#pride and predujice

Day 24: Movie Scene.Part of a 60 day art challenge with friends on Gaiaonline.2022.For this prompt I

Day 24: Movie Scene.

Part of a 60 day art challenge with friends on Gaiaonline.2022.

For this prompt I chose a scene out of Pride and Pedjudice. Where Mr. Darcy grabs Elizabeth’s hand to help her in to the carriage. The body language is so beautiful and the way he flexes his hand afterwards is *Chef’s kiss*. 

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if someone told me they loved me most ardently I wouldn’t be able to function properly ever again








I think we should write unnecessary sequels to public-domain classics.

I wanna read Dracula 2: Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of Dracula’s Ghost. I wanna read Pride and Prejudice 2: Elizabeth Has a Gun.

This is literally Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

No, it’s not. P&P&Z is a re-imagining of the original plot, not a sequel. I want to give Elizabeth a gun after the events of the first novel are concluded.

who would Elizabeth have beef enough to kill over with?

Idk, I haven’t actually read P&P since school and I honestly don’t remember it all that well, but that’s the magic of writing unnecessary sequels to public-domain works. It could be whoever we want it to be.

George Wickham.

Lydia comes to Pemberley for a visit, sans her husband because Darcy will not let that man set foot in their house after what he did to Georgiana. And she’s just as bubbly as usual, just as chatty. Until Darcy makes his excuses and leaves the two sisters sitting in front of the fire, and after a slight pause Lydia informs Lizzy that she can’t imagine how she manages to stay happy with a man so serious and grim as Darcy.

Lizzy, who knows her husband well enough by now, and that he was, in fact, smiling for most of dinner, tells her that they are well suited for each other and she is light enough for both of them.

After another pause, Lydia turns dark serious eyes to her eldest sister and asks in a tremulous, “Is he cruel to you too?”

Because we know George Wickham. We know what he is. He’s the man who tried to seduce a fifteen year old girl (Georgiana) for her fortune. He’s the man who ran off with Lydia Bennet, then also fifteen and the youngest of five sisters, knowing her family would be forced to give him her dowry and pay for them to marry her or else she’d be ruined. All the sisters would. And Lizzy knew, she knew the man was a rake and a cad. She’d even seen the way he yanked her arm in the carriage that first time they came home after their elopement. But somehow she’d still hoped that he’d try to make her happy. That hope is dead now.

Though not as dead as Wickham’s about to be.

It would be quite easy, she thinks, to make it look like a hunting accident. But then she wouldn’t get to see the fear in Wickham’s eyes. She wants him to know, you see. She wants to watch the charm and bravado drain from his face as he hears the pistol cock and realizes his final fatal error. Because while it might be a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife, there is yet another greater universal truth he failed to recognize.

Don’t fuck with the Bennet sisters; they will end you.

Pride and Prejudice Two: Elizabeth Has A Gun.

Joy, how does it feel to be the most brilliant creative on this webbed sight


It is a truth universally acknowledged that Leela Bose plays to win.

A life-long speech competitor, Leela loves nothing more than crushing the competition, all while wearing a smile. The situation is more complicated than Leela anticipated, though, and her participation in the tournament reveals that she might have tragically misjudged the debaters – including Firoze Darcy – and more than just her own winning streak is at stake…her heart is, too.



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Of random screenshots…

So I decided to re-watch BBC Pride and Prejudice and was on the first episode when I had to pause it to go to the bathroom. When I came back this was what greeted me:

Elizabeth and Jane Bennet seeing their future husbands for the first time.

«الكبرياء والعنصرية» رواية للكاتبة الإنكليزية «جين أوستن». تقع أحداثها في القرن الثامن عشر وتتحدَّث عن قصَّة خمس أخوات من أسرة متوسطة الحال هي «أسرة بينيت»، الأب فيها ذو شخصية انطوائية ساخرة يؤثر العزلة في مكتبته على الاختلاط بالناس، والأم مستميتة في العثور على أزواج مناسبين لبناتها الخمس، خاصَّة البنتين الكبيرتين «جين» و«إليزابيث».

