he heard that, and simply nodded.

“But I should probably get inside to finish up tomorrow’s story,” She continued. “If you could email me at least every Thursday so I have the weekend to work on an article, that’d be great.”

“Will do,” He said, not quite being able to wipe the smile off of his masked face as he watched her sling her backpack on again.

“Nice to finally meet you, Spidey,” She said before walking off, turning back to flash him that heart-melting smile before disappearing behind the corner. “I expect to hear about today’s fight!”


Peter smiled as he read the morning paper, reading a direct quote from the email he’d sent the previous night. He had to go to four different places to finally get The Times; the entirety of New York seemed to be carrying around, reading or talking about The Daily Herald.

“Hey, man,” His favorite coworker greeted as he walked into the laboratory’s downstairs cafeteria. “Ah, catching up on The Daily Herald, I see?”

“Hey. Yeah, me and everyone else it seems like,” Peter said, looking around at the people holding their phones or the paper, all reading or talking about the previous day’s events.

“Crazy fight, huh?” Caleb continued with a big grin, setting down his lunch and mimicking Spider-man’s web shooting stance. “I saw it in person! He was all Wa Pow and Ha Ya!”

“You didn’t see it, did you?”

“Not even a glimpse,” He smirked, taking his usual seat in front of him. “But that article was crazy, dude. Reading it made it feel like I was there. I think she even incorporated a Wa Pow in there and everything.”

“I see you didn’t skip out on your Adderall this morning,” Peter chuckled.

“Oh, fuck off,” Caleb laughed, before looking around at their coworkers in the cafeteria. “Feels like I stepped into some weird time portal. I don’t remember the last time I saw so many newspapers in one room.”

“Hey, I have a favor to ask,” Peter said, setting down the paper next to him and earning a hummed response from his friend. “You think you can cover for me for the rest of the day? There’s this girl that I really like and I found out that she-“

“If I say yes, will you spare me your love life details? I don’t need to know about another one of your casual hookups,” He sighed. Peter chuckled; he rarely ever had hookups. It was mostly an excuse to get out of work or other activities to go fight crime.

“It’s not a hookup, actually,” He corrected, making his friend’s jaw drop dramatically.

“You mean my horniest friend decided to put his trashy whore days behind him? Did you like suddenly become religious?” Caleb asked. “Oh my god… Are you dying?”

“What? No, I’m not dying,” Peter rolled his eyes. “Remember that girl I told you about? The one that patched me up after I got jumped?”

He might’ve stretched the truth a little on that too.

“Shut up. You’re actually gonna go back?” Grey leaned in, soaking in the gossip. “I knew you would! Yeah, I’ll cover for you. We’re waiting on a shipment so they’ll probably let us off early anyway.”

“Oh, dude, I owe you one!” Peter grinned before frantically gathering his things into his bag. “I could kiss you!”

Peter practically ran out of the building after he changed into his suit. He shot a web to a nearby skyscraper before launching himself into the air and heading towards the East Village. He stopped only a few blocks away from her building to change his clothes before walking up the familiar streets. He passed a small flower stand, leaving a twenty as he grabbed a set of purple flowers. “Keep the change!”

He finally made his way up to her apartment building, catching the door as someone exited and walking up the stairs to the fourth floor, stopping at the third apartment on the left.

This was it.

He took a deep breath, preparing something to say before he raised his hand up to her door to knock, only to be greeted with it flying open and a gasp.

“Jesus fucking Christ!” Y/N yelped, holding her hand to her heart. She looked up at the man standing before her with a smile, holding the flowers up. Her features softly melted into an expression of amused disbelief. “.. Peter?”

“Hi,” He greeted softly.

“What are you doing here?” She furrowed her brows, a hint of a smile teasing at the corners of her lips. “Wait- how’d you get up here?”

“Caught the door as someone was leaving,” He pointed behind him, looking into her Y/E/C eyes that danced back and forth between his own. “Can I come in?”

“I, uh.. Yeah, yeah, come in,” She stepped aside, granting him access. “I only have about twenty minutes though, I have to catch a meeting.”

“Yeah, okay,” He nodded, looking into her ever-moving eyes.

“So… did you come here for something or..?” She shifted her weight uncomfortably in the silence.

“Yeah, I just.. Y/N, I’m so sorry for leaving that day,” He began, making her eyebrows raise in surprise. “Look, I know you must think I’m a dick for the way I left. I feel like a dick for leaving you hanging without so much as an explanation. And I’ll gladly give you one if you want, but I just wanted to apologize. Oh, and these are for you.”

“You didn’t have to do that,” She laughed as he handed them to her, lifting them up to her nose and taking in their scent. “I love lavender. Thank you. Let me put them in water, I’ll be right back. Make yourself comfortable.”

He smiled and nodded before she walked away. He felt a shift in the way she looked and spoke to him. Not that he blamed her for it, he’d probably have his walls up too after his little disappearing stunt, but it was kind of heartbreaking to see the once warm and present gaze now a little colder and more distant. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, hoping he didn’t fuck things up past repair.

He took in the apartment, noticing the guitar that now sat outside of its case. She got a new set of candles and a different couch, but everything else remained the same. The warm scent of vanilla wafted through the air and the posters hung happily in their places. He took a seat on the couch as she came back into the room with two glasses of water.

