

i‘m forever grateful that i found radical feminism. it literally saved me, but i guess i needed to be a libfem before that for character development.

the female urge to only wear basketball shorts, baggy shirts, and caps this summer so i won’t get sexualized

advice for women be like: learn to say a simple no without any further explanation.

has a man ever accepted a simple „no“ by a women? my experience says no

„prostitution and sex work may be harmful, let’s interview experts“ the experts in question: women who sell underwear, feet pics or have an only fans as a side hustle and say their so called „sex work“ is empowering

being sexualized, liberal feminism, being horny, only being able to enjoy sex when there’s love, sex work escort mindset, radical feminism, kinks, being disgusted by men, sexual trauma in general, no man being good enough for me, shame and celibacy are fucking with my head rn. i hate it. i guess i‘ll just never have sex again.

i knew sex work would fuck with my head but i never thought i could mess up my whole sexuality lol.

i think about this daily


“Middle Eastern women have it way worse so Western feminists are just complaining! They should be grateful!” I’m sorry, where does it say that the goal of feminism is to be less oppressed than other women in other countries? Which manifesto says that we must strive to live in a society that is only slightly sexist? Should we have just been content when we invented candles and never dared to create lightbulbs because someone halfway across the world has no light at all? It is not a competition. TOTAL Liberation of Women. It isn’t relative.

A lot has changed, but your sex is still the same. You can change your clothes, your name, even have plastic surgery on your genitals, but your sex is in every cell of your body and affects every system in your body and you can never change it.

And apparently you can’t change your male socialization either, since you’re still using derogatory terms to tell actual female women what to do with and believe about their bodies.

That’s between you and the Oxford English Dictionary, which defines lesbian as “a homosexual woman”; defines homosexual as “attracted to one’s own sex”; and defines sex as “a person’s genitals”. So yeah, that’s kind of why this is all inherently about “somebody’s fucking genitals.” That’s just how sexualities work.

You can make up your own definitions for these words or use the wrong label for your sexuality all you want, but don’t be mad at the rest of us for using words correctly.

And there’s nothing wrong with being bisexual and not caring about which genitals your partner has. So maybe stop erasing yourself.

Would *anyone* feel safe in a bathroom or locker room next to this man? Would any parent feel their child would be safe talking to this man on social media or in real world LGBT spaces?

Can we please stop pretending like there aren’t any people who are legitimately mentally ill and potentially dangerous in the trans movement? It’s there and it is not uncommon and there really are many dangerous people who identify as transwomen.

This last one is after three clips of a woman dressed up as Wendy Torrance from The Shining saying “Hello, I’m Shelley Duvall.” His response: “Heeeere’s Johnny!”

When people show you who they are, listen.

This guy says Dylan Mulvaney’s daily “girlhood” TikToks are making him feel like maybe these things are things he could do too.

Here’s a lesson for you guys: women don’t want to talk to strangers in bathrooms or locker rooms or changing rooms, and especially not men, because we get sexually assaulted or raped in spaces where we’re vulnerable.

Being mostly alone, in a public space, and partially or totally naked is NOT a time we want to be talking to strange men to validate them.

Please take note. This is not the great idea you think it is. If you think you’re facing backlash now, just make it a thing to strike up conversations about how your “girlhood” is going with us in our spaces and see how fast public opinion tanks.

isn’t it interesting how women can do all jobs men do, but men can’t do almost any of ours

The vitriol and smear campaign about women ‘talking too much’ is there because to men, it’s threatening to have women talk at all. If women talk, it’s only the matter of time before they start sharing information they have on men. Eventually they’re going to tell each other what men did to them in private, how they were harassed or devalued or abused, and they’re going to figure out their perception about men is correct. They’re going to organize and fight for their rights.

