

i used to wish i were a man until i realized that not my body but the way i was treated because of it was to blame.

i am sick and tired of seeing posts suggesting that both wearing the hijab and being half naked is empowering for women.
empowerment is “the giving or delegation of power or authority”.

the meaning of the hijab and other muslim coverings is the very definition of rape culture and victim blaming.
what power or authority does a woman get by wearing a symbol which suggests that she should cover her body so men won’t sexually assault her?

what power or authority does a woman get by wearing oversexualized clothes which are literally designed to satisfy the male gaze?
none. both panders to male desires. both is the exact opposite of empowerment and female liberation.

you are not woke or intersectional, you are rebranding misogynistic bullshit as empowerment.

i find it so weird when misogynists joke about how radical feminists are ugly and can therefore not get men to like them.
do they not realize that men literally fuck every living thing?

claiming that penetration is normal or supposed to happen because girls and women have vaginas is rape apology. it is implying that the female body is made to be raped, that its anatomy is justification for sexual violence.

throwback to my awakening, autumn 2019.

it is an insult to women all over the world and throughout history to suggest they are oppressed because of gender identity. no one rapes someone’s gender identity. they rape and oppress based on biological sex. to contest this is ludicrous.

porn is filmed prostitution. i’m against porn because i’m against prostitution and i’m against prostitution because i’m against slavery.

I feel so sorry for all the young lesbians whose female partners are currently medically transitioning. They have to support their partners’ transitions unconditionally and unquestioningly lest they be called transphobic, they have to wonder whether they’ll still be attracted to their partners post-transition, they have to stop calling themselves lesbians lest they offend their partners. And if they break it off, will their friends call them transphobic? Will they be marked as terfs?

I can’t imagine being a teenager, falling in love with a girl, and then essentially being forced (I remember how deep the fear of being transphobic went) to call the girl I love they or he, watch her start testosterone or get surgery, and give up calling myself lesbian. It would be heartbreaking and confusing. I know this is happening—I can name several couples like this who show up on my Instagram feed these days. And it is heartbreaking. How many more young lesbians would there be if they didn’t give up the lesbian label to accommodate their attraction to trans identified females? How many more young lesbians would there be if they were encouraged to look up to and learn from older lesbians rather than dismiss them as terfs or … not queer enough?

(This is not meant to imply I don’t care about the hardships of the scores of “trans” teenage girls themselves. I absolutely do, having been one for several years.)

How liberating it is to realize that I am a lesbian not because I ‘identify’ with ‘lesbian culture’, look and dress a certain way, see myself in other lesbians, or *suppresses laughter* enjoy the ~lesbian aesthetics~ and the word lesbian, but only because I am a female exclusively attracted to other females.

I can be whatever kind of person I want to be and nothing I do can make me more or less lesbian.

btw any terf that reblogs my basic bio vs. advanced bio with a stupid comment gets automatically blocked I’m Asexual/Agender so we’re not going to vibe ❤