“Thanks,” He smiled at her graciousness. She looked at him as if she was skeptical it was all a dream; he looked at her as if he never wanted to wake up.

“It’s comfy, isn’t it?” Y/N asked, taking a seat next to him and putting down her glass on the sturdy coffee table before shifting to look at him.

“Yeah. I like the green,” He asked, looking down at the velvet couch. “Does this one get stuck too?”

“No, that’s kind of the point of a new couch,” She teased. “That’s more of a DIY project called ‘my friends are drunk idiots’. I donated that old thing.”

“Ah,” He smiled before looking up at her. “Bummer.”

She raised her brows, giggling slightly at his flirtatious comment before looking over his shoulder at the clock. Her face fell slightly as her eyes settled on his once again.

“What?” He asked, following her gaze. “You have to leave?”

“I should leave soon, yeah. I have this important meeting with my boss. I should probably get my stuff together,” She pursed her lips, placing a sympathetic hand on his wrist and getting up.

“Oh, yeah,” He nodded, hiding his disappointment as he stood up. “No problem. I can just-”

“Peter, can I ask you a question?” She blurted out, turning towards him.

“Yeah, of course,” He nodded, sensing the shift of tone.

“What changed?” Her own disappointment was on display now.

“What changed? What do you mean?” He tilted his head slightly.

“Why are you here?” She furrowed her brows, watching as he took a deep breath. “I mean it’s been two weeks. Why today?”

“Honestly? I-.. I can’t stop thinking about you,” He admitted, chuckling nervously. “And I’ve tried to stop but.. Y/N, you’re the first thing on my mind when I wake up. I can’t get the thought of you out of my head throughout the day either; wondering what you’re doing or if you’re staying safe. I pick up The Times every morning to read your column. Hell, I can barely sleep knowing that your apartment is only a few stops away from mine. I guess I realized that maybe the reason I couldn’t stop thinking about you is because I don’t wanna stop. I just had to see you again.”

She smiled at his sweet confession and his nervous demeanor. He moved his hands frantically as he spoke, running them through his hair when he stumbled on words, his voice gently and nervously pleading for her forgiveness. “Yeah?”

“Mhm,” He responded softly, glancing down to her lips quickly before looking back into her eyes. He swore he could melt on the spot when she looked at him like that.

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you either,” She took a step forward, making him let out a breathy chuckle of relief and excitement.

“Yeah?” He asked.

“Mhm,” She hummed slowly.

“And why’s that?” He took another step forward, closing the distance between them. His eyes locked onto her upturned lips.

“I think you know why,” She said softly, feeling him place his hand on her left hip.

“Maybe,” He whispered, now only mere centimeters from her face. She felt his hot breath rhythmically hit her top lip. “But I wanna hear you say it.”

“I like you, Peter,” She breathed, biting her lip. His name has never sounded so sweet. He smiled and pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear before caressing her cheek. When his eyes made their way back to hers, he couldn’t hold himself back any longer; he leaned down and kissed her.

She was intoxicating. Her lips were softer than he imagined, and they moved in perfect harmony with his own, fitting flawlessly like the last piece of a puzzle. He felt her smile into the kiss before pulling him in closer to deepen it.

Never in his life had he felt a kiss like this one. The passion was electric, sending shock waves down his spine. He never believed in soulmates, not even after hearing the other Peter Parkers talk about their MJs, not even after he met his own. But this. This kiss, this moment, this woman; it all began to disprove his personal belief system.

He never believed in fate or destiny, but he wanted nothing more than for this, her, to be written in his future. It was no coincidence that in every realm of the universe, they were meant to find each other. He finally understood the gravitational pull she had on his mind; no matter how badly he fought against it, it was written in the stars. It was now beyond him.

“Mm, I really.. need to go,” She giggled in between kisses, only to be pulled back in by the delightfully dazed man she was entangled to. “Peter.. I’m serious.”

“Okay, okay,” He smiled dreamily as he pulled away. “Wait, one more.”

He leaned down and gently kissed her before they laughed against each other’s lips.

“What time are you free tonight?” He murmured, placing his forehead against her own.

“Well, unless Spiderman decides to get into some mischief, 7:00,” She smiled.

“I’ll personally see to it that he doesn’t,” He half-joked, making her chuckle as she pulled away to grab her purse. “Can I take you out to dinner?”

“Depends,” She smirked, opening her door. He followed behind her and walked towards the elevator. “Where were you thinking?”

“Either my favorite place or yours,” He responded as she pressed the button to go down. She smiled as he pulled her in by the hips. “What’re you up for? Chinese or that diner you were telling me about?”

“Chinese actually sounds heavenly,” She threw her head back in desire, making him laugh.

“Chinese it is,” He nodded as the elevator door opened. She hesitantly pulled away before he gently grabbed her wrist and guided her back into him, kissing her softly one final time. “I’ll be here at 7:00.”

“It’s a date,” She smiled before they walked out of the building and went their separate ways, smiling like idiots with a seemingly everlasting blush that lingered on their cheeks for the rest of the afternoon.