الأخت الثانية «إليزابيث» أو «ليزي»، هي بطلة الرواية، ونرى الأحداث من منظورها. وهي التي تُشعرنا بأن الرواية مُميَّزة، مع أنَّ الأحداث عادية مُستمدَّة من الحياة اليومية. فكيف ذلك؟

إنَّ طريقة تفكير ليزي تجعل من رواية إنكليزية تتحدَّث عن (البحث عن أزواج للأخوات بينيت) قصة ترويها فتاة مثقفة وواعية ترفض طريقة التفكير التي كانت سائدة في ذلك العصر. إنَّ إليزابيث جميلة، هذا صحيح، ولكنها ليست مجرد وجه جميل، فهي تحبُّ القراءة، والتأمل والتنزه في الطبيعة، إنَّها لا تتقن الرسم أو تجيد الغناء أو العزف باحتراف على آلة موسيقية (كما كان يُفترض للفتيات النبيلات أن يتعلمن في ذلك العصر)، ذلك أن والدهن تركهن ينشأن بحرية بعيداً عن الأنظمة التعليمية المتزمتة، فهي تقرأ الروايات (لم يكن من اللائق أن تقرأ الفتيات الروايات وقتها)، وكل كتاب في مكتبة والدها متاح لها.

إلا أن ليزي التي تستحق أن ينظر الآخرون إلى جمال عقلها لا جمالها الخارجي وحسب، ارتكبت هي خطأ الحكم على الآخرين وفقاً لأشكالهم أو بناءً على الانطباع الأول الذي يوحون به. هذا هو الصراع الثاني في الرواية: سوء الفهم الذي حصل بينها وبين السيد دارسي. فهو قد وجدها جميلة ولكنَّه رآها متغطرسة ومن طبقة اجتماعية متدنِّية. وهي رأته مغروراً متكبراً فقط لأنَّه من أسرة نبيلة وثرية. هذا هو معنى «العنصرية» المذكورة في العنوان: عنصرية إليزابيث تجاه دارسي، وكبرياء الآخر تجاهها وتجاه عائلتها.

ظلَّت إليزابيث تتجنب دارسي إلى أن عرفت بأنَّه من تسبب بإلغاء الزواج المرتقب لصديقه من أختها «جين»، وحصل ذلك في نفس اليوم الذي تلقَّت فيه عرضاً بالزواج من دارسي نفسه. وهنا حصل الصدام في القصة: لأنَّها تصارحه برأيها الحاد نحوه، وهنا يُجرح غرور دارسي ويتراجع، وتظن ليزي بأنَّه لن يعود أبداً.

بعد تصاعد التوتر في القصة تبأ العُقَد بالانحلال: تتعرَّف ليزي ودارسي أكثر إلى بعضهما عن طريق الرسائل، وعندما تزور ليزي قصر أسرة دارسي وتستمع إلى رأيي مدبرة المنزل بسيدها، تبدأ نظرتها العنصرية حول دارسي تتبدَّل إلى احترام. كما يبدأ كبرياء دارسي بالتلاشي ليحل مكانه احترام لليزي وأسرتها التي لم ترق له في بادئ الأمر. وتنتهي الرواية نهاية سعيدة لأغلب الشخصيات.

بالنسبة إلي، لم أتوقع أن أجد تشابهاً كبيراً بيني وبين بطلة رواية تقع أحداثها في القرن الثامن عشر، توقعت أن أجد رواية مشهورة فقط لأنها حصلت على فيلم سينمائي عام 2005، فجربت قراءتها، ولكنَّي بعد ذلك تقمَّصتُ شخصية ليزي وصراعها ضد مجتمع يُعدّ الفتاة لتكون زوجة صالحة وحسب. في حين تبحث الفتاة عمَّن يحترمها أولاً.