From the eyes of the oppressor, who makes their presence welcome by faking social reputation and pretending they’re all ‘nice’ and ‘safe’ and ‘would never do that’, seeing women talking would immediately cause a protective rage response. “Women talk too much.”, is a way to shame and stop women from sharing information, before they share what men need to be kept secret. Women’s solidarity scares them. Women organizing against them, is a threatening concept they fight to prevent.

We don’t talk enough.

Men and women are not “equally oppressed” under patriarchy.

Such statements are nonsensical as oppression predicates inequality.

Male domination treats women and girls as commodities to be abused and discarded by men.

“A new U.N. report warns ‘the number of human trafficking victims is on the rise’ as criminal gangs and terror groups prey increasingly on women and children to make money and bolster their numbers. The 90-page Global Trafficking in Persons report says that children, who account for 30 percent of all trafficking victims, include 'far more’ girls than boys.”

The pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries transform women-made bodies into man-made bodies.

The rise of trans ideology shows us that there are men who associate womanhood with the facsimile imposed by patriarchy, but even more so, that men believe themselves equally capable of creating males or females, and see themselves as heroes correcting the errors of those made insufficiently by women, when it is a man-made patriarchal system that is at fault.

It exposes patriarchy’s deeply entrenched envy of the female ability to create life, and his desire for complete domination over nature.

Cyntoia Brown will be released in August.

She served 15 years for protecting herself from a man who paid to rape her when she was only 16 years old.

A month ago, the Tennessee Supreme Court was unanimous when it ruled against Brown saying she would have to serve at least 51 years of her prison sentenced before she would be eligible for parole.

The ruling by the courts came in response to a lawsuit in which Brown argued her sentenced was unconstitutional, citing a 2012 opinion by the US Supreme Court that said mandatory life sentences without parole for juvenile offenders violate the US Constitution.

Thirty three year old, 6′ 3″ tall Brazillian volley ball player Tifanny Abreu is expected to be one of the first male-born transgender athletes competing in the Olympics at Tokyo 2020.

New rules set by the IOC (International Olympic Committee) in 2016 now allow transgender athletes to compete in women’s sport if they can show their Testosterone levels are below the arbitrary level of 10nM for 12 monthsSurgery is not required. 10nM is below the average male Testosterone range (average 23nM) but above the female average of 2.6nM.

Abreu started playing men’s volleyball at age 17 as Rodrigo Abreu, competing at men’s professional league level. After starting to identify as a women in 2012 and changing names to Tiffany, Abreu started playing in the women’s professional league in 2017. In less that a month, Abreu was scoring the highest number of points a game on average and then beat the record set by one of Brazil’s Olympic stars, Tandara Caixeta, for total points scored in a single game: 39.

Few elite athletes speak up about the obvious unfairness and adverse impact on female sportswomen. However, 4 times Olympian for Brazilian Volleyball and bronze medal winner Ana Paula Henkel (now Connelly) has bravely spoken up and written a powerful open letter to the IOC.

Eighty male students at Notre Dame University wrote an open letter in the school newspaper asking for a porn filter on the school’s Wi-Fi.  

“This filter would send the unequivocal message that pornography is an affront to human rights and catastrophic to individuals and relationships. We are calling for this action in order to stand up for the dignity of all people, especially women,” the letter read. “The overwhelming majority of contemporary pornography is literally filmed violence against women — violence somehow rendered invisible by the context.”

“Pornography is prostitution through the lens of a camera, but more abusive. It exploits the men and women involved, advances a twisted narrative about human sexuality and harms those who consume it.”

Two more medical schools in Japan have admitted to systematic discrimination against female students this week, the latest institutional scandal to hit the industry after Tokyo Medical University was accused of rigging examination results to suppress the number of women in the student body.

Juntendo University and Kitasato University on Monday conceded that they had set different passing scores for female and male applicants in entrance exams, as well as prioritized male candidates. Female applicants were held to a different standard because “women mature faster mentally than men and their communication ability is also higher [when they take the entrance exam],” Juntendo University’s medical school dean said, according to Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun. He added that “in some ways, this was a measure to help male applicants.”