Tighty Whiteys

TASM Peter Parker

SUMMARY: Takes place after Peter returned from the multiverse. Though he survived New City’s newest villain, he felt the weight of the life claimed. In the midst of a breakdown, he meets a young woman who offers her assistance.
TW: none really? cursing

The only sound down the dark alleyway was that of an offbeat pair of footsteps. They echoed as he limped home in the soft, cool Autumn wind. Having survived the battle meant nothing to him knowing that someone didn’t get so lucky. His thoughts circulated like a storm in his mind; quick, loud, unavoidable. So much so that the typical New York City ambience was drowned out by his anxiety ridden mind and the sound of his limp.

His ribs throbbed from the bleeding gash that now decorated them. A deep breath sat at the forefront of his mind, teasing him with the relief of the mindful action. It was, however, impossible with the injuries to his chest and the impending panic attack that loomed above him.

A child was the newest victim of New York’s newest enemy. The city named him The Collector, seeing as he always took something from his victims. He used a device on his wrist to freeze everyone around him. Everyone except for Peter. He watched as he grabbed a little boy. He watched the fear of his mother, terrorized by the sight, forced to watch because of the temporary paralysis. Peter fought. And he failed.

It had been years since anyone has terrorized the city in this way. It had been years since he needed to suit up for anything other than his nightly patrol. Even then, he only needed to fight off common criminals and saving the people of New York. Not long after Gwen died, the city’s overwhelming chaos and villains did too.

He missed those days.

He missed her.

Tap tap… Tap tap… Tap tap…

The soft sound of his limp was deafening. It sounded like a line from a dreary blank verse poem; one of war, loss, and heartbreak. It was evidence of the failed mission. He grunted, trying desperately to correct the limp to no avail.

The sounded echoed is his mind. It was a sick reminder of the night’s previous events; of the fact that his best effort no longer being as effective as it once was.

His thoughts now swelled like the dark clouds of a storm; the wind deafening. His surroundings disappeared into the anxiety induced tunnel vision. He finally let out a frustrated scream as he fell to his knees. He felt the weight of the child’s life, the weight of the mother’s scream fall onto him. He openly sobbed at the bitter memory.

In the midst of his cries, he failed to hear the woman above him open up her window and step onto the fire escape.

“Are you okay?” She spoke up hesitantly. He looked up to see her climbing down the fire escape. He wiped his tears as she landed on the floor and walked over to him. She looked at the broken man in front of her and looked down in concern; his eyes refused to meet her own. “Should I call an ambulance?”

“No,” He grumbled. “I can’t afford to go to the hospital. I’m fine. It looked worse than it is.”

A silence fell upon the two of them. He was grateful he changed into his regular clothes beforehand, not wanting to be seen in this state as Spiderman. The adrenaline that aided him in the process was now completely drained from his body.

She shifted and grabbed her backpack to pull something out. He kept his gaze on her hands, skeptical of the stranger before him.

She smiled, handing him a bottle of water. He furrowed his brows and looked up. That’s when he caught a glimpse of her beautiful features. Her warm gaze felt like the sun after a weeklong storm; relieving, happy, bright. His breath hitched out of sheer surprise; her beauty was unique and magnetic. He looked down at the bottle and gently grabbed it from her hand.

“I’d offer you an alcoholic drink but you don’t look like you’re in any condition to handle dehydration,” She continued to speak softly, as if trying not to spook him. He sensed a genuine kindness. “I worked as a CNA to get me through college. I’m pretty good with stitches if you want me to-”

“Didn’t your mom never teach you not to talk to strangers?” Peter mumbled as he opened the bottle to take a sip. He wanted nothing more than to be left alone, regardless of how melodic her voice was or how sweet her doe eyed gaze was.

“She didn’t get the chance to,” The stranger shrugged. This caught his attention; he slowly lowered the bottle from his lips as she continued to talk. “She died when I when I was young. My dad, on the other hand, taught me several lessons. Keeping my ass off of the New York City concrete was one of them. You would not believe the amount of times I’ve seen someone puke in that exact spot.”

His face twisted up in disgust as he looked down. Sure enough, the patch of pavement he sat on was stained a questionable color. She giggled and extended her arm towards him to help me up.

“Gross,” He muttered, as he took her hand. “Ignorance is bliss sometimes. Thank you for that.”

“It got you off the floor, didn’t it?” She smirked. He smiled halfheartedly and shrugged. “Um.. so I’m sure your mom taught you not to go home with a stranger, but can I take you up to my apartment and patch you up?”

He hesitated, looking into her eyes. It was too dark to see exactly what color they were but light enough to see the concern on her face. He sighed before nodding. She perked up slightly before reaching for his arm. She began slowly lifting it to wrap around her shoulder, wanting to ease his limp as his crutch.

“Wait, wait,” He said quickly. She froze, looking at him with wide eyes. “Other side, I don’t think I can lift this arm.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” She winced, moving to his other side. She repeated the motion, and let him share his weight in order to walk him into the building and the old elevator. They walked in silence until they reached the fourth floor. The elevator dinged and she guided him to the third apartment on the left. He watched as she fumbled with your keys a bit before finally opening the door. “Welcome to my humble abode.”

