

When the caretaker has to drive the whumpee somewhere, but the whumpee is badly hurt, and every little bump in the road hurts. The caretaker having to just put the whumpee in the backseat and then focus on the road, meaning that all they can do to comfort the whumpee is try to verbally reassure them. The whumpee not being able to hold back little noises of pain, and the caretaker desperately wishing they could hold the whumpee and try to comfort them better. When the finally reach their destination, the caretaker getting the whumpee settled somewhere more comfortable, and then sitting with them, holding their hand and stroking their hair as the whumpee sleeps, exhausted from all the pain from traveling.

The “I found this dog it’s mine” but with puppy Peter and Tony where Tony finds him all starved and abused and snatches him

Steve frantically running into a bakery to politely ask owner Bucky if he has an epipen he can use because he got stung by a bee and his throat is swelling

Beck ditching pregnant Peter without his passport in another country, and when he gets to the embassy he gets taken into custody by CIA agent Tony only to find out that Beck had been planning the decade’s largest mass murder

fbi agent alpha Bucky trying to get mob princess omega Peter to flip on his family

with all of the manipulation, the arresting of the family to convince Peter, the mind games, the “I’m not a bad guy and I need your help to deal with the real bad guys,” just all of the tv show drama

during their first trip to the farm, Harley scares all of the goats into fainting while Peter cries because “those poor goats”

steve finding omega Peter and taking him as a mate, then during Civil War when he finds his first mate Bucky he feels like his world is complete, he has the two boys he loves more than anything. what could be better?

Bucky at least, is too pliable to disagree. Peter has some opinions, but they’ll fade soon enough

Tony and Peter vomiting into the same toilet, Tony because of morning sickness and Peter because vomit is gross

SIM Tony meeting serial killer Peter whose objectively not that bad of a guy. He only really kills people who are hurting others — and that one guy that looked at him weird the other day — so most people like SpiderMan. Tony’s only objection is that Peter keeps getting to his enemies before he does, so he hires him.

It only gets better from there.

okay but Peter being brutally tortured and afterwards still making Tony curl up in the hospital bed with him

baby alpha peter going absolutely wild during his rut and omega Tony trying to act unaffected and nonchalant

Based on a prompt from anonymous: Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set up their friendBased on a prompt from anonymous: Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set up their friendBased on a prompt from anonymous: Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set up their friendBased on a prompt from anonymous: Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set up their friendBased on a prompt from anonymous: Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set up their friendBased on a prompt from anonymous: Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set up their friendBased on a prompt from anonymous: Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set up their friendBased on a prompt from anonymous: Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set up their friend

Based on a prompt from anonymous:

Raven and Anya (badass power couple) decide to set up their friends. Lexa doesn’t want to go but does because Clarke is hot and Anya said she’d give her candles. Clarke is just going along so Raven will shut up but then she meets Lexa and is like wow

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“You know I love you a lot, right?”

“You never said it.”

“I bring you coffee everyday, though.”

“…you’re right. I love you too.”

OMG this gave me Namgi vibes,,

Yoongi is the one that brings coffee

admittedly,person a has extremely dry chapped lips. it’s awful to even think about. person a claims it to be a defence mechanism to whoever wants to even try to kiss them. person b doesn’t give a single fuck.

person a jokingly flirts with person b and always ends it with: “fell for me yet?” and every single time person b would roll their eyes and ignore person a.

however, on an uneventful afternoon, person a goes for their usual act of a pick up line and a wink, ending it with their always unanswered question. expecting an eye roll or a sassy remark as usual from person b: instead, person a got an unbothered “yes” from them. now, person a has their jaw agape as they watch person b walk away, not noticing a faint smile on their face.

person a has bad eye sight; like really bad and they can’t see most things without their trusty glasses. person b decides to give person a an eye test. person b writes something down on a piece of paper and tests person a. of course, person a can’t read shit and has to squint or complain that person b was too far away. then suddenly, person b moves closer to person a, fully aware that person a can see properly now, and asks them to read the paper aloud. person a smiles and whispers an ‘i love you too’ as person b shoves the piece of paper in person a’s stupid looking face.

person aknowsperson b steals their clothes often. so, taking that as an advantage: they slip small notes into the pockets of the clothing article. now, whenever person b stealsperson a’s clothes, they find a small note and falls in love with person a more.

person a can’t smile. well, they can but it’s more like a straight line whenever they smile. that’s why no one gets to see a ‘proper’ smile from person a because it isn’t really present. so, smiling at strangers who did something nice or catched their eye is an experience person a doesn’t want to relive. however, person ahelpedperson b carry their groceries and person b flashed them a smile: thanking them for helping them. this is when person a tries to smile awkwardly for 20 seconds while person b thinks their smile is charming.

person aandperson b are in the bed, and are suppose to be sleeping but person a had a different idea. when person b is fast asleep, person a slept too, however, after sliding an engagement ring onto person b’s finger. now, person a wonders about how person b would react, either:

→ the moment person b wakes up, they noticed the ring straight away and aggressively slaps person a awake, demanding an explanation.


person b never noticed it, for a long time: even after person a tried to slip in some hints; until person a had enough and straight up told person b about it.

summer comes in with bright smiles, person a had just moved into a small town and they have been enjoying it so far. today, however, they were minding their business on a bench when they notice person b by the balcony: singing while hanging up wet clothes. entranced by person b’s beauty and voice, person a sets a mission to capture the attention of person b.

from now on everyday, person a would play songs on their guitar to try to get person b’s attention. they have been gathering many tips, too, but person a really just wants person b to notice them. so, person a continues this new routine until they catch person b staring at them.