In August, Tokyo Medical University was found to have manipulated exam scores to exclude female students for more than a decade, prompting backlash and a government investigation into entrance exam processes at medical schools across the country. An investigation found that the university had reduced all medical school applicants’ initial test scores by 20%, before inflating the scores of male applicants’ exams. The institution initially defended the policy by arguing that women were more likely to leave the medical profession to pursue motherhood, creating a staffing shortage in the sector.

Juntendo University President Hajime Arai apologized for the discriminatory testing practices, and Kitasato University’s officials have said they will introduce an external committee to address the issue.

The latest news of the academic discrimination comes amid government efforts to raise the profile of women in Japan’s workforce. As of 2017, women made up 43% of the laborers, according to the World Bank. In the same year, Japan ranked 114th out of 144 countries in the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report.

Despite Shinzo Abe’s pledge to create “a society in which all women shine,” the Japanese Prime Minister himself faced criticism in October after a reshuffle left only one woman in his 19-member cabinet.

I hope one of the women gets spontaneously pregnant through parthenogenesis and her daughter starts a colony of women on Mars who can reproduce without men

“From the beginning, Cyntoia Brown’s life story has been heartbreaking. She was put up for adoption at the age of 2, and her life after that was a traumatic spiral of verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and substance abuse.

At the age of 16, she was sold as a sex-slave to a 43-year-old Nashville realtor—Johnny Mitchell Allan. She was subjected to more abuse by Allan, and in a documentary about her life, she described the abuse and how it made her paranoid.

In 2004, she was tried as an adult for killing Allen. She said she shot him because she feared he was going to kill her. During the trial, she said there was always a gun pointed on her during her captivity. She said she was hit, choked and dragged. She feared for her own life, and she acted out of that fear.

It didn’t matter. A jury convicted the then-16-year-old to life in prison. Under the then-Tennessee law, she would only be eligible for release after serving 51 years of her sentence.

The law in Tennessee has since changed. Now anyone 18 or younger cannot even be charged with prostitution, and that change in law came about because of Brown’s case. Still, it has done little to help Brown.”

“As in all war-torn societies, women suffer disproportionately. Afghanistan is still ranked the worst place in the world to be a woman. Despite Afghan government and international donor efforts since 2001 to educate girls, an estimated two-thirds of Afghan girls do not attend school. Eighty-seven percent of Afghan women are illiterate, while 70-80 percent face forced marriage, many before the age of 16. A September watchdog report called the USAID’s $280 million Promote program – billed the largest single investment that the U.S. government has ever made to advance women’s rights globally – a flop and a waste of taxpayer’s money.

Government statistics from 2014 show that 80 percent of all suicides are committed by women, making Afghanistan one of the few places in the world where rates are higher among women. Psychologists attribute this anomaly to an endless cycle of domestic violence and poverty. The 2008 Global Rights survey found that nearly 90 percent of Afghan women have experienced domestic abuse.”

Spain’s governing party wants to penalize clients and those who provide apartments for prostitution activities. The sex workers themselves would not be targeted in any way, as they would be regarded as victims. The bill is inspired by the abolitionist model pioneered by Sweden.

The new law seeks to disincentivize demand by outlawing the purchase of sex. It also considers human trafficking for sex exploitation to be a form of gender violence.

Modelling is one of the gateways to prostitution. Girls are groomed to self-objectify to please men.

“Nicole is a ‘mumager’ and her daughter has been modelling since she was six-years-old. She also manages her daughter’s social media pages.

'Monitoring the direct messages is like a full time job, deleting penis photos, marriage proposals, all sorts of disgusting comments,’ she told 10 daily.

She says one photographer 'convinced her’ to take a picture of her daughter with her pigtails covering her naked chest.”

A Washington State man in February texted to his friends pictures of a partially naked woman on his bed, according to police documents.