He looked around at his surroundings. The apartment was small but it was charming nonetheless. She had candles burning on the coffee table and vintage art covering the walls. He heard a soft tune playing from the record player in the corner of the room and recognized it; it was as if the lyrics were on the top of his tongue. The quaint ambience of the living room was relaxing. He was surprised he hasn’t felt a sense of danger. If anything, his senses were telling him the opposite; this felt like a safe haven.

He watched as she paced around her apartment, gathering different little medical tools into a bag until she finally plopped down on the sturdy coffee table in front of him.

“I’m gonna cut your shirt off,” She said nonchalantly. His brows furrowed uncomfortably. “You bled through it so I’m assuming I should start there. Or you can lift your arms up to take it off yourself. But I assume that’s not an option so..”

She picked up the scissors and snipped at the air with a facetious smile. He fought back one of his own. Her sweet demeanor was a nice change of pace; it was rare in this city. He hated to admit it to himself, especially after the awful events that happened not even an hour before, but he was utterly intrigued by this woman. She was unlike anyone he’s ever met before.

He pressed his tongue against his cheek, accepting the challenge. She raised her brows and sat back, knowing that it would be nearly impossible to do with the amount of blood on his shirt. He went to lift his arms and hissed in pain, clenching his eyes. When he opened them, he caught her already looking him in the eye with an amused smile.

“You must really like that shirt,” She teased, making him smile slightly. Something about the way she said that reminded him of Gwen. “Do I have your permission to cut it off now?“

He nodded and she got to work. He watched as she cut away carefully. Once she successfully peeled his shirt off, he noticed a small blush arise on her cheeks at the sight of him. He couldn’t help but smile, raising his eyebrows when she looked up at him. She cleared her throat with a small smile of her own before turning away to grab the small medical bag beside her.

Peter found it hard to look away. She wasn’t trying to flirt, but the subconscious coy smile that decorated her features made her irresistible. She played her embarrassment off well, making him even doubt the hint of attraction she just displayed.

“This is going to hurt a little bit,” Her eyes finally met his again. He nodded.

“I think I can candle a little bit of- FUCKEN HELL OW?!” He hissed as the alcohol hit his gash. She scrunched her nose and muttered an apology. “A little bit?!”

“Ahh, I know, I know. I’m sorry! Almost done,” She squinted her eyes with sympathy before finishing off disinfecting the wound to the best of her ability. He sighed in relief when he saw her lean back, watching as she dug through the small bag again.

The woman gathered the materials needed to stitch up the wound, feeling his gaze burn into her as she picked out the respective instruments. She looked up to see that his warm, brown eyes danced all over her face. It was as if he would be forced to draw her features from memory. She couldn’t recall the last time someone had looked at her like that.

“Stop that,” She ordered, looking at him through her eyelashes for a split second before she adjusted herself near the wound. She steadied to hands to begin the procedure.

“Stop what?” He chuckled. His laugh was soft and boyish, making her chuckle and look up at him.

“The staring,” She said as sternly as she could, not quite being able to shake the same coy smile from earlier.

“Ah. I’m sorry,” Peter grinned, looking up. She chuckled at his exaggerated movement before positioning herself once again. She took a breath, glancing up only to catch his eyes on her. He attempted to play it off by looking away.

“I’m serious! I can’t focus with you looking at me like that,” She shook her head, not bothering to move from the perfect position she attained.

“Yeah, no, that was my bad. Sorry,” He drew in his bottom lip in an attempt to stop smiling. His eyes began roaming the room once again, taking in details he hadn’t spotted on first glance. The wall opposite of him was decorated neatly with several small posters; her favorite bands and artists. His lips parted at the sight, taken aback at the similarity in his own music taste. He began listening to the music playing from your record player, it was something he’d never heard before but right up his ally. “I like this song. Who’s playing?”

“Oh, uh, my old band. I played guitar for them throughout high school and part of college. What you’re hearing is our third album I think,” She recalled nonchalantly. He looked at her with wide eyes. “Wait, stop moving. I’m almost done.”

“You expect me not to move after you told me that you’re in a band? That’s so cool!” Peter beamed, making her giggle. “What did you play?”

“Guitar,” She mumbled as she focused on the project at hand. She paused every once and a while to look up and him and further explain. He found himself longing for those beautiful eyes to meet his when she looked back at his ribs; missing them the way one would miss water in a state of dehydration. “We never went anywhere with it though. It kinda just for shits and giggles. We’d play at nightclubs and small venues. But we all hated the idea of becoming famous so we kept it pretty lowkey. I’d hate to be in the public eye. Seems like a lot of pressure.”

“Yeah, no kidding,” He mumbled, making a face. He knew all too well how much pressure it could be. “Did you ever sing?”

“Sometimes,” She mindlessly shared as she finished up the stitches. “Every blue moon, our lead singer would get sick so I’d step in. But I’ve always hated singing in front of people. I honestly don’t know how he did it. He was damn good at it too. He had this personality that completely captivated the audience and this voice that gave us the most unique edge.”

“I can hear that,” He nodded, listening to the soft rock play in the background. A comfortable silence fell upon the two as they listened to the song.

“All done,” She perked up, tossing the tools into a plastic bag. “Are your legs alright? No cuts?”