لدي تقليد كلَّ عام وهو أن أقرأ كتاباً أو رواية باللغة الإنكليزية خلال فصل الشتاء، وهذه الرواية هي أطول كتاب باللغة الإنكليزية قد قرأته حتى الآن (300 صفحة) وكانت تجربة ممتعة أكثير ممَّا توقَّعت. الآن وقت مشاهدة الفيلم!


“Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of overselvfs, vanity to what we would have others think of us. ”

“There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more I dissatisfied with it; and everybody confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little

that can be placed of the appearance of either merit or sense. ”

“I am particularly unlucky in meeting with a person so well able to expose my real character, in apart of the world where I had hoped to pass myself off with some degree of credit. ”

“I certainly have not the talent which some people possess,… of conversing easily with those I have never seen before. I cannot catch their tone of conversation, or appear interested in their concerns… ”

“We all love to instruct, though we can teach only what is not worth knowing.”

“I can’t fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew I had began.”







I think we should write unnecessary sequels to public-domain classics.

I wanna read Dracula 2: Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of Dracula’s Ghost. I wanna read Pride and Prejudice 2: Elizabeth Has a Gun.

This is literally Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

No, it’s not. P&P&Z is a re-imagining of the original plot, not a sequel. I want to give Elizabeth a gun after the events of the first novel are concluded.

who would Elizabeth have beef enough to kill over with?

Idk, I haven’t actually read P&P since school and I honestly don’t remember it all that well, but that’s the magic of writing unnecessary sequels to public-domain works. It could be whoever we want it to be.

George Wickham.

Lydia comes to Pemberley for a visit, sans her husband because Darcy will not let that man set foot in their house after what he did to Georgiana. And she’s just as bubbly as usual, just as chatty. Until Darcy makes his excuses and leaves the two sisters sitting in front of the fire, and after a slight pause Lydia informs Lizzy that she can’t imagine how she manages to stay happy with a man so serious and grim as Darcy.

Lizzy, who knows her husband well enough by now, and that he was, in fact, smiling for most of dinner, tells her that they are well suited for each other and she is light enough for both of them.

After another pause, Lydia turns dark serious eyes to her eldest sister and asks in a tremulous, “Is he cruel to you too?”

Because we know George Wickham. We know what he is. He’s the man who tried to seduce a fifteen year old girl (Georgiana) for her fortune. He’s the man who ran off with Lydia Bennet, then also fifteen and the youngest of five sisters, knowing her family would be forced to give him her dowry and pay for them to marry her or else she’d be ruined. All the sisters would. And Lizzy knew, she knew the man was a rake and a cad. She’d even seen the way he yanked her arm in the carriage that first time they came home after their elopement. But somehow she’d still hoped that he’d try to make her happy. That hope is dead now.

Though not as dead as Wickham’s about to be.

It would be quite easy, she thinks, to make it look like a hunting accident. But then she wouldn’t get to see the fear in Wickham’s eyes. She wants him to know, you see. She wants to watch the charm and bravado drain from his face as he hears the pistol cock and realizes his final fatal error. Because while it might be a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife, there is yet another greater universal truth he failed to recognize.

Don’t fuck with the Bennet sisters; they will end you.

Pride and Prejudice Two: Elizabeth Has A Gun.

JOY I just discovered what this was all about. Good lord.

You do recall that I’ve written several P+P variations/sequels of my own, right???

Wanna collaborate???

What horny are you?

Strike it off the page but not your mind? Or cause an international scandal? Or mentally fault the public transport? Or confirm with your nymph mom whether she can see you in the forest? Or touch hands unchaparoned? Or gently graze your bruised knuckles on bear backs while dancing? Or get your 3 bandmates to sing about your deeds?


no YOU live in a society i live in this frame of pride and prejudice

my courage rises with every attempt to intimidate me.get it on redbubble

my courage rises with every attempt to intimidate me.

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oh look its mrs. darcy