The man, Brian Varela, said in the texts that he believed that the woman was overdosing, but bragged that he had had sex with her and that he could do so again. Mr. Varela, who was 19 at the time, then started to play a video game, and fell asleep. When he woke up, the woman, Alyssa Noceda, 18, was dead.

On Thursday, Mr. Varela was sentenced to about three years in prison after he had pleaded guilty to felony charges that included second-degree manslaughter and third-degree rape.

The 34-month sentence was seen by members of Ms. Noceda’s family and others as woefully inadequate, and drew sharp complaints.

“We have to be maternal, we have to be the savior, we have to make that white character feel better, we don’t have vaginas as black women,” she said. “I got tired of celebrating movies that didn’t have me in it. I don’t mean me as Viola, I mean me as a black woman.

"My main message is: Stop taming us. Stop!”

Indigenous women are roughly seven times more likely than non-indigenous women to be victims of serial homicide, according to a compiled international dataset of serial killings.

An official who agreed to a policy allowing male-bodied sex offenders into women’s prisons was a sex offender who hoarded 22,000 indecent pictures of children.

Gordon Pike, a senior official of the Scottish Prison Service, was one of those responsible for its “gender identity and gender reassignment policy”, documents seen by The Sunday Times show. The policy is significantly more liberal than England’s, stating that transgender prisoners must normally be housed according to the “social gender” with which they self-identify, “whether or not” they have legally changed it.

Two years after approving the policy, Pike, 57, was arrested at prison service headquarters in Edinburgh. Searching his home, police found 45 discs containing 22,100 indecent images of children, including 500 of “penetrative sexual activity” with minors. He was convicted of possession of sexual images of children in a trial ending last year and remains on the sex offenders’ register.

The prison policy, which also covers healthcare, is being used by a transgender sex offender and murderer, Paris Green, to make a 900-mile round trip from her Edinburgh prison to Sussex for private gender reassignment surgery, funded by taxpayers.

Green is serving life after she and two accomplices sexually assaulted a man with a rolling pin, tied him up, tortured him and beat him to death.

Born Peter Laing, Green identified as a woman in 2011, and was convicted two years later. Initially she was sent to a women’s jail but was moved back to a men’s wing after making advances to female prisoners.

Her surgery will be carried out at the private Nuffield hospital in Brighton, since there are no NHS facilities for it in Scotland. It will cost the NHS about £20,000, with the prison service facing a bill of up to £40,000 for transport and guarding during Green’s two-week stay.

The disclosure comes as new figures show there are 139 transgender prisoners in England and Wales, of whom 114 identify as female. Twenty-two, or 16%, were born male but are housed in women’s prisons. There are 18 transgender prisoners in Scotland, of whom 12, or two-thirds, were housed in or seeking transfers to women’s prisons.

Some 48% of transgender prisoners are sex offenders, the Ministry of Justice said in a freedom of information answer earlier this year, compared with less than 20% of the prison population as a whole.

They include Karen White, born Stephen Wood, a double rapist who was sent to New Hall women’s jail last year, where she assaulted two female prisoners. She was returned to a male jail after the assaults.

Jessica Winfield, born Martin Ponting, another double rapist put in a women’s prison, was reportedly segregated after she made advances to other inmates.

Gender surgeons and prison governors have said that some male-born sex offenders are transitioning in order to gain access to women prisoners, or to appear less dangerous in the hope of earlier parole.

Ministry of Justice figures show the number of women in prison for sex offences has risen by 40% in three years, from 93 in 2015 to 130 this year. The figures do not distinguish between biological women and trans women.

Women’s campaigners said it was highly likely that much of the increase was accounted for by male-born transgender sex offenders such as White and Winfield, who are counted as female in the statistics.

Nicola Williams, of Fair Play for Women, which has begun a parliamentary petition to change the policy, said: “These latest disclosures are deeply disturbing. MPs should be asking why the prison system is turning a blind eye to the abuse of women in its care.”