“You want me to take off my pants too?” Peter raised his brow, making her fumble with the bag in her hand.

“What? No! I mean, not like that. I wouldn’t ask you to-.. You want to borrow a shirt? Let me get you a shirt,” She stuttered, getting up and rushing off as quickly as she spoke. He refrained from laughing as he watched her disappear into what he assumed was her room. “Is a t-shirt alright?!” She called after a moment.

“Yeah, that’s fine!” He spoke up, admiring the room once more. There was a beautiful tapestry to his left and a small TV in front of it. He saw two guitar cases on the floor and smiled at the thought of her playing the instruments inside of them. In front of him, the coffee table was scattered with guitar picks, strings, and music that she’d been writing.

He felt his body healing already; one of the perks of a radioactive spider bite. He leaned forward, wincing a bit as he reached for a piece of music. He couldn’t understand the notes but he found himself in awe of the lyrics. It was about war, loss, and heartbreak. He blinked away the shock, sensing her standing at the doorway.

“I’m not nearly as musical as I seem,” Her soft voice commented, walking towards him to hand him a black t-shirt. He smiled and gently took the shirt from her hands, grazing them ever so slightly as he did. She paused for a second, trying to conceal the fact that her head was spinning at the touch. “I, uh, had one of my old bandmates come over this morning. We were just messing around with this stuff. Before today, I actually hadn’t played in like.. Pft, eight months now?”

“And here I was thinking you were cool,” He teased, making her let out a breathy chuckle. He carefully put on the oversized t-shirt, only now seeing a familiar yellow smiley face. “Okay, I revoke that comment. You like Nirvana?”

“My dad was a big fan of theirs. He actually went to so many of their shows that Kurt knew him by name,” She chuckled. “So when my mom got pregnant, my dad asked the band what my middle name should be. The story goes that they all sat in silence for a minute, watching my dad take a drag off a joint they were all sharing in an alleyway. Then Kurt smiled and said Mary Jane. So my name’s Y/N Mary Jane Y/L/N.”

“M-Mary Jane?” Peter’s breath got caught in his throat. You furrowed your brows.

“Yeah?” You chuckled, taking a seat in front of him again. “My stage name was MJ because I thought it was much cooler than Y/N.“

“Huh,” He mumbled. His mind began racing with thoughts; the experience he had in the multiverse and the other Peters’ lovers. If she was MJ- his MJ, it’d explain the spark; the magnetic and unavoidable chemistry between the two. That would explain why her personality felt like it was made for his and why her presence felt so safe. They were meant for one another; in this life and millions before, during, and after.

“You’ve got a cut on your brow,” Y/N squinted, leaning in to look at the cut. His breath hitched in his throat once more; the faint scent of her shampoo wafted past him. “Want me to start there or on your leg? Because I think your knee is bleeding.“

“I-..” He muttered. How was he supposed to act knowing he was meant to be hers? How was he meant to act casually knowing that a future was already decided on by the fates? His mind raced at the speed of light; far too fast for him to utter a sentence, let alone keep up a conversation. It wasn’t until he saw Y/N’s head tilt slightly that he realized he was gawking. “Legs.”

“Yeah, I can do..” She trailed off. “Are you okay? Do you have a concussion?”

Before he got the chance to respond, she was flashing a small light at his eyes to check.

“I’m fine,” He chuckled.

“What’s your name?” She questioned skeptically as she put the light down.

“Peter,” He smiled. “Peter Parker.”

“What year were you born?”


“Where are you from, Peter Parker?”

“Queens. Want my social security while we’re at it?” He responded, making her roll her eyes.

His name never sounded so sweet before. He liked the way her lips moved as she said his name, it was as if she couldn’t say it without a smile. He especially liked the way her voice slightly jumped up in pitch when she said the first syllable of each word; Peter Parker.

“Okay, smart ass,” She shook her head, putting away the small collection of medical equipment. “You want my help or not?”

“Yes!” He said a little too quickly. Though she only glanced up for a split second, he still spotted the smug look that now painted her face. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m in rapid fire interrogation mode.”

“Right,” She dragged out the word, making him blush slightly as he let out another small chuckle. “Okay, wanna take off your pants so I can have a look at that knee?”

Peter licked his lips, holding back another audacious remark. He began to unbutton his jeans, pausing when he realized Y/N didn’t bother to go to the next room. He simply raised his brows. She looked up from cleaning up the area surrounding her.

“What? Want me to cover my eyes?” She smiled, placing her delicate hands on her face to hide behind them. He chuckled before taking off his shoes and pants, throwing them onto his bag when he was done. He looked down at his underwear and silently thanked his past self for deciding to wear a pair of boxer briefs under his suit today.

“Damn, Parker. Are you taking off your pants or sewing new ones?“ Y/N groaned, slouching for that she could rest her elbows on her thighs.

“I’m done, I’m done,” He chuckled as he sat back down in front of her. She peaked behind her fingers before looking down at his knee. A deep scrape adorned Peter’s leg, a bruise already teasing at the surface around it.

“Shit,” She whispered before looking up at him. “You really got the shit beaten out of you, huh?”

“You have no idea,” He chuckled dryly, looking down. She got the memo and changed the subject.

“This isn’t as bad as your ribs. I think we might be able to get away with cleaning it and wrapping it in gauze,” She said before moving on. Just as the sensation of the alcohol burned into the wound, she found herself empathetically scrunching her nose at the sound of Peter’s groan. “I know, I know. That’s the worst of it, I promise. It’s been a while since I’ve had to do this for someone outside of the hospital setting. I used to have to patch my brother up all of the time as kids. I know a thing or two about patching up the underdog.”

“What makes you think I’m the underdog?” Peter smiled. She giggled softly as she reached back for something. He paid no mind to the object in her small hands; he was utterly captivated by the way she spoke and carried on conversation. Something about it all felt so familiar to him.

“I don’t know,” She shrugged, placing the gauze onto the wound carefully. He noticed the fact that she no longer minded his gaze. In fact, she looked up with every other word to catch glimpse of it. “You don’t give me bad guy vibes.”

“Oh yeah?” He chuckled. “What if I told you was the baddest of all guys?”

“I’d call bullshit,” She deadpanned and motioned over to his backpack with her head. “Bad guys don’t decorate their backpacks with enamel pins.”

“Oh,” He felt his cheeks warm at sight of the SK8R CAT pin he’d recently added to the small collection of dorky pins that adorned the old bag. She let out a breathy chuckle at his reaction. Dear god, that laugh was intoxicating.

“So why’d you stop playing guitar?” He asked lightheartedly, expecting the woman in front of him to light up at the chance to talk about her obvious passion. Much to his surprise, her face fell and hands paused. It took her aback. “Oh shit. I don’t mean to pry-“

“No, no, it’s fine,” She responded quickly before flashing him a small smile. “I just wasn’t expecting the question is all.. Uh, my brother was our lead singer and he died last year. He got into this huge car crash on the way back from my college graduation. After that, the band unanimously decided to put those days behind us. It just wasn’t the same without his vocals, you know? We played one last time at our drummer and bassist’s wedding.”

“I’m so sorry,” He muttered after a moment of silence. He watched Y/N shrug, keeping her eyes down as she finished up the wrapping. “I mean I don’t think I can really relate to the pain of losing a sibling but losing people you love is just..”

“Fucking awful, huh?” She finished, smiling softly as she finally looked back into his eyes. He raised his brows and nodded. “It’s like your whole world crashes and burns yet everyone still goes on. You hate how the real world just continues and refuses to stop to grieve with you. Then you grow to appreciate it being one constant in your life; the city. The sirens and yelling have become this sort of.. comforting white noise that I can’t sleep without? I don’t know.”

“Yeah, no, I actually get that,” He sighed, readjusting slowly into the couch. “I lost both of my parents as a kid and went to live with my aunt and uncle. I got into an argument with them as a teenager and Uncle Ben went looking for me. He got killed that night. Right in front of me actually. I don’t know how I would’ve gotten over it had it not been for my girlfriend.”

“Jesus Christ..” She breathed, feeling her heart sink at the confession. “Peter, I am so sorry. I can’t even imagine.”

“Oh, it was almost ten years ago now. Gwen really helped me process the pain,” He shrugged. “It really helps to have a support system.”

“Is Gwen available for weekly coffee talks?” She smiled. “She sounds incredible.”

“She really was,” He responded softly. Her lips parted, feeling a sinking feeling in her stomach once again. She placed a reassuring hand on his own and squeezed. It took him aback, her touch.

“I’m sorry,” She whispered. She didn’t let her hand linger for too long to his dismay. Though her hands were cold, her touch warmed him to the bone. It was soothing. The fact that she reached for his hand wasn’t what surprised him; it was the comfort that came with it. “Tell you what, let me clean your face up a bit and then I’ll make us some tea. Nothing like trauma dumping over a cup of chamomile tea.”

“Deal,” He nodded, still thinking about the electric touch.

He normally felt a pang of guilt at the thought of moving on from Gwen, shutting down any feeling towards another person. In his past relationships, it was a mental block that ultimately resulted in a breakup. Maybe it was the fact that she would’ve liked Y/N or that it was simply meant to be; but he didn’t feel anything other than a sense of comfort at the thought of being with the woman in front of him.

He couldn’t believe how organic her touch felt or how naturally their personalities blended with one another. Peter could practically felt the universe pushing them together. He was utterly captivated by this woman; the way she spoke, the way she moved. All he wanted was to get to know her in her entirety. He knew this longing all too well. He felt it with Gwen, but it was different with her.

“Ow!” He hissed as she pressed a small alcohol wipe into his brow. “What happened to a warning?”

“I didn’t think you needed one if you literally saw me coming at you with this wipe,” Y/N giggled.

It was only then he realized how close she was. He could feel her warm breath on his nose as she hovered above him. It was electric, the chemistry. Judging by the way her eyes kept wandering to his own, she felt it too.

“All done,” She smiled, pulling away to collect her small mess. He watched intently as she quickly cleaned up before finally getting up to go to the kitchen. “Chamomile alright?”

“Yeah, um, yeah that sounds great actually,” He smiled. “Do you need help with anything?”

“No, I just need you to sit still and heal,” She responded. He lost sight of her as she disappeared behind a wall. “Do you wanna stay the night? This couch pulls out and it’s pretty comfortable. I’d hate to see you walk home in your condition.”