In December 2016, Pike pleaded guilty at Paisley sheriff court to possessing the images over a 10-year period. He avoided jail after claiming he was given the material by an unidentified caller to the LGBT Centre in Glasgow, where he was co-chairman. He said he had not viewed the images, though he knew what they were. He was sentenced to community punishment.

As “trade union side secretary” of the prison service, Pike was one of seven prison service officials named in prison documents as responsible for and then signing off the trans policy, which was published in 2014.

It states that “a male-to-female person in custody living permanently as a woman without genital surgery should be allocated to a female establishment. She should not be automatically regarded as posing a high sexual offence risk to other people in custody.”

A type of breast implant used by millions of women around the world is under scrutiny after French surgeons were advised to stop using it because of a potential link with a rare kind of cancer.

Textured breast implants have been linked with anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), which forms in the scar capsule around the implant and normally begins with pain and swelling in the breast.

Women who have the implants and capsules removed can make a full recovery, but if left untreated the disease can spread throughout the body and become life-threatening.

There is growing concern about the effects of the implants, with figures collected by plastic surgeons suggesting there have been at least 615 cases of the disease associated with breast implants, and 16 deaths.

Lucy Parsons (1853 – 1942) was an American labor organizer, radical socialist and anarcho-communist. She is remembered as a powerful orator.

Parsons entered the radical movement following her marriage to newspaper editor Albert Parsons and moved with him from Texas to Chicago, where they co-wrote an anarchist newspaper called “The Alarm”.

Following her husband’s execution in 1887, Lucy Parsons remained a leading American radical activist, as a founder of the Industrial Workers of the World.

It is speculated that Parsons may have been born a slave, to parents of Native American, African American and Mexican ancestry. Lucy Parsons’ origins are not documented, and she told different stories about her background so it is difficult to sort fact from myth.

Described by the Chicago Police Department as “more dangerous than a thousand rioters” in the 1920s, Parsons had become highly effective as an anarchist organizer primarily involved in the labor movement in the late 19th century, but also participating in revolutionary activism on behalf of political prisoners, people of color, the homeless and women.

“Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.”

Well, there we go. It was only a matter of time! The Dutch now have their very own first AGP in government: Lisa van Ginneken. Van Ginneken’s political party (D66) received more votes this election, ensuring this number 22 on the party list got to claim a seat in the Tweede Kamer (Second Chamber, the body of the government that can create laws). 

Van Ginneken is also leader of trans lobby group Transvisie, and in that role does what one can expect: fight for self-id, to allow general practitioners and doctors specialized in treating children to prescribe puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones (the effects of which are all harmless and reversible!) without interference of pesky psychologist, and wave around guarantees about suicide to silence any dissent and debate (not that there’s much of that happening in the Netherlands). 

He appears to be a textbook example of an autogynephile. Straight man with kids who transitioned later in life. I googled his name, waded through the dozens of articles celebrating the first transgender person in the Second Chamber, and stumbled on his old blogspot, dedicated to his trans journey between 2012 and 2017. He has since deleted the blog, but the internet doesn’t forget. :) Or at least the WayBackMachine doesn’t, so I got to access it. The first two posts already gave me AGP-vibes (writing as if he’s a young school girl and mentioning how good his skinny jeans make his great ass look), and I only had to reach the second batch of posts to make it painfully obvious. He wrote about masturbating in the bathroom when visiting a friend for the first time as his woman-sona, and about masturbating when his arm touched his breast prosthetic while reaching for a cup of tea. And yet he claimed it was not a fetish. 

Self-id becoming reality in the Netherlands within the next four years is practically guaranteed. And Van Ginneken is undoubtedly going to do his part to dismiss any concerns about the treatment of dysphoric kids and the large increase of young girls seeking treatment.


im pretty sure bromance is the perfect example of how embarrassingly fragile masculinity is. you know what a female bromance is called? a friendship 

you know what a female bromance is called? two girls one cup