“Oh, I don’t want to overstay my welcome,” He shook his head before grunting as he got up, disobeying her orders; Peter found himself drawn to her. Greater forces were working and it felt as if he had no control over his body. It longed to be in her presence.

“I thought I told you to sit,” Y/N chuckled as she looked over her shoulder to see his silhouette in the doorway. She paused what she was doing to continue the conversation. “And you wouldn’t be. Your welcome expires at 8:00 AM. I have a meeting.”

“A meeting,” He repeated, leaning against the cursed wall that separated them only moment before. “Sounds very professional.”

“It is!” She grinned proudly, turning back around to continue making the promises tea. “I’m a journalist. My boss put me on this Spiderman project a while back.”

“Oh?” Peter asked cautiously. He’d been so caught up in her world that he’d forgotten his reality.

“I’m actually really excited,” She admitted, turning to look at him every so often. “The Daily Bugle has been spreading hate on Spiderman and convincing people that he’s some menace to society. I mean it would take an actual idiot not to see that he’s a hero. Anyways, I have a New York Times column called The Daily Herald dedicated to debunk everything Jameson says.“

“You’re kidding,” Peter deadpanned. He didn’t know what he was expecting, but it certainly was not that. It must’ve been a universal MJ trait, rooting for Spiderman.

“Ew, don’t tell me you actually side with that asshole!” She scrunched her nose, making him laugh at the irony.

“No! No! Not at all, I’m just shocked. That’s a pretty cool job is all,” He responded. “What’s the meeting about tomorrow?”

“He saved a little boy today. Everyone thought he was dead but the kiddo pulled through. He’s expected to make a full recovery. I’m interviewing his mother,” Y/N said casually as she grabbed the tea from her cabinet.

“He survived?!” Peter pushed off of the wall with wide eyes.

“Yeah,” She said, turning around to look at him. His tone demanded her attention. “I was shocked too. He-”

“Wait, I’m sorry. The little boy that was held in the air and thrown to the side by The Collector? That kid is the one who survived?!” He questioned, taking a step forward in excitement.

“That’s the one,” She said slowly, narrowing her eyes at his urgent curiosity. She caught a glimpse of his grin before he turned around to go lean on the wall again. A smile of relief. A smile of someone who knew the child.. or of someone who tried to save him. “Huh..”

“What?” He asked, seeing her face change into one of deep thought.

“Oh, nothing,” She pushed the thought away. It was crazy. This dorky, sweet man couldn’t be.. “Just.. It’s nothing. Can you please just go sit down? I don’t know if those stitches can withstand all of this excitement.”

He nodded slowly, wondering what just went through her mind. He hesitated before walking back to the couch. It was only a few moments later that MJ walked in with two cups of tea. He smiled at the one in her left hand.

“Careful, it’s hot,” She mumbled, setting his cup on the table. His eyebrows shot up at the Spiderman mug that was placed in front of him.

“You even have Spiderman merch?” He giggled, picking up the mug to further examine it.

“Okay, before I look like some obsessed fan, let me explain,” She laughed, blushing at his playfulness. “My best friend bought me that when I scored the job. Stop laughing! I mean it’s a small chunky cartoon version of Spiderman! Isn’t it cute?”

“Very cute,” He chuckled, not taking his eyes off of her as she relentlessly defended the cup in his hand. She smiled as she sat down with a mug that read WE ARE HAPPY TO SERVE YOU. “Is there a story behind that mug too?”

“I went to this diner with my brother a couple years ago and said they had cute cups so the idiot decided to steal one,” She smiled, looking at the cup. “Best diner in the city! I’ll have to take you there sometime.”

Peter looked down and chuckled softly. She said it so casually, as if they hadn’t just met an hour prior. The sense of familiarity was mutual. She smiled as she set her brother’s mug down before turning her body to face Peter.

“Thanks for letting me stay the night,” He mirrored her motions. “It’s not every day that I’m exposed to a kindness. It seems like a rarity in this city.”

“Yeah, the people here kinda suck,” She said nonchalantly. Another laugh escaped from his lips. “But it can be nice though. There’s this sense of anonymity, you know? You’re just a number and you can be whoever you want to be.”

“Yeah, definitely. Lonely but nice at times,” He nodded.

“God, it can be so fucking lonely,” She breathed out.

The two got lost in an organic conversation, talking as though they were lifelong friends. She spoke fondly of her childhood, giggling at the memories of her rambunctious brother. He spoke of his adolescence, recalling simpler times with his uncle and Gwen. They kept the chat platonic; besides the teasing and longing looks.

He liked making her blush. It arose to her cheeks the same way the morning sun set; slowly, subtly at first and then all at once. She covered her face with her hands and giggled when she felt it coming on, which baffled Peter. He couldn’t fathom why she would hide such a beautiful face.

The tea was long gone by the time she finally glanced over her shoulder to look at the time. “Oh my god. It’s a lot later that I thought it was. I should probably set up this couch for you.“

“Here, let me help,” Peter offered, getting up to follow through with the promise.

“No, no, no,” She frowned, grabbing his shoulders to gently move him out of the way. It was the first time he stood up straight; he was taller than she imagined. “You just stand here. I don’t want you to tear your stitches that I worked oh-so hard on.”

“Yes ma’am,” He tried to match her stern tone. She playfully rolled her eyes before methodically placing the couch cushions in the corner of the room. He watched her intently with soft eyes. She entranced him with the way she moved. Everything from how her hips swayed to how she gripped the cushions; he observed with eager attention, similar to the way one does when they watch their favorite movie for the first time. He almost didn’t realize that she was struggling to open the futon. “Y/N. You sure you don’t need help?”

She looked up and huffed in defeat, her hair strung amuck.

“So, here’s the thing,” Y/N sighed, standing back up. “I kind of forgot that my friends broke this thing last weekend. I’ve been meaning to get it fixed, but it won’t open. Just take my bed and I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“I’m not taking your bed,” He grinned at the absurdity. “I’ll take the couch if you fold it back up.”

“Right. Um,” She hesitated, looking back down at the couch. “I’ll just..”

“You can’t get it to fold up again, can you?”

“Peter, please. Do I look like a complete imbecile? I’ve got this all under control,” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Take the bed. I’ll get this sorted out.”

“I’ll take the bed if you sort it all out in front of me,” He smirked. She pursed her lips.

“Okay! So I can’t get it to fold up again,” She groaned. “I forgot it took three of us to push it back into place last time. I’ll take the floor.”

“No way!” He laughed again.

“Okay.. Then we can sleep together,” She sighed, only realizing how that sounded at the sound of his chuckle. “You know what I mean! Like share the same bed.”

“I’m okay with that,” He responded, feeling his heart speed up at the simple thought of falling asleep next to you.

“Okay,” She nodded, hesitating to walk him to her room. “You’re not like.. secretly a pervert, are you?”

“What?!” Peter laughed. “No, of course not!”

“Okay, I didn’t think so but I just had to ask,” She giggled, walking towards her room. He followed close behind, stopping in his tracks when she paused in the doorway. “Wanna borrow some pajama pants? Or do you prefer to sleep in those tighty whiteys?”

Peter looked down at his white boxer briefs, his jaw dropping offensively. She laughed as she turned back around again and walked towards a small dresser.

“These are not tighty whiteys!” He argued as he followed her into the room. It was incredibly small, but charming nevertheless. She had a bookshelf filled with old books and decorated the walls with vintage paintings. A soft white light lit up the room, giving the room a golden glow. He was surprised at how at home he felt in her apartment. Or maybe it was just the fact that she was there.

“That’s exactly what someone in tighty whiteys would say,” She teased, digging through your closet before tossing him a pair of Star Wars pant bottoms.

“I don’t know what’s worse; tighty whiteys or Star Wars pajamas,” He bit back playfully, slipping into the soft pants. They were obviously meant for men, far too big for her to wear. He hadn’t even thought of the idea that she might be taken; maybe these belonged to a boyfriend. He refrained from asking the question, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

“So admit it? They’re tighty whiteys?” She laughed, grabbing an old t-shirt and shorts. “And don’t blame me for the nerdy PJs. My brother left them here for whenever he needed to stay the night. He was such a geek. I mean the man was super into math and science and Star Wars.”

“What’s wrong with math and science and Star Wars?” Peter raised a brow as she walked towards the door. She smiled.

“Math is hard. Science is complicated. And Star Wars is beyond bo-“

“Please don’t finish that sentence with boring. You’re actually breaking my heart right now,” He frowned, making her throw her head back in laughter.

“Be right back,” She replied, disappearing behind the door. Peter decided to lie down under the sheets. Once he got comfortable, he looked around at the paintings, admiring the beauty in them. She didn’t strike him as a romantic but the art said otherwise. Quite a few of them were of couples doing mundane things such as walking in the park holding hands or dancing in the kitchen.

“What are you smiling about?” She asked, coming back in wearing the clothes that previously dangled from her arm. He looked over at her for a moment before motioning to the pictures with his head. “Oh, they’re really cool right? I like to go thrifting for vintage pieces. My latest purchase was that old film camera on my bookshelves. I’ve been meaning to fix up for a while now.”

“I might be able to fix it up for you,” He offered as she walked to the other side of the bed. “I love messing with old cameras actually.”

“I might actually have to take you up on that,” She yawned, getting under the covers. Peter bit his lip, resisting the urge to smile. This moment somehow felt like it could be in one of her paintings; a seemingly mundane moment shared by two strangers. One of which was allowing himself to fall for the woman next to him. “Anyways, I’m gonna turn off the light. Feel free to stay as long as you want tomorrow. If you’re not busy, maybe we can grab lunch after my meeting?”

She sounded nervous, as if she had been pondering asking him that for a while. Planning out how to word it and when to say it. He looked over and smiled.

“Only if it’s at that diner you were talking about earlier,” He agreed, speaking in a soft voice. She grinned.

“Deal,” She stated before turning out the light.


Part Two ->

OMG I’VE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR LIKE EVER NOW!! Please reblog/like/or comment if you liked this. Let me know if you’d like a part two :)
the gif was from @lucbian ‘s blog :)
the story is dedicated to @mitchloveswriting<3